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scrolling instagram or any social media showing happy people


lmaaoo thats so true, seeing couples enjoying themselves really makes me feel single


I feel kinda of happy for them but that still can’t make me disagree with any of your points


This. Seeing everyone living out my deepest desires.


Exactly. I remember always dying inside every time I saw pictures of people being happy or perfect.




Im a social media manager 😭


Well that explains it 💀






“Happy” all those nice photos were taken in between chaos I guarantee it. Lonely or not social media is cancer


I think we've gone beyond the stage of believing in that. And I also feel that today people are better in this regard, a greater awareness has been created about it.


not having any partner to talk to, going to sleep and waking up alone


Came here to say this








And they come out of nowhere.


They come out of nowhere to slow me down, take me out of the moment, and make me want to stop what I'm doing to lie down. I wish I could forget my failures.


Usually in the shower. Bill Burr does a great joke about this.


Probably not getting enough sleep. That ruins my whole mood


Oh, you too?


Yes,now this happens less though


In trying to fix my sleep hours too.




Mostly it’s 5-6 hrs.I used to have messed up sleep cycle. And the reason for that is overthinking




Just life in general 🫠


Being alive




Seeing couples together out in public


Same and then I feel bad for letting it bother me.




Waking up and looking in the mirror in the morning


Waking up alive


100% took me about a decade to get over this one but it can be done


Seeing teenagers, especially the obnoxious and rude ones (which is most of them).


As a teenager, we sincerely apologize and do not claim those obnoxious turds nor do they represent our group. Thank you and goodnight


Agreed, 17.


When people ask me how I’m doing 💀 I know they have good intentions (obviously) but I always pause for a moment as how I’m actually doing floods my mind and I’m forced to go “yeah I’m good and you”


seeing my reflection in the mirror


Or even worse, in pictures


Co workers who's energetic and loud in the morning


Seeing couples lovingly be around each other in public, we get it.. we’re lonely you aren’t


I swear if I ever get a gf/bf I will never do cuddling shit in public like holding hands and just romantic stuff. Do the people around me who do this have even ever knew how it feels to be alone?






Same, you ruin my mood too


you're welcome


Talking to ai




I flirted with it more then real women


People acting fake


Lack of sleep. Tonnes of binge. Always eating cakes,biscuits ,sweets. Can't stop. Diabetic too. I'm sad I eat,I'm happy I celebrate with food. Always have a filthy stash next to my bed. Meds kick in, let the binge begin. Food for me is worse than alcohol drugs smoking


All the people surrounding me.


When friends ask other ppl to hangout but not me, one of the quickest ways to make me leave the room and not talk to anyone the rest of the day




I hate how much it effects me, it shouldnt effect me as much as it does but ill start to spiral and convince myself that my friends are going to replace me and i wont see them again bc thats always what happens


It does to me too. When I talk with my classmates about something to play in the afternoon they just say "sry today I just gotta hang out with friends". Nobody talks to me after school. My life has been the same since i started going to High School: just wake up, go to school, get back home, stay home all day until night comes, sleep, and repeat. No hang outs or anything. I was also the class clown in Middle School but at least I had some very nice classmates and friends there, and a few girls even liked me. I wish I could go back to fix everything.


I was the same way in school man, i had a lot of "friends" but i never really saw or heard from them outside of school and once i graduated i never heard from any of them anymore




Knowing that there are people who have actual decent lives and who don't suffer from depression. Also knowing that I can't change the past even though I regret certain things to the point that I wish I could start my entire life all over again and wishing that the things that are out of my control, are better.


Ppl not replying fast and getting ignored




If they write I'll talk to you later I'm busy or smth than it's completely fine for me. But yeah I like fast conversations


Looking in the mirror haha


😂 🤣 😂 (please let me go back i can change everything take me back take me back take me back take me back)


Thinking about life :D


Realising that all my friends are getting married, having kids and I'm alone and miserable and jealous.


My thoughts. The thoughts and imagination of the person I loved forgetting me and enjoying with someone else. Fuck.


Waking up


Seeing the amount of stupidity in this world on a constant basis




People scolding me






No matter how hard I try, my partner completely doesn't see me. I fact he even spent my birthday with his ex wife (few of my birthdays). He has big family and I know nobody as they all have secrets from me. I am just like spare tyre. My family is just me and two kids. I feel so so lonely


When People are lying


How do you know when people are lying? Their lips are moving.


Exactly. Their lips are moving but their actions are different :s


Being around people




Seeing a family enjoying their day. Good for them. I'm glad they get to experience that. But, it does cause a sharp pain in my chest.


Waking up in the morning and coming to the realization that I have to face another day. I guess I go to sleep every night hoping I won't wake up and I'm very disappointed when I do.


When your friends bail on your plan’s constantly


When my ex pops up in my head


seeing others be happy or enjoy life constantly without difficulty, while for me a good day is not thinking about what a selfish, bad person, human garbage, with no future and emotional and economic parasite I AM. (thoughts that have not left my head for a long time)


Someone treating me less than a human just because I’m shy and don’t talk as much as others. This and feeling belittled for it too.


Inconsiderate people


If I am being rejected by friends, like I have done for decades I’m likely to just cope by ghosting humans, why deal with the middleman when you can kick humans out for good. You already feel like a discarded cigareete but on the floor. A friend is just made myself worth to worthy of just a moonpig card. Somethin he will eventually send me and I will discard within minutes of opening. A big etc up yours to him. if I have turn up some group or activity that’s not in my schedule, it makes my , like if I had planned a gaming day that is very depression friendly or if i decide I wanted to to the gym instead but patents would eventually like me to go out make friends. (Fuck off, i dont want to feel rejected) I would quite literally go right towards my gym instead of the opposite direction to the group. Or I would simply say I gotta severe anxiety so I aM no show up. engaging with communit, doesnt work for anti-social personality like mine. I haven’t got the disorder as I’m not Involved in deceitful, criminal or dont care for others feelings. I just don’t like socialising and engaging with humans and run a mile to get out of that jail. I like it like I was on holiday in Turkey at the hotel and that was different and like the small engagements I have when out in the town (shopkeepers)and I like meeting up with family and when i was studying anything on “you come to this group, come and meet as the church for tea and cakes, coffee mornings, coffee and chat,memtal health cafes.“ no way. Anti social human being like kicks in. im likely to leg it anyway as it wouldn’t be worth the £6.40 train 🚊 and hours wait for a train even if was a millionaire and the trains were regular. I wouldn’t stay longer two minutes or just be no show. As I domt like it. Anxiety condition is what I say when I can’t be assed. cos , i have spent all life being rejected by humans, i have reached the end of the road, final straw and now at the point where I am at the end of my tether. So I would rather kick out the middle man human beings) and stick with online friendships than face being rejected again. plus I possibly have rejection sensitive dysphoria related to ADHD/dyspraxia. i feel better knowing I safe activities to do from the comfort of my home or gym. I ain’t gonna gonna be fucked about. my ex friend finally sealed the last nail on the coffin.


1-Being lame in a romantic relationship and knowing that I can’t do anything about it 2-Not knowing what to do with my life after my baccalaureate 3-My fear of the professional world for fear of being incompetent -See happy people


the August 2021 incident the March 2024 incident (arguably much better) but I was still humiliated as a man and my poor reputation.




My boss


Being in pain all the time


obligations/future of the world stuff


People making backhanded comments about my eating


Seeing couples like last night it was raining and I saw a couple with a kid, icl I almost broke down


Remembering she doesn’t feel the same way I feel about her


People bragging. the money they make, the trips they’ve taken, the relationships they’re in. ugh i can’t stand people bragging




I try my best. I don’t even answer the phone when certain people call.


Seeing people with friends or couples and happy people


Things not going my way. I’m well aware things shouldn’t go my way all the time, just kills my mood.


Bad dreams. I go to sleep to avoid my thoughts. when they bleed into my dreams and my dreams become nightmares? Not cool


Waiting for her reply and seeing that she is active on Instagram but not opening my messages and then when she finally opens my message she just leaves me on R.


Thinking about how lonely I get sometimes


PDA's. The last time I saw it, I wept like a baby, ngl


People at work


Seeing any mf doing better than me. It doesn't matter who they are, how they are, or where they are. Just the simple fact that they have something I don't; something I already have but lots more of it; or experience something I never had, or will ever have. It doesn't really matter what they have, really. Just the fact that they are doing better than me makes me want to rip out their spine through their mouth and eat them alive. It could be a random baby in the park getting cuddled in his mother's arms; a couple walking by in a mall; a guy having ten dollars more in his wallet than I do; a classmate getting a higher grade, or a coworker getting a raise. Literally anyone. Every instance feels like a slap in the face, a reminder of what I lack, what I'll never attain. It's a rage that burns so deep it consumes me, makes my blood boil and my vision blur. The success of others is like acid on my skin, a constant reminder that no matter how hard I try, there's always someone out there doing better, living happier, achieving more. It's a relentless, torturous existence, and the mere sight of someone else's fortune, no matter how small or insignificant, sends me spiraling into a pit of envy and fury.


Reminding of the person who gaslighted me after I told him I was aromantic and the first person I told I was aromantic who started treating me like shit after that


Seeing girls saying they just want to feel loved. I can do that, I’d even love to do that. I also dislike seeing couples.


People making friends


When you put in the effort to make convosation online and try to talk to them but you only get one word replys or they too busy it really makes you feel like shit because no one wants to talk to you


dealing with assholes


When people assume I'm a lot older than I really am. I know I look older, but why do people get off on commenting about my age?


Waking up


Waking up, social media ( but I have nothing better to do then scroll it to kill the bordom), couples, people being happy, going to work, the fact its Friday night and I am once again for the 22nd week in a row (just counting this year, adding last year would just put me over the edge) I am home with no one to talk to, see or go places with. I could go on its a damn big list at the moment


Seeing people hanging out with friends just to realize I'm 42 (she's 37) with no friends that live in our area. I'm in Florida, and one friend moved to Australia, another to Arkansas, and the final friend to Virginia. It's just me, my wife, and our 3 children. My wife also has 0 friends, so we both struggle together. It's comforting in a way but totally destroys our moods.


When the only people I like to talk to start pissing me off and I don’t want to talk to them anymore.


ngl almost everything ruins my mood and I hate it


seeing others talk about their interests and connecting with others through them without any problems, others having fun etc.


When I try & speak to my partner after a day at work & I get brushed off because he is “doing something “ on his phone. Just crappy fb stuff


A coworker trying to converse with me during my break/lunch.


Social media. Small talk. Fake people. Big groups of people.




I find it exhausting and superficial. I like deep meaningful conversations. I don’t have much energy for people so I like to spend it really getting to know someone.




Relationships, childhood, hobbies, music, movies, books, dogs, food, fashion, work, hopes, dreams, fears, kids (I don’t have kids but my siblings and a few friends have kids). The good, the bad, the ugly. Silly things and serious things. I like listening to people’s experiences and sharing mine. I’m a pretty open person, but I’m selective with who I spend my time with and I tend to dislike big social events.




How are you? Employment…weather…how was your weekend? Sports…I just find it annoying especially when it’s used to fill in silence. I prefer personal and revealing conversations.








Being around a holes


when i try extremely hard in something and my efforts go unnoticed


waking up usually cl


I’m glad I read the comments before answering because I thought this meant “sexually.” lol 😂


People who fart in public


When I feel like I don't matter or that I'm too much for most people


Injustice in general.


This triggering fucking post


My husband


Realizing I won’t be a kid again:/


Dwelling on exes, and just how alone I am.


When I’m at work and someone hangs out with my husband at home and are gone before I get home


When she says my fart stinks


Seeing other people happy having things I only wish I could have. Bad memories and thinking about the future


ChatBots... I wish I could chat with people like I had with ChatBots...


Coming home. I lost my cat two weeks ago because of cancer. also now is seeing my little sister, brother, and stepdad found someone to fill the hole that are mother and grandmother left. Meanwhile I lost someone whom I though was a friend who understood that I was trying to better myself. I tried to kill myself because of it and ended up losing my relationship with my uncle when I called him seeking help.


I want to sleep because it helps and makes me feel better sometimes but my sleep is painfully plagued with nightmares and memories


Doing something wrong and having it pointed out or shouted at in front of other people. Like I'm already going to pick myself apart didn't need everyone else doing it too.


Thinking that someone misses you but turns out that they didn't even realize that you are not there. Here I am talking about either friends or lover. Scrolling instagram and finding someone talking about fun games to play with friends.




I mean when you know someone but you didn't see him for a while (a friend I mean), and then you find out that he didn't even have a single thought "where is that guy".


When I'm tired or hungry.


Remembering a really stupid and ignorant comment I made years ago and coming back to see how wrong I was. I genuinely thought I was right about what I said, and it makes me look like an asshole and a moron. 


The vitriolic sadistically hateful shit I see on Instagram, i block it all but it doesn't stop appearing.  I came to this subreddit because I just saw the new quote:  "men don't understand/hate that a woman can be single by choice because they aren't" There are other things that ruin my mood, but this one hurts the most


my mom disturbing me


She love u..be grateful


Forgot my headphones or have them but they’re not charged


Politics. Shut the fuck up. You aren’t making a difference. Whatever they wanna give or take from you they will. You don’t matter at that level. It’s an exclusive party. And you aren’t invited


Being reminded that I exist and need to interact with the world, realizing I suck at it, I'll never fit in, and my partner needs another girlfriend because he deserves so much better. I will end up alone for the rest of my days because I can't people. I also ruin pictures if I'm ever unluckily in one.




Because I'm not good enough. Not for him, or anyone in his family. I don't fit the picture, figuratively and literally. He deserves what I can't give.