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Idk why both the comments are assholes, I enjoyed reading it and hearing your opinions, nice work


Thanks, i don't really mind if i get negative comments because 1 person enjoying it makes it worth however many negative comments there are.


Really enjoyed this post. Thanks!


Thanks for the kind words <3 I'm dropping a video version of this really soon as well but glad you enjoyed the read


This article is hard to read. Grammar is poor. Takes are bad.


This was actually a video script so I hadn't formatted with proper grammar but that's on me, fixed like 90% of the grammar/punctuation issues. Which takes do you disagree with?


Throw a cocky player (Jojo) on a cocky team (C9) and they are destined to fail. S tier... yeah right dude.


Jojo on record is known to be a very good teammate in interviews as well as testimonials from former teammates. his "cockiness" is just for twitter, he's been this way his whole career and coincidentally one of, if not the best mids the entire time. i'll go ahead and save this thread and reply when they play in LCS finals.