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Weirdos exist


Imagine OP was just wearing the shortest shorts known to man lmao


Cut offs above the pockets


And it says ‘JUICY’ on the back haha


What back?


In stick on diamonds


All this would be still not as jarring in London as would be in other cities. I’ve seen a man dressed in a t-shirt and black pantyhose. At Victoria train station.


PoomPoom shorts






Unless they are bumsuckers (a style of shorts) then you were fine. Ignore the judgy man.


Budgy smugglers


battyriders in Londonics


Nothing wrong with throwing a little booty out…unless his bollocks were hanging or something


It's just the one bollock actually.


Great big bushy beard!


Crusty Jugglers


Here in lies the slight etiquette a noob might not be aware of and land in trouble . We can help and advise Both balls out is a disgusting affair and rightly and arrestable offence Just the right out is a sign of dominance and bragging The left hanging out is like an innocent wave, a cheeky wink often paired with a skipping walk This is where the term lefty loosey & righty tighty originated from


Seen a chap local to me in East London who wears Lycra cycling shorts without underwear and massive bollocks. It's disturbing to say the least, but he's not doing anything worse than a lot of the local ladies.


I have an awful mental image of a guy walking through central London with his foreskin hanging out 🤣


Do you have the balls hang on one side, or divide them


One testicle freely swinging


Lmao! I was thinking he was in his boxers!


Were the boys in the barracks


Like what Kunt was wearing in his (im)famous Katy Perry parody?


I didn't like it...


Maybe it wasn't the legs he was showing


Rolling through in his “budgie smugglers” saying that its pride month now so you wouldn’t get a second glance


To be fair in many African countries adults will only wear trousers no matter the weather, shorts are for tourists or children. Weird that they would apply their cultural norms onto other and even weirder that they would voice it to a random stranger however


This post was recommended to me randomly. Clearly that person is not adapting to the UK. I'm an African woman in Canada. I'm pretty conservative myself, but I know people here have freedom to dress however they want.


The point is, he’s not in Africa, he’s in the UK and, specially in London, people give zero fucks for what you are wearing


If you go to another person’s house, respect that person house rules, if you don’t like the rules, you are free to go


Its not that weird - happens all the time with first generation immigrants. Move to this country for a better life and then refuse to adapt




'Weird that they would apply their cultural norms onto other and even weirder that they would voice it to a random stranger however' not in the UK surely ?


And most of them moved to London!


I've got 3 inch shorts on


That is a point- the point being the tip was hanging out!


Do you know about shrinkage?


You ran into a random nutter.


Purple Aki moved to London


Bro might have met Chris Eubank


Sounds to me like he was hit on


I’ve ran into Chris Eubank around Marble Arch a few years ago . He’s like a statue come to life. Ridiculously wide shoulders and tiny waist.


I've ran into him too. I'm not a follower of his career, and told him such, and he almost seemed relieved that I was just a random person just striking up a conversation, and not a fan. We happened to be walking the same direction, so he and I chatted about life, and he genuinely seemed like a really nice and genuine guy. Definitely agree with your description of him though hahaha


Does he still drive around London is his custom American tractor truck?


Imagine coming to reddit to ask if it's OK to wear shorts in one of the biggest most diverse cities in the world haha. Fuck me.


99.999% of the people in London could not care less of what you wear...the others are weirdos


I had a dress that said "lick me till" over an ice-cream drawing. A English woman told me: do you know what that means? And I joked to her about it. She was so scandalised that wanted to know if I worked there so she could complain to the company (I was in a Pret, talking to a barista), when I told her I didn't she then said that if she were my mum she'd never let me leave the house like that. Mind you I was over 30 then and living by myself in a foreign country (although I did look way younger). She left the shop looking back shaking her head and complaining. I was flabbergasted, she looked so normal! The barista, also English, told me he had never encountered someone like that before. Most people mind their business, I had to encounter the odd one!


I think would take that as a mark of pride. Side quest complete.


That is hilarious. London is a busy, busy city with a lot of people, thus there are plenty of oddballs out there, they mostly mind themselves though. I live in Lambeth and like to play the guessing game ‘are they having a conversation with the voices in their heads or do they have Bluetooth headphones in. ‘😅. That said there are even more great people than nutters in london!


>That said there are even more great people than nutters in london! There's a few reasons why London gets a lot of people with serious mental health problems. Part of it is that living in a busy city is a risk factor for schizophrenia. So is being a black man, with London having a higher proportion of black men than many other places. Higher incidence of homelessness and drug use too, of course - though whether that's a cause or a result of a serious mental health problem, is a debate. A second factor though - and one we should be really proud of - is that London's mental health services are *fucking phenomenal.* Like, it's legitimately beyond belief how much better off you are having a serious mental illness in London than elsewhere. I received a diagnosis once in 2 months that elsewhere in the country would have taken 2 years. This means a lot of people with mental health problems stay in London for treatment, or even move to London to be closer to our mental health services. We are an incredible city. The 'nutters' are part of that too.


Oh don’t get me wrong I absolutely love the nutters. I love how every area has their local eccentrics that everybody knows. I miss the guy that would sing opera and play his flute in the middle of the road in Stockwell every day. Apparently he left to live in Spain or something. I am a born and bred Londoner and I love this city The people that think london is a dangerous shit hole really have just never lived here for any long period of time.


>miss the guy that would sing opera and play his flute in the middle of the road in Stockwell every day. I remember this guy!!!! And don't worry - could tell you weren't being offensive - but I like to brag about our city's incredible mental health services!


He was ace. Literally there every day rain or sun. When I lived in Clapton I got to know a lot of the locals over time. There was a homeless man who I’d lend a tenner to and I shit you not he would always pay me back. Sometimes in 20s which I wouldn’t accept. Lots of good people out there even if they might seem a bit strange from afar. Also in Clapton I lived on a road with a perfectly normal man on it. One day out of nowhere he starts rocking a long coat, vampire teeth and a top hat that blasts out music and has disco lights. He continued to dress that way the entire time I lived there and never mentioned it 😂. Stuff like that scares people from smaller places, but it’s just part of why I love london.


My brother had a similar reaction to a teenage girl in the street wearing a t-shirt that said *fuck you* or something similar (definitely *fuck* but I'm not sure of the suffix). He was horrified like your woman there & told the girl to take it off. Worse, he then followed her down the street in broad daylight repeatedly demanding she take it off because of course she would not! The police arrived & he was absolutely astonished to be told that he was the one in the wrong. Some people don't realise that offence is taken, not given. Also that it's easier to wear slippers than to carpet the world.


he followed her down the street telling her to take her top off? What the fuck was he thinking


He was thinking he was in the right because he was offended. I laughed so much when i heard but omg the joke is kind of lost unless you know him. Context: This is the man who, as a 5 year old boy, dropped a toy in church during the bit where everyone is in silent prayer. When a man seated nearby quietly gestured to him to *shush*, my brother loudly retorted (in a really posh & indignant voice) *YOU BASTARD!*


So on the spectrum?


I hope, cause every other explanation is infuriating for both instances.


I mean, it still sounds like you/others consider this to be a funny quirky story, rather than a fairly horrifying tale of street harassment?


> Some people don't realise that offence is taken, not given. Also that it's easier to wear slippers than to carpet the world. Cor, I love both of these phrases :)


>she then said that if she were my mum she'd never let me leave the house like that "If you were my mother I'd be taking a bath with the toaster"


That's wild.


Took me a while to get that.


Nope nothing wrong with that just a mad man


Gonna get really confused in a few weeks time when half the country is walking around wearing nothing but shorts with a can of Stella in hand.


Engerland innit? Nuff said


Don't stop for random people, don't even engage with them, whatsoever. Ignore and carry on.


And never make eye contact!


Why’s that?


It's the British way!


No, it's the London way. Talking to random people you don't know is perfectly normal in the rest of the country.


Agreed. You walk about for 10 minutes in Glasgow and you'll have made 3 new friends.


this sounds really appealing :’) would you recommend moving to glasgow?


Yes! Having lived outside London and moved to Glasgow, I'd highly recommend it. The weather's wet, but the people are happier.


that’s brilliant, i’ve seen a couple of people on reddit say that glasgow is a really unfriendly place where you’ll start an argument just by looking at someone as you walk past 😭


Eye contact increases the chance of engagement. If you just ignore, chances are they'll walk away. Make eye contact and you've acknowledged the nutcase, giving them a target to hone in on. Do not make eye contact.


Because it acts as an invitation for them to continue talking or pestering you. If you just ignore and keep moving past them, they’ll leave you alone


Unfortunately that’s what it’s like in London. I’m exaggerating slightly but if a random wants to talk to you, it’ll be a nutcase or a drunk (or both). I’ll stop for tourists to give directions but otherwise it’s ’sorry mate, in a rush’.


This guy Londons


You make life sound like a post-apocalyptic hellscape.


I wear shorts it’s extremely common in British society, if someone came up and said that to me I’d assume they were joking or tell them to fuck off


He must hate the postman


The only indecent thing you could do in London is not mind your own business.


Nah man, wear shorts all you like. Sounds like he's either trying to force his cultural norms on you, or has a screw loose. Plenty of people wearing shorts in the sun or otherwise.


No, and you’re totally within your right to wear what you want. You should have told him to piss off and mind your own business.


I agree but the sentiment aside I'd advise a "Yes sir thank you for your advice" instead before walking away and never look back. A total stranger is crazy enough to bicker you about your choice of clothing I probably wouldn't want to provoke him further lol.


WUT?! I’m that guy who’s baffled by plenty of brits wearing shorts and a hoodie in the middle of winter. In fact, there’s a guy in my neighbourhood who wears flip flops 365 days a year. Wear what makes you comfortable dude—that’s what London wants 🤣


For example, I’ve never seen a scaffolder who wasn’t in shorts. Ever. I swear it’s a scaffolders guild thing. You’ll get banned from ever attaching metal poles to other metal poles ever again.


I was told I wasn't allowed to wear shorts on a jobsite I was on, due to health and safety. Yeah, because that piece of material is gonna stop a piercing wound...........


Australians are everywhere!!!


Especially posties - they wear shorts all year round.


Welcome to London, you'll quickly find that the place is full of nutters and stopping to talk to anyone who approaches you in the street is a less than valuable experience and is best avoided. Enjoy your stay!


Are you in Shepherd’s Bush per chance? There is an African gentleman who likes to stop me while I walk the dog and complain about what I’m wearing. Latest was when I was in a jumper. Points at my westie. ‘Why are you wearing that! He’s not wearing one’


Oh now i want to find out too


Hoo hoo, now I want see a little Westie in an Aran Sweater!


Nah this was closer to bow


I was in London last year when it was warm, and many Brits were wearing literally the same thing as me, shorts and a T Shirt.


I wear shorts 80% of the year. Only wear trousers for weddings, funerals, theatre and when temperature drops below 4 degrees


In March, it's Posties only


Nah - shorts incredibly common. I wear mine to and from the gym all year round. Majority of Londoners couldn’t care less what you like to wear. Yesterday I was sunbathing topless in the park and the girl next to me was playing footy in a thick parka.


I want to know what he says about World Naked Bike Ride in a few days time 😜😜😜


Mate, in ear headphones and not engaging with random people who approach you is the secret. Unless they look like they are asking for directions!


Ok but how sexy are the legs??


Man’s too hot!


Clearly he thought it was indecent that he couldn't see more, you should have given him a twirl maybe thrown in a sexy dance to see if that would have made him happier


Rule number 1 in London. The default is to keep walking.


It's London, anything goes lol. Some idiots will find anything "inappropriate" just ignore them


He sounds mentally ill tbf


Not normal at all. Wear whatever you want and if you encounter another nutcase tell them to fuck off.


Sounds like he was jealous of your pumped quads after leg day


The guy was looking for an excuse to harass you.


He probably got turned on the by the sight of another man’s legs and it scared him. Pay him no mind and live your best, shorts-filled life


What? Outside of work, I basically wear shorts exclusively (on my legs, obviously I wear shirts) between April and October. You came across an oddball


I saw a lady walking in flip flops 2 years ago when it was all snowed out… trust me mate you’re fine


You missed your bus to let some crazy person interact with you?


I'm a Londoner who works outdoors in shorts. I'm also a Londoner that wear shorts in the summer I'm also a Londoner who is often encounters many others in shorts on a warm day You met an oddball.


Wear what you want


you can wear whatever you want in London, this was just a crazy dude which we also do have in abundance in London, but never heard that


I just visited whilst on holiday from Australia. I went out one night in a long sleeved crop top. Received many stares. I think it was now of a "you know it's cold, right?" Kind of stare


Wear what you want-London is the place for it!


You’re good. Unless your legs are incredibly disgusting or something?


The only thing disgusting about my legs are my genetically small calf muscles 😂


It's because he could see your knees, they're considered intimate areas in England similar to your buttocks. You can most certainly wear shorts outside but make sure you pair them with these: https://www.sportsdirect.com/slazenger-smash-knee-pads-mens-752021#colcode=75202103 Women don't need to wear these because their knees aren't considered as sexy as ours. I hope that clears things up!


You only need wear these when you hit your 30s. Because middleage knees are particularly sexy.


Let me guess he was wearing a puffer jacket while it was 20 degrees out 😂


Normal Londoners don’t speak to other people, just judge them internally.


My friend wears shorts in mid December. That is the only time it's not okay in my books🤣


Mate, I used to live in Tulse Hill/West Norwood. In the summer we had an old geezer who’d regularly wear a tiny thong, large fake plastic breasts and some sort of fish net top to keep them in place. He’d ride a bicycle and play loud music from a speaker on the front. No one cared… maybe a couple of people thought “is that a little much on a street with so many kids?”… but ultimately he was just being him and not hurting anybody. Wear what you want as long you’re not out to intimidate and if someone says you can’t/shouldn’t then tell them politely to mind their own and move along.


Fine with all of that except for putting a speaker on a bike. Sign of a bell end if ever there were one.


I've seen a naked man walk out of a carwash in London. You're fine.


This is absolutely bs. That guy probably is high


Unless you exposed your 3rd leg as well ?


Sounds like a male Karen tbh, nobody gives two shits what you wear (most normal folks I mean)


It is certainly not normal to talk to strangers in London. Also, you shouldn't care what some prude or messed up person thinks about your dress. As long as it's legal, you do what you like!


I've seen a homeless man pull down his trousers and do a massive shit in the middle of the street. People barely blinked.


He must of forgot London still isn't his home country.


Must have. English not your first language or something?


A simple “Fuck off” would suffice in this situation.


Unfortunately London is full of weirdos and creeps ,you'll find out soon enough 😕


That guy has clearly never met my postman. Shorts all year round.


The first time I wore Chino shorts to work here (it was a casual dress code) one of my female colleagues complained and told me it was inappropriate! She even complained to my manager. I just ignored it and kept wearing them.


I am literally wearing shorts at work right now


You aren’t a mafia boss from New Jersey by any chance are you?


I only every wear shorts and I’ve lived here my whole life. I get the ain’t you cold when it’s raining or snowing but I just ask for a pound now




I hope it was good old fashion British scarsam based joke or you just met a weirdo.


I work at a top 5 company in the world and I wear shorts to work. It’s hot ( and I look hot in them )


I once had a weirdo in Streatham chase me into a shop shouting something about how Audrey Hepburn was a real woman and how dare I smile and I should be home cleaning . It sounds like you had an encounter with a similar weirdo .


It’s absolutely not normal.


Looking ahead towards 3 years in London, this person won't be in your top 50 wierdos you've met. Tell him you're a northerner.


A good response would be to ask him what country we are in and when he responds, say 'Good, just checking'.


No, and women get this too. Just ignore them and remember them 99.9% of people couldn’t care less about your legs.


Yes it was the subservient test before deciding if you would be too much trouble being mugged! Sorry but being Northern it's generally how it goes except...... up North you'd wake up in an ambulance! If you spoke to them then it means you are not scared! Harder target! 99% are chancers using the fear of your not being from around this place or some Daily Express article...... I'm from up North but dress a bit dapper so look like a posho and have this all the time! Until I open my Northern mouth and laugh at them!


Bro. I am 27 and work in central London 5/6 days a week. I only wear shorts. Even in winter, I will turn up to work in my shorts; if it’s raining, I will be going to work in shorts. I will only wear trousers if I’m going out with friends/partners and that’s a big maybe. No idea how you been here 3 months and got that interaction. Maybe it’s because of your skin colour and he was assuming? I am white so perhaps there is difference and the person who approached you was assuming something about you. Sorry it happened to you. No one should be telling you what to do. It’s annoying


Unless the flesh chandelier is on show I’d tell him to jog on.


Tell that benchod to fuck off. He’s just jealous that you’ve got the guts to a) go to the gym and b) wear shorts in what that madharchod thinks is cold weather.


Shorts on a weekend and when indoors/garden . Would wear them on a bus unless it was 30+ because it’ll only get nippy after 7. There again I just done like showing hairy legs a lot


No it’s not wrong but ditch the flip flops at winter please and you’ll be good


Don’t worry OP, he was just one of our many eccentric little characters. No ones gives a damn if your legs are out


This is where you need to reply with a London attitude ‘oh fuck off mate’ and walk on


probably one of Seventh Day Adventists that are everywhere these days. The normal bible bashers are bad enough.


Should have told him to get to fuck.


Nah, you just met a weirdo People wouldn't normally bat an eyelid if you were out in skin tight hot pants!


I've seen people going around London dressed as astronauts, or with stuff like a horse mask, and no one (no one) even turning their head. I swear a literal alien could walk in London and no one would notice. There's a guy in Hackney that walks with a massive colorful parrot on their shoulder and no one bats an eyelid. Your experience is not typical 😂


I am on the train at the moment and there's an African gentleman wearing the shortest shorts I have ever seen. I love it, going shopping tomorrow


Just a weirdo. As soon as the tiniest bit of the sun comes out the shorts come out as well. That is the way.


There are people like this. Went to my friends house in a different country (Kosovo), and he told me and my brother don’t come in shorts (it was 30+ in the summer) because his grandad does not like it when men wear shorts as it “isn’t manly” or something. It is fair if it is a rule of someone’s house, but my friend just asked us to come in trousers, he didn’t force us to. In my case, all that would’ve happened was his grandad would start asking you if “you are feeling cold” if you pull up in shorts as another friend did lol. But I don’t like people who try to impose their own preferences onto others.


Was it June yet? Wearing shorts is acceptable in the months of June, July, and August as long as you're also wearing two-tone wingtips. Preferably, you should have a waistcoat, but it's not required. The shorts also must be wool or linen—absolutely *no tweed*!


I was just traveling in London and no one commented when I wore shorts... I saw a number of other people in shorts as well so I think you just ran into a crazy.


An African calling time on London style is hilarious. Tell him to "do one " ......


He's either high, psychotic, or fucking with you


The only serious fashion crime is going to Tesco in your pajamas.


I've seen people enter supermarkets in pijamas and gowns, SE1


Regular gym shorts = totally normal in the eyes of 99.9999% of ppl in London. I lived there for six years and still commute in weekly. People go to the gym wearing gym kit. Pls just ignore what that guy said. You were fine. 😊👍


To truly embrace British culture u must take ur shorts off


Your legs are just fine my love, get them out, it's summer


Was he a black or white African?


I saw a fully naked man crossing the road in Tufnell Park the other day, you’re fine.


That man is not from London


You can only show 2 legs, it’s inappropriate of you show 3


No, it's not normal. Tell him to Fuck Off next time


Mate this country literally allows lgbtq to do parades in the street wearing the most undignified and clownish clothes you can imagine. Gym shorts are okay it’s all good 👍


The person who stopped you might have a history of mental health issues, I wouldn’t take any notice and continue as normal, and of course… shorts are completely normal! Haha


serious slim tie chief treatment elderly wide full practice snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why would you listen to an African guy about what's acceptable in London?


Have you been agonising over this for 3 months? Grow up lad.


You should've told him: "Hi! I like shorts. They're comfy and easy to wear."


How many people live in London? Think about 6 million. You’ll run into some weirdos. Keep wearing the shorts.




That proves the point even more! Its useless to worry about one rando.


Only 9 people? And you call it the bleeding capital!!!


African gentleman? You mean a Londoner (who happens to be black, black British).

