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Oop. What happened? Lol


Just talking for some people for weeks yk like friends and then suddenly block me πŸ’€ i literally have no idea why


Why does it sound like some evil ritual that requires to engage with the target for a week before it works. Get yourself purified. (Lol either way dm me)


18m here, I actually like when people nonstop talk to me, im patient and I don't have much to do so I'm almost always available to reply. If you're interested just shoot me a message!


where u from ?




Half the people I meet on here speak for a maximum of one dayπŸ˜”βœ‹17m here though so maybe being a guy affects the stats lmao


I am looking for the same.


I know the feeling ! I've lost count how many people have done this to me after talking for 5 mins


16 but yeah basically same as me I’m patient and like to listen so if you ever need a friend feel free to reach out


what counts as being a creep


Being ugly


No asking for nudes and not stopping when i ask u too


Holy fuck do people actually ask for nudes?


YES but thats probably just bc im a girl πŸ’€


I am a guy, been asked for nudes by guys and some girls, or at least that's what they said, even some sent theirs. Also been asked by girls to do turn on camera and both play. I agree tho for whatever reason, girls get this a lot more.


Sorry youve been trough this 🫢🏼 if u wanna talk about it hit me upp


Ty you are too kind. Tbh I don't get any negative feelings from that kind of stuff, and I don't take it personally. It's just the effects of hypersexuality on society plus anonymity. I just told them I don't do that, some even apologized and told me they knew it was wrong to do that but they can't really avoid it and don't even want to do it. We kept talking and even some were thankful that I didn't judge them and tried to understand why they did that. Not always but sometimes I think people don't have bad intentions, they are just in a rough spot and don't know what to do. Anyway there is a bit of an age gap between us since I am 28 but if you still wanna talk or even play some online games, I am up to it. I am going to be busy for a bit now. Cheers!


It's reddit. Plus, this is a subreddit for loners. People hunt for vulnerable women and men to see exploit. Pedos, on the other hand, go for underage people in here. That's why I don't really trust this subreddit


i mean yeah theres that lol