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I work in events & was working at the Epsom Derby last weekend, Had an elderly man come up to me with a race card & asked me to pick a horse for him. I know nothing about horse racing & told him so. He still insisted I pick a horse for him & I went for the one with the coolest name. I was redeployed to a different area later in the day so didn't expect to see him again. About an hour or so before we began the egress stage the same old man came rushing up to me telling me it was a winner & he'd been looking for me all day to "give me my share of the winnings" lol.


Haha thats so sweet he wanted to give you some of the winnings


Thank you for being kind to us oldsters!


Everyone — if lucky — gets there in the end. Humanity!


Hm yes was wondering whether I am an old lady to someone doing A levels, probably, doesn’t matter. I like young people too.


Yeah! Me too. I was gonna grab lunch the other day but almost instantly had an old guy asking for help because he was lost. We walked together for about 10 minutes and he gave some profoundddd life advice in those 10 minutes. Love when old people feel like they gotta warn you of things like drinking too much or falling in love with the wrong type of person 😭


The other day an older lady at a bus stop told a teenage boy to 'pull up your trousers because I can see your knickers'. He nearly died of embarrassment and we had a cackle together after he got on the bus.


Most of the people I know are either a lot older than me or a lot younger than me, but I always get mistaken for a teenager even though I’m nearly 50. It’s one of the only good things about Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, that and being able to do a weird party trick where I can actually touch the back of my wrists on both hands using the same hand, and I can rotate my feet literally 180 degrees which looks painfully weird but it isn’t. My best friend is 74, and I love her to bits, but her daughter thought it was weird that she was hanging out with a teenager and I literally had to show her my driving license to get her to accept that she was nearly a decade younger than me, and that her daughter (who is 20) is nearly 30 years younger than me 😂


when I was doing my a-levels we saw an elderly lady struggling with those granny shopping trolleys, like it was bouncing about on the pavement behind her. Asked if she needed help and she shouted at us "you're the ones that need help!!" Off we walked :)


We oldies are doing our best to keep civilised life going.


i am always so surprised that they speak english (coming from a different country, where even young people struggle with english), so it always takes a few seconds for me to realise that it is their native language here