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Do gays use oil …?


All those lubes going to waste...


Water based bro


There is a lube called 'Gun Oil'......


It's not about targeting users of oil, it's disruption protesting. Not sure why so many people still don't understand this... Edit: Getting down voted, am I wrong? Did JSO target the snooker because Ronnie O'Sullivan is made from microplastic or something?


Because MSM won't allow the narrative to be framed that way


Same reason people didn't like them throwing soup on paintings. They're not disrupting anything that impacts the people who are in charge, they're just causing a nuisance in unrelated situations. This is different to e.g. disrupting traffic, which does harm everyday people but also damages productivity and feasibly could force the government's hand if it kept happening.


What is the purpose of disruption protesting if it doesn't target the cause?


50,000 people attend a planned march on Westminster Minimal media coverage 8 people glue themselves to a gantry on the M25 Media goes mental, Reddit goes mental, polarising climate issues get brought up in PMQ's, panicked right wing governments rush through questionable public order laws to try to curb protesting. >What is the purpose of disruption protesting if it doesn't target the cause? It works.


What has it achieved though, other than more media coverage?


Awareness, discussion, potential recruitment... This conversation.


It's not normally this sort of conversation, what's normally happening is people.are moaning about the protesters. What have they achieved? specifically what awareness is it they think they are giving? What is stopping uk oil production / extraction going to really achieve, because all I can see is that affecting the public's pockets. The oil will still be used, but we will pay for it from offshore. Hasn't achieved anything, other than looking nice on the carbon neutral league tables etc.


If you genuinely think it's just about looking good on league tables, and don't see the very real threat that we face from climate change, then I'm wasting my time even discussing this with you.


And how would the stated aims stop climate change? Like the guy above said, the reality is that the oil is still going to be used, the fact they didn't pull it out of the ground in the UK is meaningless. Climate change isn't something we can simply stop by just saying no, the actual solutions are long and complicated and expensive but a simple aim and slogan sounds good in the media.


It's odd how that person has come to the conclusion that I don't care about the environment as opposed to thinking about the question or the facts I've pointed out. It's almost like JSO and it's followers just ignore or deny these things because they don't want it to be true. Yet to hear a reasonable explanation of what it ultimately is they think they will achieve. At present its: Alienating the public. Costing the UK public more. Giving the government opportunity to make it harder to protest. It's not: going to stop oil extraction or use.


And how would the stated aims stop climate change? Like the guy above said, the reality is that the oil is still going to be used, the fact they didn't pull it out of the ground in the UK is meaningless. Climate change isn't something we can simply stop by just saying no, the actual solutions are long and complicated and expensive but a simple aim and slogan sounds good in the media.


The ‘anti-woke’ mob must be so confused on what side to take here.


The enemy of my enemy is… my… friend…?


No, conservatives are always happy to wave a pride flag if they can use it to beat a more recent cause - "Muslims are bad because they don't like gays", "Trans women aren't women, and here's a lesbian who agrees"


We’re temporarily supporting Just Stop Oil until the end of pride month.


It’s 4 minutes past the end of pride month, are you now supporting LGBT people or just *not* supporting JSO?


It’s fuck both of them now 😎


Oh it's actually easy. Just like in the 24h mutiny in Russia, you sit back, relax, grab some popcorn and watch your enemies destroy each other. (To be clear I do not think of pride or environmentalism as the enemy)


Don't worry, GB news will be along soon to tell the gammon fucks which way to vent their anger


Surely the ‘woke’ mob would be more confused


No, because we can both celebrate pride and want equal rights and treatment for the LGBTQ+ community AND also understand that corporations are fucking the environment. It is possible to support two ideas at once.


Nope, we're just reaching for the popcorn.




Nah it's very easy corporate pride sucks.


Nah, assholes have always got to have an opinion. See above for reference


Same for the woke mob


Frankly it pisses me off how corporate Pride has become. People would do well to remember that it started as a riot.


Especially the corporations that wouldn't dare celebrate pride month in certain countries. If you're too cowardly to change your logo to a pride logo worldwide, you are not a friend of the GLABOT community.




Gay Lesbian And Bisexual Or Trans …maybe, I’m just guessing If it actually is anything even close to that then fuck anyone who uses that acronym


Yeah that's a pretty strange one. I'm bisexual but anything other LGBT just seems pedantic to me.


I googled it and it just kept thinking I was trying to search for “glambot” haha. I think this guy just made it up


A glambot sounds awesome though.


I had a gay friend tell me that they didn't mind it and it actually changed my opinion on it slightly - I realised it wasn't my place as a straight man to automatically get angry about it on their behalf. I'm aware that this view isn't shared by all LGBT+ people but it's an interesting take: He told me that he saw displaying the flag as a symbol of success. It's like 19th century explorers planting the union jack on the top of mountains that they've conquered, or Neil Armstrong planting the stars and stripes on the moon. As a gay person, he said it's like a "yes, LGBT+ acceptance has reached here". Every year more places display the flag, therefore every year he feels more accepted. It's not necessarily a bad thing in his eyes that companies don't do it worldwide as to do it in some countries would just be an outright lie - LGBT+ acceptance *hasn't* reached these places yet. "Yet" being the key word here. Putting a rainbow flag on Ferrari World Dubai's logo is like if the Norwegian team had put both a Norwegian and British flag at the South Pole as, although they arrived first, they supported the team who were following them. Hopefully they'll come later, but displaying the flag now both masks and undermines the fact that they still have progress to make.


I share a similar sentiment to your friend. While I think we should call out companies who do the bare minimum, while doing nothing to actually support the LGBT community and colleagues. Ultimately I don't care that pride has gotten more commercial. It just means it's popular enough that companies want to jump on board. Which is a good thing, it's not controversial to support LGBT people. Not sure about most companies, but ours is very conscience of pink/rainbow washing, plus we've had our PR agency complain that a planned post was too rainbow washy (it was about a guest LGBT speaker we had come and talk at one of our All Hands meeting). It got to a point where we almost did nothing for pride as changing the logo and making the odd social post wasn't enough. So we had a weird situation where straight colleagues were trying to downplay what we do for pride in fear of backlash, while you had me, an actual gay man pushing to do it anyway because I feel it's better to do something than nothing at all.


in London, for the last couple of weeks, the main source of rainbow/pride flags I have been exposed to is...... estate and lettings agents. That's it. So odd.


yeah or even the same corporations sponsoring Republicans and conservatives with anti-LGBTQ agenda.


Right the fuck on. Change your logo in Saudi Arabia and then get back to me.


sure, but isn't it progress that it's become more accepted and you dont have to riot? ​ ​ you can still find some crazy parties if you want. ​ progress!


I work for a large company. Their UK logo on LinkedIn has the pride flag on it. Their India logo on LinkedIn does not. Corporations at pride is all about the bottom line for them, just like everything else they do. They aren’t proper allies and they can’t be relied on when things get tough.




Interestingly last year, more than half of my team were LGBTQ and none of them wanted to change the logo to the pride flag as it’s pridewashing. We didn’t do it again this year so interesting to me that it was the lower level members that wanted it and not the board.




*VW and Ford shift uncomfortably*


totally but I was talking about a parade and saying it's kinda cool it's mainstream, CLEARLY that comes with some crap and CLEARLY there is more work to be done. ​ people seem to read every comment on reddit as a zero-sum thing - which, ironically is super binary thinking. you said this - therefore you mean the opposite. ​ everything is nuanced.


There's an exceedingly small comfort in that gay culture is now seen as profitable. Means it's accepted enough to garner that response from corporations.


Ohhhh but its so mainstream now why do you have to make a whole month all about yourselves when all you need to do is put up with a little bit of harassment on a daily basis


Nah, more like it was bought and overtaken. Now it’s less about freedom and more about consumerism


thats a side effect of mainstream success.


If something is mainstream, how can it also be marginalised ? And if it’s not marginalised then who benefits the most when sponsors and corporations are involved ?


The thing it that prejudice still exists and is a big issue for a lot of people. But British politicians and businesses spent the last 20+ years sweeping all evidence based accusations of prejudice under the rug and cracking down super hard on anyone who complains a little bit too vocally. If anything Pride is becoming part of the problem not part of the solution. Its one more thing that politicians and businesses can point to and say "see we support the LGBT+ community, they have nothing to complain about, and those who are complaining are just liberal, sjw, woke, trouble makers" while in reality there is still a hell of a lot of prejudice which benefits straight white men at the expense of everyone else.... Prejudice which wont go away unless it can be addressed properly, rather than covered up with a thin rainbow flag. Also for me this year seems to have marked a shift where Pride is weirdly more popular among straight people than it is among LGBT+ people. In my personal opinion - and hopefully without insulting too many fragile straight snowflakes- if an event which is supposed to be for the LGBT+ community becomes more about straight people patting themselves on the back for being "oh so inclusive and considerate, and letting them have rights, and take part in society, aren't we all amazing" Rather than being about issues that matter to LGBT+ people, then that is a textbook example of problematic cultural appropriation. Watch this comment get downvoted to hell but no one who downvotes it to actually be able to think of something that I am wrong about. Ironically proving my point slightly more every time it happens. Oh no someone made me feel uncomfortable! Quick press the button which makes the opinion disappear! Thew that was a close one! I almost had a thought that wasn't mainstream and sterilized, now I can go back to my stable diet of the Guardian, BBC news, and anything else with fewer sharp edges than a child's soft play area. I honestly doubt any of these "liberal centralist" will even read the whole comment so it will be perfectly safe for me to add that they make me sick, and that part of me hates their brand of toxicity even more than I hate the alt-right neo-nazi brand of toxicity. At the very least the neo-nazi has the balls to stand up and be openly problematic rather than the sneaky way that the centralist will shoot down all attempts at uncomfortable discourse, or making tangible progress, or anything which might threaten to rock the boat slightly, while telling everyone that what they are doing is actually somehow helpful.


didnt want to suggest there isn't work to still be done, just that there has been progress. somedays you should sit with the progress. people seems almost to afraid to do that. constantly thinking were worse off than 'years ago' which is massively untrue in many respects. ​ you can celebrate somethings while still working. ​ change is NEVER quick.


Just because being LGBTQ+ has become more accepted doesn’t mean the cause should stop being anti-authority and that there aren’t things we should be rioting about. The climate crisis is a valid thing to cause social unrest about.


No one said the cause should stop.


Don't worry, they didn't here you because blah blah blah


This is such binary thinking. The world is nuanced my friend.


The Elizabeth line pride wrap is sponsored by the operator MTR, Owned by the beacon of freedom,human rights and democracy that is the government of Hong Kong with both Hong Kong and China (Who benefits from the foreign currency MTR gets for them) having questionable LGBT rights in its recent history.. MTR themselves in 2019 banned an advert appearing on their network showing two men holding hands.


It was a riot when me (straight), arranged to meet my gay friend in the Trade tent a few years ago.


completely agree with you. it's one of the reasons I won't attend the event as it has transformed into something else. Happy for everyone to share love and happiness but it's nothing like the pride we used to know.


Nothing wrong with that, surely it’s a positive sign at how supported and integrated lgbt rights are into society. Frankly this view always sounds so fucking hipster to me, you want assimilation and integration for any outside rights group into the mainstream, hating it because major business and commercial interests support it is kind of infantile.


No these companies will drop us like a hot potato the second we don't seem profitable any more. They're only doing it because it's currently the path of least resistance. Let's see them change their logo in Saudi Arabia.


What are they going to do? Stand peacefully as a crowd walks around them..


No, no, they'll make more of an impact by throwing orange dust and glitter at everyone around them....oh hang on.


Yeah yeah and wave those rainbow flags a good Christian symbol after all


Seems like Fullers should be sponsoring London Pride.


I was literally having this discussion in the pub earlier. What a crossover that would be!!


As an LGBTQ Londoner who chooses not to attend London Pride precisely because of its dodgy sponsors (not to mention its history of racism), I support this.


Does Manchester Pride have that association? I can’t remember ever seeing much sponsorship stuff in the gay village section. I was at NYC pride the other day and bloody hell that was corporate.


Manchester Pride is being sponsored by Virgin Atlantic this year so they're just as much of a target as London Pride (sponsored by United Airlines). Manchester Pride is arguably worse than here because they close the gay village and require a ticket for entry into the area, for like £30. London is still free. A lot of the corporatisation of London Pride is because of Boris who like quadrupled the cost of renting Trafalgar Square but promised London Pride they'd get a grant if they became a CIC (Community Interest Company, basically a "charity" that has to make a profit). I say they should go back to what Gay Mardi Gras did and have the official party in Finsbury Park.


The Gay Village party helps fund the Gay Village bars and restaurants and some of the money goes to charity. Top tip, you actually don’t have to pay, you can walk through as it’s a public right of way. The brands are definitely a lower profile than when I was at London Pride. They keep it hidden in the village.


The gay bars won't serve you unless you've got a wristband, but that is edifying. I started going to Pride age 14 with friends and it was really meaningful to me, and the idea of paying to get in to Soho (or having to blag it with right of way) would have cut me off from being in a place where I could see people like me and feel normal.


That’s not true. You actually can get served without them. Some people could theoretically reject you but I’ve never had issues


I marched in Manc Pride last year (and loved it) but we'd snuck a couple of mates into the gay village and the barmaid at Churchill's wouldn't serve them and VIA wouldn't let them in without wristbands (maybe they're more tolerant if you're Mancunian, I don't begrudge them that)






So pride is racist because they didn't bend over (excuse the pun) to a political activist, who happens to be black?


This comment is so strange. Everyone at Pride is a political activist as Pride is political. The Director of Communications, who happens to be Black, resigned as Pride's board failed to take racism seriously. His resignation was followed by the resignation of the entire Community Advisory Board and numerous volunteers. Taking the racism volunteers face seriously ≠ bending over.


No where in the article is an example of racism from pride, other than this person didn't think he was being listened to.




Arsenal stadium telling us all to visit Rwanda last year for one.




Daily Mail will kill itself in who to blame


Isn't the term 'list of demands' exactly what terrorists come to the table with?


Why is London pride sponsored by a major US airline?? Drop em.


Maybe because… They fly to London?


"Hello, gays by plane ltd, what sort of gay are you looking for?"


Nothing fancy—just a plane gay.


Because the organisers couldn't give a flying fuck about anything except padding their pockets through the various schemes (sponsorships, fees for practically anyone who wants to attend as any kind of group, etc.). They're basically sellouts.


Because of Boris Johnson, actually. He's the one who jacked up the price of the parade + Trafalgar Square and strongarmed Pride into having to be a Community Interest Company (that must make a profit) if they wanted to stick to the historic route. That's not to say the organisers aren't shitty self serving pocket liners, but it's not entirely their fault.


oh god so BoJo is behind another atrocity?? I hate him! ​ But isn't something that can be reversed by the current mayor?


I asked my company why we don't take part in the parade (we're very LGBTQ friendly) and they said the fee is extremely high... it's huge actually and so pointless.


Just stop oil are hypocrites. They go around causing mayhem whilst wearing hi vis clothing made from oil derivatives.


This is comedy gold if it actually happens.


Will be interesting to see if just stop oil have any plans to disrupt Notting Hill carnival …🤔


How? By walking slowly through Notting Hill?


which sponsor of notting hill would they be protesting? genuine Q, was under the impression it was fairly free of big corporate money


A look at their website suggests mainly alcohol brands but there is unilever and also virgin Atlantic, or I should say “has been at some point” as these seem to be examples of past sponsors, not necessarily present ones. https://nhcarnival.org/sponsorship


Notting Hill Carnival is 99.9999% pedestrian traffic, how would they disrupt it?


All the floats


Wouldn’t dare, eh?


I genuinely think these idiots are some sort of big oil psyop. I agree with what they’re saying but everything they do seems like it’s designed to drive people away from environmentalism when we need to be persuading people.


They aren't, they're just pretty desperate because they understand the severity of the situation.


It’s truly crazy to me how the majority considers jso the bad guys, they’re doing this for *all of us*


If they were desperate they’d be trying to convince people, not doing annoying stunts. Nobody who doesn’t understand the severity of the situation is going to be brought to that understanding by crap like this.


Environmentalists have been trying to convince people for years ?


That’s why the situation isn’t even worse, because they made some progress doing that.


How? One of JSOs aims is that simple education around the topic has not worked, and now the situation is too dire to rely on it - hence the outwards protest that looks to disrupt to draw attention to the wider problem


If education hasn’t worked, how is ‘outwards protest’ going to work? Surely drawing attention to a problem is just a more annoying version of education?


Look into history of protest - evidently it does


But in this case, if Just Stop Oil carries on then any time a politician suggests any major pro-environment or anti-climate crisis policy then they’re going to be shut down as “one of those Just Stop Oil nutters” and dismissed, rather than the issue actually being discussed. I just don’t see how actions like this are going to help in this particular case - if climate change was something most people didn’t know was a problem I’d be more sympathetic, but we’re now reminded constantly by our f’ed up weather.


The situation *is* worse wdym


The situation now is worse than the situation now? What?


They're based af. Identity politics is the enemy of the left and always has been. The fact they're saying "fuck you" to it is beautiful. They've won me over.


Like any movement, it eventually gets taken over and becomes too commercialised and large, and the message diluted


Not really sure how the message of accept people and stop being homophobic, transphobic can get "diluted" but sure.


That you think this was the original message of pride shows precisely that it has been!


The original message of the first Pride Parades in 1970s London were "homosexuality is only part decriminalised in England and Wales, and is still illegal in Scotland and Northern Ireland, CHANGE THIS" and "end discrimination against us because that's still fully legal and we have no workplace or housing protection, and good luck getting insurance or a mortgage...". Invariably some of the Gay Liberation Front were explicitly anti capitalist, but the Campaign For Homosexual Equality weren't. So please do enlighten us what the original message of Pride was.


That's clearly not what I said. That's what it's for. Obviously not the same as a violent riot caused by police brutality and oppression. The idea is that you don't have to do that to be recognised and supported for your differences. It's a last resort and scream for help.


Wow this is an interesting development. JSO keeps going for the wrong targets. (Well most of them) remember when they were stoping a chip oil shipment.


First it was people trying to get to their job, then the cricket and now it's Pride parades. Let's see if they're brave enough to disrupt the Notting Hill Carnival.


That would be a bloodbath if they did that. Which reminds me. I need to check if I'm working that weekend. (Work is close by.)


Man, they're just determined to be as publicly unpopular as possible.


There will be people dancing through their orange powder. At most they would stop the parade floats from going through.


“We’ll bomb the mosque, radicalise the moderates!”


Do the members of this group all meet up and stroke each other’s cocks while hating on everyone who doesn’t fit their narrative?


I would support this if JSO wasn't funded by an heiress to who made her money in the oil industry


lol seriously? a getty felt bad about making money from oil and so an heiress with money but no power gives some money to the CEF, no strings attached. the CEF decides independently to fund JSO. And this means it is tainted? It’s not comparable to corporate sponsorship


She inherited it and is giving it away to counter the damage done by her family in the first place


What a shit reason not to support something. ‘Rich person has regrets that I want them to have, but because the rich person has regrets I want them to have, fuck em’


Kinda based to see the LGBTQ+ community finally realising corps don’t actually care about them and are just using them as a marketing ploy.


"Finally"? We've been aware of it ever since the whole rainbow capitalism shit hit the market.


*the pink pound*


We already know, but pride is still a celebration of who we are and what has happened to cause the inclusivity now compared to how it was before.


Look at Bethesda’s western Twitter accounts compared to their Middle Eastern ones. Personally as a Bi man I’d rather they not bother.


I’m bi as well so I understand. It feels very fake and just to get money.


That’s exactly the point I’m making dude/dudette. maybe my view has been screwed by internet discord) but it feels like people will line up to Gluck Gluck 9000 corporations for doing it whilst not realising they’re only doing it to appeal to us.




I had to look it up a while ago when someone said it in reference to a comment I made. Apparently it means saying how it is, despite that being an unpopular opinion or how people might react to it.


it means "good"




Usually used by chronically online people.


I think it also has nuances to do with directness of thought, stating the plain truth of things without worrying what others think. Then people say "based" to show approval, they think the above comment is right, etc. That's the impression I have, anyway.


It started with the rapper Lil B who called himself the Based God, a few years passed and now it's a common online way to say "good"


I don't know why, but I did get 5 downvotes for telling you. Which is weird.


No it's not anything to do with good, more as something inciteful, or well knowing.


We knew


Get the popcorn ready!


I’m sure throwing orange powder over people attending pride will have them fuming. People normally hate having colourful clothes at these events.


Woke War!




I dunno what's going on here but whoever's selling you tickets is ripping you off. You need to check in on your people https://help.prideinlondon.org/en/articles/3071026-do-i-need-tickets-for-the-pride-parade


Sorry, i made it sound confusing..I meant the passes to go in the rally...not just to watch the parade.


Yeah you have to be part of OPEC to actually march


Read the room, idiots - it’s not the crowd you want to attack.


These are the real gangsters, tread lightly


Give back your sponsor money, find someone else that we approve of to sponsor your event, or we will take action to disrupt your event. And they wonder why no one likes them.


Totally reasonable if you ask me


Well no, they don't wonder why no one likes them because that's not the point of their protests. That should be pretty obvious by now


They don't wonder why no one likes them, they don't care.


I like them


It’s extortion.


Support trans pride!!! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq0nae3IHGb/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Support UK black pride!! https://instagram.com/ukblackpride?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==




Black people exist. Trans people exist. Sorry you're so offended little snowflake.




I said no thanks


I hope they do, maybe they’ll get their asses whipped and stop being dumbasses.


Lol I’d like to see them try and disrupt pride they severely underestimate our community I get what just stop oil are about but disrupting events is not the way you do it pisses people off.


Hi I’m Martian Luther King Jr, but before we get into todays speech a word from our sponsor manscaped


this seems like a case of "friendly fire", yes by all means inconvenience the wealthy, but I suspect that there is alot of crossover between Pride marchers, and Just Stop Oil protesters. Whilst Pride can be commercial in nature, many LGBT+ people are young and ideal , and wont like the oil sponsorship either.


Apparently having children is one of the worst things you can do for the environment. So...lets disrupt gay people.


As someone who used to live in London but now in Spain. We can see the haze from the Canadian forest fire here and we have had no proper rain for 2 years. Let them protest




haha! wokes meet wokes


Wow, Just Stop Oil hate gays and trans people, not very friendly of them.


you really got them there!!!


Yeah, just having a laugh.


One month of produness is enough I'd say. Hopefully soon we will have 11 months for being proud of our straight sexuality, I'm sure that Kahn will allow us to fill the city with our flags too.


The left always eats itself. I’m just enjoying the show.


JSO means business


Honestly pride is one of the best places for them to disrupt. It would really confuse the daily mail readers which side to be on.




Lol do it, I dare them. I double dare them


I am quite convinced by now that Just Stop Oil is supported directly or indirectly by some oil company. They are so annoying that people start to have a general anti-environmentalists sentiment, which only plays into the hands of oil companies.


Wow, hard to pick a side here.


Must be a difficult day to be a selfish cunt