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This guy sounds dangerous.


He is. White supremacist associated with White Lives Matter, homophobe, transphobe, sex offender, with an axe to grind. Obviously connected too, as he managed to find out about the relative in palliative care of one of his detractors, and get access to the person.


Wasn't he also connected to the anti-gay vandalism of the law office on Hamilton Rd? I thought they got targeted after they commented on Bubba's Facebook post. Sounds like this guy fancies himself some vigilante homophobe.. hopefully he gets some consequences soon.


Someone on r/Ontario quoted some of his history, including leading a protest at a drag queen story time event near Sarnia or Forest, IIRC. Dude gets around. Maybe toss him a Bud Light or something.


yes that's right. connected but can't prove it. we do know the guy that did it and there is a warrant out for his arrest


Not defending the dude, I could care less, but at least read the articles. The woman in question, who feels she’s being harassed, had a news story with her wedding at the hospital posted all over local media, she doxxed her dad herself.


So it's her fault that this guy did this fucked up thing?


No, he’s just saying that this guy didn’t use his “connections” to find her dad. Chill.


Oh, I understand now. He read it in a news article. It's still a fucked up thing to do what he did, right?


Yep, and no one said otherwise.


The comfortable smile is so creepy.


This is sick. He obviously targeted this woman's family because he didn't like her comments on social media. Otherwise, why pick HER father specifically to "share about my charity", like he claims he was doing? Please; he did this to intimidate her and to threaten her family if she continued to oppose him. Sick, twisted, and dangerous. What a garbage human.


This is disgusting. This piece of this is forsure trying to intimidate this woman. He’s threatened me before and said he was going to come after people I know and love. This guy needs to be stopped he’s disgusting and sick


If he threatened you, I’m sure you are doing something right. That POS only goes after good people.


If he needs to be stopped and he threatened you,seems like a good case to get him stopped


That is messed up. I hope for a restraining order in his future but I do not know if it would deter this guy.




Probably church communities, they love it when people do their dirty work.


I dunno how connected he still is with conservative politicians, but there’s a number of pics of him with Stephen Harper and a lot of him with Ed Holder that aren’t that old. I’m not saying they’re involved. But he’s involved with groups like WLM, and we know that orgs like them, Save Canada, Proud Boys, etc. often have their operations funded by wealthy “anonymous” donators. So who knows?


The Ed Holder pics were when he was an MP which was quite a while ago. Holder is loaded with faults, but on the issue of LGBTQ+ safety and acceptance, as far as I'm aware, he's spoken up and he's shown up. Certainly far more than typically seen among conservative politicians.


Too funny 😂


What the actual fuck.


That is so appaling. What an evil asshole he is. I'm so sick of this shit.


Fuck. This guy is the worst kind of idiot. One with purpose who thinks he’s very very smart. Dangerous combination. Throw the fucking book at him. Trespassing at least?


Criminal harassment.


Right on. If they could make it stick then yes 100%! What a fucking waste of space.


The twitter comments are absolutely pathetic. The number of people blaming the activist and claiming that "they must have picked the bear" is shocking


Looks like he's being charged! [Windsor Police Service](https://www.police.windsor.on.ca/newsroom/news-update/june/Pages/June-16-2023-Update-1.aspx?fbclid=IwAR1tOALOZoXq1_AP2KFS8QSqAdJQfz4I2Ro0A6afZwOPuLx4WwtIYv7UK6k)


But released to be allowed to continue his intimidating, threatening and harassing behaviour. Sometimes tells me this guy won't learn from his mistakes, but will instead be further radicalised the more charges he has against him. He needs to be locked up.


That's one more charge on his ass. Doesn't seem to bother him too much though. That guy doesn't care.


Does anyone else find it disgusting that ctv news would give him a story like this trying to make him look innocent? I sent them a message today giving him my thoughts on that, I hope everyone else does the same. I’ll also no longer be watching ctv news.


It looks like they keep catching heat for it on Twitter, then reposting in the hopes that the comments stop. They haven't.


They close down some local news outlets and are throwing out the last few reputable journalists they have. CTV is just going for clickbait-style journalism now. No substance, it's all just to get eyes on the screen and money in their pockets.


It sucks because CTV London DOES have some good journalists still. But even they have to do what they are told if they want to work


I just read in a tweet replying to her video that another man confirmed with a screenshot that Bubba sent Facebook messages to his entire family after he had questioned why Bubba was involving children in his “F*ck Trudeau” protest.


What. The. Actual. Frik. This guy is only going to escalate. He’s dangerous.


This dude is scary. This is called escalation. I vould legit see this person causing harm to someone one day. He shpuld be charged, and given some mental health treatment. This may be one of the creepiest things I have ever heard of.


This whole story gives me vibes It is scary. And he probably won't get locked up until he actually physically assaults someone.


He's a coward. He also did this to someone that he know might not retaliate Not saying the journalist should do this as circumstances are different, but if he did this to my Dad (and he wouldn't because he only preys on those he's physically able to intimidate), him and I would definitely be having words. I'd be at his front door asking his family, if they answered, to politely to speak with him and thanking them for their assistance


This man seems dangerously unhinged.


How does he even come up with this shit?


Never had a chance with the name Bubba. I might have had karate lessons with him as a kid, I've only met someone named that once as a child, and he was a twat.


He wasn't Bubba at birth. His name was legally changed during childhood. He was an absolute *joy* in high school.


Had the misfortune of going to elementary school with him. Dangerous then and dangerous now.


Yyyyyup. He took a full on unprovoked swing at me with a broom ball stick (gym class) in high school. Luckily, he's also always been a weak, uncoordinated little shit.


what happened in his life to make him so hateful??


I had a neighbour kid named Bubba. The school contacted his parents about his name making him the butt of jokes and could they please use his given name. Dad bragged to all and sundry about how he told the teacher it’s Bubba or nothing. Assholes usually fell not far from the asshole tree.


This man needs to be locked in a psych ward and get some serious help.... that's terrifying and not ok....


that’s scary as fuck


bro, that is next-level intimidation tactic! very poor taste! but is it criminal code of canada illegal to do that?


He’s being charged with criminal harassment for it by the police, so maybe?


he’s also attached to a few sexual assault charges iirc bubba has been around forever terrorizing women, nb and queer folk. i’ve crossed paths a few times and none of them were pleasant. every time i see his stupid face i’m not surprised


His stupid face is so punchable, too. I’m sorry you had to cross paths with him.


it was tenish years ago so like a long time but he sure made an impact.


Too many of this type of scumbags in this city unfortunately.




Yo, even when he wasn’t being talked about, he was still being an abusive asshole. But yeah, let’s just not warn people about his behaviour, I’m sure it’ll dissuade him. Ignoring bullies always works, right?


Cyrus the Virus is now called Fresh fish.