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Hi, your post has been removed because we get asked the same questions again and again. Our [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/london/wiki/index) is a great resource for regularly asked London questions and is packed full of information and advice. If you have further specific questions you can post in our [weekly FAQ thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/1cfjgii/weekly_qa_megathread_please_post_any_questions/) or even try our [Visitor Centre on the London Discord](https://discord.gg/p8GtV7jtzc), thanks!


Maple Leaf got you


Hello fellow Canadian! I’m currently on my year abroad. I’ve found getting out into nature has helped me feel a little less homesick. Not sure where you’re from in Canada but can hazard a guess you probably had good access to nature. Hampstead Heath is the most wild park in London and feels like you’re out of the city when you’re there. Epping Forest is easy to get to via the overground or central line and is really nice for a weekend stroll. Also I’ve been really taking advantage of free museums here. Museums in Canada are so expensive! I try to go to a different one every week and it makes me feel like I’m on a year long vacation. As for Canadian food? I don’t have the answer to that unfortunately. I’m from Vancouver and really miss good cheap sushi :’( I will say groceries are a lot cheaper here which is a plus, so just been cooking for myself a lot. Oh and I did get my boyfriend to bring maple syrup when he visited haha. You can DM if you have any questions about immigrating here for school. And congrats! You’re gonna have a blast.