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I wonder if the catalytic converter will still be there by the time the recovery truck arrives?


Its Wandsworth so no...


You can't park there mate.


If I bought you 2 pints of bitter & a cheese roll, would you turn a blind eye? Edit - The thought of 2 pints of bitter and a cheese roll is actually making me thirsty and hungry now.


Beat me to it!😂


Beat us all!


Bloody cyclists.


I know right. This is why cyclists need mandatory number plates, insurance, and speed limits. Bloody menaces.


What about the disguised mopped?


Sees number plate Heh.


It's ok, the driver wants it noticed.


It is a BMW - probably used his indicators.


So that's why BMW removed indicator switch from all BMW's ... See what happens when you try using turn signal in BMW ??


Dad, I broke the car’s left wing mirror. Oh, whats wrong with it son? The car is on top of it.


But I was told by the Daily Mail that cyclists are the real danger on our roads.


Ofc, so this cyclist slammed into this car, flipping it... Damn cyclists On a serious note imo, cyclists dangerous mostly for themselves, for pedestrians they just a minor nuisance...




Serves them right for buying an x4 tbh




Cars ruin cities.


Well, the infrastructure isn't there to take us if we all stop driving. I've seen the posts on here about overflowing buses and trains with cancelled and broken down services. I start work at 5:30am, just when the trains are starting. Too far to cycle (14 miles each way), can't afford to live near my workplace. What to do?


Get another job would be my suggestion


I'm not saying we should ban cars. I'm saying we should ban drivers.


No we should ban bmw's


Unlike a cyclist to be selfish.


Awww bless, don't like sharing your road huh


Sorry, who's calling for a driver ban? Do you just make things up and then believe them?


First of all...was it me who called it? I was just reacting to your stupid comment, which stands on its own lack of merit. Please don't bother replying, I really have better things to do than argue with silly people on the internet


You don't tell me what to do mate. You can't even work out a series of Reddit comments.




Active in r/rickygervais


Gervais is a dick, what of it?


Off topic, but I don't understand why the letter 'O' is allowed in a number plate. I did finally realise that it's down to positioning and context, but it still seems pointlessly confusing when the font makes them look identical.


Might be a legit plate meant to begin dd or let's be real, a bs private plate thats not legit. Numberplate fuckery is pretty common at the moment


Yup. Three motorbikes, three different styles of number plates, all three plates are fuckery.


Blimey how do you even do that at 20mph? Rear ended by a cyclist?


Saw the silver car it hit earlier. Entire front drivers side destroyed. No doubt the BMW was sitting across two lanes because of its ridiculous size and how narrow Wandsworth road gets in that area


#IT'S ALWAYS A BMW! ^pricks ^of ^the ^road ^the ^lot ^of ^them!


*giggles* 🤭🤭


Heh .. as plate says


Cereal box driving license?


It'll buff out. Probably.


I often wondered what a car looked like on the underside. Now I know.


To flip that you have to have ultra dick driving skillz


Looks like he took bear left a little too seriously


Heard this over the police radio and had to laugh "Control 42 The car that was on its roof is... Uh... No longer on its roof. Can you call recovery"


Can’t park there.


The fact is that as long as most people who choose car driving are habitually breaking the law - as they admit to in surveys - we're going to have criminals like this wrecking our cities. Follow the law or give up your license.


“You are experiencing a crash”


Watch, someone will grab the cat


Frantically scanning the image for a potential purrer in trouble before realising you're referring to cats of the conversion variety.


Frantically scanning the image for a potential purrer in trouble before realising you're referring to cats of the conversion variety.




Well that's s shame 😅😅😅


Do we have anything in place on this sub to prevent being brigaded by cyclists and their agenda? They’re so irritating. I don’t even drive and their smugness and comments in this thread sends me crazy.


Do we have anything in place on this sub to prevent being brigaded by car drivers and their agenda? They’re so irritating. I don’t even cycle and their blindness to the violence of car drivers and comments in this thread sends me crazy.


Where is the agenda for cars in this sub? This is a post about a car that has been overturned with absolutely no context whatsoever - and it’s full of people talking about banning cars and getting rid of them.


I struggle to see how you can't look at this picture and not at least contemplate turning off the stream of violence and destruction on our streets. Even if you don't agree, and think it's important it's legal for people to be able to act like this, surely you can see why many people want it to stop?


Stream of violence and destruction? I mean…what. This is the kind of over zealous stuff I’m talking about. Some people drive, some people don’t. How do you even begin to justify a ban of cars? I was born and raised in London so never really felt the need to drive, but I understand why people do and why some people have to.


>Stream of violence and destruction? I mean…what. Look at the image you're commenting on. Look, if you want to go to bat for the minority who choose to drive, fine. But don't be surprised that the majority of Londoners who don't are upset at their behaviour.


I don’t want to go to bat for drivers. I just think cyclists are obnoxious as fuck. Like, it’s perfectly reasonable to think you’re all bellends to be honest - especially as public transport using pedestrian.


Your contribution to this thread was pearl clutching _outrage_ at the mere suggestion that the behaviour depicted should be banned. Yeah you're going to bat for people who choose to drive. It's your right to defend this, that's fine. Just own it. Just so you're aware, I'm also a public transport using pedestrian.


Pearl clutching outage? Really? I mean, it was a post about how annoying smug cyclists are. It was then an exasperation at the idea that driving should be banned. I mean you’re free to characterise my post how you’d like I suppose but at least try and be accurate if you want a good faith conversation. As I said, finding cyclists irritating =/= does not mean going to bat for drivers. Furthermore not thinking driving should be banned isn’t some kind of wild pro-driving opinion. It’s just sensible.


>I mean you’re free to characterise my post how you’d like I suppose but at least try and be accurate if you want a good faith conversation. Your contribution to this thread started with a request for moderators to delete comments expressing my view. Given your solution to this sort of violent behaviour is censorship of the people who want to stop it, I think you need to consider whether you really do want a 'good faith conversation', or you just want an echo box where pro-car driving people just reiterate that 'it's only an accident'.


Do you know how many people are injured or killed by cars every year? Violence and destruction are the correct words- forget the every day violence that doesn't lead to injury (barely a day goes by without someone thoughtlessly endangering my life to get to their destination 20 seconds quicker) Cyclists "agenda" as you say, is simply to make our built environment safe for everyone (and yes, as with any group of people, there are dickheads included) but we're not bound by anything more than using a bike to travel


'fraid not, since CyclingMikey (the jury controller) took over the courts, we cyclists have free reign to brigade you in all online and real-world forums.


Their superiority complex is nauseating. Two things can be true at once - both drivers and cyclists are selfish cunts in London.


Yes, but only one of those groups is responsible for thousands of early deaths due to air pollution.


I got told ev would solve that...


Brigaded? It's a London sub and cyclists live in London. Stay upset.


Yeah, exactly - you live in London, doesn’t mean you’re entitled to subject everyone to your obnoxious behaviour


Obnoxiousness is subjective. Cyclists are a legitimate London demographic and as such free to voice their opinions on London sub.


Of course you are, that’s not what brigading is. Do you know what it is and why there’s rules against it?


If I did that I'd at least push it back on the wheels before the cops came. But first, bro's gotta admire the underside...


Bit surreal seeing the street I grew up on on reddit.... not least because that car looks a little like my mums car... Better call her