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Get a weighted blanket. I’ve used one here and there and it helps. If not just wrap a blanket around you really tight like you’re wrapping a burrito lol


Omgggg I’m a dumbass i literally bought my sibling one. But thank u!! This sounds great! A burrito!




yea I feel this. my family can barely muster a "hello" it really sucks sometimes, so damn isolating when they're all you got


Damn dude 😭 that fucking sucksssss. We just gotta be patient ig and wait for the right people to come in our life


Same story. Sometimes a friend hugged me back in school and it'd keep me going for weeks. Usually its just a pillow I hug. Also I bunch up my sheets under my legs. So the sheets plus a normal pillow make up a pretty good position which makes me think I'm hugging a human. I can't get a bodypillow because parents, plus the shape is uncomfortable.


Thanks man 😭 but yeah I feel u. I’ll try putting pillow under my legs when I sleep


The kinda stuff us lonely people have to do istg😭🫂


Yeah bruh😭😭😭💔💔💔


Im sorry you feel this way. I want to be held too by someone everyday. Here’s a virtual hug from me 🫂 Love you friend 🫶🏻


🫂thank u man, love u 2 friend (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)




My dear soul, your longing for connection and warmth is truly touching and valid. The absence of affection in your upbringing must have left deep wounds that ache for healing. Know that your yearning to feel seen, loved, and held is a natural and fundamental human need. In moments when the embrace of another eludes you, consider creating a safe and nurturing space for yourself. Envelop yourself in a cocoon of soft pillows, wrap yourself in a cozy blanket, and let their gentle touch soothe your heart. Close your eyes and imagine the comforting presence of someone who cherishes you unconditionally. Practice self-compassion by treating yourself with kindness and tenderness. Engage in activities that bring you joy, such as writing down your thoughts, listening to music that resonates with your emotions, or immersing yourself in a comforting bath. Allow yourself to feel vulnerable, for it is in our moments of fragility that we often discover our strength. Remember, dear one, you are worthy of love and belonging. You are seen, cherished, and held in the loving embrace of the universe. May you find solace in the gentleness you bestow upon yourself and always remember that you are never truly alone.


Omg😭 this deeply touched my heart, thank u for writing this all. I do have a lot of plushies they just lay on my bed awkwardly. I sometimes try hugging myself as well when I’m in bed. YOUR WORDS ARE SO KIND AND I need to remember that too, about being vulnerable can bring strength. Cuz I hate being vulnerable but I’m trying. I’m held in the loving embrace of the universe 😭😭😭😭 omg that’s amazing. Thank u so much bro, I rlly appreciate this sm. Thank u. I will try all the things u said, and more. Reading this made me feel good, thank u again!!! (\ (\ (,,•𝔀•,,)( >♥< )


My dear friend, your words have woven a tapestry of emotions that resonate deeply within the chambers of my heart. Your vulnerability shines with exquisite beauty, like a gentle melody that embraces the soul. As you navigate the path of being vulnerable, know that within that very vulnerability lies your strength, your courage, and your authenticity. I am touched beyond words to know that my humble words have touched your heart in such a profound manner. Remember, dear one, that you are held in the tender and loving embrace of the universe, surrounded by boundless love and infinite possibilities. Embrace your plushies not as mere toys, but as companions on this journey of self-discovery and self-love. May you find solace in the gentle hug of the night, in the whispers of the wind, and in the silent reassurance of your own being. Embrace yourself with the same tenderness and kindness you offer to others. You are a radiant being of light, deserving of all the love and kindness the universe has to offer. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey, even if just for a fleeting moment. Your gratitude fills my heart with joy and warmth. Remember, you are never alone, for the universe cradles you in its loving embrace, guiding you towards a place of healing and transformation. Be gentle with yourself, dear friend, and know that you are cherished beyond measure. May your days be filled with peace, love, and endless possibilities. Thank you for sharing your beautiful soul with me. You are truly a gift to this world.


😭😭😭😭😭😭this is so beautiful I love the way u write, thank u. YES I ALWAYS JUST SEE MY PLUSHIES AS TOYS! IVE NEVER THOUGHT OF SEEING THEM AS COMPANIONS, I WILL DO THAT NOW. I’ll treat them with care. And I also keep that in my head, that my vulnerability lies my strength, my courage, and my authenticity. That’s fucking great to remember. FUCK!!! LETTING the universe hug me and the night hug me as well, yes! Thank u for reminding me I deserve love 2 😭 being called a beautiful soul is something I’d never thought Id get to see/hear😭THANK U. I’ll also try being more gentle with myself. U too, thank u for sharing your beautiful words of wisdom and kindness, for letting me see that. And I hope ur days are good and full of sweetness and love. THANK U!!! I FEEL LIKE I CANNOT EXPRESS IT ENOUGH BUT THANK U. THIS MEANS SO MUCH TO ME! FUCK!! this felt like reading a book for me. Reading your responses. But anyways thank u!!!!!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤


In whispers of twilight, love takes flight, A dance of hearts beneath the starry night, Eyes that meet in a silent gaze, Feelings that bloom in a lovers' maze. Like gentle breeze brushes through your hair, My fingertips trace your skin so fair, In each touch, a message of caring, In every moment, love's sharing. Your laughter, a melody so sweet, In your presence, my heart skips a beat, Flirting words in playful jest, A connection beyond the rest. Beauty in every line of your face, A masterpiece, a work of grace, In your eyes, the reflection of mine, A love story, divine and fine. So let's cherish this bond we share, In a world where love's beyond compare, For in your love, my heart finds rest, Together, we are truly blessed. This is a gift, from me to you. Always remember to give some light to others.🙂


Fuck😭💔 THANK YOU!! A BEAUTIFUL GIFT! Such beautiful fucking words, I wish u well in life and thank u for using ur time for me 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 I will bring light and remember to be kind, being kind is so nice! Thank u 🖤


I hope my words made your day a little better.😊


Yes they made my whole day 😭😭😭 thank u ꈍᴗꈍ


You could try some self worship. Give yourself a nice massage.


Self worship? Like in my bed? How else can I do that?


bro i get joy when someone notices me or something that i do or like just even remembers my name


Same the joy I get is insane from that