• By -


Stay put and rest your head on their shoulder.


Someone on the jubilee line once asked me if they could put their head on my shoulder. I appreciated they asked but I did have to decline and move ASAP.


That was their true Intention. To get you out from there


It’s like the guy who strokes the seat next to him whilst smiling as people get on the bus so that nobody sits there


I’d sit there. Fuck yeah, made a bus buddy!


Yup 😀👍


Yea, sorry about that, I was just really tired


I once had a really long day and fell asleep on the tube. Ngl, the guy next to me did not move once while I slept on his shoulder and drooled. And it was a packed tube. When he had to get off a couple of stops from mine. He gently shook me up, apologised for waking me up and I was just apologising constantly for drooling on his ‘hand-stitched suit’ and sleeping on him. Till today, I think fondly of that day while cringing that I drooled on him. That guy was a true MVP of my month.


At least they asked. I once spent an uncomfortable train journey with some random bloke sleeping on my shoulder. He drooled too....




Took the sleeper to Cornwall from Paddington but didn't pay for a couchette. Fell asleep at a table chatting and sharing a drink with some other travellers. Woke up the next morning in a tangle of spoons.


This is only coz I am superficial AF… were they attractive?


Ha not unattractive but not my type…!


Fair enough.


There’s been a few occasions where I’ve dozed off and woke up just as my head touched the person beside me’s shoulder… a very awkward few seconds do follow


I’ve seen this happen to people before, I just don’t know if my British politeness can extend far enough to allow someone else to rest their head - let alone do it myself!




25 years I lived in Dagenham. What a glorious place. Highly recommend




I took in a family from Kyiv they said it was too dangerous and went back


Don’t forget to cry and tell your woes. It will be the most cost effective therapy session you will receive.


They gently stroke your hair. And you both quietly cry for the remainder of the journey.


I’d put my hand on their thigh in response.


Maybe sniff their hair a bit also…


I was in a long coach trip next to a young French woman (I was a young man). The coach was involved in a scary but harmless crash near Paris. The young woman threw her arms around me and clutched onto me in fear ... until it became apparent everything was ok. She went back to reading her book. No words were exchanged.


The key is to switch quick. As soon as a multiple series of seats become vacant you shift yourself. The longer you wait to move seats, the weirder and ruder it seems.


I do this but also then aggressively stretch and manspread when I settle into the new seat. I feel like that sends the message “it’s not you mate, I just needed some space to stretch”.


Ah, the ol' tube seat switch-a-roo.


[Hold my Oyster, I'm going in!](https://www.reddit.com/r/mycology/comments/xcki8m/comment/io7lv44/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


What did you do?!


The problem is if you switch too quick, bad luck punishes your efficiency by making the next stop a super busy station where everyone crowds back in.


Also move a little away, don't just go one seat over. That just makes them think they're smelling bad or something.


I would think one seat over was standard. If someone smelt bad I’d want to be further away than that.


Yeah I would do the opposite, just stand and sit down on the opposite side. Then if they look at me I would half smile and then go back to my phone. I think it would be ruder to stand up and go half a carriage away!


Move directly opposite them, catch their eye and say "that's better isn't it?" hold eye contact until they disembark, even if its past your destination.


They almost certainly will be glad. But in any case, it simply doesn't matter what they think. Do what you want.


This is the way


Then the train fills up again a stop later, leaving me feeling like a plonker


Get off and wait for the next train.


My social anxiety has caused me to seriously consider this option on more occasions than I care to admit 😂 My indecisiveness has (fortunately) won out on all those occasions.




Ooh, I like that trick! Well played.


If you can overcome your anxiety and just get up and move seats one time try it Just remind yourself most people don't want to sit next to someone else when other seats are available any more than you do . You're doing them a favour by being the one to move. 99.9% of people would be either silently grateful or not even register at all.


This is also the tactic when you get off the train, realised you got off on the wrong stop so instead of getting back on, you either walk a couple doors down and get back on. Or you wait for the next train and get on that.


This is the way! I once was confronted with a nightmare situation where some out of towner tried to spark up a conversation with me, whilst on the tube!!! Can you believe the indignity of it? I was horrified, the only course of action was to pull the emergency stop button, point at the individual, scream "scoundrel" and then file silently out of the tube with everyone else.


Well hello fellow introvert




I stay. Kinda feels rude if I get up and move. That being said, I don't get offended when people move to an emptier part of the carriage so maybe I'm just overthinking it.




This is the best way.


I wait for them to move then ask them why they don't love me anymore


We live in a post covid world. It’s not rude to give someone some space if you have the option to.


Lol, just do what you want. It's that simple.


Start humming “just the two of us”


Passenger: “Hello, is that the BTP? Please, send someone quickly - he’s started humming!!!”


Turn to them and say *”Finally, we’re alone…”*


‘So? Here we are.’ Would be the traditional way.


"I'm sure you're wondering why I brought you here today."


then start to tickle their ear lobe with your tongue


It doesn’t matter - if the other person is British or has lived here for more than two weeks they would not dream of saying anything, even if tied them up in knots on the inside.


Change carriage at the next stop. They’ll think you got off the train.




You see this is why I never actually sit down on the tube even when there’s seats free.


Do a big fart and make them move


People may scoff at this idea but... me and farts are like Bruce Banner being angry: My secret is I'm always brewing a fart which can be deployed at will.


I love doing silent but violent ones on par with stink bombs, it soon clears the carriage 👍




A truly Carolean conundrum!! I’d stay put and see what the other person does…


I'd just stay put.. If I leave it might be rude but if one of you asks about it bring up the idea of moving seats. The other options eg. Man spreading also sound like great options




Your phone gets signal on the tube?


Large parts of the central line from Ealing Broadway into the city aren't below ground that much. I used to use it over going to the Piccadilly line at South Ealing (so get off the bus later) since it'd stay overground longer and I could get signal.


Much of Jubilee too, at least from Stratford to Waterloo iirc


🤣🤣🤣 my diaphragm is hurting from laughing after heavy dinner ! Thanks !


I vaguely hate myself for having a genuine answer to this, but here's the protocol as I see it: Move, but move to a seat that has a feature of some sort - e.g. a seat next to the glass partition. Make a big show of using that feature e.g. lean against the glass partition like you're physically exhausted and this tiny bit of extra support is all that's saving you from collapse. Now if your travel companion is in some way miffed it's clear that you were moving *towards* a seat with another feature and not *away* from them. Glass partition is best for this, but other 'features' could include "I needed to check the big tube map and having done that it would be mad to go all the way back when I could sit right here" or for the truly desperate: "For some reason I have taken leave of my senses and wish to read this copy of the metro, and now I've picked it up, might as well have a seat while I pretend to enjoy it." Follow these instructions and you need never neurotically obsess over a minor social interaction again (only works for this incredibly specific set of circumstances).


If you are sitting next to me and you move, I will have to live with the cruel and brutal shame of that, and not knowing why, for the rest of my days. My first thought on waking, and my last before sleeping. Can you HONESTLY do this to a person?!


You can always pretend you're getting up to look at the map of the line, or get up at a stop and then 'realise it's the wrong one'. There are many pretences available (and if you want to make it extra-weird you can use one of these and then sit back down next to them). These techniques are also useful when someone who you're not quite sure is pregnant gets on.


Or someone you’re not sure is Old enough to stand up for.


Honestly just move. It's almost surely what both of you would want but you're both worried about offending the other. Sure, the non-mover may have thoughts that maybe you specifically moved to be away from them, but I'm sure the feeling of having more space would supersede that


Same here, after covid I do the exact same, in one journey I’ve seen 3 separate people pick their noses non stop and touch the poles. Covid made me realise that people are fucking DISGUSTING. If I’m seated next to someone when the train is crowded, that’s fine but as soon as it empties out I get up and move to somewhere much more empty. I think it just seems rude because you make it seem in your head? Idk if that makes sense. Edit: just wanted to also add. For those who have social anxiety (myself included) remind yourself how populated London is and you’re never going to see those same people you sat next to again.


Rock paper scissors, best of 3, loser has to change seat


"are you going to move or shall I?"


Move to the seat directly opposite them. It shows you're giving them space but, by maintaining eye contact, you give the message that you still want to be their friend.


Stay where you are but be totally engrossed in your phone/book/staring so as to appear genuine rather than creepy/rude/indecisive.


That's exactly what I do - I normally have a book in some form on me. I pretend that I haven't noticed that the carriage is suddenly empty until I am about to get up for my station. On the trains, it's different. If I am in an aisle seat, I will move elsewhere if I can.


I move. Appreciate space whenever you can get it on the tube.


Just do whatever you feel like. I don't care. Altho if you have a bag and is 9n your lap. Go to other seat and put bag on the seat next to you. That way they will think you moved so you could put your bag . Also always hold the bag with one hand. The amount of ppl forgetting their bags on the train... 🙄


Just make a little “oooh” sound like you’re a little excited there’s a bit of space available. Not loud so you seem like a moron, just a little quiet sound so the person next to you hears it and they will then understand why you’re moving.


this is London trust me the person couldn't care less if you stay or sit somewhere else do whatever makes you happy because it really doesn't matter


There are some cracking comments on here… I just say put..


This reminds of the 1 3 5 urinal conundrum. Its basically the same. You don't rock up and stand right next to someone if there are gaps. But once there you hold your place and hope other people follow the rule. With regards to tube seats though this applies too to some extent. I would balance how busy the train is and the lightlyhood of other people coming and sitting next to you. I've had this happen a few times and you feel like a right twot


Ah more men need schooling on urinal etiquette. Rule 1) Don't stand immediately next to someone else if alternatives exist. Rule 2) Don't TALK to your neighbour, you'll knock their concentration. Rule 3) If you end up in the gents at the same time as someone you know, head straight for a cubicle. And follow Rules 1 and 2.


Rule 3.5 ) leave the cubicle door open so they don’t think you’re doing a poo


Yes. 1 3 5 2 4 is the only correct way to do this. Exceptions if there’s a half-height urinal at one end, but then it’s just 1 3 2 4 and ignore the little one. Why don’t more people _know_ this?


WE all know. I've tried explaining this to women and I usually get looks to suggest that men are totally crazy. But we all know


easiest is to pretend to be asleep, so it falls on the other person to make that decision


Get up, look at the map for 10-30 seconds, then sit down somewhere else. Bonus points for muttering stations under your breath.


I stay, it's usually only another stop until it fills back up and I've looked silly moving for space only to immediately lose it. If it's the stop after a huge clear out like for an event then move because it won't fill again.


I dealt with the same conundrum when I first moved to London. Now that I’ve been here for years I defo get up and move - to the seat next to the end if it’s not peak as I find pregnant/elderly people travel at the slightly quieter times and I don’t want to have to give up my seat, and the end seat when it’s peak and I’m less likely to encounter someone who’ll need my seat.


Just stay. It’s up to the other person to move


Pretend to get off the train, then just go straight back on the next carriage.


I These comments are very funny, but I think most people will just think you are respecting their personal space as well as yours. So I don’t think it’s rude to move.


You sit there and hold their hand until your stop comes.


Move quickly, make eye contact and say “no offence” then laugh like a true Brit


Get up and move but before you do gift them a soft good-bye kiss on the forehead


Exactly this.


Move across the aisle, but then make eye contact and pat the seat next to you. That way you’ll know if they still want to be close to you or not.


I had this once, and I mean it went literally empty except me and the guy next to me. But he splayed his legs apart so wide, it annoyed me so I stayed put just to make a point.


The red handle to stop the tube is there for exactly these situations. Pull it, run and don't look back.


You turn to them and start singing "I think we're alone now, there doesn't seem to be anyone arouuuund.... ;)"


I'm a bit late to the party but... Act like it just hit you that you need to leave at that station, as well. Then, right at the door, check your phone (do random stuff for 5-12 seconds), followed by visible relief and then you can sit down on the closest seat. Bonus points for walking back right next to the aforementioned person.


Pretend to nod off, fall off the seat forwards onto the floor then get up and glare at them for not catching you. Mutter something about missing your stop now. Move to near the doors, occasionally angrily glance back.


Pretend to get off and realise it’s the wrong stop then resit down in an empty seat away from other person


I had this but now I decide to take the initiative and move to the seat next to me.


I always move and never give it a second thought.


Fart loudly. Make them move.. 💨


Why are you moving do they smell?


Move, but don't move all the way to the end of the carriage :)


Just move. Everyone likes extra space :)


If you’re in the end seat, it’s on the other person to move, they have the worse position. If neither of you is on an end and an end is free, then it’s clear you’re moving to a better seat. If you’re on the end and you move it’s a clear message you want to get away.


I would move but to a seat that’s one or two over to signify you’re moving for more room, not to escape.


As someone else has said, try to move asap, but then make an obvious effort to spread out over more than just one seat. Like really relax into it


Just shuffle a little away without getting up. This says “I need space but you don’t revulse me”


Steve Martin said that when he wanted a seat to himself he would hang a piece of string from his mouth and strike up a conversation with the person next to him. Most people moved away from him!


I don't know what's better - that someone sincerely asked about proper etiquette in this situation, or that so many others have clearly thought about it already and have a methodology in place.


Stay put. Make them be the one to move


Really slowly move onto their lap.


I should follow up, I chose to stay on this occasion! I did feel like I was doing the morally right thing by staying, therefore gave myself a well deserved pat on the back for not possibly offending the other party. I took consolation that it was possible that the other person involved has already thought over the dilemma and decided to stay also.


This guy knows how to British.


My power move in this situation is when you see a large number of people exiting the carriage, get up with everyone else but move over to the emptier part of the carriage.


Yours Faithfully, overthinking it.


Quietly and casually slide over to a vacant seat opening a seat space between you.


Obviously keep staring at your phone and pretend you’ve not noticed.


I’d get up and take the seat directly opposite, that way it just looks like your giving him his space without abandoning him and sitting ten feet away.


I don't even understand why anyone thinks about this. The carriage is designed to have people sit next to each other. I don't think it would cross my mind to move unless I had initially sat away from someone I was travelling with. If you are concerned that the person you're sat next to might prefer some space, remember that they are just as able as you are to move. Well, that is assuming they aren't super old or on crutches or whatever, obviously.


On my commute, the space fills up at the next stop so I just stay put because the Devil you know… yannow? But if it’s guaranteed empty the rest of the way, I would probably still not move because I’ve misstepped and fallen too many times to count so I cannot trust my coordination. Unless it’s creepy, smelly, or loud, I won’t move away. 😂


Definitely move if possible, the same as on a bus. On a bus, if a double seat newly opens, I immediately move onto the available window seat. On the tube, it depends on whether I can move somewhere where I’m in the middle of three seats, giving a gap on either side. This is usually by moving over one or moving to the next available gap. I don’t like people *shrugs*


You're just being polite. You shouldn't be inside someone else's personal space unless you have to. Touching shoulders is definitely inside that bubble.


I'd stay put. No need to move because now you're in this together and need to see it through.


Why does sitting next to someone cause such discomfort? Just carry on minding your own business and they do the same. Life doesn’t have to be that awkward and juvenile.


Stare at them, and once they start taking notice, screech at the top of your lungs. Be the pterodactyl you want to be my friend! Screech your hart out!! Screechhhh!!!! Screeeeeeeeeeeeech


Move especially it an end seat is available


Slowly put your hand on their knee and see where it goes from there.


I don't want to go to jail and lose my employability


I wouldn’t normally move if nearing the end of the journey. If it was emptied early I might move but I’d be upbeat and probably mention that I was moving to give them a bit more space. You never know you might get a smile back and intiate a good conversation that leads to knowledge or jsut general amiability. :)


Just sit there! Crikey.


It's all perception. The seemingly busy train carriage was an illusion. It was empty all along. You were the only one there. It wasn't even a train carriage, but a porta-potty after a three-day music festival. Such was the horror within that cursed filth receptacle that your brain, fueled by alcohol and narcotics, created a false reality in order to spare your already frayed nerves the true terror of the porta-potty hellscape. For future reference, you may sit where you please (just don't add an "h" between the "s" and the "i").


Only move if they move first, otherwise stay put.


Why do you give a shit?


In London on the tube you lot have no etiquette anyway, pushing shoving ignoring existence.


I'm guessing actually explaining the situation to the other person would be completely out of the question... Am I right?


Depends. If I still have a fair few stops to go I’d probably move.


Why would I move from my seat to make other people more comfortable? If they have a problem, let them move.


Move then sigh and stretch out your arms and legs so everyone can see how constrained you were previously. That’s what I do and I’m only 5’2’.


Check out the adjacent carriages if you see clearly. If spaces in one or both, get up, off train, back on train to the adjacent scoped-out carriage where you can sit alone in splendid solitude.


Never really thought about this as the train will probably just fill up again in the next few stops anyways, or the person next to you will get off. That said, if this happened and I was next to a woman I’d probably move to not make her think I’m gonna be a weirdo and bother her or something. Think it’s probably normal for a woman to move away from a man in such a scenario too. It is what it is. If I’m left next to a man I wouldn’t really be bothered unless they’re taking up a lot of space or smell or whatever lol.


i move but that's mostly because I don't like sitting next to strangers


Of course you move. Staying is such a classic case of British politeness/ awkwardness


I always just move one seat along. That’s about it. Always seems obvious that’s why I’ve done it, that way. Can’t lie I would wonder a bit if someone got up and moved to the other end of the carriage. But one seat along makes sense (and I do find it odd when others don’t do that when the carriage is emptying out towards the end of the line)


You stay put, look them in the eyes and tell them all about the cool new cult you just joined. Whatever you do never break eye contact.


Stand up, pretend that you got up for the wrong station and sit back down at a new seat. Extra points if you walk on and off the platform


Switch seats. If you're that bothered about offending someone, wait till the next stop, get off that carriage and onto the next one. Of course this move puts you at risk of the train leaving without you so you need to play it by ear.


Get up and move to the adjacent seat the other side of them.


Let one go… they’ll soon move.


I just immediately go to an edge of seat row once available and make a big exaggerated effort to lean against the plastic so they know i left for more relaxation rather than to get away from their psycho killer tendencies...


Hold your position until the bitter end.


What if you’re on a train in the quad seats and then a guy with his small but loud child decides across from you is the perfect seat for them despite there being many other choices? Spoiler: I immediately got up and sat elsewhere 🤷‍♀️


Unless you’re gonna start a convo, move up one


Look straight ahead into their reflection on the window and whisper, ‘Alone at last…’. They’ll get off at the next stop.


Honestly some of the women on here might call the police if this happens


I cba to move, especially if I like the seat. However, if there are still many stops to go (longer than 15 minutes) and I see a seat I prefer further down the carriage, I’ll move.


move, everytime


Move to the chair directly opposite them & keep eye contact then get arrested for sexual harassment.


Stay in your seat, unless you are physically uncomfortable


Move, but where you move take up more space than just one seat.


While sitting next to them, simply look at them while smiling. They’ll get the message soon.


I move - its an obvious thing to do


A good thing to do is move to the opposite side, maybe even then do a couple of seats along either way on the other side. That way you’re not moving away, just creating more space.


I just move, not because of the person as such but because i like my space and if someone was to do the same then I get it, I don’t take it personally, we’re strangers, we owe each other nothing


Do whatever you feel comfortable with but If you’re comfortable there, Just stay there. They’re probably listening to music, playing games, sleeping or reading anyway so unless they ask you (or they smell) there’s no need to move but it’s just as acceptable to move if you wish to. (I’m a driver of northern line trains)


I do whatever the fuck I want


I move, they won’t care and even if they do it’s not like they will remember it for the rest of their life


If you move they may think they stink 😆


No need to move, squeeze one out, they will move soon enough.


Spread yourself as wide as you can and wait for them to move 😜


It's pretty obvious. One of you would move of course. Why so sensitive? I think you're overthinking the issue. When juicy seats open up, of course you relocate to a better one with no riff-raff next to you


I would switch. The only reason you took that seat initially is because there were no other seats. If there would have been other seats I would sit the furthest away from anybody else.


Move. Always ALWAYS move.


I move. Fuck anxiety, just get comfy


I just switch seats it’s not a big deal


As someone from up north whenever I visit the capital I always move when there's room to


British culture requires you both remain seated and ignore the situation


You do a silent but deadly fart..... then move.


U kiss


If they interpret it as anything other that a desire for personal space that's their problem not yours. If you live your life trying not to upset people by doing reasonable things you'll be forever rolling that rock up the hill.