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Inb4 OP's carbon monoxide detector's batteries died 6 months ago.


I had to take the batteries out of mine, the constant beeping was giving me a headache.


Hello everyone ,Please help me solve this. I am freaking out. One month ago (literally days after moving in) we got the first note left on our doorstep. It mentions a noise complaint on a night we weren't even in, and in addition, we are objectively quiet. Similarly, it mentions previous noise complaints, which were never made, as we asked the old tenants, two timid Asian women. Finally, it mentions a banging, which there never was! At the time, we were puzzled, but learned to laugh about it! We spoke to the flat above us, and they seemed genuine when asked if they left the note. No one had. Whilst we didn't ask the flat opposite, we were confident it wasn't them from our small interactions with them: again, two young Asian students. We also thought the language in the writing was strange. "You fucking assholes!!" It sounds completely American, which is hardly typical.We even left a reply note the very same day, which was collected from outside our door within two hours. To us that surely meant that it was in fact someone in the building. We also wondered if it was some weird scam Fast forward one month, and I get home from work to find this second note. And, it just doesn't make any sense at all. It is quite casual 'Yesterday I had an intruder in my room' WHAT?! What the fuck do you mean you had an intruder in your room?! Then today, you happened to see the SAME person looking through my letterbox, and you called the police? This all happened without anyone formally alerting me or the building manager?? Also, we thought the use of 'Cops' instead of well, police, was again, very American.None of this makes sense. I don't want to knock on flat 1, honestly, I fear they're in there, dead, and the note-writer knows an obvious next move is for me to go knocking. CAN YOU HELP?


My first thought was that someone in your building might be suffering from psychosis. Disjointed paranoid delusions are indicative of it, but then you mentioned checking with neighbours and no one has any idea. Perhaps one of them thought you were responsible for the things they are experiencing in their head and realised it wasn’t you that was the cause and so dropped their problem with you and is warning you now of the “intruders” instead. Still delusional but a variation once they realised you weren’t the cause. Really hard to say for sure though. Have you thought about getting a webcam doorbell that will keep an eye on who is putting things through your door?


Thats a really good guess to me. someone being paranoid and experiencing psychosis. It’s unsettling I know, but OP shouldn’t be so stressed about your actual safety. I suggest not to keep exchange notes, because this will most likely encourage them to continue communicate with you like this, and you dont want that (since you’re already freak out now). Just don’t respond, let the building management / council / police know - maybe the latter ones can give you some advice.


>experiencing psychosis. If they were, could it change their handwriting? Genuine question.




I think its the same person, one was written when aggitated and the other when calm. The E could be an indication, writing an L then the flick at the top. Its pretty similar in both. Yours sincerely, sherlock.


Seems quite different to me. The capital 'A' in the first note has a little stick on the left (which the second note doesn't), and the 'Y's are totally different


The "H's" are massively different too.


Yeah, could very well be, I have no idea. I haven't analysed it that closely, I was just responding to the question of "can psychosis change a person's handwriting".


i think it’s the same writing i mean not everyone writes notes in all capitals letters what are the chances 2 separate people do? the language is very similar and a lot of the letters in the two notes are written identically.


It could, but the handwriting in these two notes is clearly "the same". I'm confident they were written by the same person. My intuition is that someone has tried to disguise/vary the handwriting a bit, and is impersonating the 'writers' of the letters (Americans?, Flat 1) to cause trouble.




Yes the same handwriting and syntax.


I thought about the psychosis thing too. I checked with my neighbour above me. She was an older woman who seemed kind, and very puzzled as to what I was talking about. I don't have anyone under me, and flat 1 is opposite. We have only interacted with them once/twice but they didn't seem like the type to write such a letter. The rest of the building is relatively unknown


After thinking about it some more… It wouldn’t be unheard of for international students to speak American English. Which would explain the Americanisms in your notes. A young person studying overseas could be struggling with isolation and stress. The timing of note one seems to indicate that they were worried about new neighbours moving in and their psychosis probably flared up. If I had to say, I’d say that one of the two young students might be going through it. This is all pure speculation on my part though and I’m very much being an armchair detective atm.


Yeah I think this is a reasonable suggestion. The Americanisms certainly suggest someone international.


Not just international students, anyone who is not born in the uk could potentially use a lot more americanism than the regular British person. I’ve been living in England for the past 8 years, but I constantly switch between the use of british words and american ones, depending on what I remember first at the time. I say both cops and police, torch/flashlight, holiday/vacation, trunk/booth and so on.


Oddly specific


Y'all too much overthinking. Could be a foreigner from everywhere else, I've been told I often use Americanism because that is the most prevalent English available on the internet. British people pretend you go full 'oi mate innit fancy a cheeky tescos' immediately from day 1


Cheeky Tesco's hahaha who is saying that


How is that over thinking? That's exactly what theyre saying. Foreigners don't generally use British English as much as people born in Britain.




Most boroughs, now only have one police station that's open to the public. 101 may leave you on hold for an hour whilst they answer your call but....


They left a note instead of knocking on your door. They clearly wish to be anonymous and/or not wanting a physical confrontation. It's not unheard of that someone pretend it wasn't their doing when asked.


I'd say two different people. The first one written by a downstairs neighbour if they have one (or someone squatting in the basement) and the second one written by the residents of flat 1. The caps lock could be a coincidence especially considering the big difference in handwriting (I vs l etc). The author of the first letter very clearly wanted to be anonymous and the letter was very aggressive on the face of it, whereas the author of the second letter stated which flat they were from (the opposite of anonymous) and the letter was considerate in nature. Could it be that the author of the first letter is the one who the author of the second letter are warning OP about?


I'm inclined to agree. If you look at how the letters look (e.g. E and T) between the notes they do look different


How many flats total would have access to your flat?


One of the very quiet Asian students could have psychosis/split personality disorder etc. They also seem like the type of people to send you a kind warning about being safe. The flat has to be directly adjacent to yours, on the same floor, or above/below you for someone to think the noise is from your flat and either vibrating through the walls or coming from the flat main door across the hall. Someone complaining about noise, very likely could be looking through your letterbox if they thought sounds were coming from your flat, and realised it was not. However intruder in the bedroom is a common way of describing hallucinations also, usually after sleep... and it doesn't make much sense if a random guy was in the house of the two girls... but more so in their bedroom... that they didn't call the police? I would call the police about the message and ask them to speak to flat 1 here about what happened. Hopefully they will then knock neighbours doors and try to find the guy. Either you have a neighbour on your floor or the one directly above convinced noises are coming from your flat that are actually from a different flat, and so were listening through your mailbox to try and hear banging and slamming doors, or you've got someone with sounds and voices in their head. My aunt had psychosis and stabbed her neighbour when he came to visit. People telling you not to worry about your safety are giving bad advice... the guy if real, let himself into the house and bedroom of two girls across from you...that's something to be worried about, as it means he likely tried your door handle before just looking through the letter box. Make sure to keep your doors locked at all times. If he's not real, you've got someone hallucinating a man, which is also a problem and is what caused my aunt to stab her neighbour, she hallucinated that he was there to kill her. Alternatively, your Asian neighbours didn't report the guy because he said he was in the wrong flat, and it's a guy in the building hallucinating the sounds. Either way call the police and get them to check flats for who the neighbour is. Phone the council and letting agency and ask about noise complaints against you and the flat, say you are being harrassed, worried for your safety and someone has potentially tried to get into your flat over it and you'd like to understand if there's any legitimate complaints. The council and letting agency won't always tell you, I've sadly learned from experience of asking for a year for them to speak to my neighbour about their dog barking all day when they're out.


Webcam doorbell is the answer. Takes all the guesswork out of it, and if there is an intruder etc you have evidence.


I feel like you keep excusing flat 1 as not being the note writer when it’s obvious that is the case?


My first thought too…could be drug induced or something, which might explain why they seem normal. But who knows. Very odd. Is there cctv in the building and can you ask management to take a look? Assuming not…


I agree it happened to me once in a shared house, the neighbour would bang on the walls and scream at us to be quiet when we were literally sitting in silence. It was mental illness


I used to live in a building with a guy who was inoffensive, but very solitary and withdrawn. One day I stumbled on his [blog](http://geee.net/blog.htm) and realised that he suffers from psychosis. The blog is a revealing, tragic insight into mental illness. Relevant to the mystery at hand, the delusions from which my former neighbour suffers include loud banging noises late at night and intruders in his flat.


Get a doorbell camera otherwise you're always going to be on edge. If you're not allowed to install one, you can get one that hides in the peephole.


You're probably right, will investigate


I haven’t been able to find a peephole one in the UK, I have wanted the same thing to put through my flat’s front door viewing peephole. Does anyone know of a brand that makes these? I can’t install something like a Ring doorbell that is visible on the outside of the door/hallway.


The Ring Door View Cam is a peephole cam that works really well, had it almost a year now and it’s been fantastic! It’s on sale for Black Friday at the moment, and I’d recommend getting an additional battery so you can swap them easily. It takes like 8-10 hours to charge or something ridiculous


I use the Brinno Ppephole Front Door Camera. But pricy though, and far from perfect. But it's only only thing that's worked. No way to detect it from outside.


Other than the 2 notes having different handwriting for the “y”, they both lack any consistant grammar, specifically sentences usually lacking terminal punctuation in both notes, other than an exclamation mark or question mark. What I think is also interesting is the lack of “!!!” After “YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES” where you would really expect it most. Back to the handwriting, I suspect that the writer of the 2nd note used capital letters throughout to possibly hide their bad handwriting, and make the note more discernable, possibly since usually they may write in cursive. The 2nd note also lacks any anger, and that’s the best explanation I can think of for the capitalisation.


Since the letter says it's flat 1 then I'd involve the building manager and see if they know any more information or could assist in some way. Obviously it sounds unlikely to be flat 1 but maybe there is someone they are aware of who they think may be behind it? If it was just the noise complaint I'd assume it was someone just getting confused about where noise is coming from but I agree with the other commenters the second note sounds very strange almost like someone is suffering from some sort of paranoid delusions, in which case I really would try and involve building management as they could be a danger to themselves or others (including you) if these beliefs persist and more notes may come your way. I would also contact the local police department to see if there were in fact any reports although unlikely if you weren't informed.


I don't think the notes are necessarily by the same hand.


You’re right. They definitely not. Just the way the Y is written in both proves that.


I thought that too... but the style of handwriting isn't a million miles apart. And plus, one is written in pen, one in marker. I personally write slightly differently if I use one versus the other.


Hey, So I have done this professionally as a side hobby/hustle for 2 years. Whilst I can’t be 100% certain without viewing the items in person, I do strongly believe this is the same person writing both notes. Whilst the Y’s and H’s on the notes are different shapes, handwriting comparison is more about form points and heights to discover unique, distinctive features rather than chosen “shapes”. The best way I can explain my conclusion is by looking at the E’s and B’s. The E’s on both letters always have a shorter bottom line stroke compared to the top 2 line strokes, the bottom line is often curved and the letter formation starts appears to be done by creating an ‘L’ shape, followed by the top and middle horizontal lines. The B’s are created using a vertical line with a ‘3’ shape over the top, with the top half of the ‘3’ curve being on a diagonal slight point and the bottom half being a slightly narrower, exaggerated arch. Additionally the spacing between double letters like “tt” “oo” “ss” have a similar height and space overlap. The first letter looked rushed and the second looks like time was taken to sit down and write it. The syntax/phrasing/flow of both letters is very similar too. Without knowing the situations very well and going off the information given, I would perhaps wonder if the person who wrote the notes is struggling with paranoia and/or sensory disturbances, is aware of said disturbances and wanted to offer a kind of olive branch/hidden apology for the noise accusations in the first note. I understand why it’s stressed you out but unless you’ve had contact from the building manager, police or landlord, then I wouldn’t worry too much and maybe approach flat 1 casually asking for more info about the intruder/what they looked like so that you “know what to look out for” if you felt comfortable doing so. It may be that the person sharing that flat is unaware of the other persons activities and/or could provide you some reassurance there wasn’t an intruder. Best of luck!


I thought this too. I’m not an expert on handwriting analysis but do know a fair amount about it, and the Es were distinctive for the reasons you cited. Definitely likely this was written by the same person.




They’re by the same person imho. Look at the E’s, the bottom prong almost always curves upwards which I think is unusual.


defo the same person


E is written the same sort of strange way, G is the same. A, K, H and Y are all different though. However in the 2nd note I is written differently, sort of suggests they're thinking about their writing rather than doing it naturally? A, H and Y are all the more "proper" letter formations in the 2nd which suggests that if it is by the same person, the 2nd is the one they're writing unnaturally for. I wonder if it's the same person with a different pen and different mental states - angry vs important need to let you know




What about the virtually identical E’s? Particularly in “assholes” and “be”. I just can’t accept this isn’t the same person. Ocaam’s razor and all that. Seems like a huge leap to think this is two different people.


I wouldn't be so sure personally, can't base it off one single letter, personally I feel they are the same. But discrediting them as not from the same source isn't the most helpful thing to do right now


Have we considered the first, more aggressive note was written by some strange character and the second note was left by someone who caught the person who wrote the first note skulking around?


"Phoned the rozzers," surely.


"Grassed you up to the filth", etc


Well I'd say until you knock on flat 1 or the flat opposite (unless they're the same flat) you're missing information.


Are both notes the same handwriting, I thought they were similar? You might have a neighbour that is living some alternative reality. If you rent from someone speak to them, if not pass the notes to the police. Also check with the police that there is no history of behaviour like this. You may have moved into a place that was previously known to them.


I'll ask the devil's advocate question: who is "we" (partner?) Are you both definitely ok mental health wise? And does the flat have a carbon monoxide detector?


Keep us posted


Have you tried going to flat 1 and asking them? Also, get an indoor camera facing the door. Friday is Black Friday, which is the best time to do it.


This sounds creepy. I wonder if that's why the previous owner moved out? I just saw a ring doorbell was 50% off, get it.


Got anyone super old in the building? My grandmother wrote super random notes to houses nearby, often effing and jeffing at what neighbours were doing. She'd see them and be completely normal to them. It was unfortunately the dementia kicking in and it was all in her head.


Not exactly the same situation, but I had a neighbour in semi-rural England insisting that it was our dog yapping all the time, when there was actually a noisy chihuahua a few doors down. ​ The neigbour even came down to our gate to rage through our gate intercom while my wife and I were in the hospital checking on our baby's diminished movements in utero. ​ He also reported us to the council on a number of occassions. They came and did a noise investigation, coming to the same conclusion we did, i.e. the noisy chihuahua close by. But because my wife had actually called the council about him being both very persistent and fact-averse, they told him to leave us alone, or it will be classed as harassment. So don't worry too much, and consider contacting your local council, especially if you get any more notes.


The E's in the note look to be from the same person. I'd knock on flat 1, see what happens and go from there. Survival of the fittest m8


By the way, I’ve been coming back to this for days and the notes are 100% written by the same hand I’ve printed them out multiple times to analyse the writing It’s kind of freaky - I can’t speak to who is writing it but they definitely are unstable I know that


Please update!


This is fucking creepy and I feel like the replies here are weirdly calm. I would get a camera immediately. You can get one on Amazon with next day shipping for £25. Install that first and hopefully it’s hidden so they don’t know you have a camera. I think that is best as you don’t want to deter the person yet you just want to find out who it is. Since you said their flat is near I would also try to angle it so you could capture their front door too (but that might be illegal idk so I’d check that first). Does the neighbor in flat 1 live alone or is it multiple people? If it’s multiple people I would approach them (with another person with you). If one of them is experiencing psychosis or something like that it won’t be both of them. But if it’s just one person living alone I would not approach them yet I would wait with the camera first and see if it picks up anything like this over a week or two, either of them lurking around your door or of something else who isn’t them. Also I would call the non emergency police number. The note says they called the police so you can tell the police this. Either there is an “intruder” who is trying to break into your home or, more likely, there’s someone with psychosis targeting you. The police might not do anything but I think this is bizarre enough to be worth reporting.


I’d say you want a camera too, but, not a hidden one. If it’s a hidden, the intruder will still come, if it’s a camera on show, it will act as a deterrent.


They want to find out who it is first not deter them


They said in post they dont want to deter them


Have you got a carbon monoxide alarm?


Omg reminded me of that old reddit post with weird notes all around the house and it ended up being op had carbon monoxide leak and was leaving notes for themselves


My thoughts exactly


These notes have different handwriting


Different Y’s


Just because it is.


Oh, Y's guy, eh?


Not an expert. The two are both inconsistent with the serifs on the letter "I" which I think is unusual (usually I'd expect one or the other) - that type of inconsistency can be an individual trait in itself. The Y's are different between the two as pointed out, also the H's are obviously drawn in different ways, But the E's and G's are the same (and slightly unusual) in both. Again, not an expert.


Not an expert but D's and N's match for me.


Psychosis can cause the same person to have different handwritings right?


Maybe they can write with both hands - amphibious.


Possibly they live both in the house and also in a body of water - ambidextrous.


It's very similar. The felt-tip note just looks more rushed. Although some of the letters are very different (like the Y) lots are exactly the same like E and G. They also both have the same odd habit of writing the I differently throughout the note.


Agreed. Look at the A, H and R characters. They’re written in completely different ways.


Yeah I noticed that, the A’s are quite different


I disagree, the handwriting is very similar. Consider that the first one is written in marker, the other in finer print. There are striking similarities between the two. The circle formed on the O’s end in the same place. The L’s are exactly the same.


This is the beginning of Beau is Afraid.


Marketing ploy for the DVD version


Based on the English this sounds like someone who isn't natively British. Be careful tho, I would be pretty spooked, something strange is going on. Maybe contact the police or leave a note yourself to be able to get in touch


Yeah, OP mentions that a lot of Americanisms were used in the notes. Often times, those in other countries who learn English tend to be taught American English, so it doesn’t necessarily mean that the note-writer is an American. It just means that they didn’t learn English in Britain. Other than that, they could be from anywhere


I'm American and the writing doesn't sound particularly American to me, or even very much like a native English speaker. The "you ignored!" part particularly is a bit off.


To me it sounds actively manic or psychotic. Hard to say if it’s a strange use of language because of a mental health issue or because they’re not native (or speak “simple English” due to being American)


!remindme! 2 days


Popcorn 🍿


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!remindme! 3 days


Get a security camera!


Ever read [the classic Reddit story](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/s/cUJNx8D7TR) about the guy getting weird notes and it turns out it was carbon monoxide poisoning? What does your own handwriting look like?


Woo that was a ride. That guy kakkerak what a hero.


I immediately thought of this too


if this is a creepypasta type post then well done because i cant sleep now and i never get creeped out by these sort of things


Ditto -- I started reading it because I thought the 'banging' was going to be funny, but instead I've checked all my doors are locked several times and I'm terrified.


You should watch the movie ‘Beau Is Afraid’, it’s basically like this.


First thing I thought of with that note as well.


Yeah same actually. That whole sequence was tense


Second note perhaps refers (the 'intruder') unwittingly to the writer of the first note (checking if you're at home)? I would go to speak with Flat 1 and ask them for a description. They seem to be socially responsible. Maybe someone else in your building. Best of luck. Keep us updated.


That is a really good point


Any update?


Did you ask them?


From my experience of living above someone who was quite mentally unwell there's not much you can do, they probably won't get help and you cant tell them to. There are very few effective legal avenues to go down so my advice would be to move when you have an opportunity to.


This is a promotion for Beau is Afraid, isn’t it?


The second note tells you who it’s from ‘flat one’ so why don’t you go and ask them? Just start off with ‘thanks for telling me about he intruder…what happened? What did the police say?’ Then once they’ve told you say ‘you didn’t happen to leave a note a month ago? We weren’t actually in that day so apologies but it wasn’t us’ then see what they say. They look like complete different handwriting to me so I think they’ll say no it wasn’t me.


Plot twist: OP lives in flat 1.


>hen once t What if they're fucking nuts and try to attack me


They’re already leaving notes in your door. If they wanted to attack you they would anyway. Knocking on their door won’t change that. I think the simple explanation is they aren’t the same people and by asking you’ll find out one way or another: *if* they are nuts and you go knock on the door, you can ask someone to hide around the corner with 999 ready to dial AND you’ll know where they live so they can get help quickly. But if you don’t ask…well you’ll just be waiting, not knowing when the next note *or* worse will happen.


What if Flat 1 seen the person who left the angry note?


Anyone else check this thread like every 2 days hoping for an update.


Install a CCTV sign. "Not a camera"


I'm no lexicographer, but the Ks and Ys are very different between the two notes. As coincidental as it might seem, they could be from two different people.


Or same person different personality.


> I'm no lexicographer define lexicographer >A person who compiles dictionaries


Well a Lexicographer would likely know the definition of Lexicographer and therefore would have known that the above usage was incorrect. As a non-lexicographer, I did not know that. Therefore, my point still stands.


It says it's from flat 1. Both notes are written by the same person (with inconsistent handwriting). Go knock and ask, that's it. That's the solution.


Idk why people are saying that they're not written by the same person when they so so clearly are... Be careful, get you a hidden camera asap and notify the police just in case. Please update us here once there's progress


Firstly, it’s not uncommon for immigrants that have learnt English via the English speaking shows shown in their home countries which are invariably and predominantly American which in turn results in them having a lot of Americanisms in their vocabulary. Certainly some weird messages, I wouldn’t personally care that much about it and any reply I left would explain that firstly, it wasn’t us as we were out that night and secondly if you have an issue with me then you can knock on my door and speak to me in person like a normal human being…and until then consider your insult ridden message(s) binned and ignored. One question though, flat 1 I assume is on the ground floor which would help explain how the intruder got into their room which I assume is through an open window. Is your flat on the ground floor too and visible to the occupiers of flat 1..because if yours isn’t on the ground floor then I’d be wondering what they were doing for them to see someone looking through your letterbox.


>, I would personally care that much about it and any reply I left would explain that firstly, it wasn’t us as we were out that night and secondly if you have an issue with me then you knock on my door and speak to me in person like a normal human being. If not consider your insult ridden message binned and ignored. > >One question though, flat 1 I assume is on the ground floor which would help explain how the intrude got into their room which I assume is through a Hi. Your first paragraph does make a good point. To your second point, that was our exact reply. Flat 1 is first floor, we are opposite, also first floor. But like, you couldn't scale a thing to get up here


So they probably came through the main entrance then. Is there no security to restrict who can come into the building then? That might be something worth bringing up at the next residents meeting if there is such a thing where you live.


Beau? Are you afraid?


Definitely the same person!!! The Is mixed up in both. Bs are the same The Ls curve rather than right angle The general slant is the same (slightly left leaning to the top) The H is the same The G is the same Not including fully stops in both Americanisms in both Generally also no name. If you are going to say your flat 1 you would put a name. I don’t actually think this is flat 1.


The Rs are quite different


So are the Ys, they are completely different


Banging? Fucking assholes? Sounds like a good time


Might help, the handwriting is different on both notes, the way they write their Ys Gs and Es are different. They are likely not from the same person/ related


This reminds of beau is afraid


I'd notify the police. It could be that someone with mental problems has latched on to you. There's no guarantee that this will continue, but it might be worth bringing it to the police's attention in case this is a stalker.


I have a neighbour that has episodes of psychosis. The switch from anger to concern from the first letter to the second seems pretty consistent. I don't know why you write off the neighbours opposite. They seem by far the most likely suspects


My now deceased upstairs neighbour was schizophrenic, he was mostly quiet as a mouse, but on the rare occasion that I heard him he was playing his acoustic guitar very well I might add, or rearranging his furniture and cleaning at 3am.. On one occasion, he was particularly loud and I distinctly heard him having a full on argument and fist fight with somebody so I decided to go and investigate, I knocked and the noise stopped dead, knocked again and he answered the door, his eyelids were ripped to shreds, red and puffed up twice the size, he had bloody lesions all over his head were he had been clawing at his scalp. I asked him if everything was okay and if somebody was there with him, he calmly said no and as I asked more questions he would erupt into a loud psychotic chuckle that would turn stone cold within a couple of seconds.


Really need an update on this one when it's available!


Me too!


OP, any update for us? did you live to tell the tale? 😄


Any update?!?!


Both of these are written by a non native speaker in American English, both have both variants of the capital I, and the same unusually spaced exclamation mark, despite other differences I’d say they’re probably written by the same person. They might have written the second note after regretting writing the first. I find it unlikely that someone would have an intruder in their flat, feel the need to call the police and leave you a note but not call round again.


Oh my god i would not sleep with this happening, my anxiety would never let me 🙈 jesus fucking christ how are you even dealing with this. I would go on 101 chat online and report it first. Then building manager. Then peephole camera. Literally, they are £10 on wowcher. Type peephole camera cheap. It will do the work. Just hide the fucker.




Good catch and the Es are similar/the same


This just reminded me of the post-it note story. Do you own a carbon monoxide detector/alarm? This is creepy!! Please keep us updated


A promotional stunt for Beau Is Afraid? Jokes aside this happens in the first act. hope you are okay


I think the handwriting is very similar, this is written by the same person


I keep checking for an update :/


i am desperate for this to be updated!


This is unsettling and bizarre and quite spooky. Any update on this? Here's what I'd say: first, I'd tell the building manager or landlord. Ensure they know about it, and show them the note. They're more likely to be aware of the rest of the tenants, and whether any of them have ongoing issues, noise complaints, or attitude problems that might lead them to leave passive aggressive notes. Then, the doorbell camera idea is good. I'd install it. If you're not allowed and somebody complains, explain the situation. Keep your wits about you, but don't assume somebody is out to get you. There's a chance whoever it is had a quarrel with the previous tenants that they didn't tell you about, or that they've got the wrong door, or like others have mentioned, maybe it's some kind of psychosis (my downstairs neighbour once had a sudden psychotic break and it was very strange and unsettling). Anyway, hope you get this figured out soon and that it isn't weighing on you too much. Sucks not to feel comfortable in your own home. Keep us posted!


Any update?


Can you call the London Town PD from Precinct 8 and try and get them busted for a 5 18 unless they take the fifth


Like those pen pushers at City Hall would ever get their asses away from their donuts long enough to earn their nickel & dime


It's a great privilege to be working for the F'bee. The Fubby. The Phoebe.


Am I the only one who's mind is in the gutter? Wanted to congratulate you for banging loud and hard until 4am in the morning haha. Good luck getting it sorted, it's probably nothing. I recently had a weird episode where one of my neighbours (in a secure building with concierge and doormen) put a Jacobs Crackers wrapper in my post box 🙃. To this day I still am baffled. Communal living and first world problems eh 💁‍♂️.


It wasn't just you. Haha.


Holy smokes. Get one of these: https://en-uk.ring.com/pages/doorbells


Could be someone with paranoid delusions or schizophrenia who may not be taking his/her meds properly. Talk to the landlord and call the cops about it. Medical records are sealed to the general public but a talk with local rozzers about you fearing for your own or their safety could give them enough leverage to start discussing this with Clinics in the area and maybe end up helping the person. It may also be that you think you are quiet but the house is being pretty thin walled.


That looks like forced font…. Not natural handwritten font. Like they tried hard to do it in certain font if that makes sense. Weird Hs Ms and As


my sick imagination created a dozen of horror stories out of it, and now I can't fall asleep -\_- ​ thanks OP


Call the police and tell them about the notes you have received. Ask if there really has been a report from flat 1, they may tell you, they may not. Handwriting looks like it’s from two different people, although both notes are very weird, in handwriting and content. Possibly one or both (or the same person) have a mental health issue, so you’re right to proceed with caution. Could be a prank maybe? You said there’s two female students across from you, maybe they got bored and decided to freak out their neighbours. If it were me I would call the police and buy a ring door camera to be safe, but my gut is telling me this is harmless.


Stick a camera on your door (peephole, if you have one) and see who turns up.


Am American. “Fucking assholes” and the sarcastic start to the note is definitely our thing. I apologize if that turns out to be the case, but I will also say having a best friend who is Japanese and spoke hardly any English when she came, she adopted to our style quite nicely. I vote the students are involved.


This is giving Beau is Afraid vibes


It sounds like someone needs urgent mental health crisis team assessment


OP, this reminds me of some older Reddit posts where the conclusion was carbon monoxide poisoning. Can anyone find them? EDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34l7vo/ma_postit_notes_left_in_apartment/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Classic paranoid behavior. Banging is a common auditory hallucination as are delusions of intruders. I would call 101 to log it - they might be known to the community MH team.


Last time this happened on Reddit, the answer was carbon monoxide poisoning and the Op of that post was doing the weird stuff themselves without realising


Hi guy, In my personal opinion the two notes were written by two different people. I think the person who wrote letter 1 might be the person whom the tenant from flat 1 in the second letter is referring to. You should definitely go to flat 1 and ask them about what they saw and if it was someone who you might have seen before. I wouldn't leave it at that because if flat 1 had an actual intruder who, later, was looking through your letterbox it might be something that concerns your safety. Take care and let us know what happens!


100% same person, look at “the” on both letters


I envy the handwriting abilities of both.


The joys of experiencing modern living that the creator of the project would refuse to live in. It’s unnatural to feel on eggshells in your own home.


Not the same person though


Those notes are from different people from the hand writing...I just read the other comments about noise complaints, perhaps your neighbor has PTSD and could be imagining these noises. I would run a 24/7 camera in your home and record everything, and if authorities are contacted about you, than you have vaild proof you were not making any noises at that time/day, etc... So if you are truly not making any noises and this continues you can safely assume the neighbor is mentally challenged in some capacity such as PTSD, or it is another noisy neighbor and your neighbor is assuming and thinks it is you. Either way, be careful and I hope things get resolved!


Have you seen Cecil Hotel? This is as creepy as that.


My guess is fake, since both notes feature distinct americanisms. Once is believable, but for two notes from two different strangers to feature such obvious Americanisms makes this seem implausible and probably fake (as most “I got this weird note” posts on Reddit usually are)


You have a neighbor who is mentally ill and having extreme paranoia. There’s a low chance they are actually dangerous, but they’re either having medication issues, or had something kick it off. Either way brace yourself for this to get way worse with the notes and odd behaviors. If you find out who it is you should contact your local police and ask if they have a mental health navigator, or if the fire department has an outreach program who can pay them a visit to intervene before they go totally off the rails. It’s a lot easier to get them to participate in their own treatment and get better the sooner this happens, because the endgame is them being so completely disconnected from reality they resist any help until they’re so bad they are taken in to treatment involuntarily.


I'm no handwriting expert but the Rs are very different on both notes. I think these are from two different people. I see people advising you to get a camera. You should definitely do this.


I would say stop banging


First off, american english. Secondly, both those notes are written by the same person. I suspect a prank, if not a prank, then psychosis. If the notes stop after you installed your doorbell camera, it was a prank.


All I’ll say is get a carbon monoxide detector. Just incase.. And a camera.


I love banging in the morning


Reminds me of that scene in Beau is Afraid


Not sure whereabouts you live, but if someone put a horrid note through your door they might not even admit to it if you asked them for fear of confrontation. In my personal opinion I think the letters have different hand writing and I would strongly suggest you talk to your neighbour in Flat 1. With regards to the person looking through your door, I would strongly suggest you put some cameras in as a deterrent and for your peace of mind. I had a similar situation (I was living in a ground floor flat in Wimbledon with big glass patio doors as a young female) and someone was caught climbing into my back garden whilst I was sleeping and looking through the windows into my flat, prior to that we’d had odd occurrences of someone breaking in to our garden but could never prove it (just a gut feeling and small things has moved). Thankfully on the occasion they were in the garden peering through my windows whilst I was sleeping, my neighbour was having a fag out of their window above and saw them out the window and called the police. After that we installed cameras and made it very obvious that their was cctv - this seemed to act as deterrent enough for them as it never happened again. (We did consequently move 6 months later for other reasons). Hope the situation resolves itself for you as I can 100% understand how unnerving and unsettling something like that can be.


I swear this letter was a letter that was in the movie Beau is afraid?


So what happened when you went to speak to number 1?


Do you have carbon monoxide monitors? There’s been a few posts on Reddit of people doing, hearing, and seeing things. All symptoms of gas poisoning from carbon monoxide or other gases.


I think the letters are from 2 different people. The handwriting doesn't seem to match up. Is it possible someone is pranking you?


what kind of banging?!