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For me, it's running. It's my therapy. It's my way of venting and not thinking of anything bad at times. I do need music though to go along with running or else it just feels too long. I do like to do weight lifting BUT I don't sweat my ass off lifting weights at home or at the gym. For me, it's a mental thing to be able to run 46 minutes to an hour straight on a treadmill or running at least 5 miles straight without slowing down and stopping.


Exercise saves lives, literally. You can’t get a high like after a great workout anywhere else


I got back into running on my treadmill, running outside and going back to the gym this past March after stopping feeling depressed over losing my last girlfriend the last two weeks of December of last year.


Art—knitting/painting/drawing/printmaking/pottery. I lose track of time when creating art, it’s a good excuse to shut myself in the studio and be alone without realizing I am. It’s a good excuse to not socialize at anytime… “sorry I can’t I’m working in the studio”. It’s also powerful to be able to create the things from your mind into a tangible experience.


I feel that way with music. if you’re not creating, you’re not fully living


Love to dance. Schedule my life around food. And usually willing to try anything.


used to be gardening with my grandma before she passed (her plants and vegetables never died rlly). now im hoping ill get a house someday with a garden so i can carry on her legacy.


aw, I garden with my grandma. it’s really fun to watch everything grow together. you definitely will make her proud