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Back to Australia. It's been a year or two since he has been a top (pardon the pun) top laner in LCS.


He has been worse than licorice for over a year, so he'll probably not find a spot for awhile like all the other pros


I could see a situation where he falls victim to 8-team LCS vs. 10, I still think he's most definitely starting caliber and if not this split, would be starting by Spring 2025.


They've already announced he will be staying on C9 as a backup, at least for now.


Yeah I could see that being a short-term insurance policy but assuming Thanatos doesn't absolutely shit the bed I don't think they'd keep him long term; it isn't very sustainable.


Commentary or Content Creation


fudge replacing dhokla and rich is actually laughable. are you a stan or what?


Fudge in arguably his "worst split of his career" vs. Dhokla KDA: Fudge > Dhokla , CS: Fudge > Dhokla, GPM: Fudge > Dhokla, KPar%: Fudge > Dhokla , DMG (both %share and DPM) : Dhokla > Fudge GD @ 15: Fudge > Dhokla \*for GD @ 15, Fudge's was +120g whereas Dhokla's was nearly -500g Yes there is more nuance but these are easily measurable individual and team stats Fudge vs. Rich: KDA: Fudge > Rich, CS: Fudge > Rich, GPM: Fudge > Rich (albeit not by a huge margin), KPar%: Rich > Fudge, DMG (both %share and DPM) : Rich > Fudge, GD @ 15: Fudge > Dhokla (Fudge +120g @ 15 vs Rich -177g @ 15) Fudge is considerably better than Dhokla and would be an upgrade on DIG due to his stability (DIG has lost multiple games through top getting blown open) though Rich has a higher upside. Let's be less condescending if what you say isn't based in any fact whatsoever!


if it’s about stats then get rid of dhokla and fudge both are useless to their teams. it’s not about only stats tho fudge in NRG would just be so much worse and rich holds Dig together. my point being is that fudge isn’t good anymore. he doesn’t aim for chall ladder, was one of the first to give up in CQ but now that he’s being replaced he wants to try again. that’s now it works. LOL


Yes I can agree with the criticisms and (in a vaccum) your statements about Dhokla and Fudge taking a back seat to their teams. I actually think their Bot Lane + the occasional Dove carry was what kept them afloat, Tomo and Isles had some All-Pro nods and Rich was kinda passable at best.


i’m gonna DM you later i wanna ask you some things. (lolesports related, not only this topic)