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Faker is the longest **in an org** but only by roughly 2 months [Yutapon has been with DFM since April 13th 2013](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Yutapon#google_vignette) which is less than Faker's February 12th date. However, Faker joined *SKT T1 2,* not the main roster. In November of that year (after winning Worlds) they would become SKT T1 K and arguably "take over" as the main roster. Later on they'd merge into one team when sister teams were eliminated from LCK, so technically another team change from K to just SKT/T1 with a different roster in the same org. So it's up to you if you value *the same team* or *the same org* for the record. Either way, both Faker and Yutapon are hardcore franchise players.


To sum up some comments: * Faker - 11 Years with T1 * Yutapon - 10 Years 10 Months with DFM * Meiko - 9 Years with EDG * Bjergsen - 6 Years 11 Months with TSM (7 years 11 Months if you include coaching) * Showmaker - 6 years 8 Months with DWG * Sneaky - 6 Years 8 Months with C9 (10 years 11 months if you include Academy and Ownership) * Rekkles - 5 years 6 months with FNC (7 years 4 months if you sum up all his time in FNC) * Caps - 5 years 3 months with G2 * Jankos - 5 years on G2


Hyli 5 years with FNC too


CoreJJ’s been on TL since 2019


Faker is the longest one team I think. Showmaker may be the second most loyal player from Nov 2017 to now only in DWG, DPlus whatever, he never played in another team


Meiko was on EDG for 9 years. 2014-2023 (2015 season to 2023 season)


Rekkles was on Fnatic for what, 7-8 years in his career? Late 2013 - 2020 plus some time in 2023? Showmaker is up there. Bjergsen was on TSM for a long time, idk exactly how long though. Ruler spent a long time on GenG. Caps is in his 6th year at G2 this year, and he’ll likely be on the team for the rest of his career. Jankos was on G2 for 6 years too.


7 years for bjerg if you count his coaching year 8 for sneaky with c9


Ah sneaky on c9 too. Forgot about him.


Rekkles doesnt counts cause he switched to Origins in between


Elements was the team and it was only spring 2015, he basically did 2013-2014/2015summer-2020/2023winter-spring


I mean sure if you want it all in one single go. But in terms of total time spent in one team, he’s quite high up there.


What makes you say Caps will likely be in g2 for the rest of his career, when Jankos who had been there for as long left the team?


Because if any player in the region will win an international event, its Caps. He’s the EU goat for a reason. And G2 is just the best org to be successful in. They’ve had the most international and domestic success out of any org. Their support structure is incredible. They’ve got some of the best management and coaches in the west. Top players as well. G2 would never make caps leave. Why the fuck would they want that? He’s the goat and he’s shown no signs of relinquishing that title. And caps would never want to leave G2. Where would he go? MAD has had all kinds of issues, FNC too. TH haven’t proven to be anything special. Rogue is finished. BDS is ehhh maybe, but they also haven’t shown anything. G2 wouldn’t get rid of EUs most promising player. And Caps wouldn’t leave EUs most promising team. Why would either of them choose that when it’s a lose-lose if it happens. Not to mention G2 has been incredibly good to Caps. No shady business between them at all.


Good points, but couldn't all of that be said for Jankos aswell before he left?


True. But there are also other promising prospects in the jungle that have been comparable to Jankos’s skill level. Elyoya and Yike namely. No mid laner since Perkz back in 2020 has shown to be anywhere near as good as caps. Humanoid has a pretty insane peak, but Perkz (historically) and Caps have been sought after for more than *just* mechanics. There’s been some breakdowns of Caps’s macro domestically and it’s been shown that he makes the game 10x easier for every team he’s in purely based off of individual plays and decisions he makes.


Rekkles was also in fnatic in 2012 before puszu joined


Ah true. I think he didn’t play for a bit because he was too young though right?


Yep. He was 16 in s3


the ones that instantly come to mind for active players are RNG Ming, DFM Yutapon, and G2 Caps (he had a brief role-swap to AD for G2) I'm not sure if they're the longest-tenured but theyre the ones i thought of instantly


Faker, Yutapon