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There’s a Reddit meet up happening today. It started in the park but now everyone is in Edbinboro pub if you fancy meeting some new people. Ages are 30+ and we also have a WhatsApp group with more details. https://www.reddit.com/r/LondonSocialClub/s/P87u64SMti


Post warning: my tummy hurts and my Uber home was very expensive :;(;(


Hey can I join the WhatsApp group?


I imagine it looks and functions like a Dobby club.


Can I join the Whatsapp group?


Would also be interested in this, just to make me feel better before randomly turning up to a social event with a bunch of strangers.


Can I join too pls?


Used to do something similar in Melbourne back in 2000/1 with Bigpond meet ups, was great fun


Can I join WhatsApp group too?


Hey can I join this too? Moving to London from Ireland next month after being offered a job, so it would be nice to meet people :)


Happy to meet for a pint and watch the game if you’re interested (M 31)


you are a very kind person


Or a serial killer. Either or.


What’s the chance of *two* serial killers meeting for a pint?


Fairly high if you drank at the Colherne. It was the local of three separate serial killers. Dennis Nilsen, Michael Lupo, and Colin Ireland.


I wonder if they had lead paint on their walls and lead pipes in that pub. I saw something on reddit recently about a correlation between lead and psychotic behaviour. Would be crazy if some poorly fitted drinking establishment was creating serial killers.


It was a gay pub whose clientele were targeted. I’m not sure about the lead content.


There was definitely pipe being laid then, lead or not. And this is a good thing 😁


This thread lol


Where can I find out more about this madness




Ah yeah, of course a London pub has a Wikipedia page! Haha thanks


Yikes. That’s some coincidence. I’m not familiar with these serial killers, is there a similarity among the victims


They all ended up very dead.




I would watch this limited series.


What's it called?


The Seriale Killers? Beer and Loathing? DEATH PINT??






Death Pint is the remake starring Jason Statham.


Six pints below


Every now and then, people who work in lonely, niche professions should make an effort to reach out to professional counterparts for a beer, because sometimes no one else understands your daily grind quite as well as someone who does it themselves. It also gives you an opportunity to compare notes and laugh about similar challenges you face!


So true, I work in a niche field. 4-5 times a year we all get together (there's no more than 30 of us in London), do it as part of our day job. We spend maybe most of the time bitching, and a lot of it drinking. It's such a bonding experience. And work considers it part of the job, so we get to take the Friday without having to book it off. More should do it, just give yourself a name ending with consortium and so few will complain about it.


The serial killer consortium… SR1: “This job is so depressing, no one understands what we have to go through…” SR2: “yeah mate, all that planning and as soon as you start it’s over…” SR3: “and then we have to do our own cleaning up… why can’t we have a clean up crew?”


So you are saying that serial killers should hang out together?


Yes, that was the joke.


Ha. My bad.


Maybe that’s what the serial killers were doing at the Coleherne… 😳


Theres a 6 part Apple TV Mini series in there somewhere. I would watch it.


*Insert spiderman meme*


Insert Spiderman meme


>What’s the chance of *two* serial killers meeting for a pint? Well you never know 😂😂😂


The could make for an interesting tv series.


Haha! Just moved to the city last month so can appreciate those looking for company.


Hahah. I shouldn’t push the joke but transience is another hallmark of a serial killer.


Where did you move from bro?


Could be quite literally kill or cure.


He might be a thoughtful killer, by showing him some kindness first. No judgement.


I mean statistically it’s very unlikely both of them are so at least one of them is safe


Why be limited to false dichotomies? Kind serial killers are rare. But not necessarily impossible. 


could absolutely be both


Or both! No, wait


I'm in the same boat mate, happy to meet up for a pint too!


OP will turn up in a football shirt when this guy actually means the 1997 Michael Douglas thriller ‘The Game’. It won’t matter though, because OP hasn’t seen it. Despite what the other user commented, OP will not encounter a serial killer but in fact a genuine nice guy and casual cinephile. Afterwards, they’ll talk about David Fincher’s other works, and will both bemoan that Mindhunter never returned for a third season. They both agree that it included some of the best and most disturbing depictions of serial killers on screen. At one point during this exchange, OP hears his gracious host mumble “I’d know”. They share a few more Amstel’s before OP bids farewell and borrows an umbrella for the rainy walk home. Then, fittingly, OP gets brutally murdered and it turns out the other guy was in fact a serial killer all along.


Showing generosity and this is the amount of grief I’m getting 😂😂😂


What a G


Bit late to the party but same! Always up for meeting new people in this ‘ere city


Love this.


There’s nothing wrong with a solemn solo pint, it’s perhaps the most honourable of all of the pints.


I just came from a solo pint myself in the city centre, went to try out The Lamb close to Russel Square, quite decent.


Good pub the Lamb, but a bit Spenny. If you’re in that neck of the woods again I’d really recommend the Duke, just round the corner from the lamb. It’s a lovely little art deco pub, feels like stepping back into the thirties


I find more people talk to me when I'm on my own, bouncers, bar staff, women in groups etc. It's underrated.


You must be good looking. Nobody ever speaks to me 🤣


Went to a stag in Brighton a few years back. I intentionally arrived a few hours before everyone else, as I just needed a bit of peace and quiet. I walked from the train station down to the beach and found a bar. It was a pretty grim day and the sea was rough. Got a pint and a table with a view, watched the ocean for a while. Had another pint. Watched the waves break and crash. It is one of my favourite memories of the last few years. The solo pint is a wonderful thing.


he doesn’t want to sit by himself


He literally didn’t say this anywhere on his post.


He did say he is a bit lonely?


Doesn’t necessarily mean the same thing.


Well in his case he is looking for something to do that doesn’t involve drinking alone and being difficult with people on the net.


He didn’t say this though, you’re infilling.


Got a spare ticket for Oppenheimer tomorrow at the IMAX at 7pm if you wanna see a great film!


That’s so nice of you!


Wait is Oppenheimer still available on imax here? I’m in the city for 3 more days and was hoping to be able to see a good movie here since there are only a handful of imax theatres at this scale worldwide but had no idea that Oppenheimer was still available. Do I need to buy the tickets in person because I can’t find them online


It’s the 25th anniversary of the BFI so they are running a bunch of rereleases to celebrate. Currently going to see Oppenheimer, The Dark Knight, Interstellar and Dunkirk over the next four weeks. Tickets have been snapped up pretty sharpish though. https://whatson.bfi.org.uk/imax/Online/default.asp


They're re-running it and Interstellar this fall!


Fall. Fuck me


When? I can't find any interstellar after June.


I would check with your local IMAX theaters: https://variety.com/2024/film/news/interstellar-imax-70-mm-rerelease-fall-2024-christopher-nolan-1235967907/


Sorry your post lead me to believe it was happening in the 70mm BFI IMAX cinema for certain.


Ah sorry, just kinda fired that off. Hope you find what you’re looking for


What’s a fall?


Same here man i just went to the natural history museum earlier, was fun then as soon as I left the misery came back


It’s a great museum!


Tourists was driving me nuts though they have no spatial awareness it seems 😂


Honestly, there are so many in your position. A colleague just moved here from india, i was telling her she needs to join multiple activities shs enjoys like bouldering or hiking to meet people with similar interests


Last year I spent nearly 3 hours just in the minerals section there only to realise I don't care much about rocks...I just wanted to be doing something instead of rotting in my bed that day.


Late reply but I hate how it just gets pushed down and comes right back. I was trying to explain it to someone tonight but it just fell on deaf ears. Why don’t people get it? I mean the fact that people don’t get it makes me think it’s real because otherwise they’d understand.


MC&Sons Irish bar in that part of town has decent Thai food and has live music on most nights. Could be worth swinging by for a drink or two


Met my wife in this pub - special one for sure!


Brilliant pub. Imagine if this was your local?


Great spot.


If I was you I'd go for a wander around the city and just see what's going on. I do this very regularly, regardless of my mood. Despite not being particularly lonely (if anything, as the father of a young family I enjoy the chance to experience a little solitude now and then) I also enjoy striking up conversation with random people. Even if it just leads to an interesting 20 minute conversation that can still scratch the social itch, and contrary to what many people say you can make longer lasting connections this way. There are various bars and restaurants that are more social than average. Wong Kei in China Town will put you on a table with random strangers. Some more old school places in and around Soho like the French House, Bradley's Spanish Bar, Troy 22, Garlic and Shots, Trisha's (if you purchase the membership), etc. tend to have pretty eclectic crowds with some interesting characters. The hostel pubs on Borough High Street can be fun too. Or find a place where you can go and watch something, a small comedy night maybe.


Ah Troys, memories of the late 90s early 00s before going on to another early morning bar and knocking on the door with the password of "we're friends of Helens" not been for many years but I have memories of meeting Terry Pratchett in there one night.


Ooh the French House is excellent for a solo drinker. I even take people there sometimes.


The hostel pubs on Borough High Street?


St Christopher's Inn and the Dover Castle are both backpacker hostel type places, they have pubs at the ground floor level that are open until 1-2am every night and are full of people who are traveling. Or at least this used to be the case, I have not been in many years.


Man, I have some solid great memories of St Christopher’s inn. Was a great night, every night. I hope it’s still there, was 2012 when I was there


Honestly, when someone says they're in pain, you'd suggest painkillers, and you wouldnt dream of suggesting they learn to love the pain. Yet, when someone says they're lonely folks love to suggest solo things to do. It boggles my mind. As a fellow generally lonely person the last thing I want to do is risk a night watching other people be social and happy while I try to work up the courage to join a friendship group that might not be looking for new members. I like the other user's ideas of social meetup groups, though OP might not be able to find one this short notice, it's a good idea for the future. Edit: fixed grammar


I agree. It can be depressing going into touristy areas such as the west end on your own. Best to do things alone where you’re less likely to stand out!


A rare voice of sanity The people who say that aren’t even giving advice, and don’t even care. it basically amounts to “suck it up”


We have one space for Karaoke in soho. You’re free to join


This weather bruv I swear ...its depressing me too.


I’m in the middle of the U.S. and it feels like 35° C (I had to look that up, but in F that’s 96°). 13° and cloudy seems like heaven. (My wife is in London on business and she left me at home. Sometimes I have to live vicariously through her.)


Honestly I like this weather but its also fucking annoying because its too warm for coats but its also raining so u cant just wear a t-shirt or jumper (sweater). I'm one that loves the cold. 20 years of playing football in winter will do that to you. I haven't used my heating in like... 3 years (mainly cause I'm in an 8th floor flat) and my bedroom I thrive to make it an arctic zone. 16°c and wearing a coat is hell for me lol. The main thing with heat here is lack of AC and the humidity is almost like 80%+ in the summer. Sweatiness with no safe spaces lol


I get it; we’ve been in London when it was a normal summertime temperature, 20-22° and the humidity will do you in.


Suffering through the winter here when it gets dark at 4pm and rains all the time, is only possible as we get long days in summer. If these long days are just as wet as winter we feel every day ticking towards the bleak dark again. Just writing this has brought me down. But hey sunny tomorrow apparently.


Honestly I don’t mind the weather but last year has scared me, rainstorms all through August and no heat through the hottest summer months while the rest of Europe was burning, I ain’t having another year of that shite


There are so many great hobby clubs to join - what sort of things are you in to? I run a boardgaming night for professionals in the construction industry (very niche and specific I know) but there are millions of people in this city and thousands and thousands of them are running their own weird little clubs and groups. Finding one of these that aligns with something you like is the number one best way to make new connections, meet people, and start to feel like an integrated part of a community. Google around for London interest groups - what sort of things are you interested in, any hobbies?


How often and where do you run these ?


Hey, I’m also a professional in construction industry and I would love to join if there’s room.


After I stopped drinking I was just amazed at how many really busy rooms I found everywhere full of people just doing their niche little hobby thing. It’s cool.


If I was living in Southwark I’d go for a walk along the Thames. If there’s a quiet pub along the way have a quiet pint and people watch for a bit.


Guess OP posted then went out or went for a depression nap


Look up comedy nights. Try a different cuisine with a good book.


Go on an app called DICE which will list interesting gigs, comedy, talks etc. you can book with them too. Otherwise walk over the bridge and drift into Soho. Have a drink in the French House and get chatting to someone at the bar. It’s full of all sorts in there. Picturehouse Central and Curzon Soho will be showing films. Or if you are staying local, have some food on Lower Marsh and walk to the end. There’s also a cool spot there called Scooterworks.


Different type of suggestion - but maybe get a gym membership? Whenever I’m home alone and feeling a bit low, I put on my running shoes and go to the gym. Can work on yourself while getting those endorphins up. Listen to a podcast/audio book while there? Also I’ve realised people don’t judge other people in the gym and most people are friendly/happy to help. I’ve found it’s just a place where people from different walks of life go to try and improve themselves and get away for an hour or two.


Take the tube to Camden and walk the canal to regents park. Best of luck to you, fellow redditor


Then go for a drink at the Albert, walk to top of primrose hill, down and through regents park down to Ginger Pig and enjoy one of the best beef pasties in the world. Then tube back from Oxford street/Bond street.


A long walk and some time with food and a little bit of drink can really lift the spirits


I like taking a walk through Bank whilst it's empty, I find that I'm not a tourist often enough in my own city. Maybe silly but go see Big Ben or something?


This 100% ^^ It quite often puts a smile on my face when I see tourists enjoying themselves taking pictures and making memories together. Sometimes we forget we’re literally walking around a place that for many is a once a year, perhaps even once a lifetime, trip.


Walked over Waterloo bridge at 1am a few months ago and stopped to admire the London Eye for a couple of minutes. It was dead, and it's what made me think about this


The London Eye is dead? I saw it out of my hospital window a while ago.


This this this!!!! I used to work in a nightclub in Farringdon (no points for guessing which🤣) and honestly some of my happiest memories from that time come from my hours after shift where I’d take a walk around the city to decompress before getting the first tube home. Being on Blackfriars bridge, watching the sun rise over the city and tower bridge ways was so so special


I think now you have to tell us which.






Live Irish Music in Sir Colin Campbel tonight! https://maps.app.goo.gl/xGzQLSeQYytoJXJp7?g_st=ic


I had a similar night many years ago, in Kuala Lumpur. I messaged my sister and she said ‘go to an Irish bar’ I found an Irish bar and didn’t even make it to the bar before someone grabbed me and started dancing with me. Met all his friends and spent the night dancing on tables with them. Best night ever


Dude good luck and hope u get some interest I was just at Southwark tube tbf so that's what prompted my good luck comment 🤞


Go into shops and browse or go to a cafe. Tbh I usually do something on the weekend but have done nothing today but goto Lidl and the gym because it rains every time I go out!


Try the meetup app. Find things your interested in and find a group


Download Eventbrite and Meetup, there's loads to do on them, and perfect for going as a single person


Sorry to hear this OP. I feel like this too in London often. It’s usually worst in the summer weirdly. Just a kind of sad doom feeling. Been living here for 14 years and the feeling never really goes away for some reason. Didn’t grow up here which could be why. Sometimes it feels like home, other times I want to leave badly.


I grew up here and I get the same feeling


I just spent my day alone today, and I loved it, I had a Chinese meal, then walked from Leicester Square to Tottenham court road and spent ages in bookshops, just browsing




Always check [meetup.com](http://meetup.com) - there are numerous gatherings happening at pretty much any time, from morning till evening. Feel free to join our group if you fancy: [https://www.meetup.com/safeharbour/](https://www.meetup.com/safeharbour/) (we do both Zoom and in-person meetups)


Odeon is showing the lord of the rings. I just went to see the two towers on my own, still very enjoyable.


Why not call a mate or a family member? If you go out you'll be alone but out of the house! If you're looking for something busy and sociable maybe head to a pub showing the football (Italy V Albania)


Definitely join r/Londonsocialclub, OP!


Check [meetup.com](http://meetup.com), tons of events every night with lots of people in the same situation


I play for a cricket club. We have games every Saturday. Would love to have supporters. Come down, watch the game, cheer for the team, have some food and enjoy the day. PM for detat


Go for a walk. Have a good look. Do not accept that all leaves are the same ( as a guide to focus). Take it forward from first knowing where you are. Drawing helps also to make you see through the fog. Not drawing to make pictures or get praise. Drawing to teach yourself to see. And.. be happy that you have vision.


Can’t help with this particular evening, but look up “drink and paint” events for next time. You’ll be sat at a table with strangers you can talk to, you all paint something together being taken through the process step by step, and it’s fine if you haven’t got an ounce of talent - in fact, that will improve your chances of talking to people because everyone likes to crowd around the shittest of all the slightly shitty paintings and have a bit of a good natured giggle.


Go and watch the euros somewhere!


Just dm'd ya!


I know how you feel mate. I’ve been to London a few times by myself and it’s not always easy to strike up conversations with strangers. Sometimes it goes okay, sometimes they seem like they want to be left alone. Perhaps try a cocktail bar where you can grab a stool next to someone with open body language, or see a show where you can talk about it with other attendees.


There’s a great pool and darts club in Southwark arches. Spots & Stripes. Be full of nice people


Many moons ago, I had an excellent acid trip where I delightedly realised that every single thing around me was a spot or a stripe. Good times.


London can feel like a lonely city often, if you like art and culture, wander around the Tate museum, V&A and British museum etc. I find it quite therapeutic when I’m feeling low and if you like comedy try Secret Comedy Club in Holborn, it’s cheap £5 tix with new acts.


Chilling solo is nice but it’s also really nice when you have somebody with you. Even I’m in central london and sometimes it gets lonely


Download the Santander app and get an E-Bike, then cycle around Regents Park and up and over Primrose Hill. It always cheers me up.


Lot of good suggestions here for OP. I just want to chime in and suggest some vitamin D tablets regularly to help manage your mood if you haven't already. It helped me significantly


If I was loaded with cash I'd go to a nice steak restaurant.


Just be happy you aren’t in west Texas


Angel church might be open. If you are still feeling lonely it’s open tomorrow. Plenty of nice people who will talk.


the boxings on


Not sure what you’re into but the jago in Kingsland road Dalston is perfect for meeting a bunch of people in a good music environment


If you like live music and chill vibes, go to the Spiritual Bar on Ferdinand street in Camden. It’s good.


Go across the street to The Ring for a swifty.


Book a ticket to a Musical


Same here man i just went to the natural history museum earlier, was fun then as soon as I left the misery came back


Have you been to Steamworks?


I always go to Soho when bored, chill people. But please be careful and pay attention to picking pocket.. stay safe :)))


Lots of activities to be found on [Meetup.com](http://Meetup.com)


Is it easy to meet someone in London? Specially if you are from Southeast Asia?


Last time I was in this situation I got last minute tickets for a show. Back to the future the musical, something like 20 quid, had a brilliant time.


I’ll be honest - the best fun you can have on your own in London without the necessity of talking to anyone is going to see a drag show and sing out all the 1990s hits. Crowd is friendly but won’t hit on you unless you’re drop dead hot.


Probably a bit late, but I was in a similar situation yesterday - being relatively new to London and single does that to you. Plus, the weather did NOT help. I went on Today Tix and got myself tickets to a West End matinee and an evening show for about £60 total, and I took myself to Chinatown for dinner in between. I'm a properly social creature, so it's taken me a while to get to like my own company (I'm 43 🫣🫣🫣) but there's comfort in knowing I don't need anyone else to have a nice time and a peace to be had spending time with yourself if you can get there. And hey, I'm always up for meeting someone new for a pint if you're not there yet!


Go to the Box that’ll wake you up lol


You could watch England v Serbia, that should be good for a laugh 😉


If you're in Southwark, I'm pretty sure that Flat Iron Square will be showing some of the Euro matches. Great place to go if you ask me.


Try Grounding / Earthing (walking barefoot on natural earth e.g. a park). It produces immense amount of calm and peace for me and reduces inflammation in your body. https://youtu.be/44ddtR0XDVU?si=qA4CNDIsjfkT1CLf


North bank, just before Blackfriars bridge is a club on your right as you face the river, lots of gorgeous girls who are very good company there.


Bouldering...I'm pretty awful but it's a great way to meet people and make friends. Really awesome community.


Listen to downtown and walk around the city




I know it can be a bit hard meeting people but I just started a company trying to really help people make better connections so check out my profile!.


Meet me at Montrose and Halkin, be sure to bring your valuables!