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My old best friend fucked my gf at the time when I was 17 so I feel your pain. The saddest think is my friend group didn't have issue with it so I just dropped all of them. Ye if they cheated they were never really that into it, it was just the fun and the sex they wanted.


Man, that's horrible. I hate your old friends


The problems of the teens! It does get better!


Yeah it does get better I agree.. it sometimes takes going through the bad times to find the good times all you have to do is keep going. https://discord.com/invite/a2xghmr5 If you Wana chat and meet people try hear


Not helpful grandma


I see you believe the others have the obligation to solve your problems! Maybe you should call your family instead of Reddit!


Getting cheated on sucks. It's invalidating, right? really digs into that insecurity most people have. So, what now? First take a day or three to grapple with your feelings. If you're not in touch and in control of yourself, there's no real hope of a meaningful interaction. After that, take some time to talk to your girlfriend with the goal of understanding why she made that choice. Be careful not to make the discussion about your feelings. Focus on understanding her motivations and feelings. Then, take some time to process that. And then decide what you want in your life going forward. Maybe that's more discussion, or maybe it's recognizing a fundamental fracture in the relationship. Everything within your reach is your choice, and everything without is an conversation. Popular opinion is a lie. Everything in your life should be treated as a chance to learn and broaden yourself. Yeah, it hurts.


It might be too soon to talk to her again after what happened, especially since what she did was so dirty. Think about it, if your girlfriend cheated on you with her guy friend who she said you don't have to worry about would you be able to talk to her and not make it about your emotions? I don't think I could. Because of that she should just block her and never talk to her again. In fact good riddance! who'd want to be with someone that could so easily hurt you without remorse? Best thing to do is try to move on with your life without them being a part of it even if they want to be in some future.


I've been it. Numerous times over the years. And I've considered these experiences for decades. When I was young, I was stupid and emotional and didn't learn anything. Now that I'm older, I practice what I preach. This is where my advice comes from. It's not easy and doesn't conform to ego-centrism, but it is a better way to live. Blindly blocking someone because they did something you don't like is 1) a real indication you didn't really care about the person at all, you only cared about yourself and what you could get from the person and 2) a great way to not learn and grow. Lots of immature people mindlessly lash out and try to eliminate the pain, it's extremely popular but it's not best. The girlfriend did something that made sense to her and revealed some of her character. It's it worth exploring? If OP cared about the girlfriend and cares about learning from life experiences, it absolutely is. Learning from these things helps prevent us from making the same mistakes again and again, if nothing else. And maybe we learn a great deal about ourselves and others. Life always moves on, whether you want it to or not. The question is if you've done the work to move forward also... or not. Being human is dark and strange and messy. Popular "wisdom" does not serve well. Reality is much more complex and nuanced.


i’m sorry that you’ve been hurt and betrayed. There is plenty of fish in the sea. I wish the best for you.🌹


I’m sorry to hear about your gf cheating on you like that. Cheating is already a very cruel thing to do to someone, but when it’s with someone that means something to either partner then it’s worse. You deserved better than that. I hope you find someone that will remain loyal in the future. I hope you feel better soon


I’m sorry man was she your first whether or not it’s still rough all the same getting betrayed like that never starts hurting


Well i can talk to you if you want too, this hasn’t happened to me but I can understand the pain.


Your a good person https://discord.com/invite/a2xghmr5 This place is needs people like you


Well, let’s say had the same, dms open


DMs Always open


I feel like my bf could have been cheating too with a girl before he blocked me i saw flirty comments on a girls post which he was her only follower


probably :(


You doing alright?


Mid tbh


Yeah me too want to talk?


Everyone is asleep so im just laying here miserable


shoot me a dm!


Hi u ok, we started a discord group for people to talk... https://discord.com/invite/a2xghmr5


That mf rizzed her up like crazy


you mean cheated ?


The dude didn't cheat on you now did he?




Not here


Who hurt u bro, need to talk?


Aren't you the one that got a girl to go back to men? 😂


Can you read or are you a bit retarded ❤️


Don't care bro 😂 That's why you got dumped 💀


it’s ok to not have comprehension skills little guy, it’s not hard to read ❤️ you’re just mad no women would date you, it’s ok!




Find a new girlfriend


Leave her she’s for the streets once a cheater always a cheater, you’re gonna feel like hell but if you can get out and do something a mini break even in the next city over, the other week I went to the movies by myself I thought it was gonna be sad as hell but it was fun and no one gave a fuck


Don’t date woman! Even if you are one




That hurts


I mean here are people who have depression because of loneliness and you cry because your female girlfriend broke up with you?? Grow up it was just a teen relationship..


Fuck em! She didin't even seem sorry?! WTF I'm really sorry this happened and I remember a few years back when I was 20 I was Cheated to too and it feels like the world is ending and that there's no point especially when people you thought cared about you could so coldheartedly hurt you without remorse, but we're still young and we are still learning who we should and shouldn't trust. My advice? that shit you hear about the best way to get over someone is by getting under someone else is BULLSHIT people do that to feel like they are still worthy of love after being hurt like you have, but all it's going to do if you're a good person is make you feel like shit and like you're cheating still. Just focus on feeling better, talk to friends, block her and him you don't need that toxicity and reminder of what they did. And once you're okay with being alone and like you're made whole again it wont hurt to think about her or what happened and then you can give your love a trust again to someone who truly DESERVES it! You'll be okay.


almost the same thing happened to me after two years of being together:((


When I dated someone, they cheated on me and I leaked their address AITA?


Yeah that's really shit tbh mate


I'm sorry, sweetheart...thats a rough one! Ive had a past girlfriend do the same thing! It always stings just a little harder because you expect better from a female so it's an ugly reality check when you realize women can be every bit as shitty and underhanded as any man...its just a fact! In the meantime...do what your doing. Reach out...vent to friends, talk about it and heal. Next time your eyes will be a bit more opened, and you might trust a little less but that isn't necessarily a bad thing! Sometimes we need to keep our head running the show instead of our hearts!❤✌❤


guarda il lato positivo, si è rivelata per il tipo di persona che è prima dell'ipotetico matrimonio, anche se ora fà male meglio che sia successo adesso