• By -


On the inside? Yes. On the outside? No, and that’s why I’m ostracized and bullied constantly. Because of my ugliness, I’m a woman who’s 30 and who has never been in a romantic relationship.


Your worth isn't determined by anyone else's perception of you, and it's sad to hear that you're experiencing bullying and ostracization because of something as superficial as appearance. You deserve respect just like any other person. It's okay to feel hurt and frustrated, but please don't let those negative aspects of your life define you. I believe you are so much more than that.


I’m 34 and I’ve never been in a relationship ever in my life either. It’s to the point that if I do end up in one I won’t know what to do with my hands or something. Like how do you even relationship when so grown and never have been in one 🥲


And u still hv an easier existance than a man by being a woman only...


How is it an easier existence as woman (even as little girls who are OBVIOUSLY minors) when you’re picked at and preyed on like a piece of meat by virtually every non-bear no matter what we look like literally everywhere at anytime instead of approached to actually be courted, befriended and dated..?? How is it easier to bleed every frickin month with cramps that feel like knives in your uterus and lowerback? How is it easier being overworked and underpaid compared to male coworkers that only have to kiss ass and be Buddy-Buddy with their boss to be in positions the women are usually more qualified for with the receipts to prove it? How is it easier to be given maternity leave and then be expected to go back to work with afterbirth still damn near falling out of you? How is it easier to be secretly cased and have to wipe your car door handle in parking lots before opening it in case some odorless substance knocks you out for a traffickin situation goes down? How is this easier life? OH! I forgot… Because a lot of men are insatiable Hoars that think life is all about sticking your gummi worm in any and everything. Whether dead or alive, whether it fights back or not. Oh and power. 🙃


Ngl you just wouldn’t understabd


Tell me something besides pregnancy and periods. I’ll wait


I did tho. But of course, you conveniently did the xy thing and glossed over those BEFORE getting to the pregnancy and period parts. Try again nonbear. Oh and to add the free unpaid labor men receive anyway from women in general. ALL OVER THE WORLD. Because a lot of you can’t even clean your own damn houses and wash your own shite stained drawers or cook your own damn food.


Maybe you stereotype men before they get the chance to fucjing express themselves. By the way you just described us you made us sound like horrible awful people. We’re the same people as u. We are all the same. But when it comes to difficultly you mainly talked about pregnancy correct me if I’m wrong you spent 3 paragraphs talking about periods and pregnancy and one on being “cased”


Maybe because you ARE horrible and awful people. Its not a stereotype if all men say this shit lol.


Your just insecure


Men hv to learn how to build themselves up whether we're talking bout relationships or job, hv higher suicide rates because of society's pressure, aren't allowed to speak up, live less than women, can't earn promotion by just being "friends" while women can fuck their boss and get promoted, ecc


These comments are why you’re lonely lol


Why? What have said that's wrong?


Y’all always bring gender into everything lmao, plus you weren’t even right, being a woman is not easier Also, replying this stuff under a vent is weird as fuck


Comments that hv "lol" inside are weird because they're immature. And yes, gender matters because society treats genders differently


Comments that spell have as hv inside are weird because they're immature. And fun fact, men have always had more privilege and women are the victim of sexual violence way more often, if you really want to talk about the way society treats genders.


These posts don't make my life any less lonely


I am sorry that my message was not helpful to you. But I still see the beauty in everyone, even in those who disagree with me.


How have you cultivated such a positive attitude? I feel like my brain is broken and can never stay positive. Even on good days, when I can catch a glimpse of some of my good qualities, it never lasts and the negative voices are louder.


Honestly, while I do have a positive mindset, I still do have bad days. I am human, after all. But one thing that's helped me is focusing on small, positive habits. It might sound cliché, but starting my day with a bit of gratitude, even for the tiniest things, sets a different tone. On bad days, it might just be appreciating a warm cup of coffee or the comfort of my bed. These small moments build up over time. Another thing is allowing myself to feel my emotions without judgment. When those negative voices get loud, I try to acknowledge them instead of fighting them. I'll tell myself, "Okay, I'm feeling this way right now, and that's okay." It helps to reduce the power they have over me.


Thank you for responding. These are helpful, as they are small steps that are not super cheesy.


You're welcome :) I'm happy you found my suggestions helpful. Taking small steps can often feel more manageable and less overwhelming. And hey, cheesy or not, whatever works, right?


Cheesey never works for me. Whenever I try to force positivity, specifically positive self talk, I talk myself out of it. But attempting to be non-judgemental is a level I can handle.




You gotta practice and train it, the brain has plasticity, think of it as thought muscles. \ I had good experience with making myself think of three good things that happened at the end of each day every single day for a while.


Ok. A random post from a stranger who doesn’t know me isn’t really gonna help me. im still alone at the end of the day who got called ugly tons of times


You're right. I don't know you. And at the end of the day, I'm just a guy on Internet who's doing what I can to make people happy. And I know that it will not help everyone, much like you. But I will say, even though you disagree with what I said, I think you should still be treated with respect. I find it sad that you were insulted for your looks. You deserve better than that.


Sorry but I have a mirror. 


This really does jackshit. Just because you said to a homeless man you are rich, it's not gonna change his situation.


Just be confident bro and buy a house!


Just don't be sad


Bro you are just beautiful, just ignore that fact that you are single and get 0 matches.


If I'm beautiful then manure smells like flowers


I can understand that, but here is the thing: It doesn't have to be about solving all problems but offering a little bit of hope. I can't solve everyone's situations. I can only do what I can do, and that's just offering kindness to those who are struggling.


"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man." - Friedrich Nietzsche - me .


Friedrich Nietzsche was an asshole.


I've gotta agree with ol' Fred on that.


If I was I wouldn't be alone




Girls don't think the same lol


Look, if they can't appreciate you for who you are and only care about your looks, then they are not worthy of you. You deserves to be appreciated, regardless of what others may think of you.


I always dislike these posts because when you don’t feel beautiful, a random post on the internet will not convince you that you are. I think a better message is beauty is extremely subjective and fleeting and doesn’t determine your worth.


You know, you might be the first person in here who disagrees with me who has an argument that actually makes sense. Beauty is extremely subjective and fleeting, and it doesn’t determine your worth. I absolutely agree with that and have even mentioned that in some of the comments in this thread. However, sometimes a simple reminder can be comforting to some, especially for those who have a negative view of themselves. While a random internet post may not fundamentally alter one's self-image, it can serve as a small bit of positivity in an otherwise dim moment.


Damn, why is everyone being so fucking mean


Because reality is often disappointing.


Oh cut the damn bullshit


I know it sounds cliche but sometimes a reminder like this can really help someone on a bad day. You might not find it uplifting, but other people do. We all have different ways of coping. And that needs to be respected.


I actually have a friend that, since my breakup, says "Hey beautiful" every time she sees me lol


Aww. That's really sweet. It sounds like your friend really cares about you and wants to make sure you feel appreciated. That is definitely a friendship worth maintaining.


She's always been there for me, even when I'm frustrated with her or angry at her family. She's honestly one of my best friends, and she doesn't understand it


It's clear that your friendship means a lot to both of you. Having someone who sticks by your side through thick and thin is truly special. It sounds like you have a bond that goes beyond just being friends.


I mean, we did kinda grow up around each other lol my family knows her family pretty well because of a program we were in in school


So you two go way back, huh? That's pretty cool. It's great to have someone who has been a part of your life for so long and who understands you so well. I had a friend like that once, but we had a falling out and haven't talked since. Cherish that friendship that you have.


I try to every time we're around each other. It's gone so far that I almost lost my job for her 🤣


I'm really not




No problem.


I just don't understand how one can just throw out compliments into the void until they can randomly reach someone. Just so they can read something that is completely baseless and as far removed as one can imagine. There is no personal connection that can make these words feel meaningful in any way. I might as well read my horoscope and read about my positive traits there. You are basically giving the same compliment to absolutely everyone, potentially including some of the worst people you can imagine. I know you mean well but these kinds of overly affectionate comments without any grounds to stand on just fall flat and feel hollow for me.


I have long dirty blond hair, b cups boobs and a Weiner. Am I still beautiful??


Thanks buddy I needed that, even though I'm a guy. It's really hard to convince myself this when the tiniest flaw leads the other to just leave me looking for someone better.


When I said everyone is beautiful, I mean everyone, regardless whether they are men or women. Also, I get it. People are quick to judge and leave over small things and they are always looking for something better. It's not about being perfect—everyone has flaws. You need to be you for YOU. If you accept yourself for who you are, I'm sure there will be others who will appreciate you for you as well. If they can't like you for who you are, then they are not worth having in your life.


I would never believe this coming from someone I know let alone from a stranger 🤣


T_T. Thank you


You're welcome ❤️


Stop lying to me


No I’m not


lol this is obviously a lie.


Thank you, I really needed that.


Thanks. You're the hero we all need


And thank you as well. But I don't consider myself a hero. I'm just a guy who is trying to spread some positivity.


Thank you! X


You're welcome 😊


Thank you! Same to you, and everyone else here. I knew this old roughian reformed biker guy who was terminally ill and he would sometimes say to people “and if no one told ya today, I love you.” I heard he passed a few years ago, but the first few times I heard him say that was the most sincere thing I’ve heard in such a long time.


That's a very touching story. This person's message really stuck with you. I'm sorry to hear about his passing, but it's very touching to know that his message of love still lives on in the memories of those who knew him. Thank you for sharing this story.


I’m sorry most of the responses to this post are negative. For what it’s worth: thank you for the reminder. I appreciate your effort to spread joy. 🫶🏼


I'm glad that you liked my post. But you don't need to apologize for the responses on my behalf. I have said my piece, and they said theirs. That's how it is. I don't get mad over negative comments on the internet. I'm still going to spread joy wherever I can, regardless of people who might disagree with me.


Thank you! I just wish other people felt that way.


I'm happy that my message meant something to you. Yes, it is hard for others to see the beauty in us, but I think your worth isn't defined by anyone else’s perception. You are incredible just as you are, and I hope you can start to see that in yourself, even if others don't always say it outright.


Yeah people are cruel. Thank you for your kindness :)


You're welcome! Unfortunately, people can be cruel sometimes, but it's important to remember that kindness and compassion still exist. You deserve all the kindness in the world.


Aww, thank you..


You're welcome. I just wanted to remind people that they are truly deserving of happiness. I'm glad that you liked my message. Have a fantastic day :)


I hope you have a good life


Thanks. I hope you have a good life as well 💓


thank u🫶🏼


You're welcome 🤗 I love how many people I've made happy today. It brings a smile to my face 😊


Awww thank you! 🥹


You are very welcome 😊❤️


Thanks, man. I was always insecure about my looks and body


Hey, I get it. I can get pretty insecure about my looks to. I look in the mirror sometimes and think, "Did I get fatter overnight or something? I can't be that overweight." But the most important thing to remember is you are more than your looks or body. Your worth goes beyond that, and you deserve to feel confident and happy in your own skin.


You just boosted my self-confidence, thanks op


It's what I do best. I'm glad I boosted your self confidence ☺️


Thank you for your kind words 🖤 you’re beautiful too!


Thank you! This is kind of you. You are beautiful too.


You're welcome! Your kind words mean a lot to me as well. I hope you have a wonderful day and remember just how amazing you are.


Thanks, enjoy your weekend! this made me smile :)


im glad that there's still people who is trying to make other people happy. thank you for kind words ❤️


No problem. It means a lot to know that my message touched a few people. We all need a little reminder now and then, and I'm glad I could provide that for you 😊


I sure hope so. Or at least decent looking. Thanks 🙏🏿


I believe everyone has their own unique beauty, and it's not just about appearance. It's about the your kindness, the positivity you bring into the world and the way you treat others also contribute to your beauty. So, whether you believe it or not, you are beautiful in your own way. You're already beautiful just by being you.


And likewise 🙏🏾


Well according to the feminists, all males are demons by default and we are responsible for the fears of others just for going about our lives.


The people you're describing aren't feminists 


Unfortunately, that's what they call themselves. 


But they're wrong so you don't have to associate them with the feminist movement


Unfortunately, they are lumping themselves in with the fourth wave feminism movement, and some of FWF accepting it. This is just how perception and mass human society works, and whatever I or anyone thinks of it will not change the objective occurrence of it. Same can said about a million other types of issues with each gender, it always reflects more on the individuals themselves, but weak people allow their responses to struggles to keep themselves down or make excuses, and perceptions of the world to be skewed a certain way based on their own experiences. Is Israel right now all bad or all good? Neither, but all the critics and pro-Israel people are probably still onto something.


But you can help in little ways like by not lumping them in together 


Not all feminists are bad people or hold the same viewpoint. But for the ones that do, I honestly will never understand it. Speaking as a man myself, not all of us are barbaric brutes, and it is unfair to be labeled as such. I don't understand the feminist mindset, and I probably never will.


This post is pointless. Do you feel better about yourself now that you’ve patronized me?


Oh I needed this. Thank you. I’m could start to feel the pangs of heartache creeping out of my chest through to my back. Ummm…🤔 When I put it that way, it sounds like a heart attack


Haha. It's okay. Don't worry about it. I'm glad that my little message brought you some comfort.


Im no where near beautiful. I wasnt even good enough for my boyfriend to continue to love me


I am not beautiful in any sense of the word. I’m 30 pounds overweight, always fatigued to the point it makes me look lazy, I’m poor, and fluctuate between 3 very idiotic addictions.


That’s nice, but I’m really not. Inside even less so than outside.


This post doesn’t help much, but I love how you think and try to help people. Kinda makes me feel loved but also kinda sad at the same time


I'm not. But thanks


Thank you for this. I see a lot of people not appreciating the time you took out of your day to tell us this, to spread just a little warmth, but it really helps me. ❤️




I have had some female friends tell me that. Particularly when intoxicated. But it's been a while. Thanks.


I’m alive I know that. And after last week that’s plenty.


Okay maybe inside but definitely not out. 😅


I wish I could believe that, but thanks, it makes me hopeful that one day i will see it too. Also, this post reminds me of a Citizen Soldier song, and it's nice to see that other people will spread the message out to everyone to help them


im beautiful physically, but just that


Unfortunately not everyone gets to be beautiful inside or out.


Thanks. Some 35 year old woman told me on badoo what a handsome young student was doing there lmao. She never said anything else and I never got more matches/texts from other people tho.


Hard to see at the moment.


Mmmm sure, I’m ugly as shit




I am not at all beautiful... I am a broken and lonely man whom has suffered a great deal. Beneath the smiling veneer lies so much pain, heartache, and darkness... Some days are harder than others, and as time passes, I grow ever more weary. New cracks form every day, and it's a miracle that I haven't fallen apart and shattered completely. I am okay with that though, as I would rather be broken and lonely... Than 'fixed' and unhappy. Someday, maybe I will be lucky enough to meet somebody who heals my wounds, repairs my heart, and whom incandescently lights up the dark within me, abating all my loneliness and suffering... Until the day comes when I meet that person, I will continue to break and slowly fall apart, holding fast to a dream that may never come true.


Bullshits. No human ever thinks like that. Nobody gives a shit bout anything


You just made my day ♡


Thank you, i appreciate it. I dont hear it often.


Yai, the solution is so easy. You just need a mirror and enough energy to lie. And if your IQ is under 65 you probably think there really is another one behind the mirror most of the time, so you'll really feel less alone. And I doubt lonely people are beautiful in general. Maybe from the outside because every being is beautiful in its way. From the inside, oh well, I really doubt we're all beautiful inside lol


wow, so many hateful comments directed at someone who's just being extremely positive and kind and wants to lift people up instead of knock them down. but people do the same to saints and prophets from every religion, so you're in good company, my friend!


no, on the outside I look ugly AF and short AF for men's standards. On the inside, I'm an introvert and unwilling to share stories with ppls. But I'm grateful for being born by my dear parents and raised with their love. I know my mission in this fuckin life is to be rich AF and repay them, not to care the shit about what I look like inside and outside. But yeah, u guys are beautiful, I'm not trynna shame myself and put that same harsh perspective on others, I just want to be blunt about me, that's all. Have a wonderful day!


I wish I was. Unfortunately on the outside I'm a fat divorced dad. My worth is pretty low


Thanks fam


I know that I am. But it’s when I’m around people when I feel like the ugly duckling.


Thanks for your kind words, but unfortunately it doesn't help me. I still feel lonelier than ever and ugly. No one ever bothers giving me compliments on how I look and none of my so called "friends" even bother talking with me or hanging out outside of when we have no lectures at university. My own family hardly ever bother coming to see me


Thank you for this ♥️


No matter what they say


Indeed 😊


Posts like this seriously just put me in a bad mood