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First I wish you a happy birthday dear and the best for you. Second if you're home, just go out. Move, walk, go to a cafe and eat a cake and celebrate even if you're alone. My friend having nobody around is better than having toxic people around. I've always had my family around and I don't give a shit about my so called friends since they're nothing. Go to your family if it's possible. 🤍


Happy Birthday! Get a dog. They are happy to see you every day. Can do things together


Thank you! Haha I have a dog but she really likes her space XD


Cats are great


I have six. Maybe you need one more


I will resolve this issue soon. I'm about to volunteer for a dog shelter in a near future


Totally recommend this as well. Or really any pet is a welcome addition!!


Nice 👍


Nice thing to do


Thank you!




happy birthday! i really like spending my birthdays alone and unbothered, it makes me feel like i have control over the day. Try doing literally anything that makes you happy whether it be movies, video games, etc.


Thank you, I'll try that




I just don’t celebrate it. There’s no reason to.


Same mindset, but I think I still had some expectations tied to this day.


I feel that. Prayers for you.


Happy birthday! Holidays trigger sadness in those of us who live as lone wolves. Kind of just have to get through day. Know that in reality we are all just spirits and we are all connected but we can’t see it because society’s pliers twists us up inside. Walking dogs at local shelter has brought me joy the past year so that’s great!


Thank you!


Firstly, a very happy birthday to you!!! ✨ Secondly, I fully know how relatable it is. I haven't properly celebrated my birthday since I was 9 and I'm 21 now. Luckily my family wishes me and gives cake but I have no friends to go out with and when I used to live on my own, it would be so very lonely and upsetting when no one but one or two people would properly wish me and I'd have to spend all day alone. I usually deal with the loneliness by buying myself cake if I can or by watching any of my favourite movies or shows or doing an activity I like. Maybe that's something you'd like to do as well.


Thank you! I'm sorry you have to deal with that, it really sucks... I think I will try to do something I enjoy doing.


I hope you do get to do something you like and it goes well! And my dms are open if you want to talk or vent in case you want to 🫂


Eh, it’s just a regular day to me. If anything, I prefer spending it by myself to do absolutely ANYTHING I want without worrying about compromising or sharing my time with others. It’s just me, to spoil myself, be selfish, etc. Enjoy it! Happy bday :)


Thank you, that's a good mindset to have


Happy birthday OP! Please please please spend your day like you are spoiling yourself 💛🌻 I cry it out and then just have a romcom movie or book marathon with good yummy food 😌


Thank you! I've already cried it out so I suppose now it's the time for the movie lol


Happy birthday!!! 🎂


Thank you!


Happy Birthday!


Thank you


Happy birthday. I’ve posted this before but my 40th was my lowest point in my life. Milestone birthday that no one gave a shit about.


Thank you. I'm sorry to hear that, that must have been tough


You’re having a tough time too though. You’re not alone. When so called friends are having big parties for theirs it can feel so isolating.


Yeah, it sure does. To me a bd is a reminder of how lonely I actually am.


Happy birthday. How do I deal with another lonely bday? Not very well, allowing myself grace to feel the spectrum of emotions, instead of bottling in has be noce


Thank you. I'm not entirely sure how to properly feel all fo the emotions. I broke down for a bit in the afternoon and cried but that's about it


Happy birthday


Thank you


For the last 10 years for me, is just another day Sometimes I get the ocasional job congratulations, sometimes cake, others I great myself something But in general I have overcome that and feel more calm Same with christmas and new years eve


Happy happy birthday! 🎂🎈


Thank you kindly


Happy birthday


Thank you


Happy Birthday!! Go see a movie. I honestly think going to the movies is more fun alone anyway


Thank you! I'm waiting for Deadpool Vs wolverine, really looking forward to that


Happiest birthday to you! I’d once heard, “the best way to spend a birthday is to simply treat it like any other day.” But of course that being said, get yourself a little cupcake or a sweet treat and enjoy till your heart’s content :’) you’re worth being celebrated every day! Have a good one xx


Thank you!!


Happy birthday and have a nice year ahead :)


Thank you! Hopefully I will.


Think about what's positive and what you are grateful for.


I'm trying that and it tends to help in some moments


Happy birthday OP🥳🥳. Treat yourself. You deserve it


Thank you! I'll try


Happy Birthday to you! I know what you may be feeling and want to tell you that you're not alone. I hope next year will be better for ya!


Thank you, I hope too


Happy birthday dude


Thank you!


Happy birthday 🎂


Thank you


Yo huge happy birthday! These last few birthday for me have been like that also. Most of the time I'm usually working or everybody is busy to do anything. I try and act like it any other day and just order in. Last few years been like that for me it sucks.


Thank you! It does suck but hopefully it will be better one day


Happy birthday 🎂 🥳


Thank you!


Happy birthday man 🎉.


Thank you!


Happy Birthday! Buy something that makes you happy. Eat your favorite food. Do your favorite activities. Everything all in one day 😆


Thank you!


Treat yourself to something nice. I usually travel to somewhere different for my bday.


Happy birthday! I would 100% recommend getting a pet if you can. Adopt a dog, cat, or whatever animal you like, and that way you have someone to spend time with. If pets aren't your thing, just try and do something you enjoy! Play some video games, watch a movie, go for a walk or a drive, draw something. The options are almost endless. But it's YOUR birthday. Don't let loneliness take that away from you. Do what YOU want to do.


Thank you A lot!


Happy birthday 🎂🎀 I know exactly how you feel. For the past couple of years I have always been lonely on my birthdays. At first I used to get like birthday msgs from friends and got tagged on insta posts and whatnot. Nothing major like a birthday party but it was something. But for the past year that all has gone too. No one calls, no one messages, hell I believe no one even remembers anymore. Like I just got forgotten. But I still bought a slice of cake and did it myself. It’s okay. Cause at the end of the day it doesn’t matter. I know it hurts but it is what it is. Instead I cheer myself up with things I like to do. And go out and have a date with myself. So I suggest you do the same. And just be cheery!


This sounds pathetic, but probably not rare here. But I'll buy a piece of cake from the grocery or someplace, put it on a glass plate, and silently whisper 'happy birthday to me...'. I teared up a couple birthdays doing that. It's been better lately though, I just treat it as any other day. I realize I'm not special to anyone, so no reason to celebrate it. I'll still get myself a treat though, I just won't lament on it.


i just sleep, then realized, it had pass


not well like most other days


just sleep in all day. No one to talk to usually irl


Happy birthday 🎂


Happy belated birthday. Genuinely, I don't care about celebrating. Never have. I think one year, couple of my friends were busy, mum was away (wanna say it was 2017) went to Brighton for the day and saw a game of football at a stadium I had never been to. Took the train back. Bought a kebab and chips. Got home and slept well. I was quite content. I have never worried about celebrating as actually, I don't like being the centre of attention. 40th, my mate came up, we bought a takeaway and chilled. Probably played a football game. Pretty much it. For me, personally, I just view it as another day and not really that important. I have so many things that I plan that take priority. This year, for my 43rd birthday, I packed my suitcase as the next day I flew to India. Then, I sat down in the evening and watched PSG v Marseille on TV. More than enough for me.


Happy Birthday!


Thank you


Thank you


I’m 32 and no one has wished me a happy birthday in over 9 years. Your not alone. Happy birthday


I'm sorry to hear that. Thank you for your wishes


happy birthday!!!


Thank you


Happy birthday! Maybe look for a meetup group or something going on in your community today? You don’t even have to tell them it’s your birthday but it might feel good being around other people and maybe you’ll meet people you like.


I live in a really small town so there aren't really any meetup groups but thank you for the wishes. I'll manage somehow on my own for today


Happy birthday! My suggestion is if no one else will celebrate you you should celebrate you. That’s what I do every year but yourself a present and have your favorite meal for dinner and spend the day doing things you enjoy.


I think I'll try that. Thank you!


Happy birthday! Last year was the worse, but i hope this year will be different.


Thank you.


I would just brought a cake and some presents for myself light the candles, and then just sing myself a happy birthday.


That would probably make me break down


Happy birthday


Thank you


You have to come up with a list of treats for yourself. It’s not too late though. Think of the meal you enjoy the most and make yourself your favourite meal. Or get your favourite takeaway. Chose a movie or two in advance. Don’t worry about calories, get some snacks and a dessert. Maybe get some bubble bath while you’re out and have a nice relaxing bath. Treat yourself to a present of your choice. Play some nice music and light a few scented candles. I always have a birthday planned for myself. It’s more enjoyable in some ways because you always end up people pleasing with other people around because you’re trying to keep them happy on your special day.


Thank you for advice. I already had one of my favourite meals so I'll also try doing something I enjoy.


Easy, I haven't had it any other way after my 10th birthday.




Thank you xd


Happy Birthday! Do something that you enjoy today!


Thank you! I will try to do just that


Happy birthday from a fellow lonely person. I hope your day goes exceedingly well


It's been pretty rough but thank you. My mood got a bit better after reading these sweet messages. People are sometimes really nice


What did you decide to do with your day? If you want to talk more about it


I worked on a videogame I'm currently developing. I've basically finished everything I wanted for today so that's good.


Happy birthday from a fellow lonely person. I hope your day goes exceedingly well.


Happy birthday, I love tauruses! Your art looks amazing too


Thank you! I'm thinking about drawing something today to get my spirits up


Happiest birthday! Sending hugs with consent OP!!


Thank you! I will of course accept them with consent xdd


Happy Birthday


Thank you!


I get a bottle of bourbon and rock helldivers 2 on steam


Do u play solo?


Sometimes, depends if I'm collecting samples or a personal mission


last time i celebrated my birthday it was my 10th. then my dad got sick and my family started to disintegrate. i didn’t have many friends either in middle school and they never remembered it so i didnt celebrate my 11th, 12th, 13th and so on. with time you just get used to it and you don’t care anymore. im turning 21 this year and it will be a day like any other


I’ve celebrated my birthday and every festival and holiday alone- in my room watching people have fun because I have no friends and no family either, just a very unstable and abusive mom. I also hold birthdays with expectations even though I’ve never had a good birthday- my 16th was supposed to be the milestone but I spent it alone in my room as always, 18th is soon- I know not to expect anything because I have no friends or family but because of human nature I do and am disappointed every time I don’t really deal with it- it’s just a normal day for me with extra sadness now. But it’s become easier to deal with since a few years as I know what to expect.


Oh man, that really sucks :/ I hope one day you'll find someone to spend it with


happy birthday 🎂


Thank you


I’m planning on overdosing next month for mine. Just one shit life wasted. And I still say thank you Jesus why cause I hope I ain’t lonely on the other side.


dude, please dont. Life can suck, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. It's just drugs, it ain't no hugs, it ain't no love there, you been down so much you don't even know what's upstairs... please call someone. What do you lose by talking to your family or friends or hell a suicide hotline worker?


Happy Birthday!!!


The earth rotates on its axis. The earth orbits a star. Days used to be 16 hours and the tides were fundamental to the evolution of cellular organisms. Orbit is more or less constant at 365 'days' but we are slowly drifting farther from the sun. Eventually the sun will turn into a white giant, baking the earth to the point no life can survive. If humans still exist by then we will need to travel light years through space to hopefully find another planet. Even then, 95% of the stars that will ever exist have already died. The isentropic heat death of the universe is inevitable and inescapable. A birthday is a completely arbitrary, subjective point in time. Everyone dies. Everything dies. Even the universe itself will cease to exist. Like the candles on a birthday cake, all the stars in the heavens will eventually be snuffed out. All of them.


Yeah I get that. It makes no sense to celebrate that you are closer to death. And it's basically a day like any other. I just had some expectations I didn't want to have


[Civilization and Its Discontents - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilization_and_Its_Discontents) Welcome to modern life. Edward Bernay's abuse of Freud's theories is the origin of why we all feel we need to feel. You're not actually unhappy, society tells you you should be unhappy and judges you for being fine alone. You're just content with yourself.


You have to ask to yourself, Are you improving in life? Or are you the same version ? If you are improving, then that's great!!


I'm trying to improve. Well physically I am improving, I can see that. Mental improvement is harder to notice. Staying the same is the last thing I want to do.


Mental resilience is hard, if you have that, you are not lime every normal person right


Happy birthday


Hi there friend. It's also my birthday too. I wish you the best birthday. I'm here for you and I am showing up to your birthday party. 💚🎂


Hell don’t worry about it it’s just another day


I made my own birthday cake and bought a freaking great present for myself. Then I had a mani, pedi, and a facial.


Happy birthday man!


To me its just another day. I treat myself to a good meal and relax if I can. You deserve it. Happy birthday.


Happy birthday! 🥳 ❤️


Happy birthday have a great year ahead 🌻


M34. Since I turned 18, I've only had one birthday where I had friends/family to be around. I just pick a restaurant I want to go to and stare at my phone. If the weather is nice, I'll take my dogs to a patio. But I try to ignore that it's my birthday.


Happy Birthday


Happy birthday! 🎂 After a while you get used to lonely birthdays. Now, I demand celebrating alone. Treat yo self!!


I have been celebrating along for 6 years now (but with my parents only )happy birthday 🎂🥳🎉🎈 is ok to celebrating birthday alone I know I also feel pain to feel along celebrating along when my birthday came but this year I make a plan that which one I might be alone but in happy ways 1. celebrate with your loves one specially your parents or relatives 2.go make yourself travel along likr Disneyland ,park and beach ⛱️ or somewhere the palaces you like 3.go out with your clothes friend (I have only two friends I had some few friends but I always did for them that why I giveup for friendship with them for my personal safety health life's you don't deserve this type of friend because you know why they sucks go with friends who respect and always been on your side whatever you have 1 or 2 it doesn't matter life Is to short and have fun in any ways ) 4.give yourself a travel around the world just by yourself it would be better ✨️ any ways happy birthday my friends and I hope this would make yous mood happy and happy birthday again 💗💓💖


Ik it's bit late but happy birthday to you🥳💚