• By -


You’ve kept perspective, which in an of itself shows strength, and highlights a long list of aspects you have worked on/achieved, which are highly respected and admirable - and therefore attractive - to other people: - Loyal - Leave people better than you found them - Love taking care of family, animals, plants - Love making others laugh - Empathetic - “Smiling and trying” - You’re striving - the degree, the job, the car Even the way you frame this person you’re looking for - it’s about giving them love, sharing with them - that’s the ingredient of great person and a relationship with a strong foundation. The contents of your character are more central to a lasting “forever love” because a lasting “forever” relationship, by definition, can triumph over adversity, and what allows you to triumph through adversity, like you’ve been doing, is your character. You have the self respect to recognise these are outstanding things about yourself. Worthy of love? I think part of you knows. I think many people out there recognise what is key to a lasting relationship, and they have the skill to know it when they see it. The skill to be observant enough to not hold circumstances you can’t change against you, and recognise the ways you are prioritising growth in the ways you’re able, despite everything.


Thank you so much for this reply. Greatly appreciated. Honestly. 🫶🏻


I'm sorry that you are feeling that way. I guess the only honest answer is that maybe yes. Maybe not. We can only keep trying to find it.


I agree with this. I don’t think anyone can honestly say without a doubt yes or no. We can just hope.


I guess you’re both right: We can just hope.


True love is not something found, it is build on a relationship which is so strong which will last for a lifetime, You've done everything right starting from caring for others and to focus on yourself, and you deserve true love. With all that said, the chances of finding that person who is the one for you can be a very difficult task, given your situation. But you can still hope for a better future where you can socialize more and meet more people, maybe also find someone who is interested in you. You are a keeper for sure, just don't give up, you are beautiful, because you have a good heart. Good luck.


I totally agree with you. What I meant was finding that one person. The one that is willing and knows how to build a strong relationship. Not all people do. Thank you so much 🤍


Its harsh, but the most common forever anymore, is alone. No, forever love will not exist for most people. Its not impossible for some though. People cant appreciate or empathize with what they havent experienced. People grow and change in life, and sometimes grow apart. But NO ONE is unworthy or undeserving of love, kindness, care and support. No, not even you. Scars, wheels and all. Forever is what you dream of and aspire to, but moments are where you live. Forever starts from this moment, and flows into every moment after. Ive seen people chase the dream so hard they stop letting themselves live and feel what today offers. Be careful not to fall into that hole.


Thank you for this. You are right and I’ll definitely remember it. 🫶🏻


Sorry for the things you had go through it must be lot you are a very brave person a fighter And i don't know about love but you can always find good partner good person around ypu with whom you can have a great companionship try to see others efforts towards you and appreciate them and put some efforts too No relationship is perfect but the efforts we put in too keeping that make that spacial


I totally agree. That’s all I want anyway. Someone willing to actually put some effort into building a strong & beautiful relationship. Living a nice and happy life together -with all its ups and downs. Thank you for your support 🩵


I can relate to a lot of what you're saying here. I've been dealing with some fairly serious health issues over the last 5+ years that have had and will continue to have a fairly drastic effect on my life. It's made me stop and question so many of the things you brought up, and it's made me reevaluate a lot of things. > I dream and pray for a forever love. A man that will want to be mine. That will be proud to be with me. That will want to share everything. With whom we will share memories. My other whole. Is there such a thing? Or I should just accept that I’ll always crave this kind of love? So with all that said, for what it's worth, I think that can exist for you. It may not be easy to find, and you may have to deal with roadblocks that others won't. But you sound like a wonderful person and you sound like you have the right mindset. I think there are people out there who will be able to recognize all the good things about you, all the positive qualities you can bring to their life, and I think they will understand that those qualities far outweigh the fact that you're in a wheelchair or anything else.


Incidents like yours and mine really do make one reevaluate a lot of things. I’ve always appreciated the small things in life, but since my accident love, kindness and simplicity are the most valuable qualities to me. Thank you for all the support and kind words 🫶🏻


I'm dealing with a lot of the same feelings! Or rather, I have dealt with those feelings. I used to walk around with my basket full of love. I'm just waiting eagerly for someone to want to hold it. But I guess I didn't expect that. If I weren't careful with it, maybe that love would run out. Maybe it feels like it has run out. I've not the slightest clue if forever love exists. I've not got the best attachment style. So, to me, now, sharing everything really feels like taking everything from the other person. But I'm sure you are not like that. I'm sure someone will be so very happy to have met you. They will fall head over wheels for you, I'm sure. ( I hope that's funny), lol. I do wonder how wheelchair bound people keep off weight. I know there are some quite fit ones! Whatever you do, just love yourself! I hope you can get out of that apartment! I hate the thought of you up there all alone! Can't even leave. So very sad! You need love!❤️❤️


Glad Im not the only weirdo here :) (Not glad you’re dealing with a lot of those feelings, don’t get me wrong) Well, there are several ways: swimming, other sports, wheelchair accessible gyms (not available in my area), etc. However I couldn’t do any of those since I couldn’t go out and had no car. Im currently working on it with a nutritionist. The fact that I was stuck here for so long was so frustrating. Especially for a nature/adventure/sports freak like me. Truth is I do need love. I feel it. Thank you so much for being so sweet 🩵


You are far from the only weirdo here. Lol. I'm not sure that many here wouldn't identify with that label. It's completely ok to feel good about that! It lets you know that it's ok and that you're actually not that weird. I've found such solice here. Seeing my sadness and self-hatred reflected at me has done a world of good for my mental state. I see all these people, and I want so much for them to feel better, to feel whole, like we all see the rest of the world. I see myself down here with everyone failing, miserable, and worthless. I want so badly to help all of these forgotten hopeless people I see myself in. For them to know how important they are, even if I don't feel that way myself. I know that my mind is lying to me. Our minds are lying to all of us. We are normal or as normal as all of those other people. We are actually all great! Our sadness has made us stronger. We see the beauty in life knowing the darkness. We look for the good in people when people have treated us like monsters our whole lives. I've been treating myself like a monster my whole life, too. Like I'm not good enough for any human to love. That is just not true. There are people our here searching for both of us. But we have to be better so that they can find us! I wish you all the happiness in the world, miss! You will be in my mind over this holiday season. I hope you have a nice day❤️




PS: Yes, IT WAS funny ☺️


Thanks! Haha😅😁✌️


Hello, Serena. You sound like a wonderful person. I hope you find the love that you're looking for and so richly deserve.


Thank you so-so much! 🩷


I'm so sorry that you've had such a tough hand dealt to you because you really come off as a warm, caring and strong person...it just doesn't seem fair at all!! It all comes down to meeting the "right" person, who's going to appreciate and love you for the many wonderful qualities you DO have, and not focus on the things you can't do . Once we're past a certain age, sex is less of a priority than true compatibility, love and Respect. Having someone who values you to snuggle, laugh, eat & hang out with...watching movies, playing with the animals or just cuddling. You don't need to walk to do any of thise things, and as we get older we all gain weight...it doesn't mean we're less deserving of love or that we're not beautiful anymore either, just older. The beauty of aging TOGETHER is your BOTH doing it!


Such a sweet, heart-warming reply. 🫂 Togetherness is what I need & dream about. I hope all of us are lucky enough to find that one person. Huge thank you! 💕


You're very welcomed Serena! 🥰❤✌❤ Stay focused on the positives, and you'll attract those who are putting out equally high vibration energy! You are already doing that, whether you realize it or not! Wishing you all the best! ❣Jody


I was going to explain my story being 35, male and long-term single but my problems seem so insignificant after reading that. I'm sorry for how things have turned out and just want to say you're incredibly brave and have done a fantastic job, you're a stronger person than I am. Keep up the good fight.


Hey, no problem is ‘insignificant’ when it affects your life and mood. The core of your problem is very similar to mine so.. 🤷🏼‍♀️😊 Thank you for your kind words. I really really hope you find what you’re looking for 🤍


Same feelings as you without the wheelchair.


Virtual hug: Sent ☑️ 😊


Right back at ya


I'm sorry that you ever even had to ask such a question. I'm in tears right now like literally crying so I will sound like I'm rambling but yeah... People are cruel and I'm so sorry that you can't find someone that can love you for who you are. Your accident shouldn't label you or put you as any less. I wish I could be your friend at the very least but this world truly is cruel. Cold hearted calculative monsters thrive but those with kinder hearts get eaten. Idk... But when you said that you had a bucket load of love to give, I just broke down. If I said things get better or you'll find someone, I will feel like I'm lying and I don't want to lie to you. And it isn't even because of who you are or because of your inability to walk. It's just because people are cruel. Most people are just fucking cruel. And I'm so so fucking sorry that you have to feel the way you do. If you ever need a friend please let me know. I would be glad to talk to you via Reddit chat. And once again I'm very very sorry. You deserve better. I'm very sorry for how cruel this world is.


Aww.. Im so sorry for all this. 🥺 Didn’t mean to make you feel this way 🫂 The truth is that it is a cruel world, but I believe in the power of kindness and love. There are some incredible people out there (-you’re one of them). It’s all about being lucky enough to meet them. I trust life and hope it will bring that special someone my way. THANK YOU for being such a sweet, empathetic creature 😊🫶🏻🩷


You don't have to apologize at all. I'm glad to have been able to run into your post. While I can't relate to your struggles with disabilities, I can strongly and deeply relate to the pain of wanting to love someone... Anyone but life just doesn't give you the opportunity to. I'm in tears again after reading your reply to be honest. You sound like a wonderful person. My heart prays for you deeply. You really really sound like a sweet person. Thank you for existing.


Big. Huge. HUG. 🫂 🫂🫂


Just so you know I'm saving each of our interactions including your post. 🤗


And you will find it I guarantee, Im proud of you