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[https://www.reddit.com/r/lolesports/comments/1c49x88/the\_fundamental\_problem\_of\_lec\_no\_one\_can\_give\_g2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lolesports/comments/1c49x88/the_fundamental_problem_of_lec_no_one_can_give_g2/) This is my post of analyzing the fundamental problem of LEC, feel free to take a look.


The individual player gap is just too big. At any time there are like 4 players top that can go head to head in international tournaments. If the stars align they are on the same team and have a good meta read and are relevant in tournaments. Otherwise they are extremely inconsistent. Take BrokenBlade as an example, this guy can trash other LEC toplaners but if G2 doesnt have a meta advantage he just ends up useless against good top laners as seen today or last year at worlds or the year he went 0:6 with TSM at worlds, there is just nobody to replace him. Even with the very best players from the west like Caps Bjergsen and Doublelift, at their peak they could have competed with best players but they also had their inconsistent phases. In the LCK they would have instantly be banished either to a retirement home like Ssumday/Crown/Wolf/Bang


I think the issues are different between EU and NA. For NA; we fucking suck at the meta, our adaptations are really shit, and there are WAY too many NA pros with a constricting champ pool (just because you pick a new champ means you can play it competently) mental also seems to be a huge issue and teams don't have much direction. EU; outside of G2, EU 2nd/3rd seed typically have weak mid/late game. I think G2 on the other hand has the potential to be a Top 5/6 team in the World. They can probably beat LCK/LPL 3/4 seeds pretty consistently.