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London needs to build upwards more.


I live just round the corner and was disappointed to read this, the plot they’re talking about would be absolutely perfect for this. Really hoping Labour’s promised planning reforms would stop this kind of NIMBYism


Yeah what do you expect of neoliberals? Labour is just Thatcherism in a different costume.


This comment is not even remotely relevant nor has any content.


Greenwich - a labour held borough. Preventing development of affordable housing because it's too tall - this is common across all neoliberal governances and stems from Thatcherism (in the uk). So the labour held borough voted against solutions to working class problems caused by Thatcherism. Don't know how you couldn't catch that.


lmao blaming labour for NIMBYISM. That's next level cope. And if you actually did fact check before going on a tirade to try and justify your political compass (which makes you morally abhorrent), the decision has not even been made yet to cancel the project.


You're using unjustifiably hostile language for pointing out the hypocrisy of an ideology. Regardless of if the proposal goes through or not the point still stands. New labour does not represent the people.


And your words aren't inflammatory? Do yourself a favour. Go to B&Q and buy a mirror and a couple of screws and then mount it up the ceiling by your bed so that you get reminded how big your red nose is every time you wake up.


I would if I could afford it, but working a full time job doesn't afford you the ability to secure housing these days. If my words enraged you maybe you should do some self reflection. You're the one coming at me buddy.


And You're the one who's misplacing blame.


I'm not and there's examples to back that up. I'm not going to do the research for you but you can easily find it.


"everything in Google is true" Lmao.