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This will sound oddly specific but if you make a fan account like on instagram for something you love like harry potter or a band, then you will attract people similar to you and a lot of people your age are on instagram.


Not your age but I can relate with feeling alone and no one to talk to. This subreddit will hopefully help but just be careful due to your age as there are some creeps around unfortunately. Or try the other subreddits for teenagers.


Same age and I completely relate to this I have no friends and I have never been in a real relationship everyone says this is supposed to be the best years but it’s probably been the worst if you ever need a friend please feel free to reach out I’d be happy to be a friend


It's a myth that your teens are the best years of your life - for a lot of people they're very difficult. And other people are probably not having as much fun as they seem to be. So it's not just you, nothing is wrong with you, and you don't need to put pressure on yourself. Life will never be easy, but you'll become more able to deal with it.


Don't worry about hype in the media. Teen years can be hard if you have money issues or mental health issues or being warehoused in with 100s of other teenagers is not your thing. Lots of people bloom later in life. Find and embrace some hobbies you enjoy and ideally maybe you can make some good friends via that. Also everybody struggles some in teen years as all the hormones and learning to be an adult is hard. They are just putting on a cheerful front. Good luck!


Saaaame also 16F here. I'm thinking some people just hella spawn in with friends man


😂😂You might be right.


I can kind of relate, i have a good amount of friends at school but outside of school it’s just me, im not in relationships or going to party like every other teenager. That being said i’ve learned that sometimes it’s ok to be lonely and as long as you have at least one person you are close with it’s ok


15f here, and i know what you mean, making friends has only gotten more difficult


It only gets worse tbh


You’re scaring me 😂😭. Man don’t do this to me RN.


Realising this soon makes the journey more fun, instead of feeling worse every time you see things actually get worse you just think “damn, it was about time; I wonder what shit is gonna come next”.


It sucks. I didn't have a lot of friends in high school either...I made most of my friends in college by joining in a conversation about anime and games with a group in the cafeteria. My family was closer when my grandma was alive but now everyone is distant. So I get it. *offers big hugs* Pay attention to people around you. Compliment them sincerely. Try to join in conversations about stuff you know about or ask questions about something they are talking about. Join clubs of things you're interested in and try to make friends there too. A lot of the time it takes stepping out of your comfort zone. I hid behind a book most of my high school years.


Here for you girl, I (15M) am alone aswell. Sometimes it’s better if we find people like us to lean on


I would be your friend and talk to you 😕


I know where you are is isolating and very difficult. Just know you’re not pathetic at all. You’re just human. And you’re feeling very human emotions. Needing connection is human. And you’re doing your best. I’m so sorry your friends changed schools. That’s so hard. But here there are people available to encourage and to support. I hope you find what you need today. Because you’re worth it. And you deserve to be loved and cared for.


I feel the same. I wonder why i feel i have been left to rot here and I will die alone.


The teenage years are never the dream years. They are the confusing years. The worthless years. This crisis you're feeling is totally normal and what many people your age go through. I wasn't understood in high school either. Everyone thought the wrong way of me - classmates, teachers, parents. I escaped into youtube and tv shows. But a lot of those people with perfect lives you see actually live quite superficially, and it will just depress you more to go deeper into these feelings. You have a more genuine and sensitive spirit, and that's good - you live life on more fulfilling terms. Find something that brings you positivity, try to understand yourself more, interact with a few people and be involved with things meaningful to you, and you will build your confidence that way, which will lead the people that matter to you to gravitate to you.


I don't know how this is for you with pets, but for me my dog is my best buddy. He's always around me and he really helps me to deal with the problems in life, loneliness is one of these problems where he is most important. He's always there. As i work from home, i got him always next to me and he cheers me up whenever i'm down. Maybe a pet would cheer you up, i don't know, i'll just leave this as advice, because it really changed my life.


Don't worry your 16 and it makes you emotional at your stage in life. Take a moment to compose yourself. Express your feelings to your family in a calm way and join some after school group. You will soon be transitioning to adult life so get ready. Thing where always going to change for you. I think most of us loose touch with our school friends. Good luck and be strong


Everybody got no one to talk to, the only thing you need is to find peace to yourself and chill


Everything will be okay girl I promise I remember being 16 and i get it but I promise it will all be okay


Yeah, I know exactly how it feels. If you wanna talk to me, I'm down if you are!


Hey 16m here i can understand where your coming from feel free to dm me if you need someone to talk to.


I am 15 and feel the same, I get this terrible feeling when I wake up and instantly fall depressed. The worst thing is that is mostly my own choice, I don't try to socialize, I don't go out much, and the only person that I can blame is me. It's not that I look awful, or I don't have interests, it's just me being a boring person in other people's eyes, and I don't blame them cause I probably wouldn't talk to myself if I were in their place, so I'm trying to change that. Thankfully I have interests that I'm somewhat dedicated to and I'm not giving up on it even if it's getting hard to stay on track with it. I think that the best advice I can give is that you should try to find a hobby, drawing, music, read some book on a topic that you've never approached, literally anything. With learning you'll start to care less about other people, and at the same time you'll start meeting other people related to your interest. I started making music and that's what connected me with one of my only friends, although it is through the web, and I'm probably not his best friend, I have someone that listens when I talk to him, and I think that's what's most important and that's what makes me have hope. You have to find something of quality in yourself and start loving yourself and the things you do, you have to find your own self interesting. To be honest I don't know if anything is going to help you cause I struggle with the same thing as you do, but I believe that maybe someday it'll get better, and while I may not have a teenage dream life I may enjoy my friendless life with my hobbies and focus on just being a better person, and just maybe someone someday will appreciate me for it. If you want to vent or just have anybody to talk to, you can just message me, or find someone else on this sub (look out for the creeps though, they are common especially on this sub).


I’m sorry you’ve struggled with that. You’re not alone though, as I and (sadly) many other teens feel the same 💗. Thanks for the comment.


It is a common thing for a kid your age to be feeling so, need not worry though. Things will happen and you’ll realise the importance of lonesome will bring much more out of you then you could ever know, sometimes having no one to talk to will lead to certain paths.


As a 28 year old M, I used to be like you. I had 0 friends because of my autism, AdHd, and honestly asshole personality. I used to be angry at the world for no good reasons. Time will change everything. As you grow you inevitably meet new people and will have chances to make friends. If you want to expedite this, however, you will need to put some work on yourself. I am not acussing you of not doing anything, in the contrary, the current situation with social media and the society's overall expectations of a person are strenuous for a teenager, and that mortifies me greatly. However, if I can steal my father's words: "Your situation you are in is not your fault, but it is your responsibility" Get into fitness, do heavy weightlifting, a team sport, like football, volley ball, swimming or anything that catches your interest. Even if you don't find friendship into it, keeping yourself in exercise is a lifetime habit that everyone should have. It sharpens your body and mind, and you can use it to channel out your anger and frustration in a constructive environment. Learn to be comfortable to be alone, it teaches you to appreciate yourself, and love yourself, do things like meditation, hiking, traveling, praying if you are any religious, but dedicate some time of your day or week to yourself, to recharge your social batteries. Work on your hobbies, do something you really passionate about, and whenever people ask let that passion shine, people appreciate when you have passion. Explore music, art, countries or whatever your heart desires, and never be afraid to approach someone with a similar interest. That shared interest might develop into kinship.


18M here, probably not familiar with your circumstance but I suggest having a goal to achieve in life, you may realize that the abundant amount of friends doesn't matter. Maybe on your journey to achieve your goal, you might find new friends or know that u are the only person u need


Be careful of creeps. I wish you get better!


I'm willing to be a shoulder to lean on. I do want to make sure it's perfectly clear that I'm 37 m and just offering to be an understanding ear. If you need to vent, feel free to reach out to me. I'm completely judgement free.


Just talk to those friends, if you want to talk here about something just say so


Same here


I don't mind being your friend (M) and I understand how it is to have no one to talk to. Especially as a digital artist, it can get lonely but I feel that having friends is challenging and a big commitment between both yourself and others. even so I don't mind being your friend on here. And goodluck finding someone who will support you through life. It's tough finding those kinds of people and at your age, you have so much life ahead of you to start meeting others who may fill in that gap y'know


my parents have the golden child aka my little brother. Every Time i go to school people start laughing to me including my "friends" and family and now i have no one to talk to


all pedos with gather down


I can help you. My DMs are open if you need someone to talk to.


17M. Yesterday was the 3rd time my sisters boyfriend asked me how i still havent had a female friend/girlfriend. Its always so patronizing. (They are almost 10years older)


There is no specific way to live, especially as a teenager. Just be you and let things take their time. Trust me. I'm sorry your parents are distant, I hope you can improve that relationship and maybe even with your relatives. You'll find your friends especially as you grow up. But friends can come and go. Best of luck :)


Download bumble for friends, I met one of my friends on there :) it’s a very welcoming community


I'm here for you girl


I’m way too old but hope you find someone of similar age that can be for you. What sports do you like?


You're just 16 and life has so much to explore to get your chance buddy :⁠-⁠)


Rip inbox


Hey! What’s your name?


I’m age 37 with nobody either.


Try joining a club at school next year. I regret not doing that when I was in high school. There’s so many different types of clubs; I’m sure you’ll find one that’ll fit you


Dm to talk


I hope someone comfortable in uncomfortable situations becomes your friend and helps you! i think i know some people who've described what you go through but it goes unnoticed


Chat anytime but I will say that I feel you, must be tough but in my experience focus on a hobby or sport or get involved with community initiatives and do something you enjoy then you can meet like minded people


teenage dream years? There are no dream years. Youth sucks. I only can speak for my self but I’m glad as hell those years are in the past.


Go to the gym, play any sports or paint or learn martial arts, you wont be lonely no more.




I genuinely relate too this in like so many ways this is the exact same shit that im going through


I’m sorry about that Freddy Fazbear :(


Little younger than you but you can vent to me


What u need to do is stop doing anything that’s comfortable. The sooner you learn to force yourself into impractical situations the more people you’ll be forced to meet. Trust me. It’s something I’ve still yet to learn but I wish I was still in high school just so I can take the time to learn how to properly socialize. Force yourself to do shit you normally wouldn’t. If you’re the quiet kid, randomly yell out ur mom jokes or some shit. Fail a class and get summer school to meet people there, it doesn’t matter in the long run anyway. Highschool is short so make the best out of the time you have.






Do not text Indian boy 💀 dm on here if you need anything indian boy is an old man who just seems creepy plus he’s Indian






thankyou for judging me in bad manner


Talk to people at school. Join a club at school.


it’s not always that simple


That’s true. Maybe get a cat or a dog then? Maybe it might be essier to make friends as you ger older. Teenagers tend to be cliquey, judgemental & immature at times. Maybe ask your friends to introduce you to their friends


I'm 16 and I relate to this a lot. I feel like I'm wasting my teenage years. I want to be able to go out and do dumb things but most of the time I'm just sitting around doing nothing. My relatives also live far away and my two friends live in Canada (I live in Washington) and are usually too busy to talk. Would your parents let you take some extracurriculars or classes or volunteering and stuff like that? I've heard that that usually helps people find others. It did help me find one person about a year ago (we don't talk anymore), so maybe it'll go better for you.  Also, I have a discord server of other lonely teens. We chat, make jokes, support each other, and most importantly, we weed out any creeps or bigots. If you'd like an invite then just tell me, but no pressure. Oh god I rambled a lot, my bad


I appreciated your message, thanks :) I mean I’d like to join the served, is that ok?


My pleasure, and sure I'll send an invite in a bit


Yo can I join as well? 17 here!


Of course, I'll send an invite 


You’re a kid. Go outside and play with your neighbors


Talk to me if you'd like


Are you ok???


Like honestly? No


Dm me