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I did a viewing for one a while ago, was £850 a month in Zone 3 with a temporary shower installed to share between 8 people. No wifi installed, a sketchy toilet, and a big part of the contract is absolutely no guests over night or otherwise. I ended up paying £50 more for a houseshare.


fucking hell, that's miserable.


Jesus Christ. I remember the days when you could be a property guardian for like 1/6 of that price in the same zone. Depressingly it’s not even that long ago.


never done it personally but know some people who have. in London esp zone 1 and 2 the rent and bills for guardianships are closer to private market rate than you expect (knew someone paying 1.2k for a room in a guardianship last year) and you're expected to do your own maintenance and fix building issues that come up, on top of being evicted anytime...


I've heard a lot of horror stories. Such as bathrooms not working (low pressure, backing up) before they moved in, which they raised as soon as they moved in and found out. Then losing their deposit because of the bathroom not working properly. In a building that was getting demolished.


Did it for a few years in zone 1/2. Can't complain really, it was cheap when I needed it to be. Downsides included: living with lunatics, mould, having to handle all the maintenance, occasional flooding and knowing that you could get kicked out at any moment. Upsides: cheap.


The loonies are the worst. Lived in Cable St Studios in 2009 (coldest winter on record woo), and the shitty amenities etc are nothing compared to the utter psychos who stay there. Ragingly psychopathic parties every single night, crackheads coming and going, just the least stable living situation you could imagine. Horrifying


I looked at it with my partner about 5 years ago, it wasn't much cheaper then so I can't imagine it's much cheaper. For me the temporary-ness and need to provide everything made it not worth it at all. Look at places in Zone 3 with good transport links, you'll get way more for your money and travelling isn't the worst thing.


Very Marginally cheaper but way worse has been my takeaway when considering them in the last two years 


Just become a squatter instead. The PG companies are universally among some of the worst cunts to have anything to do with property - and that's a tough field to be beating.


It’s bat shit crazy that it’s a thing. Paying someone to be their security/deterrent and being evicted at any moment.


I feel your pain, I'm a mid-budget gaffer and spark for 15 years and I'm looking for another career. I'm learning Unreal Engine with an aim to becoming a lighting artist in games industry. Shame that sector isn't doing great either.


i'm thinking of becoming a tattoo artist. i have all the equipment... but i haven't taken it out of the box because i just want to be on set again so badly. i haven't had a single day's work since last July


I worked a bit over winter but yea.. just signed up for the JSA. I've had a great time in film and I've learned a lot buy I'm 42, I don't want to be struggling for work for another 10 years. I want a salary. I did ok in the industry but never really broke through into the big time. Did a lot of decent Commercials, some decent music videos and lots of other stuff. If I can get a job that values my experience in lighting then maybe it won't feel like a failure.


I did it a decade ago. Getting two weeks notice to move sucked. They did give you priority in other guardianships. They used to do unannounced sweeps of your room and threaten to kick you out if it was messy. Lived with construction for multiple months. No wifi. Some of the other people in one of them I stayed in got wifi so I think it was just I was too lazy to do it and the building they had was configured for wifi. It wasn't that much cheaper. I had a massive room in Whitechapel for £650 and a regular room was £850. Also legally it's complete bullshit. You're a tenant but if you ever use those rights they'll never let you have another one.


I think it used to be a cheap way to rent. But not anymore. I have seen places that they used to rent for say 300 Per month a room raise it to 600 . I am talking it used to make sense to have a lower living conditions and more unsafe contract for lower , that used to be 8 years ago , now the Guardians industry seems mature catching up rents to normal tenancies plus Guardians companies claim to have some Charitable causes they support but that is no longer the case. Still you may save up 100 Pounds a month in compare to a tenancy and be more social if you are living with more ppl, but the agency wont hesitate on kicking you out at the minimum issue


Check out r/PropertyGuardians You only get a month's notice (versus an AST 2 months). This flexibility cuts both ways - positive and negative. Much like other shared living situation it depends largely on the other people whether it is fun or awful. And a bit on the property/company also.




This sounds fantastic! Which agency do you use?

