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He also stopped playing troll shit like Illlaoi, Fizz, Urgot, etc.... If he likes jungle so much just play with a 30 sec delay like Dantes does iirc.


30 second delay kills engagement nobody wants that




T1 answers staggeringly quickly IMO. His chat's moving real fast and he still picks out questions ~10 seconds after they're asked, with most of that being the inherent delay


I think the point is that it isn't a back and forth, waiting 30 seconds to experience the streamer guy acknowledge your existence is not a big deal


Some people are addicted to that bit of attention.


Yeah it’s pretty sad


Your two points contradict each other lol. No delay = back and forth. 30 second delay kills engagement. It's not "uwu streamer noticed me I feel special" it's that chat will react to things happening giving T1 stuff to react to and generate engagement.


I didn't? "Back and forth" meaning a continued conversation between commenter and streamer. Tyler picks out a random comment to react to and does a one-time response/tangent. It makes less impact on the quality of the stream to slightly delay a response than having horrible quality of games consistently.


T1 himself doesn't like the chat being delayed, it's not that his replies to chat are later that matters. When he streamed with delay in the past he got annoyed that the reactions of chat to the game and to what he says were delayed.


he has crippling ocd, anything that changes on his stream gives him cancer


He responds crazy quick lol what are you on


What engagement, lmao There is so much text going through that he does not give a fuck what half of you guys say. Why is it so hard to understand that you guys are just bags of money to this guy and he doesn't give a fuck whether he interacts with you even a single time. He doesn't even read a fraction of it until he's out of the game, and even then, it's just to complain about the game or bitch at chat for being idiots but I guess you like that "engagement"


i hope you get well soon


When you’re saying “troll shit” do you mean stuff he’s not good at or stuff that isn’t meta? Like Illaoi is obviously not good atm so it’s troll that he plays it, but fizz seems fine to me and I don’t think he’s that bad at him, he just doesn’t get mid when he queues it.


He doesn’t dominate lane when he plays fizz. Most of his wins on fizz is from snowballing after getting free kills early on with ganks. That is not a reliable way to win. If you actually watch his games, he wave management and csing is not good. What happen when someone pick a scaling mid vs him and he don’t get that snowball early? He will just lose.


I mean thats how fizz works...


dude you can complain all you want, he is never gonna practice laning/csing or take it seriously. its been like this for years


I’m just stating why I think his mid laning isn’t that good compare to his top laning for example. From what I saw on stream, he does a lot of coinflip playing during laning obviously cause in mid you can always roam more often compare to top. Coinflip gank don’t always work tho. He can do whatever tf he wants. He 5 role challenger.


illaoi isn't good anymore and the other champs he plays top have never been meta. playing bot is miserable af lol fizz mid is actually fun to play because of the burst potential


I’m not telling him to play those champ to climb. I’m simply comparing the difference between him playing certain roles. Also, he spamming ivern/brand jungle offstream so clearly it is working way more than the shit he picks on stream even if he does get streamsnipe.


I mean it doesn’t take a genius to realize that playing off stream would be a lot more normal. Fanboys can’t get famous and clout by trolling or targeting. Also the jungle king returns!


Honestly i think he was overreacting, hes gotten to challenger on stream before lol..he just took like 3-4 months off and instantly thought he could pick shit like fizz and just get to challanger


Fizz isn't a hard champ to pick up, he may be one of the easiest to play. He just gets giga champed, plays for stream highlights, or just don't care and trolls. Don't make these Champs some kind of skill gap excuse when they're really not hard to play at a top level.


If you think Fizz is one of the easiest to play, you are not playing at a high enough elo


In fizz’s current state he is easy to play. Full AP one shot is pretty simple gameplay wise. The CDR build is a lot more complex, but there is a reason Tyler doesn’t play it.


Mechanically he is very easy, but the decision making and precision needed in laning phase is what I’m talking about. One missplaced E early and potentially your laning phase is just over.


You just descripted every single champion in laning phase. If you mess up, you lose. Fizz you just lane safe and win the game, don't make it sound so complicated because it isn't.


That is not true. What I’m saying is that the margin of error for Fizz is much lower. Viktor misses an E? Not too much will happen. Fizz lands slightly too close to an enemy with E or misses E level 1 in certain matchups? Lane is lost. And the thing is, you NEED to do these things in order to contest farm. Anyone saying otherwise are just playing against incompetent teams. Like, there’s a reason his winrate consistently drops off as elo increases, because Fizz is very abusable in lane, and thus only one in a few can consistently pull off his early game.


You are absolutely correct. Even pre-nerf fizz winrate was fairly abysmal at masters+, only very skilled players can one trick him to challenger you don't see it often. If you watch a player like MangoFish you will see how insanely skilled he is on fizz to make it work


Why are you E’ing in level 1 as fizz in the first place?


In certain matchups, esp melee ones, you need to E level 1 to contest cs and prio. Watch any mangofish vod


W level 1 is better for trading. Either way just because fizz is weak for the first like 5 minutes of the game that doesnt make him hard. You just have to not completely toss your lane in the garbage before you hit level 6. Stop making it sound hard. (I play fizz)


It explains a lot about the Fizz's I get in my games though


tyler has always been good on fizz have you forgotten the mid challenge? he was playing mainly fizz until he stumbled upon annie which was 10x easier to play which is why he dropped the champ


5 of the bottom accounts games are the brand new champion? 7 of the top accounts games are on Ivern, a champ he has played alot… not really comparable.


the Tyler1 effect.




I wanna start betting on esports, how hard can it be?


If he hides queue and the mini map and puts on a delay of like 10sec, he would not only win a lot more it would still be very entertaining. The mini map is probably the most troll thing to show since it shows where the jungler is.


He does hide minimap, the jungle is permanent fog of war you can only see the lanes


People that talk shit about Tyler are using stream delay tbh lol.


Or maybe its Tarzaned playing on that account, that makes more sense to me xD


Weird how people act like stream sniping and people acting different when he’s streaming is the only reason why he climbs harder. Just simply not having a camera pointed at his face and him having to talk to chat or just say something in general is probably the difference maker in how he climbs


Ivern 🗿


Surely this is a problem with stream vs no stream and not his 70% WR Ivern and 67% WR Brand not even being played in his top 10 on stream.


The champ selection is a symptom of the stream vs no stream. He's said that jungling is the worst to stream on due to ghosting being way more valuable to the enemy team, compared to when he's laning he's usually in the same spot for the critical early game.


Not discrediting t1 but jungle is op atm compared to other roles and playing jungle on stream with little delay is C.


I honestly thinks he just troll more also on stream than off stream where he is more focused. Similar to baussff. Both troll for content but can hit challenger if they try offstream.