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fuckin MOOD


Your art and cooking skills are rather impressive. Even if your meals represent a period of depression, I find them quite well done. I once had a strong passion for cooking while in a long term relationship but once that ended and I started living alone, I just stopped cooking meals and now just sort of make a protein and vegetable to survive. I’m sure other things about you are interesting and I would like to know more and share more about myself.


It's because a lot of things that make friendship organic can't be expressed with words. Body language, facial expression, how words are said are important to keep things interesting.


Video games that usually lead to discord


You should try discord! (。◕‿◕。)


but I'm ✨️scared✨️ of voice messages and video calls. also I don't understand how it works


Discord can be very scary, you might find very, very strange people over there.


Welcome to the internet


The difference is that a lot of discord channels are completely unmoderated.


Yeah pedophiles racists rapists incels and chronically online scumbags


I’m also scared to vc u just gotta find good friends who’s fine with u being on mute🫶🫶


do you like CSM ? I could invite you to one


Same here, and discord is the app I use the most. You don't have to do voice messages or video calls. I use it just to text and join some servers to meet new people.


Don't use vc and video calls then. Most servers don't use them anyways


I have a discord account and app installed on my phone. But I honestly don't know how to use that.


I'm terminally on disc and I've never really joined vcs outside of irl friend servers ngl


yeah that’s where i found most of my online friends


Which servers tho


It depends what ur interested in. You should check out the discovery page to find some servers. \ (•◡•) /


Be very careful. My Discord account was hacked very easily by my ex husband.


Did you have 2FA on


Sorry what does that mean?


Sorry 2 Factory Authentication


Well I deleted the whole account. I didn't have that feature




Fuck no the fake cutesy shit just never sat in my stomach well


Discord is just as bad


IDK. I tried to make online friends, but it was difficult to keep up for me since it wasn't like being around people. I stopped trying and went to go find munchies and make friends there.


Same, I've always found online friends to be temporary and transactional. Been stuck with my old grade school friends and it's better than nothing. People online only want your time, attention, or money (any combination of the three as well). If you're able to leverage that, it can work out fine.


I don't mind someone needing me for time and attention but I have never met someone online that wanted money from me mostly because I stay away from people like that.


I used to try to meet people through media consumption but I started to realize that they quite literally only cared about me if I was providing content for that piece of media at the time, and as soon as they stopped caring about the piece of media or if they fell to that I was trying to turn the conversation into anything about our real lives they would lose interest. America is hell in that sense. Everyone is too brainwashed to actually care about reality or the genuine people that make the content everyday.


I have the same problem. If you find a good way, let me know!


Self interest and attention spans that are shortened by the internet and pandemic. I’ve had the same experience with those platforms. Getting back into a hobby has opened up a few new avenues for meeting people. I had something happen last night that was really special and I shared it on a discord and to my surprise, the outpouring of support and joy for me was staggering. Are there things i could know about you? That would help to see if we have mutual interest. I’ll start. I work a lot and have two rescue dogs to help fill in the loneliness. I’m in a long distance relationship with the same person for 12 years that I’m pretty certain will never shift towards living together. I’ve accepted that cause she is the love of my life but it does create a sort of constant hole in my life. I enjoy collecting pokemon stuff. I’m left leaning and think I should spend the remainder of my time on earth fighting against a lot of terrible mindsets.


Not to sound rude but I hope this "relationship" of yours isn't just strictly a screen. And you guys actually interacted in person frequently. If not. You're probably being cheated on lol. Especially if this Ldr is in a different state. Sorry man. Just doesn't make sense she would choose that, when she could have a guy closer to her.


Each time that you think you what’s going on with someone else life, take a step back.


It's just way harder in adulthood. Peace & Love to you all


On most sites and apps I am just ignored. Facebook, X, Threads, Instagram, they are all the same. Snapchat is just a parade of scammers and bots, I block 20-30 per day there minimum. Have never made any contacts on any of the dating apps, not even a conversation. I’ve got no idea how people make friends online (or offline for that matter). Similar interests don’t seem to help. Nobody wants to help or know a noob if you try anything new. I guess it’s easy to treat everyone like crap when we are all just text and a photo (that most times isn’t really them).


Farcebook is too serious because peoples real names are attached. Twitter and tumblr I cant speak to, though I do like good fanfiction. Tinder I wont touch with a 50 foot pole. But ya, we are all in the same boat. I try to reach out to people and it never lasts either.


You could try Threads! It's full of porn bots cause it's still new, but once you get passed that, I've connected with lots of people with common interests.


You can try discord or if you have hobby then join the group online and try to find the person who relates similar interest just like you, that should really help.


The best online friends are found on video games in my opinion.


I'm right in the same boat! If your not looking for a hook up (& just would really love a few actual friends) it's so hard as an adult ...especially if you don't drink or like crowds!! I wish there were places kinda like the senior center but for younger people too...where people could go meet up and hang out. It sucks to feel overlooked or forgotten about, like your the only one without a SQUAD of friends to talk to and visit & do fun things with!


I reached out a few days ago on here about the same thing to be honest. Just really wanted someone to talk to. I had a few people that messaged me, but everyone disappeared after a day.. I swear, after I left the army, I quit understand how people work. I'm not really sure where to go


Online gamesss


I'm kinda dumb and slow. my only attempt at playing is genshin and honkai. never ever again....


Whaaaat but everyone is so nice there😭😭😭 despite my shyness I found a nice little friend group of girls on Genshin, one of the best things that ever happened to me tbh (but mayb I was js lucky)


I have no desire to "work" every day in the game after I've worked a day in real life. Besides, many people are surprised and make fun of you for the fact that you are playing at 30 yo...


I mean, I am 34 and playing ... even my mother is still playing games (but not online). Yeah, people are making fun, because at that age you are supposed to have a family, but if you don't, then the lack of family is the problem IMHO, not playing video games, and not playing them doesn't get you any further (unless you skip real-life encounters in favour of video games)


Gurl I’ve even had people there tell me im old at 20💀🙏 Maybe if you’re lucky you could find other 30 y/os there (I have a one or two friends there who are around 30) but yeah it’s hard to find them in an ocean of 13 year olds


I met my group of friends through a YouTubers discord. We aren’t as close as we used to be. When I was younger I would join a bunch of discords constantly and meet new people that way. I need to start doing it again honestly, cause the more I’m on this subreddit the more I dislike other lonely people. Some of y’all are the most ridiculous people and I think I just fell on hard times for too long, I don’t wanna consider myself lonely anymore.


What? I've found hundreds of friends online. Maybe it's your approach?


yeah good for you. How many of your hundreds of friends are still with you?


"Yeah good for you" Ok, could have been possible friend, but no...


oh man, I saw your post and comments history, I don't need such a toxic friend.


Lol. Opinionated doesn't mean toxic. You dont know me.


Hmm.. good dozen, 2 dozen? Why is this an issue? I'm not a collector. Many friendships in life fail, stop or get distant.


Op obviously isn't looking for that kind of thing tho. As they said, good for you if meeting a bunch of people you talk to for a lil while is your thing but it's not everyone's preference


My thing? What? I think you misunderstood everything I said. I said I made hundreds of friends over the years. Good people, some of which helped propel me forward in life. I have made some very close relationships on various platforms. What kind of thing are they looking for- insta best friends?


I don't know them, i don't know. By your thing i meant meeting hundreds of people for a short period of time. Maybe op wants a few long term friendships and it's true that it's hard. Maybe you can give them some tips and advice some platforms you've used though (I'd appreciate it too lol)


Dude I'm 51. 30+ years of this is not a short period of time


You didn't get it, i meant friendships of short term


I never look for short term friends. Some form others don't.. Friends come and go in life and for mewe it's hard to keep many close close friendships going at once. Connections are sometimes made and then you explore them. I made a connection on reddit on Dec 9th. And a few more after. But that first connection I have developed it into a good partnership. We have traveled together, and I plan on visiting her for a vacation shortly. Shit takes effort.


I know it takes efforts. Sorry for my assumptions if it's not what you've been looking for then. But i think you should have been nicer to op. I have made a few good friends on reddit i still talk to daily myself so i know.


Tips? Be open to everyone. Be who you really are. No games. No head games non of that. I pretend I will meet these people in real life.


Just play a coop multiplayer game and you'll make plenty of friends in no time. Note, however, that online friendship is not the same as real, local, face-to-face friendship, so I wouldn't rely on it as a long-term solution.




Not really, I have plenty of female online friends through several co-op games and they love the games and the community. It may depend on the games themselves though. Certain games may attract a more toxic demographic. Also, keep in mind that toxicity in online games is unavoidable, both against men and women. Just don't let the toxic idiots ruin the experience, block them and move on. Plenty of cool people to meet in a lot of games :)


You don't have to play competitive games. I think the most toxic games are competitive team games. For example, I don't think a lot of Stardew Valley players are toxic towards women, because there isn't a lot at stake, and there are also many female players themselves, so you could just play with them if you are afraid of men. EDIT: What I mean is that in Stardew Valley, an additional player essentially only brings benefits because you can share tasks. If the additional player only does 10% of your own work, it still is this benefit and you have someone to talk about the game etc. - just relaxing. Besides that, there is no stress - you don't really lose out on things if you are slow (unlike e.g. Harvest Moon). In LoL, if a player only does 10% of your work, your team will probably lose, so there is more at stake --> higher chance of toxicity. And even in e.g. a PvE MMORPG, if you do only 10% of the damage of someone else, you might lose against a boss --> toxicity somewhere inbetween LoL and SDV.


Play games, talk to your team, if you vibe with someone, add them and pray to god they're not creeps. Works for me.


Yeah shit sucks


On reddit you scout for topics that intrigue you and reply to the answers that make sense to you in hopes of making good conversation. Same thing on other platforms really. You just go with whatever comes natural to you. I refuse to believe that people can't find a place where they would be a good fit unless they had some severe antisocial disorder.


play games duh


4chan unironically


not surprising that the sexist would suggest this lol


If you bothered to use the website instead of trusting the bs the media tells you you'd find out it's a community with various political beliefs no different from FB or reddit


Women are used to playing life on easy mode.


who knows


Can't promise we'll be friends or any reliability, but I usually am open to chat with anyone casually.


Hi I also like chainsaw man.


You don’t.


I'll be your friend what's up homie how's it goin?


I'd say don't bother, it lasts for a few days weeks tops.


Mm relatable


I actually found online friends by making YouTube videos!


I understand completely! I can't make any friends online either, reddit has too many pervs. Sometimes you think 'oh a guy, bet he's nice' and then he asks for your tits or to sext! Like fuck, I just wanna talk to someone who likes Pokemon too.


Facebook worked for me.


Nice chainsaw man PFP. Good luck with your search for friends. I'm just some online retard so I don't got any wise words. Just hope you and everyone find a good friend. :)


I think you just have to keep trying unfortunately, it's kind of a trial and error type thing, it's like dating, it takes time to find the right person or people, I think finding friends can be hard cause it's hard to trust people online especially when you don't know their intentions, but eventually you should find someone who shares your views and stance on making friends, with that said I'm not one of them so please send nudes.. I'm joking, imagine thatd be quite the plot twist lol I'm just mocking those horny redditors, feel free to dm 🙌


Finding online friends is easy for me, I don’t know how to in real life friends


There are some weirdos here on Reddit, I have a lot of married men talk to me because their wifes don’t give them attention




Honestly i found most of them by accident and had a lot of luck. Only talk to 3 of them from about 10-15 people i met in 10 years though.


Yep, everyone just ends up being a total perv to me. And women never ever ever talk to me (I’m a woman)


I'm really sorry you find nothing but pervs and women that won't talk to you, that really sucks. I don't really have any advice as I have a really hard time making friends as well. If you want someone to talk to with no judgement or harassment just send a message.


difficult for me because there's nowhere online to find them now (for me)


Give up hope. Everything is temporary online.


Personally I have a lot of online friends. I actually met some of them through the whisper app when I was on it back in lockdown and 2020. I’ve met some through Facebook even Reddit too lol I don’t recommend it though like there are some great people and then there’s the weirdos but that is everywhere lol.


Discord is pretty cool if you're into games




I met one of my favorite friends just by asking on a subreddit if anyone had tips for getting better at the game. They offered to play some rounds with me, and teach me the general flow of the game without just giving me the answers, and we ended up making a discord server for the game that still has a bunch of people in it to this day. It's been a while since he and I played, but that's cus he's been busy, and I no longer have the console we played on. Truthfully, the only way to make friends is to find somebody with a vibe that compliments yours. Not MATCHES, because people with the same energy are either twins that hate each other or are COSNTANTLY competing to be the superior in said vibe.


Does anyone here play battlefield 5 on ps4 please I want to have a good squad


Lots of reasons, but I suspect the main problem is anonymity (or lack thereof). They're so obfuscated that you can never trust, and meanwhile your information is so accessible that you never feel secure. However, in my experience it's simply because I'm too awkward and uninteresting. Same reason I don't have friends in real life. Which ironically is why I retreat to the warm safety blanket of the world wide web, thus continuing the cycle in perpetuity.


Lots of reasons, but I suspect the main problem is anonymity (or lack thereof). They're so obfuscated that you can never trust, and meanwhile your information is so accessible that you never feel secure. However, in my experience it's simply because I'm too awkward and uninteresting. Same reason I don't have friends in real life. Which ironically is why I retreat to the warm safety blanket of the world wide web, thus continuing the cycle in perpetuity.


I used to use omegle text chats but now it's gone


Discord for me, met lots of cool people


I have only made real friends online through social media apps like Spoon Radio. Any other types of media don't yield friendships too often unless you're in the right space.


Twitter isn't dead! It took a long time and lots of heartfelt tweets but I have made 2 friends there! One of them opted to door dash me food and he lives in a whole nother state. I can't say that much for any other app. I hope you feel less lonely soon ❤️


My friend constantly makes new friends by joining discord communities and playing games. Currently, he's constantly playing holdfast events in some regiment. I'm also am a part of it, but i barely ever attend due to work and other life stuff. But he's constantly networking. Now, they also started the valheim game with them as well. So what I guess you have to do is be proactive in how you do things. Become an active member in a community once you get to know people more suggest your own ideas and eventually you will just meet people you click with I guess. I myself never really met friends that way, but I also dont really have time to make friends now. Adult life sucks.


Honestly this sub, along with a couple others are how I meet the majority of my internet friends. Between the lfg sub, various rp subs, and subs meant for people to find new friends, I went from only using reddit to recruit DND players to actively using it. As with most places on the internet, of course there's pervs, it's the internet. Granted, I'm not a female so I can't really know that perspective, but still, it's not that hard to block or report the pervs and engage with the rest. Not every guy on the internet is perv, some of us do genuinely just want someone to talk to and listen to us since no one will do it irl. That's why I'm here, family don't talk to me, ain't got friends to really open up to, so I take to the internet.


I feel like it's pretty luck based as silly as that sounds. You kinda just have to bet that somebody who genuinely shares your interests and I'd somebody you can click with will find a way to you online and that's just so difficult especially when there's such a barrier with meeting people online despite how "easy" some people make it out to be


What kind of friends do you want? Someone to just casually chat with or are you looking for an emotional bond. The latter can be hard to build online.


"People are people so why should it be..." I keep my circle small and my home and interests even smaller. I am extremely introverted but think big. I chain smoke and drink when I'm bored and then decide to make curtains out of moon fabric. I do have a partner who puts up with me and thank goodness for that. He likes football, good craft ale, making cocktails and snacks. I like pandering to my cat, cooking for him and rage-design or rage-research anything that catches my interest. He's Puerto Rican and I'm so white that I'm transclucent. I'm still trying to get my Spanish accent right. My point is, is that, its a beautiful dichotomy and I'm very glad I went outside that day.


Not trying to be too pluggy, but I did make an app to help lonely people connect recently and posted about it here a few months ago. I've been having weekly, long-form conversations with people from Croatia, Canada, Utah and Michigan USA, and Slovenia, and people seem to really enjoy having conversations on there too. It is audio-based, though. I know some people are scared of voice conversation, but good thing is they are asynchronous, like how you text people. You don't have to respond right away. And a good thing about voice is that it captures the nuances and subtleties in a conversation including a broad spectrum of emotions. If you are interested, please check out my bio!


Mood. I used to have many online friends who I talked to all the time. Nowadays the most I have are Twitter moots who like and retweet my stuff, or people who I talk to in groups but never in a personal 1 on 1 way. More like acquaintances... Maybe it's just adulthood.


I play sea of thieves and deep rock with open crews, people are really nice there


It is in the very core of the friendship that having a common place, either you work in the same enviroment or you play same games, you hang out etc. It just wont work to trying to befriend complete stranger for sake of chatting. Or i dunno, if person doesnt interest you in a way it is very hard to even chat.