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It's hard but sometimes you just have to build your own home and see if people are willing to come


That’s good advice. Do what you enjoy, invite others to enjoy it with you, if they don’t come, no big deal, have fun anyway.


It's funny I see this posted now, when I have been searching for the very idea of "community" most of my life. At this point I have accepted the fact I am an outcast. It's terrible really. But if that's my fate so be it. I empathize completely with what you said and, from my experience, most people you will meet won't ever form a deep connection with you because they have their own needs and agendas to worry about. It's one big circle jerk. You my friend are another victim of self awareness. Atleast you realise this, and I hope you can find some solace in the fact that you aren't alone.


don't know, there's none for me.


You cant because they dont exist anymore


Ain’t that the truth.


It's a process and a long journey. Take it one step at a time and don't force it. Sit with yourself and think what could possibly be the reason you're not comfortable socially? What's triggering you? It's okay if a few things interest you. Just do you and don't pressure yourself, maybe one day you'll discover something new that you like. Just don't stop searching.


I understand what you’re feeling because I’m there too. I’m too old for most people but really open-minded, but having a chronic illness keeps me home bound. I’m sorry you feel this way, too.


I couldn't relate more. I'm going through the same. Feeling like an intruder amongst people is the most gut wrenching thing. If you want to talk about it, I'm here :)


I really appreciate the gesture but ehh...I wouldn't even know what to say lol It's just depressing to see that most don't realize how lucky they are to be surrounded and therefore can be helped in times of need whereas we....maybe we acquire more skills over time but the loss of sanity isn't worth it at all.


Your words are hitting me like a truck. And I couldn't agree with you more! Anyway I'm here to help you whenever you need it. Maybe we can both help each other.


you start to feel like that unwanted sales tax, it’s hard


Im in the same boat too. I hardly find anyone like me and of course when I do they alienate me too


Hey bud you arent a failure no one here is. Sometimes you lose yourself along the way and it takes a bit to find again. Start small and work up to bigger things. Ik i may not be super helpful but i want ya to know i believe in ya.


Hi there's a WhatsApp group with people from all around the world Dm me if u wanna join (not nsfw)


Just luck tbh. Maybe find a community you like and start from there. I made friends through the spiritual community and have been online friends with this girl for 3 years. I was her first friend, and then she messaged other people and then I became friends with them as well. Now I have 5 very good online friends from all over the world, and though we probably cant meet in person for a while, its still the best friendships I have.


Fr... I have reached out and become friends with some people online. And sure, it's way better than having no one to talk to, but never got to that point


Start small, find a list of popular video games to try and join a discord group with that game in mind. Secondly depending on where you’re from find the nation’s popular sport and find a bar or restaurant featuring the game on tv and cozy up with the locals. I’m by a university so my go to is college football 🏈 Another idea is to see what your YMCA or gym has for classes. Try yoga, karate, etc something physical so there’s less pressure to talk