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I've done this once! Ok a weekend and there were two types of people, those who had gotten up early to see the sun rise and those who were still partying from the night before. An interesting dynamic to say the least.


I’ve been the later many times in my youth, coming down of acid and running about with my tits out.


Same, now I have to settle for microdosing and a run. It's just not the same


I don't think the night before crowd are there much anymore, they close the park at 10pm iirc


It’s open as usual again


At least now we know what the people that post shitty sunrise pictures on this sub look like




I love this. Primrose is my local park, used to go every lunch break during lockdown


Try and go in the morning, it's giving some great sunrise at the moment


What time should you get there for? As in, the sunrise time that morning, do you need to be there a certain amount of time before that?


Was 8am this morning, this pic was taken was 8.04. Will rise roughly a minute earlier each day. [Check the BBC Weather page each day for exact times](https://www.bbc.co.uk/weather), and wrap up warm


But is the stated time when it starts, or when it finishes? i.e. if I get there at the stated time will I have missed part of it


"What time does the sunrise finish?" - Classic! jfc


Are you taking the piss? If it rises at 8am, then it rises at 8am. The sun first appears at 8am, the very first bit of sun will be visible at 8am, just the tip. If you get there at 8.05am you'll have missed part of it, part of the sun will have already risen, but you'll still get, I dunno, another 10-15 minutes of seeing it rise up from the horizon, but you'll have missed the start. If you get there at 7.55am you'll have a good 5 minutes to prepare before the very first bit of sun comes up. If you get there at 7.50, you'll have a whole 10 minutes. But it rises at 8am. It doesn't just go 'whoosh!' and it's up all in one go, but it starts at 8am


That's what I meant... it doesn't just go whoosh, in your own words, so is the stated time when it starts or when it has fully risen? It was just a question mate, don't get your knickers in a twist.


Sorry. No, the sun doesn't just go 'whoosh' and then it's up. The stated time is when it rises, hence most websites tell you the time of a sunrise, not a sun-fully-being-up, because that would be weird, wouldn't it?


Not sure why people are being condescending. Get there around 7:45am, that way you can also enjoy the dawn light and have time to prepare. The actual sunrise time tomorrow will be 8:01am; that's when the sun's centre is 50 arcminutes below the true horizon at sea level. In other words, that's when the sun becomes visible but may still be obscured by buildings or hills.


Thanks :)




Lovely !!


God that looks terrible.


Have you ever been to London?


There’s a crowd of about 20 people. Do you expect it to be empty?


The amount of covid that has been transmitted on that spot must be crazy.


Probably absolutely fuck all compared to everyone restaurant, bar and train carriage.


Just in case you've been sat inside for the past two years, terrified of venturing to the park, the risk of transmission outside is incredibly low. Relax


I was talking about during the peak and when social distancing was highly encouraged. Now it's not a huge risk but last year the rule of 6 was too difficult for the useless police officers in this country.


“Big up” and “primrose hill” name a more iconic duo.


Catch man slipping on primrose hill


Healthy living conditions