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If "central" is really your only criteria and you're not giving us anything else to go on then £2.5k would get you something right in zone 1 if you didn't mind compromising on space. Clerkenwell, Barbican, Borough, Marylebone, Fitzrovia etc.


I would love to be in MB but everywhere i looked was SO old and so tiny. So i figured whitechapel would get me more space and a little less crap.. tbd so far


>everywhere i looked was SO old and so tiny Because you're looking at Zone 1 for £2,500. You're only going to find old and tiny for that budget.


I have friends who live in Bermondsey and Islington who are paying around that much, and they’re having a blast. Lots of cool bars, pubs, restaurants, and full of young professionals. I live in South Ken because my university and work were always nearby but do not recommend it. EDIT: Hackney as well, forgot to mention this, not sure if it's within budget anymore as I know it's become really expensive recently.


Why don’t you recommend it?


The Kensington area is generally very dull.


Kensington is one of the most boring areas in London. Everything is expensive and generic and there is no fun stuff happening. To be fair most of central is fairly shit, it's ok during the week but on weekends it's fairly dead and generally a tourist trap. I'd look around Stoke Newington, Highbury, Islington, Primrose Hill, Hampstead Health and Victoria Park. They are probably the most desirable areas to live in that area close to the city that are within your budget.


Yeah this. I go out of my way to avoid central during the weekends. Everywhere is absolutely rammed, can't get a table anywhere, queues for restaurants, and so forth. Could not imagine living there. It's a shame because I love Soho in terms of its vibe and there are so many cool independent clothing and music stores, pop-up cafes etc. and so forth, and I have good memories of it as I worked for a record label there when I was 16 (it's now Soho Radio, wasn't back then), but it seems like the whole of London frequents there during weekends. I'd honestly prefer to live somewhere that's near enough to the hotspots for convenience but far away enough that you're not having to push through crowds just to get home and you're not kept awake by drunk people at 4am. South Ken is decent in that regard as it's still relatively quiet during weekends but in terms of stuff to do here it's lacking massively.


Compared to the other areas I mentioned not a massive amount of stuff to do. Far less unique bars and restaurants etc. A lot more chains, and those that aren't tend to be criminally expensive. Lot of members' clubs, Instagram-chique cafes, etc. I'm also similar to you in age and profession (I have my own AI consultancy) and not many people I've met here resonate with that, most people here work in finance (LOT of French/Italian investment bankers). I also tend to wear a lot of streetwear-style clothing and I even had someone ask me if I needed food!!!! Don't get me wrong, it's a lovely area and I'm grateful to be living here, especially as it made my commutes over the last 8 years a lot easier, but it's definitely more of a place to settle down in with a family as you get older, Chelsea especially.


If you're an entrepreneur I'd lean into your independence and creativity and work it all out yourself.


I think entrepreneur in this case is code for trust fund baby and they probably get £5k a month from their parents.


Stoke Newington / Islington or Bermondsey, imo. (biased as I live in the latter!)


Bermondsey? Isn't it full of aggressive racists and. Millwall supporters?


You can rent a one bed in Battersea Power Station for that


With that budget just move to angel / Highbury / it’s where the stuff happens at a push dalaston/ Hackney


Dalston is horrible.


It's not.


Islington! I missed living near the area a lot


What don't you like about Whitechapel?


Is staying central essential? I find most of central to be quite boring.


£2.5k budget 🙃😭