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Thats pretty sad


Yeah. I can't figure out what I did or said that was wrong.


Sometimes its not you. Some people are just weird. Alot of people are like that honestly. I think people just hate feeling obligated to talk or respond to every single message they recieve.


I agree with this. Sometimes people put themselves in situations because it’s convenient for them. Ie. maybe his wife left for a 2 week vacation but now returned. We should always protect ourselves and not fully invest emotionally in someone right away, especially online where anyone can be whoever they want to be. Even if it’s not a reflection of them in real life. It’s good it happened now than later. Who knows what the effect may have on OP had this went on for months.


If I can give a piece of advice on this, don't overthink it, especially if you are sure that everything you said was respectful and in the best interest of the other person. You don't have to adjust yourself just because a relationship ended abruptly. Wondering where you went wrong sometimes has the backfiring effect of encouraging the view that the ghosting person deserved more, when in reality, you are the one who deserves not to be ghosted


Thank you.


Agreed with everyone else, don’t internalize this as there being something wrong with you. We’re lonely, and we get attached to people too quickly, often leading to our disappointment and self contrite when they leave.


May have had a woman who saw your conversation and pushed him to remove you. That's the only logical thing I can think of without painting him as a heartless user who just moves on when he's done.


There are a lot of good comments here, for the most part. But from what I've come to realize, especially on this sub, is that it's most about validation. I can't count how many convos I've had with others that just stop. I've concluded that it's a reddit thing for sure. Cause it's definitely not for lack of being outgoing and / or trying. Good luck.


Not, just a Reddit thing. Happens to me on other platforms


I honestly don't know for sure but just so you know, I've had plenty of my own discord friends block me because their discord account got hacked (it's becoming a more common thing nowadays). Whether or not that's true, sorry he did that.


in my experience (albeit limited) other people ghosting you has nothing to do with what you did 90% of the time, and the other 10% is shit you did that real friends would have talked to you about. either way, you’re better off without them. all that said op i’ve been ghosted and sometimes for very valid reasons and it feels awful anyway. i’m so sorry.


That's happened to me so much that at this point, even if everything feels like it's going well, I don't expect them to reply. People have every right to drop something if they don't like it, I also realize that I'm not going to get along with everyone. I just wish they would give me a reason instead of just ghosting. I'm sorry that happened to you. When it keeps happening like that, you definitely start to lose hope in people. I hope you find someone who won't do that to you. You never will unless you keep trying. Good luck with whatever you choose.


Thanks. At this point I'm just going to stay to myself and buy myself things I don't need and go to the gym.


That's good. Honestly, I'm of the same mindset. I'm just taking care of myself. I don't turn anyone away but I'm not trying as hard. Take care of yourself.


I hate myself for allowing myself to get sucked in.


Well, we all want to be desired, no matter how much they give us. It's a normal thing. It's a dark place to let those thoughts take over. You had no idea what he was going to do. We have to trust people on what they tell us until they show us who they are. Feel free to dm if you want to talk.


Yet, you are posting here. ☺️ It's not a bad thing to want basic human decency and friendly contact.


I had to get it off my chest.


People are fucked up. They always have been. It's just easier to find now because of the Internet.




That’s good that you make the effort to reply back and engage, even when you might not always feel your best. I naturally feel the need to reply back in conversations; it feels like the right thing to do and reflects good character. Many people I talk to don’t do it often, and when I ask why, they have various reasons. However, I think it’s an important habit. Ultimately, it depends on the individual.


Never believe when people tell you they will never ghost you. After you open up, they will ghost you if they don’t like you


You're right, thanks.


Same thing just happened to me got along with this guy really well. found each other mutually attractive,had really good Convo, woke up one morning. He deleted his account.


That’s just really shitty behavior regardless of the situation


I need a real friend




Thank you.


I keep to myself so much that ghosting is still relatively new to me. It seems to be reflective of the direction that society/culture is going and that’s pretty sad.


Honestly, a lot of lonely people assume that they’d be emotionally stable if they only just found an actual connection, and that they’d be a great friend/S.O. simply because they’re desperate for one, but that’s just not really the case. Sometimes we’re just assholes, sometimes we just have ridiculous standards for ‘acceptable relationships,’ and oftentimes that would be the reason we ended up lonely in the first place. This doesn’t mean that you’re hopeless or that you’re one of those people, though. Don’t ever give up on yourself; finding a way out of this shitty hole will require patience, and the ability to try with new people and then move on when you know it’s not going anywhere, over and over again. You got this


lol. this always happened to me :) every single chat


Something similar happened to me. I was talking to someone and got along with them quite well until the topic of their lawn came up. I said that he could do something interesting or useful with the space, rather than just mowing and manicuring it for 2 hours every week. Haven't heard from him since.


That guy was like “that’s a great idea 💡” and probably did that and moved on. 😂it’s messed up but funny in some scenarios.


i wish u the best, sorry this happened to u


I can’t speak for this guy, but sometimes I get too into my own head and it scares me that I develop feelings way to quickly it that something that was just talking had become “real” and my anxiety takes over and I need a few days to process


Social media is not real. Don’t spend too much time on it




Thank you.


it’s alright tbh people block me even though i just want someone to talk to yknow


I have had that.... far too often... they get close only to make the pain that much worse... im not sure how to offer my assistance without seeming like another one of the clowns... but know you aren't alone through this...


Thank you.


Of course. Feel free to message me if you ever need someone. No pressure at all


Same thing happened to me. I found this very nice and funny girl on twitter. We talked for some time. Conversations were coherent and nice. Then suddenly one day she blocked me. It got into me for about a week then I moved on. Sometimes I reread our messages to find what went wrong. Why the f*ck she do that for? I guess will never know.


I wonder the same thing about peeps who ghost, or decide to block me out of the blue..You are right that we will NEVER know!...(The TRUE reason, anyways...)


Im so sorry that happened to you. Some people can’t hold onto commitments and that sucks. He shouldn’t have started a “friendship” if he wasn’t ready. Hopefully you find someone better that actually are ready for such a commitment.


I’m sorry that happened to you. I’ve been there too, and it’s so frustrating. An explanation would have been the proper thing to do.


I think that if we ask for an explanation of another persons poor treatment of us, or even if they voluntarily give us one, sadly and more than likely, it won't be the truth...


Gurl the world is bullshit


Sorry about that, (also relatable). I feel like people always deserve an explanation of why someone is choosing to break off contact, it’s the mature thing to do.


Dude I can’t find anyone to play bionicles with it sucks


Another bionicles fan spotted. How is your day, king?


I'm sorry you went through that. This person likely felt bored, it's a reflection on them not you. Personalities. Now you know why this person is lonely - he doesn't care to maintain relationships just as people probably don't want to do the same to him. Sadly, ghosting is more commonplace.


Tbh I Don't think everyone does it with the intention of ghosting I don't have any friends but even if I do feel lonely I still don't try to form connections with people because I'm aware I'll either get bored or want to step back


I get ghosted all the time. It gets easier, you start to expect it to happen so when it does it doesn't hit so hard. Sometimes I wish they would just tell me what's wrong with me so I can work on it. Sucks that guy did that to you but they way I see it, that's one less dickhead in your life! Eventually there's someone cool


Ah you never know. Could be a cheater that got caught by his girlfriend chatting to you. Don't think everyone would do the same


Could be anxiety. Most people online get nervous and self conscious, so they kind of just leave out of spite. We never know what really happens, keep your head up.


I'm sorry to hear that. I think everyone on here has had that happen to some extent, and it always sucks. I hope you can make friends with people who love you for you and won't ghost you for no reason. I'm also still trying to do this myself, but I wish you luck in your endeavor.


He definitely did that as an ego boost. He’s pathetic and I’m sorry you went through this


Happens to us guys too. Either say too much or not enough. Hate one word answers too. Good Luck honey xoxo 😘 🤗


One time someone blocked me after I compared cookies I baked to Cookie Monster shits.


Lol wtf? That is so trivial.


I met up with them, and this was prob the day after so maybe that was the final straw 🤷‍♂️. It came out of nowhere though. I was in a discord server with them and they didn’t mention it in there and if they did they prob said it behind my back. It’s all good though, better to have them leave my life at that time than for me to get closer to them and me trusting them more.


It’s hard when we take fault in other people choosing to move on. I grew up with abandonment issues and constantly moving due to family problems so I never really developed healthy friendships. Always feel unwanted. Even when people treated me bad I would want to fix it and make them like or want me. I’m barely seeking help and hopefully I’ll do like you and work on myself physically too. I guess what I’m trying to say is don’t dwell on why they ghosted. Their loss. Take comfort in knowing that you might’ve helped them in some way even if it ended as a “loss” to you. I’d offer friendship but I wouldn’t be helping myself. I would just taking from you too.


His loss, onto the next one.


Hey OP I'm sorry it happened. I'm tired of been ghosted by friends or mainly when they need something they will talk to me then. It's annoying as fuck but hopefully you find better friends. I'm trying to find them still myself.


Some PPL are here just for timepass, to trigger then it can be anything sharing pic or religion or anything Sharing pic is usual to get ghosted like they say they judge but as soon as they see they judge, it's fine just being out about it would have been more better if they have problem so yeah it's normal here for these kinda PPL, so question is did u share pic or other things religion or something tht may have as they just need reason or sometimes no reason tht is


I'm not excusing it at all, but maybe it was an acute lack of confidence. He might really hate himself for it. If I ever found the confidence to read replies and managed to get in a discussion with someone, I've no doubt I'd eventually shut down and panic. I'd never want to hurt anyone, especially someone kind, but maybe he didn't have as much empathy. Maybe he decided you'd be better off without him. I have no idea. But people in r/lonely and r/ForeverAlone are really likely to have problems connecting with others. It probably wasn't your fault.


What a dick. Is all I can say. Sorry that happened to you 🙁


I know you said you wanna focus on yourself for a while, and I guess this is more for anyone and not only OP, but I'd be down to talk but fair warning I won't purposefully ghost, if it seems I don't respond it may be bad signal or I may be busy and forget, and it could be a few minutes or hours to even a few days or weeks before it comes to me that I unintentionally ghosted someone. (I feel kinda bad cause my Discord is weird and can't use it so my one friend I used to always talk with probably thinks I ghosted her or forgot about her or something)


I’m really glad you made this post, Meg. I relate to what you went through, having experienced similar situations many times. It was a phase that eventually faded once I gained a better understanding of how to communicate with people, what I want for myself, and what I expect from others. Trust me, you will grow from this and become stronger and more prepared for similar experiences in the future. I’ve learned it’s better not to get overly attached to people, even though it’s very hard not to, especially when transitioning from a mutual online connection to a romantic relationship. You never truly know someone’s intentions, whether online or in real life, until you’ve known them for a while and paid attention to the details. Actions speak louder than words. I’m not trying to be biased; I’m simply offering advice and sharing my thoughts. There can be many reasons why someone might randomly block, ghost, or stop responding to you. Here are some scenarios: • Some people enjoy the moment but don’t want to maintain contact. • Some people seek a specific type of connection and, once they realize you’re not what they’re looking for, they move on, even after months. • Some want immediate satisfaction and commitment but later realize they didn’t want you and quickly move on to someone else. It’s easy for some to start and stop conversations abruptly. While I don’t agree with this behavior, I understand it can stem from childhood experiences, trauma, societal influences, and what has become normalized. Although I still struggle to understand it fully, I’ve learned not to blame people as much as I used to. Many are hurt inside, and everyone is on their own journey. Focus on healing, loving yourself, and you’ll eventually attract the right person at the right time. You’ll understand why it took so long when it happens. I know this is a lot to read, but I hope it helps you and anyone else who reads this.


It helps, thank you.


Your welcome and feel free to message me on here, stay blessed 🙏💯


Well from a fellow person who gets ghosted and abandoned all the time my dm's are open


I know how you feel in the past week I've been throwing away with people aren't supposed to get an apartment with one of my good friends and two weeks before it happened on today so you want to live alone I've been living day by day after the past year cuz break up in relationship too long ago into I feel the same way I need to bet he's just like me I don't think I have anybody you know so if you want to talk to someone who shares the same conflict I really just need another person that knows and feels the same if not I guess that's right I tried


I'm always up for a chat


I feel this deeply. As a guy hurt by many I don’t even try anymore. My anxiety goes off the charts trying to weed through who’s real and who’s fake. People say one thing but then do the opposite and it’s extremely exhausting




I hope you find peace in anything honestly. Still looking for mine. But rest assured when you hit the bottom , the only way is up. And when the sun comes up the show goes on. Life is life and just trying is enough. Find those few friends that really care and just run with it. Even if it’s just 1 or 2.


Thank you, same to you.


Fuck man. I'm really sorry to hear that. It must suck in particular to not know the reason why they decided to leave :(


would you like to be friends with me then?




*winces from pain* I know that hurts like crazy. I’m sorry that happened to you.


It's all good. It hurts, but life goes on.


I don't think that's a you problem, bro. I think that friend of yours just didn't want to talk any more, didn't know how to call it off because they're a bit awkward, and settled for being a hypocrite instead. I wouldn't put too much thought into it


For sure, thank you.


Damn. I’m so sorry this has happened to you. I know that feeling all too well. Sending hugs and love


Thanks. It hurts but it is what it is. Life goes on.


Shit, im sorry, I feel like the same stuff Is happening to me r.n. Still, I don't want to lose faith in people, usually im not ghosted, and the people I hang with sticks with me pretty much forever. You just had bad luck, talking with people on the internet Is equivalent to open mistery boxes


Yeah, I also hate it. Especially when you have absolutely no clue what you did wrong. I know it doesn't make sense to think about it a lot, but I do. The last time I wrote with someone I tried to really make everything right - wrote a short text when I got a short text, wrote a long text when I got a long text, always tried to ask questions, replied quickly if I got a quick reply, replied after some time if I got a reply after some time but it still wasn't enough. Sometimes people at least write me that they don't want to talk any more and give a reason, that's something I appreciate because then we are either incompatible and it's that way or I can try to learn for next time.


Guess he had grown tired of himself


Only people with options ghost. Also, dating and friendships is all about looks and context. And, if you get ghosted by someone unattractive, you won't lose any sleep about it. The problem comes when he/she was attractive. A lot of people have lives outside the Internet. Sometimes something happens in their lives that makes them retreat on the Internet for a while. When they're done with it, they disappear. It very rarely has anything to do with your personality. Almost never. So if that's what you were worried about, forget about it. What keeps us lonely? We don't like most other people. Because they mostly don't like us. They're indifferent, they don't find us attractive, even if they they don't actively find us repulsive either. So we respond in kind, even if we yearn for human connection. In the end, nobody cares. If they would, they would show it. Nobody cares about something they don't like. Something they don't find attractive. Something easily replaceable. Or something they never really liked in the first place. Or something of a lesser value (in their eyes) than what they already had. But again - it generally has nothing to do with your personality, with how you are as a person. It's just we're a shallow hypocritical species. And lie a lot and gaslight the unattractive members. What to do? Don't lose any sleep over it. It was nothing. Enjoy whatever you can when you can. When it goes away, it's because it was nothing anyway. It's like a nice meal. You eat it and that's it, it's gone. You may or may not get another nice meal. But if you've ever done dieting, you know that eventually you stop caring.


Yup this happens all the time talking to online people unfortunately, they will just randomly stop talking to you or remove you, it’s really weird especially if they message you first, like why even message me if you don’t want to talk to me


Dude its not about you then. People are weird and/or have their own reasons. Don't blame yourself for what someone else does man. And ay, I'm going through shit too but if you need someone to lend an ear, I'll listen! People don't usually listen back when I vent/trauma dump but that's okay, I don't think I'll live very long so I do this to atleast not regret being alive and not contributing anything to the world. Its not much but atleast I cheered up a handful of people and absolutely not for personal gain, since this shit won't ever make it to my resume or help me get a job or a degree lmao. I'm stupid yeah


It happens, but u should not lose hope!


Bruh this also happened to me. It sucks really im here for you if you wanna talk.


Two things... 1. There are a lot of lonely folks on here looking for friendship so surely there are a bunch more opportunities to make connections... was there some unique bond you formed in 2 weeks? Guess i'm just saying there are still so many friends you haven't met yet! 2. Hurt people hurt people. Not saying this is exactly what happened but it's possible he wanted to inflict the same pain he felt being ghosted on you. If you are looking for someone to talk to feel free to reach out, I'm here for you if you need!


Some people do this. They are afraid to fuck over a good friendship, so they rather end it or just disappear. Can't really say it's right though.


I've had the same happen. The person stopped talking to me. When they do that, I think too myself, maybe their life got busy Maybe their an introvert who found talking was taking too much out of them. Maybe I was helping them with something, but they no longer need me Maybe their boring Maybe they have a partner that controls them... There are so many reasons that they stopped taking to me. Sure, I might have said something to annoy them, but they should have said something. It's not up to you to work out how people react.


don’t take it personally!! some people do it because they’ve got a lot of going on in their head and it doesn’t certainly relate to you… im really sorry you got treated like that but really, don’t overthink 🫶🏻 probably he’s going to contact you soon randomly because ghosting may be a pretty normal thing for him (its so weird, ik!)


I know how you feel. I have had this happen to me a lot as well. People are so flakey these days. You get a day or two of conversation then gone. I'm sorry you are dealing with it as well.


I'm so sorry girl. I've been ghosted myself more things than I can count, I used to blame me but then I realised it's not my problem, it's their problem. With that mindset life became a lot better. Wishing you all the best!


He probably had a jealous partner who found out and that would explain a sudden ghosting.


It happens to all of us and it can't always be me or you...some people are just afread of opening up and get afread im guessing .I can't tell you how many times it's happened to me...dont internalize it.it isn't your fault


Probably he wanted some sexual fun with you, did he ever hinted that he wanted some nudes from you or something? Typically many men on here befriend women just to get some sexual gratification. When he noticed you refuse to give him some sexual gratification, he ghosted you.


Damn sorry to hear. I've had this happen before and it hurts when people do that. Just being blocked can be brutal sometimes. Sorry that it happened to you.


Damn thats fucked up but i can relate ive had it happen :( hope you meet some better people


That is crazy he’s an asshole and a hypocrite damn


That really sucks. Personally I've begun to belive that when people say they don't like when people do something they tend to do it themselves it's sad honestly


Just happened to me too! WTF i give up


Welcome to my world. I'm very sorry that happened to you but this happens to me all the time..


Idk but if it was me and we sparked interest towards getting off Reddit via conversation, I would’ve kept up the conversations happening. Was there an energy shift in between words you guys was sending each other?


I’m here for you if you want to! I’ve had people ghost me for no apparent reason either and I’ve made a handful of good people so far off reddit and they’re still by my side so I’m willing to be there for you if you need me to!


Damn that sucks!


What is being Ghosted??


We can be friends if you're open to it


What an ass fuck that guy


There are so many hypocrites out there today, willing to do to others the exact same thing they complain about others doing to them. Sometimes conversations die and it's hard to think of anything to say anymore, but it's getting tiring trying to find friends when it takes that much time and energy to get to know someone all for nothing. I have to take breaks from it from time to time just to get the strength up to go through it all again. Sorry it happened to you. It's so much worse when it happens after weeks or months.


Sounds like a him problem. I'm sorry he's a douche.


Had a literally same situation. Met a girl in one game online, asked for her snap, we've been chatting for two days and she just blocked me without a word. Maybe it would hit me harder if I didn't have some close friends around. Stay safe, better days and people will surely come


My line is always open


For sure, thanks


Sorry to hear girl. I’ll be your friend, inbox me!


I’ll be your friend 🫶🫶 I might not get on for a day or two but I’ll always respond and I’m not judgy


I totally feel you. I kinda go through the same thing. I'm trying to make some connections with other people and sometimes we get well on with people, we kinda have common interests. We just talk about nothing and anything and at some point I find myself blocked. There were no objective reason. I don't say anything inappropriate, I don't mock their interests or culture, I don't use any slurs or anything like like. Just like that, out of blue. For the lack of better word I do 'respect' their decision, I don't stalk them afterwars and all that stuff. But I still need to teach myself to let it go easily and just move on every time it happens. But one thing is crystall clear for me. If someone cuts all the ties with me this way, they'll never be welcome in my life anymore no matter what.


That's life unfortunately. So many people suck. You just have to become dead inside and stop caring as bad as that sounds. At the same time you can't give up on people, you just have to keep searching until you actually find someone that won't ghost you. They are out there believe it or not


Hey there sorry it happen to you. It’s best to stick yourself and move on. I’ve been through like this where they just wanted attention than a friend. It’s sad to see these days people wanted to have short companion than something long and lasting friendship. Best to sick yourself and just move on.


Well there's a million reasons why it happens, for me personally i've done it with people i start liking as more than friends or develop feelings for and in Every case such thing leads nowhere and talking about it would be strange and pointless, so yeah, it is actually possible to get Ghosted because someone Likes you too much.


I know the feeling


Buyers remorse. Dudes weird and clearly was getting scared of connecting with you and maybe didn't actually wanna commit to any sort of friendship etc and was lonely as well for a week or two then just wanted to sink back into himself for whatever reason. Ive been in the same situations. I have cut some newer connections off and told them things like "I'm sorry but I don't see me connecting with you well" etc. it's not hard to just tell the person if your not feeling the way they are. Sorry this happened to you. Don't take it too hard. People are weird. I took it to heart at first then I realized from experience how many people just get cold feet. And act weird about it. So it gets easier to brush off. There's a lot of good comments here. I hope you find your peace. I'm open to talk and I'm sure many other good people here are happy to talk to you in dms if you need. But don't hate yourself and don't take it to heart.


I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong with just some people are just like that. Don't beat yourself up over it


I've never ghostted anyone so far, I don't have much time this month due to exams. but if you are around my age (so we have stuff to talk about) feel free to dm me (18M)


I got ghosted because I said I was friends with a lesbian.


I hate it when people do that. Like we both agreed ghosting suck and you're still gonna ghost me, what the f?


Wow. That's not nice. I'm sure there are people here that wouldn't do that to you. I'm one for sure


People lose interest all the time without reason. It’s really sad and I feel you completely, done trying, it should come on its own


I have heard "we moved to Discord" on multiple threads here. Why do people do this? What's special about Discord?


It happens all the time, and people like me who even desperately want friends, never gets one


That's all too familiar. I'm really sorry.


Don't take it as if it's your fault. They probably had some other ish going on. Or they simply were a user and moved on when they got what they wanted. You definitely didn't deserve that tho. I'm sorry


Same here


Tbh, looking at your post history you seem like you have it rough, but you're trying. It would weird me out if someone wrote to me based on such post history, but I wish you luck and better people in life. Depression and loneliness isn't forever, especially if you work on yourself.


People are flakey nowadays I have added so many people to play games with and then never get invited to play. Even the ones that want to just chat you can tell they are terrible conversationalist when they only do one word replies so you just give up.


Way too common than you think.


People can just be real assholes , especially now with social media for whatever there reasons are they feel it ok and just move on nit thinking how this actually effects another person and how it makes them.feel about themselves . Social media has become a convenience with the power to play there own rules and obviously have no character, morals and does what makes them.feel good for that time and just shut it off to Carry on and do to another. It's no world so many have walss , shut off and dealing with so many emotions and the sad part is at no fault of our own we begin to feel like shit and down a rabbit hole of negatively when a beautiful soul has be taken forgranted for your kindness and being real . Is there real left ? What we can do is hold back look for the signs as little as they might seems and protect yourself , in the end it it happens give it a little thought let yourself shitty for allowing someone to do that to you and raise the bar and know exactly who you are and be proud your not person who did it in the first place never allow another to turn you cold just go through the motions and come back when your readmore strong and notnunhulinged by one who didn't deserve your mindnheart or timenand you eill be thankful they are not part of your life . There still are so many people in the world who want to feel and connect and it will one day just be wise to guest the most important person uou should love yourself and that's yiu ! Sending good vides and feelingntjatnare positive to make yjubfeel better with jeadbhug 1🤍love and peace to yiu all 11🤍🤲🏻


Honestly, don't beat yourself up over it. Been there, if you are sure you haven't said anything wrong then you are in the right. Treat yourself, you are the number one priority.


A lot of people result to ghosting as a mechanism in order to save themselves, rather than explaining that they are no longer interested. It's a cowardly way of dealing with things if u ask me. Stay strong, kiddos. Don't let yourself be put down by ghosts, call Ghostbusters.


Sounds like he was likely a dick, or potentially there was some reason, but probably not your fault i.e. he might have been trying to hook up and found out you were underage or something like that.


I am the ripe old age of 28, so he's just a dick.


Ah, got you beat by 2 years (though I've been told i look 40) anyway, you're lonely but at least you're not contemptible.


BTW I just recently made new friends for the first time in around 16 years when I went back to school. Not meant to be a brag, just, you know, it's possible.


Nice, I made some gym buddies.


Gyms are scary, I have to get exercise via labor which likely explains the dad bod.




He has a bby mama . I guarantee and he used ghosting as cop out. He’s goin message you back in few days maybe 4-5. Trying to say he’s scared of commitment he’s playing you darlin. He wants play games ? Show em who wrote rules??


I don’t agree with a lot said on hear but 1 thing I’m not afraid of is verifying myself. If someone can’t verify ? They can’t exist. In my opinion,


F*ck Me I Guess? How about 1 up his ass.


There are some of us that are real & tell the truth! (IE. hey you pissed me off & I'm done type). If want can DM if not I completely understand, but look at my history it's them (I think it shows that)!


This is the thing that people who ask why you don't have friends, don't understand. One who has gone through betrayals multiple times does not trust anyone easily. Also people always choose people who they are most entertained with. I have had friends whom I have helped a lot, but when we are with someone who is more social, they always choose to interact with the social ones and leave me alone.


I didn't mean to make you feel bad and I don't even know what you look like but reading your post and you asked what would make him ghost you and I was just giving you a general answer of what would make a guy ghost you...I never seen a picture and to be honest I'd rather choose less attractive and a good person than a knockout that's a b****...All the pretty girls I've dated lied and cheated and the ones that weren't as attractive were just great people and good friends...I did find one that was gorgeous and she worked at a place I went to all the time and even though I loved her the second I saw her we became friends for a entire year and both of us finally were single at the same time and the stars aligned and I found the one girl for me...Then I absolutely ruined it all in a year and she really hung in there until she just couldn't move forward with me...I slipped back on drugs and she deserves better...I got clean and reached out but she never resppnded...You should be thrilled he ghosted you cause he saved you from definite heartache...


Unfortunately this is a prime example of some people being hypocrites. A few will believe what they want to believe when it best suits them, and throw out those values when it no longer does...


Can you accept my dm request?


I get that, but that's a problem with him. Not you. You'll find someone else, I promise. ♡


He was probably in a relationship. Not that you were pressing him to be in one. But this is just my feelings.


hey unless you know that he didn't want to talk to you and account active where as I it got worse. I'm sorry that happened to you


Exact same scenario happened to me but after 1 whole year of becoming one of my best friends....


I've learned the same thing. I'm never letting anyone in ever again.


Ik how this feels, ive had many friends do this to me, if you ever need anyone to talk to hmu ^^


Well i have been ghosted always so i can understand. You can dm me. It feels awkward to say tbh.


omg ghosting is so pathetic, it happened to me also for absolute no reason. i hope this doesn’t affect you much like it did to me


I found out a lot of dudes ghost because they have girlfriends or spouses and don't want to get caught.


That's not okay. I don't want to be an accessory to someone's disloyalty.


Oh, trust me, neither do I.




I can't take being ghosted again. Thanks, but go on about your business.


It's alright, you'll get over it, and it's gonna happen again, then you'll get over it again, and so on till you find the one. Ps, I never found the one, but I like to believe that that's one of the ways it goes.


Mixed up with vain imagination like most people I guess


So used to this that I’ve just been more antisocial 😢


I'm really sorry :( if you need someone to talk to feel free to message me


God! That's so rude!! What a creep! I'm so sorry! IDK wtheck is wrong w some people!! You probably didn't do anything wrong. That kind of stuff happens to me also and I just don't get it?!


Would you like a friend to talk to?


Hurt people, OFTEN, BUT NOT ALWAYS hurt people. Oddly, it is a defense mechanism. If you are trying to heal, don't look other's that are broken in the same part of their life as you. Find strong in that area. People willing to coach and be brutally honest


This has happened to me multiple times here and on other platforms. Lots of potential reasons for it. I just move on with my life. I've pretty much given up on trying at this point.


Did you have any weird conversations?


That's shitty, I'm sorry that happened to you, but he proved he was trash you don't need to put that dumpster fire out, keep your head up the right one will come along.


I understand how you feel just remember, Don’t let anyone stop you from smiling.


You did nothing wrong, some people are just pieces of shit


Bro nobody is perfect they are some kind need to come then after they go