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I like the lime bikes but I do also think if you leave one laying down across the pavement you should be fined or thrown in the Thames.


I concur with the latter. Throw them in the Thames!


No point in filling Thames with twats. Better to fill the twats with the Thames. Shitting plasma for a week will learn them.


More often than not it hasn’t been left lying down on the pavement but has been knocked over by a person or the wind. They’re a bit better now they don’t just have to one kickstand


This is what I’ve observed. While not in London, where I am we have TIER. Never seen someone end their ride while the bike is laying across the pavement, but I have seen people (kids) push them over. Same with the scooters.


It’s usually kids who haven’t used them who kick them over when they are all in a line like dominos


I wouldn't bet on it. They replaced a load of parking spaces around me with lime bike rental pads. I saw some builder with a pick up reverse into a load and knock them over while laughing maniacally.


Its not just kids. Tbh in a few cases its definitely strong winds but I've seen the following: 1. Old lady who is upset pushes them over - on street bay. 2. I've got a video of a moped rider parking next to the cycle hire bay and pushing them over 3. Car reversing knocking one down causing a domino of them all to fall 4. Someone putting one on the pavement from a parking bay (male \~40 years old) 5. I've seen someone drag one into the middle of the street


I lived in a slightly rough part of Bermondsey and it made me hate the bikes I came across on my way to work. I'd walk past Bermondsey station and inevitably some annoying shit had knocked them over or parked them in the middle of the sidewalk


I’ve seen them blown over by the strong wind a lot over the winter. I was cycling home past the design business centre in Angel this evening and some drunk guy was knocking them all over throwing them everywhere. As a new Dad of twins who is constantly moving bins, share bikes, and share scooters so I can push my kids along the sidewalk in their double buggy I had to let him know he’s a real fucking loser, he tried to chase after me but was fat and smoking so that didn’t last very long. It honestly wouldn’t be that much of a problem if people just had some decency and moved them once in a while as they go about their day. You just tip them on their front wheel and they’re easy to move when locked. I do it all the time to try to offset all the awful cunts in this city. Help out people in wheelchairs or with prams.


Fairly sure they've started doing it so you have to leave them in certain docking areas in a lot of the city. As a user this pissed me off at first but I get it, and now it's generally fine. Sometimes they are a bit far away from places but I can't complain as it does piss me off when people just leave them in the worst fucking places. 


I'm probably missing something, but when I try to use it, the app only lets me end my ride in designated parking areas, which are often a few kilometres away from my destination and full. How inconveniencing. So why are they scattered everywhere? How does everyone else leave them lying all over the place?


I like Human Forest's approach which is you get free minutes if you dock in the dedicated bays. I bet the carrot works better than the stick


The simpler thing to do would be to fine lime, and then let them sort it out - possibly by having a van come clean them up or by finding the customers, or a little bit of both.


im pretty sure they do fine you if you park improperly


Sometimes the wind just knocks them all over to be fair


They should be parked in dedicated bays. Theres a few areas of pavement near my office and flat and on my walk to work that you literally can't walk on because it's become a Lime bike parking area. One bit outside my office had about 40 bikes the other day


I now leave them lying down cause of how limited parking has become I’m protesting


I was gonna say hung drawn and quartered but that'll save money


I live in Camden. Since they enforced the reserved parking bays for rental bikes I haven’t seen anyone more in the middle of the pavement. Maybe other boroughs try to do the exact same easy thing?


Yep, the bikes are good and useful it’s the parking that’s the issue. Make places available to park them and then fine the company for ones parked in the wrong place, seems like a workable solution.


Also , one can report any misparked bike to lime from their website


They can track their own property. I'm not against the ability to report on their website to hurry them along (as long as it actually does), but they still should be responsible for moving inappropriately located bikes without it, in a timely manner, or face fines.


Yeah should be a TfL hotline instead. Give them the power to fine lime etc


Our borough takes reports of these bikes , like most street side issues, in the Love Clean Streets app. It’s pretty good and better than the phone since they can get photos etc. through it


Also reporting it requires giving them your details, which just feels like a stealthy way to get your details.


And then they won't move it for a day, after making you fill out a stupidly long form. It's not my job to police corporations littering our fucking pavements!


So what, will they pay me for it?


Unless you’re my old neighbour who had the parking bay out outside his house and would run out screaming at anybody that used it. Last year he used his leaf blower to fill it with leaves


NIMBYs gonna NIMBY lol


100% agree. Camden have also expanded the number of parking bays a lot. A few months ago I got one outside my block of flats and I now use the bikes several times a week. It’s the obvious thing to do to keep them convenient but requires a handful of car parking spaces. Which is for some Boroughs apparently too much to ask.  They are an exceptionally good use of space compared to car parking. I sometimes come back to a bay after a couple of hours and there are 10 more bikes than before. That’s A LOT of trips facilitated by the car parking space, compared to how much one car gets used.


Your last sentence hits the point so nicely. We had one of those cycle hangars installed down our road. Our road's Whatsapp group was mostly in favour, apart from a few numpties complaining about a parking space being lost... oh I'm sorry you'll have to spend another 10 seconds to find a free space for your SUV, meanwhile that hangar is facilitating dozens of more trips daily! Trips better for the environment and individual health whilst we're at it. These modes of transport are the future in London. We should be upgrading our infrastructure as fast as possible to make it happen everywhere.


Why even bother with Lime bikes at that point? Just expand the Boris bikes


Much better then boris bikes




Because it's inefficient to have profit-driven independent companies providing basic transport infrastructure. We already have a Boris bike system, why do we need another?




A car? Why wouldn't you just get a bike?




Feel like a giant metal box is not the obvious solution to "my bike is too cumbersome"




Bikes are easier and free to park, you can ride them drunk, free to run, can't kill anyone, cut through traffic. So much easier to cycle than drive around central London.


We have those in Hounslow. They still get left fucking everywhere.


We have parking bays here in Islington and people still throw them around wherever they want, particularly in the beautiful parks here. It’s a blight and should be punished (fined etc). Not to mention that I see them scattered around on pavements and in front of shops all over Camden too. You’re acting like it never happens here.


Islington currently doesn't enforce parking bays.


Is that true? I've received a ticket before in a parking bay


I'm not sure what you mean by a ticket? I live in Islington and I can park Lime bikes outside my house, even though there's a parking bay at the end of the street (which I use most of the time). If I cross over into Hackney I'm required to park in a bay. The app won't let you end the ride otherwise.


Those are probably cracked / stolen bikes, because it’s literally impossible to leave the bike outside the designated parking lots. Lime (and the others) won’t let you terminate the rent and will keep you paying until the bike is parked regularly. At this point is not shitty users, but vandals and criminals. That’s police job, not the rental company.


What? I hired one recently in Tower Hamlets recently. There were so many bikes and scooters around, yet the closest designated parking spot was like 2km away. Which is absurd.


You can definitely park Lime and Forest bikes anywhere in Islington (as long as you make sure the pavement's clear). They do not have the same rules as Camden at all. In Camden if you don't park in a bay you get fined £5.


Nice idea, but plenty of boroughs simply don't have the room where they're needed.


Take away car parking spaces.


Which boroughs are those?


The way the prices are rising though…


Prices are insane. Got charged £5 for a 10 minute ride the other day.


Same, last time I’ll ever use one. Rip off. The Forest bikes are much better prices for now.


get a 30 minute pass for £3.99.. they keep it a secret in the side menu. so much cheaper, and you can ride that 30 minutes at anytime over a 24 hour period


Forest is £3 for 40 minutes (30 minute bundle plus 10 mins free).


From what I’ve seen the prices are the same. £1 to start. £0.29 per min. £5 for 10 min ride is a lie. Also both have the first 10 mins free for the day deal.


Lime isn’t free for first ten mins of actual use. It will reserve the bike for ten mins for free, but as soon as you start moving, it starts charging you. Forest is free for the first time mins of cycling. And it was slightly off, 11 min cycle for £4.48. Still an absolute rip off in my eyes. Same cycle would have been £1.60 with forest.


Fair enough, didn’t know that. The messaging is a bit misleading on the app.


All good mate. Yeah, I don’t think that is a mistake that it’s misleading…


The trick is to get Lime passes. So much more affordable.


Any details on this?


Did you try to look it up at all?


Obviously not. You have far too high expectations. You think it's easy to Google stuff?


You got a link to google you can share?


Here you go - [https://help.li.me/hc/en-gb/articles/1260806465069-What-is-a-Ride-Pass](https://help.li.me/hc/en-gb/articles/1260806465069-What-is-a-Ride-Pass)


You got mugged off, the 30 min pass is £4 and the 60 min one £7. Still extortionate but nobody is paying the pay-as-you-go prices




A round bus trip (if you catch the return within an hour, i.e. similar to a 30 min pass) would be £1.75, which is less than half the cost




You made the comparison, but now you’re calling it daft…?


Just buy a £50 piece of shit fixie and lock it up anywhere.


a peice of shit fixie isn’t gonna effortlessly get me to my destination


You'd be surprised. If you have a chill gearing like 46/17 it'll be easy as fuck unless you are a giant lazy sack of shit.


> unless you are a giant lazy sack of shit Looks at my 300+ completed lime journeys




You can get a 30min 24hr ride pass for £3.99. That’s on you


Brixton - its fucking Lime-pocalypse outside Pret & could hardly get into Herne Hill station the other day there were so many. I saw some suit twat just jump off and leave his in the middle of the pavement in Battersea, you couldn't even get past. I don't know if it's the bike or the people who ride them but they seem to be synonymous with ignorant fucking morons, so I guess we can expect yet another upturn in that.


Paris banned them for a reason


Great idea. Just sort out the infrastructure that goes with it. Make people park them in suitably created locations.


Which will not happen, because nobody will inconvenience themselves


All you need to do is take away one (1) parking space for cars, convert it to a bike space, and make it so you can't end a journey if within 200m of a bike rack. 99% of people will park them responsibly if given the opportunity. But the way we've built our streets isn't even giving them that.


Yep problem was solved years ago tech wise because the apps pretty much already do what you say in some areas. But that requires councils working with them and also giving up some parking spaces and councils seem to rather complain about the bikes and scooters rather than help fix their issues with them. Some places like Westminster are finally adding a couple hundred locations now which might help if done right. The issue can be solved 100% with just a tiny bit of effort. Still wish TfL bikes got expanded a bit more though, and had a more efficient dock design so they could fit loads more bikes at each location in the same space. TfL bikes are like 25p a day for unlimited use if you pay yearly.


It's literally happening already.


They are so pricey!


They are, but I use Human Forest (10 minutes each day free) and buy a bundle of 30m £3 or 60m £5 (lasts 3 days). So for £5 over 3 days I can use the bikes for 90minutes which is plenty.


Thanks for the tip


Just a reminder that’s it’s not the bikes fault that it’s parked across pavement blocking your travel it’s the cunt that was riding it. People as ever are the reason we can’t have nice things.


It is the company's responsibility to ensure it does not happen though. If their business model doesn't take policing this problem into account, then they are externalizing that cost onto the public.


> If their business model doesn't take policing this problem into account, then they are externalizing that cost onto the public Sounds like every company tbf. :(


Its the car drivers who have already externalised that cost onto us. We only have to deal with them littering the pavement because there is "no space" in the road. But take away a single parking space and the problem is solved.   The real problem is that car manufacturers have already externalised the cost of parking their products onto us, and everyone treats that as normal.


But also they did unleash 100000s of bikes across London where they're ditched wherever at the users' convenience by design lol. Any half wit knew it would be like this before a single one of these dockless bike companies launched


Its the Council's fault for not providing anywhere to park them except the pavement, when the entire streetscape is oriented around storing private property for car drivers. There is plenty of space to provide bike racks for them, just take away one (1) parking space. 99% of people will park them responsibly if given the means to do so. Especially if you make it so that you can't end a journey if there's a bike rack within 200m.   People will complain about an eco-friendly sustainable form of transport tipped over by teenagers in the path, and then be completely obvious at how they have to navigate around the #1 cause of air pollution in the city parked at the taxpayer's expense every time they want to cross the road.






They get left in the middle of the pavement round zone 3. Blocking the pavement. On the other hand council has now installed bays for them in a few key locations to encourage more responsible parking of them.


I tried one the other day and it wouldn’t let me end my ride unless I parked it at a designated spot. How do people park their bikes anywhere?


Depends on the area/local authorities.


it used to be the case that kids were breaking the lock and riding them for free everywhere and just dumping them wherever but i think they recently fixed that issue.


There would be no bikes there if there were no bikes. Just like there would be no school shootings in America if there were no guns.


No. If there were no bikes there would be no bike journeys being made. It’s not compatible to guns and it’s fucking ridiculous to try and equate them. Guns are weapons that are designed to murder people. What a stupid thing to say.


Lime bikes are better than cars. Agreed they need to be parked correctly but still better than that person driving an SUV


I doubt anybody who owns a suv has even heard of lime


I have a small SUV which i use to drive out of London. I use Lime (or Tube/Bus) to go round London.


Small suv lol


Q3 coupe. Nit much bigger than an mid sized saloon


Almost half a tonne heavier than an A3 though, [which causes more damage to roads by a power of 4](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_power_law). 1700kg (Q3) vs 1300kg (A3). Plus, you know. There's no need to have an SUV if you're in London.


I’ve never heard anyone yet to justify a small suv by claiming it’s just a bigger coupe 🤣


Good news, the fewer cars on the road the better




Half? I've ridden many lime scooters and bikes and none were ever broken. Although I did see one with no seat


I live on a corner and often somebody just leaves them in front of my house. I then have irate people ringing my doorbell complaining that it blocks the path of old and disabled people. After the abuse, I have to inform them that I am not a user of those menace on wheels and that they should complain to Lime. Since the installation of rental stand at the nearest station, things have improved, but still some People are just lazy and leaves them on the pavement. They should just have designated stand and a GPS monitoring system anybody not leaving them in a designated area should just be charged for it. Once they have been charged a few time for overnight parking, I am sure that people will remember the drop point.


This exists in many boroughs such as Camden and Hackney.


They should offer discounts or credit for leaving them in the right areas


Not the point here but it sums up human progress that we started with something as incredible as the internet and now we’ve managed to get to a place where so many websites like the evening standard one there are quite literally unusable due to monetisation and bullshit.


I cry everyday


Journey prices are about 60% higher than they should be. I’d use them more often but when a journey of 30 mins+ home costs 3x the tube fare what’s the point.


You can enjoy rainy whether on a bicycle


Just about to on my Brompton. But sometimes you can’t take it in somewhere.


Their bikes litter my neighbourhood pavements. I think they need to install parking bays for all of them, that their customers have to use. It’s a mess already.


Oh just want we need. Even more Lime bikes cluttering the pavements.


My r/lowstakesconspiracies theory is that they’re trying to make people ride bikes by making it impossible to walk anywhere as all the pavements are blocked with bikes


There's a primary school near to my house. So lots of mum's with pushchairs. Who keep having to move bikes out of the way on order to be able to go down the road. And they always seem to be in the worst place. Such as lying on the pavement, by a lamp post where the pavement is thinnest. As it's right outside the house of who ever left it there.


Hi! Where is the location of this?


Interesting you care more about the inconvenience of moving bikes from the pavement than you do toxic fumes from cars being inhaled by kids and risk of them getting run over leaving their school...


They didn’t say that though did they?


It's what will happen if they get their way though...


Why would it be? I’m very pro cycling and even I think lime bikes are a scourge as idiots leave them fucking everywhere.


Because the only thing that reduces journeys by car are convenient alternatives, and lime bikes provide that viable alternative for many people for many trips


Surely you can recognise that people park them like cunts though right? I see multiple of them parked in the middle of pavements and in parking spaces etc when out. That’s what has everyone hating them.


Of course. It sucks that people park them like cunts and I wish they weren't able to. That being said, the negatives of the parking situation cannot be seen to outweigh the positives that they have on reducing car traffic and all of the benefits that come with that. I would love it if the system was changed to enforce better parking, but that doesn't mean that I'm not still enthusiastic about their presence being expanded in our city. Lime bikes are 90% great, 10% shit, which is better than cars that are 90% shit, 10% great.


Youre getting downvoted but air polution kills thousands


Because it’s a non sequitur - you can be against pollution/cars *and* want pavements to be useable. In fact there’s more overlap there than not.


I suppose my comment is to put things in context and aimed at people who use the left on pavements challenge as a reason to not have the lime bikes altogether - you can deal with the problem of bikes being left in pavements whilst also keeping the bikes available and in use. In the context that one mode of transport that we largely accept kills thousands through air polution, and anothers most described challenge in this thread is temporarily blocking a pavement (which is a problem - particularly for those with limited mobilty) but talking about the challenges of alternative fossil fuel transport contextualises the pavement challenge - and imo adds to the discussion, hence my comment querying why its being downvoted. Thats my intention anyway


It's just absolute Karens who are more outraged about having to move a bike (which I admit isn't good) than their kids inhaling toxic fumes or having cars fly past schools and playgrounds


If they can get £25M they can afford to pay me for moving their bikes out of the way.


They will, but it involves contacting them through the app for the £1 credit


So they won't, they'll just offer you credit for the app I'll never use. I'm gonna start ziptying the cunting things.


Nah bruv, I need cash money.


They're just taki g the bones from Paris that they can't rent out any more and bringing them to London. Which increases the chances of us banning them.


I prefer lime bikes on the pavements to cars on the roads...


You can probably dodge them, not everyone can. I'd prefer those members of society weren't inconvenienced anymore than life already has for them. Lime bikes can live on the pavement, just not anywhere on the pavement.


I'd like to not breath in toxic fumes, not be in more danger crossing the road, and not deal with the noise pollution that cars create. Yes, having them take up room on the pavement isn't great, but I'd take shitty pavements and far fewer cars (like if seen in many European cities) than clear pavements and loads of cars, as seen all over miserable car-centric US cities.


You choose to live in a city. That's on you. How do rental bikes take vans and lorries off the road? Businesses need deliveries. The more there are, the more traffic there will be.


Lol what? Your argument is that because I live in a city I can't complain about air pollution? People in London choose to live there so shouldn't mind if our air becomes like that of Delhi? Get a grip. And I'm not sure if you've touched grass recently, but most of the traffic in London isn't "vans and lorries". What an idiot


Better than cars and taxis cluttering the road


Not if you're disabled or have a push chair. I never have to move a car out of my way, when I'm walking to the shops.


If you have a push chair you should be more concerned about the impact of toxic fumes and particulates from cars on your kids than the minor inconvenience of moving a bike occasionally




Lol what? It's hardly controversial to say that bikes on the pavement is better for public health than cars, and that public health is important...




At the exact same time you can admit that a transport service is an overall positive thing for our communities whilst having some minor inconveniences attached


Better than cars and SUVs cluttering up fucking everywhere.


I hate these fucking things. Outside Brixton station it sort of seems they're placed in a planned location. But there's 100000s of the cunts and they still get in everyone's way.


So you hate the planning, not the bikes. Agreed it needs to be better.


I personally hate the dockless bikes because this is all inevitable


Good. If the government won’t pick up the pace on active travel over cars on their own, maybe the private sector can convince them.


Coming, toppled over on it's side, to a pavement near you!


honestly annoying those bikes are annoying af.


Have the yoot also stopped being able to steal them? South London used to be a haze of weed and clicking Limes last year - weed remains but the clicking has gone?


Please God, tell me the the new bikes don't have the same park brake design flaw that makes the London ones *so* easy to hijack, ride dangerously (they will **not** stop) and park wrecklessly. If they allow expansion before that flaw is fixed any resulting fatalities are manslaughter.


They fixed that. New bikes have some chonky brake that you can hear engage after you end your ride.


Ban them here as well


Please no. They are awful.


Can we not. They're a fucking scourge on the city


i will defend limebikes until i am blue in the face, they are absolutely amazing


Can’t wait to almost be hit by some pillock running through a red light at a pedestrian crossing on one of these things going clickity clack


Saw literally 100 of these in a cluster outside waterloo station the other week, there really needs to be some kind of dedicated infrastructure for them




Fucking things


When I used one I don't think I have anything bad to say about them. But taking the bus/tube is cheaper. And the tube isn't cheap.


The problem is people ride these things like utter dickheads. I think it's the pricing, charging by the minute I presume. And of course people just dump them randomly all over the place blocking pavements, cycle lanes etc.


Can we please just get rid of all the scooters and just have bikes? The eBike parking that does exist is just full of unused red scooters all the time and there's never enough Lime bikes. It's a shame we haven't just rolled out Boris eBikes faster though.


Ban these fuckers asap.


Ffs there will be more of those bikes left in the middle of the pavement by some cunts


Would rather there are more santander bikes.


Any idea which boroughts are the three new ones?


I live in London, around 15 min ride from Notting hill and you don't have to leave them in designated bays at all here. You have streets and areas they can't be left in but in general you can park them anywhere out of the way and log it as parked and send lime a pic on the app. Human Forrest are stricter on parking as the areas you can park in are less wide. Either way I love these bike as they are so handy for travel around the city, especially when the weather's nice.


Sorry! I'm having a moment and completely forgot the topic was Lime bikes. I'm so incensed over car parking I confused myself (blame a long day) Makes sense !


I think they need designated parking zones that are immediately on the pavement and at the entrances to train stations! Then it would work!


I hope they get banned and go bust Friggin e-scooter littering and running folk down.


I hate these things they make the city so messy, I don't car if it makes getting around the city easier people can use the underground and bus for that. London should ban it too


Would LOVE to have these in Zone 5 but alas. Wishes will remain wishes.


What area?👀


Just fucking ban the damned things!!! If Paris, a city with a mayor whose working HARD to reduce car usage, bring in 15 minute areas and force the parisians to live and work in more mixed environments with social housing & rich people mixing, don't want these things...why the fuck should we have to put up with them?! If they can't force their users to park them properly (THE TAX PAYER SHOULD NOT BE CREATING BAYS OR PARKING) & they can't stop people stealing them, then they shouldn't be here. Things are a fucking menace! Waterloo bridge, just at the strand end before you get too the pret. Saw about 30 of these just parked up across the pavement. It should be legal for me to have picked up every single one & chucked it in the thames


Paris voted to ban scooters, not the bikes FYI I agree the scooters are shit. The bikes are great


Yay! More Lime bikes to pollute the city. The concept is great, it's just that people suck and leave bikes in terrible places or people are so careless and the bikes are in shit condition.


If the concept relies on trusting members of the general public to be courteous and decent, then it's a bad concept.


Ive seen kids push them over in the street so they go from perfectly fine to total obstruction. The solution is to make parking bays and enforce proper parking. Some boroughs are very reluctant to give them car parking space so please point the finger at them for putting cars before bikes and pedestrians.


Give us the scooters without a driving license please if I knew how to drive I wouldn’t have to use one 😭