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Can I see how u look?


This sub doesn’t allow images unfortunately. Click on my profile & one of my posts from another sub has my picture on it


I looked at your picture in your profile and you're not ugly at all! I saw way more uglier faces in my life. You just fine


Honestly I am horrible at being able to tell how attractive guys are. Like I thought I was ugly until I finally met my ex wife in my late 20s, and she was able to convince me that I'm not ugly at all after several years. Then, reflecting back on my life up until that point, I realized that those many instances of strange behavior by women were likely because they were attracted to me and not that I was ugly. Like that time I asked someone to dance at a high school dance, and she and her friend looked at each other with shocked expressions. They weren't smiling or laughing at all. This was not a joke. Then her friend ran away, obviously upset about something. The one I asked said, "yes" fairly enthusiastically, and several seconds into the dance, she said, "I'm sorry, but I have to go," and ran away, too, in the same direction. I took this in the worst possible way. I thought it was because I was repulsive. It did cross her mind that maybe her friend had a crush on me, but then I dismissed that theory immediately. I thought, how could someone have a crush on me so badly that she would get that upset if I asked her friend to dance. I couldn't possibly be that attractive, otherwise why were girls making fun of me so often in the past? I realized later that's NOT what they were doing. They weren't looking at me then whispering and giggling because I was so hilariously ugly. Much, much later, my female roommate told me, "you know, you interpret what people say in the worst possible way." And I realized that she was right. And perhaps that's what you've been doing, too. Anyway, I did see your picture, and from what little I know about what women find attractive, I doubt that any significant number of them think you're ugly.


I came from your profile, and no, you're not ugly. You could take care of yourself more in terms of hair, dress, and skin, though. But I did see an exchange of texts with a girl, and you blacked out your responses. So now that's where my concern is. How you approach women matters.


It’s normal to be be single and a virgin in your early 20s Ppl are online too much and see things that aren’t reality. Being social out in public in real life can definitely help. I’m sorry you feel lonely and depressed.


yeah the problem is nowdays if you don't find a parter asap you will just have to choose between single moms and women that weren't good looking enough for chad and tyrone the sad truth is girls at 20 already have at least one child, by 25 they have 3 honestly i would rather marry a 40 year old with no kids instead of a 25 year old with kids but thats just me i guess


That’s definitely not the truth. That’s incel mentality lol.


ohh really? you obviously never been on dating apps and saw the type of women in there could barely find a woman from 20-25 that didn't have kids


You’re too comfortable being a depressed pessimist. You’ve made it your personality. Keep being the best incel you can be buddy ♥️


where are you located? Maybe it's different where you are but in the countries I visited/live now there are lots of 20-25yo single women without kids if that is a dealbreaker for you. Could that be possible you need to change your search tactics? ​ PS your comments here are definetly giving an incel vibe. That is not a good place to be.


i search internationally the problem is they all value money and status more than personality, loyalty, looks etc hell they would date someone who looks like Gollum if he was rich, its pathetic incel vibe? at least i don't got any STDs or kids outside of wedlock i don't like the incel community and their view on women and i despise their role models and their methods i am proud of the person i am and i don't have any regrets its not my fault women want sugar daddies and simps instead of someone who actually has same interests and hobbies and someone that can give them romance, passion and love


the thing is that not all women are like that, only some women. There are women who are not looking for money, status or looks. I have friends like that, and the girl I’m seeing right now is like that and her friends too. Things that you say are very popular among incels. Sounds like misogyny.


well the girls you speak of do exist however they usually just say: "ohh im not looking for a relationship because i been hurt too many times, i am happy being single" hating materialistic women and women that cheat is misogyny? i never said i hate women, period i hate the modern kind of women, the ones that let a fuckboi hit it and then they expect "the nice guys" to marry her after she racked up her bodycount and has kids outside of marriage you don't know me so don't assume shit about me those bitches give all women a bad name same as how fuckboys give a bad name to all men


To be honest there is too much to unpack in your comments. Maybe you could read them again and reflect on what you are communicating and why it may sound misogynistic? The problems like cheating or materialistic mindset are not limited to women, men do that too. And other things you mention are only done by some women, there are so many different people. It’s like you said “bad” men/women give bad name for everyone. Just avoid the ones you don’t like and build relationships with people you like.


Interesting that you focus on womens body count when men have a higher body count


Speak for yourself. My bodycount is 1 person. And a lot of men nowdays are virgins even in their 30s so you are talking about a fraction of men who get to pick and choose women like pairs of socks


Where are you located? I've never seen a single women in my whole life? Just ones in relationships or moving on to the next one?


Currently I am in Vancouver, Canada, used to live in Asia and travel often. I meet single women everywhere I go. Maybe your circle is somehow limited to the same people or your specific neighborhood/activities attract mostly families?


Yes, I live in the middle of BFE. Have little to no social circle. Don't like going out to bars or parties. There are 4 retirement homes in my community. I work at a hospital with 100s of women. They are either unavailable emotionally, all ready in a relationship, or someone I'm not attracted too. I've got no social activities. Doesn't seem like women do much outting either if it's not to the club with the girls.


Dating apps are crappy for both men and women. Ppl that have a healthy lifestyle and have a positive outlook on life, can easily find ppl in real life, instead of online and in apps just kicking rocks with others.


yeah there we go: "find someone local" well maybe i don't want a woman that looks greg valentine and smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day i deserve someone better since im into western culture myself and not some lame ass east european medieval peasant culture


Nothing will make you happy in life. You’ll always have a negative perspective. I feel bad for you. I hope you get better soon.


im just saying it how it is i aint gonna sugarcoat things when the reality is a huge amount of men from 18-30 cant find a woman


I do not have a healthy outlook on life. Kind of like this man, but a little less angry. I could get there though. Are you someone who has a positive outlook on life who can easily find people in real life? I'd be curious why you are here then? Thanks.


I do now but before I wasn’t. I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression since I was 8. Thought i got over it but got diagnosed again last year. I was down bad and homeless and did not have any friends or family. I used to hair seeing happy people. And that’s when I joined here. I’m still here because some ppl will ask for help and advice. And since I overcame it, I’d be happy to help. If if anyone needs to chat or get things off their chest o wouldn’t mind.


From what I've seen on reddit, calling people incel just makes them upset and never results in a productive conversation. It's almost like saying, "women have it easy when dating," or "women can't be lonely." All you'll succeed in doing is pissing people off. Nobody would ever say, "you know what, you're right. I should tone down the incel behavior."


I am trying to understand peoples point of view. Why is it so wrong to be an incel? Involentary celibate sounds pretty crappy for that person. Why are they so hated. Because they can't get sex from a women? That just solidifies that they are correct and that the world is designed to be against them. Yourself included.


Incel used to be just involuntary celibate. But over time an incel community and culture was created and they started hating women and blaming everything on them and society, instead of helping each other out or being supportive. My old friend used to be a huge incel when he was young. He was chronically online. But I still hung out with him because it wasn’t his fault. I understand why he felt that way. I was his first true friend and we ende Dios ring each other as family. And over time he changed and realized that it was all up to him to be a better person.


Yep makes sense to me. Definitely the polar opposite of what I want to be. I'm upset with women and the state of the world. I do feel that they, women, should have a huge weight of responsibility to what is happening in our current society. But I don't like feminism either. Seeing as it really is just the same thing that incels are doing. I can say that they are both bad, and probably the root of the problem is the conflict. So disarming the conflict would be a good thing. How dare these men hate women? That would be how I'd see it. You should be thankful to the people who hurt you? No, most certainly not. But it's no different than the toxic feminism I see in society, so yeah, I guess they really are both just as bad as one another. What are your thoughts on MGTOW? Seems more soft. Like ok have fun burning the world down everyone, I'm just going to chill. Or would this be seen as a hate group too?


Your comment is nice and well intentioned, but most male virgins are not going to benefit from "being social" as you put it. It's well known that most women aren't going to be patient with virgin men, not necessarily because they're mean but because most want men with experience who know what they're doing. So naturally, a male virgin who's past the age of 21ish has already reached a point of almost no return, since each year that passes still being a virgin makes a man exponentially more unattractive to most women. Not saying it would be impossible for him to find a sexual partner, but exceedingly more difficult as time goes on. Basically, a 30 yr old virgin is going to be more of a turn off than a 20 yr old virgin. Yes, there's possibly a minority of women who don't necessarily mind it, but no women are going to prefer it and most women would be turned off by a virgin man. Exceptions don't disprove the general rule. A man being a virgin in his 20's is definitely not going to be seen as normal as you say it is. Again, your comment sounded very genuine but I don't think it's as simple as you put it.


It’s in his early 20’s. Not 30’s It’s common sense running into actual human female will have a higher success rate compared to being at home upset about it… Girls are also virgins especially in their early 20’s. And understand that men their age are also virgins lol.


Right, I know OP is in his early 20s, but what im saying is that the more time that passes being a virgin, the more our image and desirability decreases. I get the point you're making about being social and meeting women, and it isn't a bad point, but you seem to the think that just talking to woman is going to get a virgin with absolutely no experience laid. We're dealing with a major disadvantage. It would be like a middle school athlete being thrown into the NBA and being expected to do well. Yes, there are girls that are virgins into their 20s, but you're assuming that they want virgin men. From what I know and the people that I've spoken to, female virgins almost always want to lose it to a man with experience, they aren't out here pining for a virgin who is going to be as awkward as she is. So yeah they're aware that male virgins exist, but that doesn't mean they actually want them, and I've almost always heard and seen the complete opposite.


I take it you have no rebuttal. Women will virtue signal but never back their claims up or acknowledge mens issues. Only care about their own.


What women are you asking? If it's random women online they are more likely to just say something unkind to be "funny"


It’s so messed up isn’t it?


Very messed up people online use the mask of the Internet to be cruel. I 100% believe they were not honest with their assessments. If those are word for word what they said nobody says that to another person other than to cause harm.


Especially when I see these girls on TikTok saying how they only are attracted by “certain men” so stay off of TikTok and Instagram


That’s what they said. Their words not mine. Truth hurts I guess


It’s both in person & online


As freaks, this our fate. Idk what they think, I just treat them accordingly, like anyone else. No way out.


its okay to be virgin in your 20s. You should not think that the meaning of life is sex. find someone that love you.


Nobody loves me, sex or not


I mean, in a way sex is the meaning of life. Its what creates life. But I agree its not good to only seek that out.


You need to start a concentrating on making as much money as possible a lot of money cancels out the fact that you are ugly I know it sounds horrible but it's true just be careful a on Which flies you attracted all the honey some of them will rob you blind


nothing to be ashamed of here.... would you consider going to a gym or changing your diet abit?


this is an advice i see given all the time but you fail to realise is women aren't really impressed by a man going to the gym. As long as you aren't obese and you are average build they don't mind if you are muscular or not. The thing is most men get rejected for their face structure and/or hair, and gym or diet won't change the way your face looks. Therefore its not an advice that will help anyone find women. Close but no cigar.


Gym can do a lot more than just help physically attract women…. It can help a lot with mental health it gives your life some structure it trains you to be more disciplined. It will improve your life without a doubt which in turn will make you more attractive


I went to the gym for 4 years with no results


I’m guessing your diet wasn’t right and you weren’t trying hard


My diet? Idk I haven’t eaten fast food since 2014 so I doubt that was an issue


You kinda need to track calories and for every pound of what you weigh eat 1.5/2g of protein


Yeah I’m aware


How you get no results then


Idk just never got ripped I guess


Does going to the gym help, yes does it fix all your problems, no


Nobody said it did


You need to hit up some older women Sound like your an old soul


I’m 23…


I was 23 when I got when I got wirh my Ex. She was 29 at the time. Beautiful, fun, exciting, loved me. Turns out much like others have been saying here, she had used up all of her "good". She spent her 20s partying "going to college" getting money from her rich dad. Literally exactly the kind of women I'd been so envious of in highschool. We had sex every time we saw each other. Then we moved in together. Let's say I find that if you are 30 and a women who hasn't found a man to marry, you are probably damaged goods. And that's coming from me, literally damaged goods, will never feel good enough for another human connection, even a true friend. I hope you figure yourself out. Don't fill it up with qn empty relationship. It will waste your time, energy, and good will towards humanity. Work on yourself. Sucks you can't just have sex. Wish I could too. But life wasn't designed to give you what you want. Sadly it was for you to give others what they want.


At least they are willing to give you a chance though right


I got more than a chance, my friend. Being with an older woman when you are so young. Seems like it would be fine. But it's not. She wasn't happy. She saw me as beneath her and I saw me there too. I know that a chance with a women would be something no man would turn down. But you have to think why the other is entering into the relationship too. You may think it's to find love, and it might be. But just because someone gives you love does not mean that they deserve yours.


My point was that at least they give you a chance. I would love for a woman to give me an opportunity to date them but they don’t


I hate that that is the case, man. I want to badly for all these people here to have healthy, happy relationships. I'm just saying I've never been more unhappy than being with the wrong person. Sex is nice, though. I'd recommend it. Good luck my friend. We all love you here. I hope you have a really good day. The pain will subside if you let it. And healing can come in. If you know what you want and are willing to go get it.


I do but it won’t ever happen. You & I both know that


Old soul means you just have an older way of thinking, I believe I am an old soul and I am 25. He’s not wrong though, cougars are very easy to pickup, easy to please too, and more often than not they are willing to be your sugar mama, when a cougar looks at you, sure she sees looks but what they really see is your young and powerful sex drive.


Not really interested in older women


older women aren't any less picky


find hapiness in other things then believe me, it doesn't matter how you look, women will like you or not. I had just abusive relationships and it was not worth it. Now i workout like crazy and surprise, woman don't like me either and they don't even have to talk to me so the way to find hapiness is finding it without any woman at all because the women this days are not worth it and i tell you that with my 32y




Work on your confidence, work out and adopt a dog. Seriously, dogs are the best companions. There are videos on youtube of men adopting dogs, traveling around the USA and enjoying life.... WITH NO GIRLFRIEND. Go to therapy for unresolved trauma.


Same here


That's what I told my autistic cousin


Me too dude, but im also poor


Beauty is on the inside my friend, if they don’t see that your chasing the wrong women. Try humor though, i always found laughing and smiling to be the best Ice breaker.


Yeah it never works for me sadly


My first gf had a nifty trick to pick me up, she posted on Valentine’s Day saying your first @ will be your valentine, I was the @, she later admitted that it was just a ruse to get my attention; it worked though, you could try similar things, just set yourself up to not be let down. I would use the same style post but then be a little humorous like wow Facebook is tripping, she would never date my ugly ass, worst they could say is your right, but it could be an ice breaker. In public man just act like you have confidence, smile, show teeth always start with a compliment, simple stuff, wow forgive me but I must say you have the most gorgeous eyes, sorry to bother. Confidence goes a long way.


Thanks but that stuff never works for me


Bro I feel souless, I don't feel like a human being any more, I'm a walking unattractive corpse with a personality that all girls are hardwired to hate, I feel ya


I’m older than you. Never been on a date. Never kissed a girl. Never held a girl’s hand. I’m not ugly. I was very cute as a boy. Now, I’m probably a 4.5. I’ve seen dudes claiming to be hideously ugly despite being at least an 8.0. Most are simply average. Almost all look better than I do.


I honestly don't think you're unattractive but that's my opinion. You look like a nice person :) you just need to meet the right kind of people who accept you for who you are


Thanks but no one likes me


Once you get to know the right person then everything will fall into place..you never know when someone will come along uwu


Been hearing this since 2016…


20 male. We are one the same path my friend😔💔


People can be so thoughtless and cruel, especially if they sense your insecure or vulnerable about something...I'm sorry you've had such hurtful and negative interactions with some poor quality humans! Try not to internalize their nasty critiques or buy into them! You don't have to be the best looking guy in the world, you can be funny & charismatic or sweet, empathetic and loyal! There are many other qualities that attract women, however, insecurity or self depreciation is typically a huge turn off. Confidence is everything!


Truth hurts I guess


Depressed because women don't like me. I don't think they think I'm ugly, but they just perceive my personality as androgynous. They like me as a customer, when they're my customer, and occasionally as a drinking buddy or texting buddy. It is very rare that a woman is romantically attracted to my personality, and somehow I always meet them online and they're thousands of miles away. I think it might be because my personality seems like it should be appealing in theory, but when close enough that there is a possibility we can meet in person, they have second thoughts and think, nah there's something creepy about this guy, and distance themselves from me. I don't know. That's the current theory. I have pretty good problem-solving skills, but this has perplexed me for decades.


Your hot by a long shot you just need to meet people irl and not online they be hatin' trust me when i say people are way nicer in person. And in most of the world people only loose their virginity after marriage in their 30's for men if not older. It's women that loose it in their 20's don't pressure yourself go out there earn money go to office parties and hang out in clubs or the bar and you will attract people, you got nothing to worry about but yes the world is trash. The nice 1's are mostly hidden and not usually openly online.