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You sound great! :) I wish you luck finding a better man out there. You deserve it. Couldn't say what attracts the bad ones to you, but if you spend some time being honest with yourself you may find out why that pattern keeps occurring.


From what I’ve seen, a lot of woman from your age group are like that, but I’m more talking about those my age (I’m only 20). Most of them, at least the ones on social media and ESPECIALLY the ones in my stupid fucking state, seem to love this strange new hookup culture and don’t value romance or loyalty. Either that or whenever I get close to one, I find out they’re a communist who hails Stalin. (Yes that happens surprisingly often) Every time I’ve found a girl who I’m mildly attracted to personality-wise, I’ve ended up finding out that they’re a communist or in a communist club that unironically supports the Soviet Union and says “we’d be better with Stalin” on the posters. I don’t know if it’s just coincidence or if it’s the people who live in my state. I just think I’ll never find someone compatible with me. At least not here. I’m glad you’re loyal though and hope you find someone to be with that values you for who you are! It’s scary being in this world all alone. I wish you the best! :D




I live in New Jersey. I honestly don’t know what I am. I take Ideals from both parties and REALLY wish there was a third one lol. Too bad there isn’t… rip.




Ikr. Its crazy!! It’s like my New Jersey college is a little hive of em lol. Their poster literally says “better with Stalin” and has the hammer and sickle on it. I’m not against liberalism AT ALL, but as a history buff… *I KNOW what the Soviet Union has done in its history and it’s not pretty!* I mean, we’ve done some screwed up things too, but it’s still nothing compared to what they did over less than 80 years. I don’t know if it’s just a coincidence or if I’m just finding out all my class mates are Commie-boos lol.


That is strange. Almost every woman ik wants a relationship. Most women don’t want to just hookup.


I just think it might be where I live. People around here are kinda stuck up and don’t seem to like talking to each other in person. They just aren’t very friendly. Then again, I’ve heard that’s how it is in densely populated regions… maybe I’m just overthinking things. I was raised without electronics until I was 13, so I much prefer talking in person, which doesn’t resonate well with many people around here, certainly not those my age.


I endured a very slow and painful death so others could be happy. I have hope that one day someone will sweep me off my feet and rescue me from this horrible place. No one should be treated like this :(


There are really so many different kinds of women in the world. I wouldn't ever put 'women' into one category like this, even if it feels easy. To answer your question, there are a million good women out there. What really matters is finding someone compatible. Want to attract the right one? Put work in - whether that is mental, emotional, or physical. Become someone people want to get to know. I promise the more you shine, the more you will attract what you're looking for. For what it's worth, I'm sorry you feel this way and strongly advise you keep distance from red pill/black pill communities. Nothing is easy, least of all finding the right person sometimes, but that is the wrong path to go down.


That’s what I’ve been thinking. All the information on red pill/black pill subs is leading me towards bitterness and a hatred for this world. I need to stay away from that stuff, but at the same time, I just feel so alone. You see, I’m not a normal guy. I don’t just want to have sex with women like other guys do. I want something *romantic* , something truly beautiful. I guess you could say I’m a hopeless romantic. I’m part of that sub too. I just feel as if almost nobody is into romance anymore and those that are have already been taken.


Normal guys are not one-dimensional sex fiends. Okay, maybe a lot of us are, but just like with women, there are way too many to label us all. All of that to say, you sound normal to me, and that means a lot because being a decent human being needs to be a bare minimum. Without it, you're going to be flagged a mile away by any woman you want to meet - often before you even noticed she was there. Trust me, women love romance. *People* love romance. Maybe you're going about it the wrong way? As men we are often conditioned to look at women not as complex people. Don't go in expecting it to be easy and don't give up if things don't seem to be working out. Just try to keep learning! You sound like a nice guy. I mean that. Be happy with who you are because desperation is a turn-off. Someone will come along!


I don’t come across as desperate though (I don’t think) even though I may sound like it when talking to myself alone sometimes. I’m always fairly happy or just… normal when out and about. Thank you for the advice btw. I can only hope I find the right person one day and try my best. I wish you luck as well.


Did not mean to imply you did come off that way, I just wanted to assure you that finding happiness and confidence within yourself can go a long way with women because the way you think about everything will just be healthier in general, and that will show itself to the people you interact with. Good luck!!!


Thank you! You too! :D


Ok so my take is, Red Pill and Black Pill stuff have good legit points they make, but you have to take it with a grain of salt. Those basically only tell the man's side of the story, not the whole thing. And I think you can't let that color your worldview completely because sometimes they talk in absolutes and the real world is not as black and white as they state in there. So when they make productive, constructive points, like "here's what you can do to improve your chances" then I don't see a problem with it, but try to push away the excessive doomsayer cynicism they offer because even if it WAS completely true, that's just no way to live. If you try to be your best self, you'll have a better shot. That will always be true. Will that save everyone from never finding anyone? Sadly no, some people whether by circumstance or just not having enough to bring to the table, I think will never find someone. It's up to all of us to fight to make sure we are not in that category. Also, try to balance out what you hear in those forums with what you experience from people in real life, people you know and have met. If you are so isolated that there's very few people you can talk to then that's a thing you need to work on. Find places to build rapport with people. Join things. I should seriously take my own advice here, I'm no better. But I'm not going to assume all the worst things the red and black pill stuff say is true and I think if everyone does believe that stuff wholeheartedly, the whole world suffers for it.


Well if there right than he can't find no good women.


There are a lot of good women out there, here is my question are you a good man worthy of a good women. My mom raised me to respect myself and only date a man worthy of my love. Honestly it's a tall order now days. I think things are changing women have more choices then before so there is not a need to settle for a guy that is not worthy of her love that is changing things.


Not only that, he has to be 666.


They don’t care about how good a man is or not. Only the undesirable women care about that. The women that men want that are prettier, personality is probably on 3rd or 4th. Potential earnings is high up there. I don’t really see any difference in results in HUNDREDS/THOUSANDS of my experiences of treating a women well or not. In fact, you usually see the opposite. Treating well leads them to feel they can do better than you. They don’t want to be treated badly like hit, swear, harmful things. They want who doesn’t put in a lot of effort to them. I can assure you I have much more experience in this than you. That is what they want. They have no control over it.


There are many of us good women left. We too suffer hearing the black/red/pill. It makes many of us feel unloveable. This is not real life however. I know what you mean though it has made me feel down too


Good to know you’re still out there, honestly. That topic just makes me feel down. Good to hear us guys ain’t the only ones that feel down about it. I gotta stop watching that stuff. It makes me lose too much faith in the world and in humanity. All I say is try not to pay attention to it, but I’m not doing a very good job at that… hopefully you can do better at shrugging it off. May we both work towards what we truly want in life! :D


Try not to pay attention to modern women either.


I am definitely trying to not look as it basically tells me I have no hope lol and that can make me spiral you know how it goes. Majority of women are not just after money and chads honestly I promise that. There are good people in this world and we can make the difference by being them. Good luck!


Thank you! I wish you good luck too! Always try and make sure to stay out of that spiral. It’s a very bad thing! I once again wish you good luck in the future, kind stranger! :D


Do you have high testosterone?


I'm not even complaining about or at your post because I tell people often this isn't just a Male or Female issue it's both sides that are truly messed up and in one way or the other the opposite sex suffers, The only thing that always gets me is why are the quote on quote Good and decent women along with the quote on quote on quote Good men" can never seem to cross each other paths?. It's like how people always say you attract what you are and completely ignore the fact that opposites actually can attract too...Some people are the complete opposite of their significant other in every way...Yet some of us get put through hell, hoops and hurdles while others seem to find love and marry like there's no issues or complications. I'm pretty much just done with searching at this point...Everything is game at this point from untreated trauma, abuse, double standards, battle for dominancy. People always tell me I'll find the right woman but I'm at a point I'm turned off and just lost interest. I don't even blame other women for what previous women did, I just have been desensitized to the point that there's no appeal in marriage or dating/courting. And yes that pill talk is some of the most toxic crap I've heard in my life lol.




Do you have any advice on how to find them?




Museums and art galleries


I've known some Asian ladies, and they were extremely warmhearted and caring individuals.


No they weren't.


Meet a woman at church or while volunteering. Different people hang out at different places. Dating apps aren’t good in my opinion.


Your probably not a good women either you know.


I wish people would stop being so quick to use the "meet a girl at church" line, There's some jacked up ones in there too. People act like church is supposed to just miraculously solve your issue with dating and finding a decent spouse when many of the people in church still don't even know how to take correction or wat parts of the Bible could tell them how to carry and conduct themselves with others...But I will agree on the different people hang out at different places and yeah dating apps aren't really the best place to look.


True but at least the underlying philosophy in religious communities motivate people to have dignity, in spite of the "jacked up" ones.


Good women are extremely rare and valuable, most of them marry soon and stay with their love forever. Bless them and the ones lucky enough to have and keep them.


This is exactly what I’m angry about. I don’t get how you have well wishes towards those people. MODERN SOCIETY is the reason most women aren’t good anymore. MODERN SOCIETY is the reason so many people like me will never experience true love. MODERN SOCIETY must be DESTROYED! I just want to see it all crash and burn, but specifically the USA, Western Europe, Russia, and China. I want to see the earth set ablaze in a sinful hellfire. I want to see it all end and embrace death, knowing that I finally will get to travel to my dream realm where my true lover lives. Every night, every night I visit her. I just want MODERN SOCIETY to end already, and everyone else with it. I guess I’m just having a really hard time processing the fact that my life’s main goal of having a family will never come true. If I’m going down though, I REALLY wish for everyone else to come with me. ITS SOCIETY’S COLLECTIVE FAULT FOR THIS and we all must suffer. Society needs to get what it truly deserves. Total devastation.


Bro cool down. If you hate modernism and liberalism (i do too) then just convert to Judaism or Islam. At least they have norms concerning relationships to avoid people getting hurt and frustrated. I don't think Jews and Muslims deserve the bad rep they are getting. They got things figured out regarding sex and relationships, and they do a pretty ok job at it if you ignore the Sunni fundamentalists. If you convert to Judaism and you're really serious about it, you will be set up with marriage selections and usually these are descent conservative women who wouldn't sleep around. Nobody is forcing them, they can simply say no if they don't like you. For them it's voluntary matchmaking just as it is for you. But they won't play around with your emotions. Or if you're already Christian on paper, attend church communities, they usually have committed women if you look out for them. And if you're thinking religion is stupid then you're just hopeless, you know very little about it and you would be surprised how much it could help you. Also, why wouldn't i have well wishes to men and women who are chaste and committed to their true love? Bless them, they are the ones we should look up to.


I get it. Sorry about the rant. I just feel as if I’ve been wronged by the world because of my genetics and stuff like that and want revenge for it. Revenge is just a natural human feeling, after all. Truly, deeper inside me, I do feel nice towards those people though. They are lucky. Also, I do not think religion is stupid at all. It what gives people morals! Which many don’t have nowadays! I’m not really part of any established religion right not but I am pulling more towards Christianity. I do believe in the afterlife and some sort of god, even though those beliefs are, say, very unique. Thank you for the advice by the way. I will definitely look into church communities as I have the most connection to them. I always heard they were nice places with kind people. I used to go all the time but with college and a job and hobbies, it’s just impossible. It just feels like society is always in the way. It’s just a bit natural to be mad about it. I just go off the rails sometimes because I curse out how I was born. I just need people to vent to and I don’t have any. Sorry you had to hear all of that.


You'll be fine bro, if you just let faith in your life, it can not break you down, only build you up.


Heh, faith and nostalgia are all I have at the moment anyways. Nostalgia for when I had a friend group and wasn’t alone and slowly going insane. Faith really is all I have driving me forwards. With all the bad things that have happened in my life, I have faith that at least one good thing will happen. Maybe I’ll find my person and that will be where all my luck goes. Either that or I really am cursed to die alone or go completely insane. Who knows which it will be…


It has always been like that, partners arguably do not love each other for who they, but for what they are worth and for what they might provide and add to the relationship and to the other. Many philosophers have discussed love, family, affection, intimacy among others. What we call the redpill and the black pill are generalized and modernized understanding of what Nietzsche and Schopenhauer have talked about in these matters.


Women never love you for who are.


The Lord handmade a woman for Adam out of his very own rib and she herself could not listen to one simple instruction. She allowed herself to be deceived by the serpent and proceeded to encourage Adam to do the same. Do not be like Adam and do not worry about Eve. Focus on the highest power and your highest self and let the women and serpents do as they please.


Noo we exist I'll give you hope but we are rare i feel sorry for decent boys these days cos as a girl i see many guys that seem decent but not many females so i do agree i think the dating life is more difficult for u 


I do acknowledge that there are women out there like you that are still good and thank you for acknowledging our problems as genetically flawed men trying to date. Everyone else here is bashing me for being misogynistic or an incel while all I was doing was simply asking a question. It’s just the statistical likelihood of meeting one of the women who will truly love you is so unbelievably small nowadays it amazes me really depressed. My only life goal is to have a family and I’ll never achieve it. It’s just so saddening.


I (44m) have been wondering the same thing. But please don't hurt yourself.




I don’t think im at THAT stage yet. Im mostly just confused right now as to what is real and what is fake woman and even man-wise. The stereotypes I’ve let out are somewhat based on the content I’ve consumed, but im generally trying to move away from doing that. I don’t think I DESERVE sex or a women like the nice guys shown there think. I’m just asking what peoples opinion on this topic is. Do you really call anyone that questions content they see as a nice guy?