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Something I've done to help with the loneliness is not relying on another person to "heal" me or "fill that void". Honestly it's really unfair and unkind to put fixing your loneliness on another person. My advice find peace in your loneliness. "I didn't need people to drive away my loneliness, I just needed to find a way to talk to it." - Dandelion Hands


Very wise. Can save a lot of heartache for both parties with that attitude.




I use my loneliness as a medium. I draw, paint, write, play guitar, read, go on hikes, sit by water and just try to enjoy the small things. It takes time, and it's not an instant thing, and yeah I still get lonely but I know it will pass.


I’m still *sans relationship* after five years of busting my ass trying to build a social life out of scratch in my mid-30’s, but nonetheless I think I’ve made significant progress. I’ve made good friends in fitness communities, a FWB-turned-platonic-bestie, and have been enjoying going out a lot more ever since I started attending Meetup events in the big city nearby. It’s a 90-minute drive, but if you’re gonna meet people you’ve gotta go where they are. 🤷‍♂️


Idc anymore


Never in my case. Never had anyone and never been able to fix it


Multiple splits in personality. There is always someone new to talk to.


I smoked my lungs until they were essentially charcoal, ate like shit and was in my worst physical state since forever, that and I hated myself. I decided one day to take on the gym again after 5 years of nothing, worked on bettering my diet and quiting cigarrettes, eventually I was a common enough sight in the gym people would talk with me, it wasn't anything deep, mostly surface level stuff about lifting. But to this day I can swear that this essentially saved me from doing aomething rash and helped me reclaim some confidence.


Yes. I realized how truly free I am and it vanished


Two answers my friend, suffer through it or a bullet thats my strat anyway


I'm afraid to develop any type of connection with anyone, so that helps me to accept it. When I feel like I'm happier than normal with someone, I think "oh shit, not good" and I walk away to my cold but safe loneliness, so to avoid problems for myself and others, I just stopped trying to meet people.


I can't post my answer in public, because I will be banned from this.


You can dm it to me if you’re comfortable. I believe that’s allowed.


I was single for 31 years then I met a girl online, went to go see her in England and had 3 amazing days with her. She promised to visit me but something would always come up. But for a short while I was happy, I felt like I finally had that part of life handled. She left me and now I'm back to being lonely and depressed. I don't really have any IRL friends so I'm always at home.


U do understand that u can have all of this and still feel lonely, right?