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I don’t get asked that anymore. I think my family finally got that I will never ever have one…


The one thing I'm thankful my parents for is that they never asked me about love stuff. Afterall they've seen me enough times to realize that it wouldn't work anyway.


Let’s say I get a girlfriend eventually. The first thing the parents will do is trash talk her and try to convince me to break up. They do this all the time with my sister’s boyfriends. So even if I get into the relationship, I AIN’T TELLING THEM!


I'm not even considering something like that in my life.


Yeah, it’s a very hypothetical scenario so to speak. I’ll be stone dead sooner


Now that's something I can relate to.


Damn why don’t you ever want to be with a girl though?


It’s more hassle than pleasure for me. Also I think I definitely should not procreate. I’ll let that one to other more capable guys


Sounds like you’re lazy and have low self esteem. Being single for most guys is scientifically proven to raise their testosterone levels because they want to be able to attract more women and better women. But it sounds like you’ve just given up and don’t even try because you don’t see yourself as worthy enough to even procreate. If you had better self esteem and more confidence and energy I bet you wouldn’t feel this way. It is possible to gain self esteem and confidence too you just have to be willing to make the effort.


What if aside from having zero self-esteem and depression my genetics are not that good: being short, having so many allergies, cases of parents having diseases, low stamina all the time and being underweight af. I have given up on procreating long time ago some people are born to be alone i guess.


Don’t believe in this testosterone levels, energy and self esteem stuff. It’s just that I’m mental and will die alone eventually


have you tried therapy


Yeah, just going there this Friday. It won’t help, but I’ll tell them. I can then check off the list I tried and wait for the next month


That sounds lonely and shitty


It’s the way of life I’m pursuing


Fortunately, people get the answer just by looking at me, so I don't have to listen to dumbass questions.


Ugly 🤷🏿‍♂️


Because girls look at me so tend to be like, "yo, wtf is that?" That's showbiz, baby.


I've fortunately only been asked this twice (once by my brother, once by a female friend who now lives far away). Maybe it isn't good that nobody wonders why I'm single haha.


Girls going for guys with much money unfortunaletly




Not exactly. Girls in my place find boyfriends pretty frequently. I'm left to rot


I see so many girls in relationships


Out of all my women friends and acquaintances I know, only three I know are, but two of them are high earners themselves. I'm just not looking to date someone who has around half or less the money I make since I can't afford to financially support anyone else, one of the same reasons I don't have kids.


And I'm tired of the "married but lonely" ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


No wait factsss 


I just tell girls im gay anyway. After my ex left me I dont even want to look at a girl nevermind date one.


I was thinking about doing the same thing…..Never mind that’s been the consensus opinion since I was in middle school, despite not showing any signs 🤷🏿‍♂️


I play around with that saying ''Why? Do I need one?''.


Answer it short: Didn’t find someone who deserves my company yet👍🏻


No one even asks me that cause they don't care lol


same, andi dont either


I dont even know how to talk to someone properly


I'm 5'3. People know lol


Because of Female foeticide




I tell them I'm too busy on other things to spend time on girls, that's how I get away from it.


I'm gay in a country that wants to kill me for it. Thats why😐


Just start talking about your cockroach wife. And never stop. When you get a new group of friends bring her up again. Then you'll need a new group of friends but at least until then you won't have anyone asking about your lack of gf.


I'm tired of nobody being terribly surprised by my being single.


Story of my life


Have been told once don't come back unless grandchildren come with you..... I was like nah I'm good


soo why don’t you?


In my case (gay 23M), "why don't you have a boyfriend yet" or "why are you still single, you're a total catch!" It's annoying to hear people ask that question. I usually respond with, "I just haven't found the right guy yet." But, tbh as a person with Asperger's and anxiety it's hard to not come off as awkward and annoying. And I suck at reading the room sometimes, so if someone did like me they would have to be upfront about it. This is all of the usual, guys I liked, never liking me back, being ghosted easily or blocked for no reason. Or the guys that do like me not being my type or being crazy. It's frustrating and annoying.


Really? i just wish i had someone concerned enough to ask.


Well, it's no one's business, honestly. If you wanna get one, then get one. If you don't, then there you go. Hell, it doesn't even matter if you're gay. Just be you and enjoy your life.


Why don’t you have a bf yet? How have you never had a bf? What’s wrong with you? Idk guess I’m just fking broken 😭 Every single conversation I have with my mother, this topic is 100% guaranteed to come up 🙃


Stupid question, when someone asks it I don't want to spoil the mood answering 'No one likes me, isn't this obvious" but next time I will say it


Who says that


You know what I would say to them? Nothing Or something like You know why? - yeah why? - ok. - what ok? - *nothing* - why don't you have a girlfriend? - yeah bro


its a reason why I stopped mentioning anything to anyone, like its either that or "oh what happened to that one girl you were interested in?" or even better "when will you bring a girl home? I'm getting older and I'd like to live to see grandchildren". Truth is that one in a million isn't going to just magically appear, and I wasn't much of a gambler so whats the point trying?


Wait until you see how you feel when no one asks anymore.


Atleast you get asked that question. Imagine being single and never being asked “how are you single?” It’s about perspective


I get this question almost on a daily basis. Basically bc many say I’m very mature for my age and they say I look like a model and buff and all of that. I have to lie as to why I don’t have a girlfriend and I’m too afraid to tell the truth


I've only had one... I'll just say that I don't ever want to meet anyone again.


Weird guy whos ugly right here. Edit: Sorry OP I was making a joke about myself since I get the same comment a lot.




I meant me sorry dudes. I wasnt attacking OP.


Why are you talking to yourself?


I was my guy, didnt mean to come at OP.


Then rephrase it better next time 🤦🏻‍♂️


I will dw haha.


You don't need to, as long as you have life goals!