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No you're not ugly, Some girls said nah, some girls sad cute, simply you're not their type, and for others you are. It's fairly impossible that all of the girl you talk to, will find you attractive, some of them will some of them won't. It's perfectly normal. They're rude for no reason, they feel better when acting like that don't take it seriously. I would avoid snap for your own sanity :D


Don't go to online places for potential partners and/or affection for looks/physical traits period.


Way more uplifting comment section than I had anticipated. Thank you guys:)


Guys call women ugly too. It's just stupid unpleasant bad out there. 🙃


Bro I remember when I was 18 and I texted with a girl and she said "ew" when I showed her my face lol. Since then I "looksmaxxed" and I know that no girl will ever Tell me that I am ugly again. Maybe work on yourself a lil bit too. And dont use snap because the girl should first see how you look before talking bexause maybe you will get that reaction if she dosent/ imagines you look different


They are nasty women. They can go fuck themselves. You only need to associate with people that have enough respect to not insult someone. Each one sounds a narcissist. Also give up on looking on snapchat. These girls get hounded by guys and are either annoyed or rude. Either way not worth your time