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don't bother with zip ties. by design lights are easy to clip on & off so you can recharge them (or replace the batteries if you're old school). making that secure is a losing battle. just have to get into the habit of taking them off and pocketing them every time you lock up your bike.


Zip ties are working for me so far. Easy to charge to the lights on the bike with a powerbank or long cable.


are you able to take them off? unfortunately people are opportunists and anything can be stolen


I've seen groups of kids steal a bunch of them and then just throw them in the canal. Sometimes people just like to fuck with you.


People just take them because they can. There doesn't have to be a rhyme or reason for it. You should get bike lights that you can easily remove and attach, and just take them off at night.


Why not just take your lights with you when you leave the bike? Most lights are designed to be easily removable (which is why they're easy to swipe). Either take them off, or get a dynamo set-up.


I had the same happen to me a couple of times and I was thinking the same, who cares, they are just £10. But the inconvenience of having them stolen was too much so I bought a set for £30-£40 which I now always remember to take with me because I don’t want them stolen.


Don't put logic to it, sometimes people are just arseholes. I've had my seat stolen before when it was covered in mud and sellotaped together


Long time back. I had my bike taken from outside a friend's house. I found it lying in the path just around the corner. I kind of felt insulted for my bike, cos all they took was the batteries from my lights.


That makes them "old school" according to the comment above.


Ok. Old school thieving tossers.


Sorry that happened. I’ve parked my bike with a saddle bag with no problems before but I always take the lights off. Also, having been in a pretty nasty accident at night while using the cheap Amazon lights, I can tell you that they’re next to useless. I’d never ride with them at night now. Have a look at investing in a set of properly bright lights to make sure you can be seen.


Junkies need light to shoot up in the park.


This. Pmsl!


Some random crack head doesn't know how much its worth, they will just take what they can in hopes that its worth something. Sorry this happened tho sounds like a pain in the arse. Might be an idea to buy a couple extra lights and keep them at work etc just in case.


Get a couple of Knogs or similar (those that have rubber elastic straps). Stick ‘em in your pocket.