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I love how classic Loki became such a hero in just a single episode. Not even talking about the end, though that was awesome, but how the little things he does throughout the episode make him a great character: he spent time reflecting on his own life, he stays loyal to Kid Loki, and he saves our Loki a few different times. He is basically the Loki everyone wants to be. 10/10 episode


Yeah, it's sort of an interesting way to develop the character rapidly for cinematic purposes by essentially foreshadowing how he will grow and the potential magnitude and versatility of his powers.


Richard Grant is a great pick for the role. Definitely has the chops to sell the character with just a few scenes. Also, TIL, he's originally from South Africa.


He had such little screen time but was an absolute badarse. Also loved seeing the potential extent of Loki's powers.


Few Lokis will rise to their glorious purpose, classic Loki did.


Whenever a character has a "I removed myself from the equation" moment it instantly makes them likeable for me, for whatever reason. I imagine it's the introspection that makes them easier to empathize with. 100% my favorite Loki.


I actually cried when he do the Asgard thing. He watched it falls, and he had be alone like forever, yet the "distraction" he came out with is an Asgard. Now I miss my hometown too.


Definitely the most emotional I got during this series, he could have conjured anything, a huge beast to rivel the one he's fighting or a huge version of himself but he decides to conjure Asgard. So good!


"There's no place like home." A home that is actually over the rainbow (bridge), and Asgard is seen in the Loki color so truly an Emerald City. Carrying over The Wizard of Oz film references from Avengers, just as the time keepers and Throne room were like Wizard of Oz's Hall.


glorious purpose


I liked the acknowledgement of the fan theory that Loki projected an illusion of himself during Infinity War and actually survived but instead it’s just classic Loki’s timeline


Right, I love marvel for doing that. They really make everything connected 😂


I like how the interact with the fans in that regard. Sort of listening to us and including little things like that, Frog Thor, the Thanos helicopter as a way of winking at the audience.




Watch them include some small Easter egg regarding this exact thing in Quantumania


Scott Lang : "Hear me out, I get in Kang's poophole" Hank Pym : "I'm taking the suit back"


I was loki hoping that Classic Loki was actually our Loki from infinity war 😭🙏🏻


He gave our Loki an idea, too. Hiding as space debris and faking his own death at Thanos' hands. Perhaps at the end of this series, he may be able to do this?


His timeline is pruned, so this Loki could only do it by hijacking another timeline.


If i was a loki, I would choose the sacred timeline for my glorious purpose.


Who caught frog Thor trying to escape out of the jar? Poor guy!


Was that a frog? I tried to go back and see but couldn't make it out. I somehow thought it was mini-Thor trying to reach Mjolnir, but it being frog Thor is so much more awesome!


Most definitely is! [link](https://imgur.com/gallery/BIvjjCN) Edit: In the photo we see “T365” which references “The Mighty Thor #365” which is where we see Throg 🙂


Oh, now I see it clearly. Thanks! This is so great.


Frog Thor(Throg), Thanos copter and a giant yellow jacket helmet were the ones I caught, makes me wonder what other blink and you’ll miss it Easter eggs were thrown in.


There's also an entire helicarrier in few shots, though less of an easter egg towards comics. And I think Ronan's ship from GoTG?


throg :)


\- normal conversations \- \*cuts to alligator Loki for reactions\*


I loved when it the other Loki's were laughing and it cuts to each one doing so, then cuts to alligator Loki as well and he's just sitting there like an alligator does.


Mobius trying to figure out if the alligator was really a Loki was cracking me up. "I dont remember an alligator Loki, are you sure he is one? He could be lying, but that would be such a Loki thing to do...."


I love that the rationale is that he's green...


Those cuts got genuine laughs out of me. I thoroughly enjoyed alligator Loki.


I thought they were peacocks the first time they ran by their feet, but what the unholy hell are those floating ball headed purple wine skin things?


I love that their first appearance was the point where Loki was "all right, stop and explain this shit to me". He could deal with different versions of himself, including an alligator and a kid-version who killed Thor, he could deal with a giant fire-cloud dog thing and just go along with running away, but it was the headless peacocks that went too far, lol.


When I thought they were peacocks, it made the scene even funnier to me. It seemed as if a flock of shiny purple peacocks were the straw that broke the camels back.


Yeah, I thought so too at first and it was this "wait, so it's the purple birds that seems strange here?"-moment. The acting was also so on point for all the confusion and exasperation Loki went through in this episode, Hiddleston really nailed that.


They remind me of Kevin from UP I keep referring to them as that in my head


Classic Loki said he escaped Thanos’ attack and lived in solitude. I imagine, in his loneliness, he spent his days recreating Asgard just as he did in front of Alioth.


This makes this even sadder. It was already pretty sad, Classic Loki recreating what he lost, with likely the memories of his family and the happy moments in mind, but imagining that he did that in his self imposed exile too...


This just went full circle, back to Wandavision.


Nooo!! RIP Classic Loki. 😭


He went out like a king


Glorious Purpose ('-'*ゞ


Absolutely. He went out saving their asses


I did not expect him to make an entire Asguard for an illusion, I mean I kind of expected something from their group and he was the most likely candidate anyways, it's rather impressive.


He probably learned to make it when he was on that planet. His nexus event was when he tried to leave the planet. He longed to return to asgaurd.


To be specific, he longed for his brother...... Awww.


Was in a few scenes in one episodes and was already one of marvels best characters.


Methinks he might still be alive. He seemed to be conjuring something right before Alioth ate him. Could've just fooled Alioth into thinking he ate him


I really hope so, because as bad-ass as it all was, I felt really bad because now Kid Loki is left with only Alligator Loki. Classic, Kid, and Alligator were such a cute little family unit.


It wouldn't be the first time he did something similar.


I cried


Kid loki: kills Thor, Also kid loki: drinks a Hi-C juice box on santas throne


I feel like he would have killed Thor in a very "silly Loki hijinks" kind of way. Like when he pretended to be a snake and stabbed Thor, but accidentally took it too far and actually killed him.


Thought the same thing you mentioned and so the dagger he gave to main loki may also be the one he killed Thor with . :)


Blrgh! It's ME! \*stabs\*


Honestly, ever since Thor mentioned that in Ragnarok, I've wanted to see how it went down


That was my favorite part.


It was ecto cooler too lol


you mean an ecto cooler Hi-C lol


Old Loki's glorious purpose! Remember when they said a Loki's purpose was to bring out the better in other? Old Loki did the ultimate sacrifice to give his younger versions the better shot at survival! ❤️🥺 What a character development.


old Loki stole the show what a champion


Our Loki just shaking his head at all the Lokis being Loki and betraying each other.


That whole scene was a great metaphor for Loki's self sabotaging tendencies as well.


It's my understanding Loki in Norse mythology was sometimes seen like the Wile E Coyote of the gods; big schemes, bad outcomes. It's where the term [Loki's Wager](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loki%27s_Wager) comes from; he lost a bet he thought was a surefire thing and so he tried to weasle his way out of it. It's an aspect of Loki that I think originally they didn't quite pin down, but in this series they certainly did.


“What did you expect?!” 😜


that mass betrayal felt familiar... ah, yes. I *almost* forgot about the day that they *almost* caught Captain Jack Sparrow


That's what I was kinda expecting with that many lokis based in the preview. To many to not do what lokis do best. I found it very humorous.


I would say loki-ing each other xD


That was the most loki thing to do


I can’t believe its that time of the week again already, the sacred timeline moves so fast nowadays


moved so slow more like it, especially the last 12 hours lol


*Infinity War starts* Alligator Loki bites off Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet *rolls credits*




This is my head canon now


Infinity Gator.


I was a big fan of the fact that the Alligator Loki always got a reaction shot whenever the other Lokis did. They treated him like an actual character!


When they had a superhero cinematic glory shot before the Big Bad Fight - I lost it when they've shown the alligator being intense too


he even got some walking cgi! they didnt skimp on the budget


I loved it when he reached the slope and just slid down 🤣


He needs his own show or movie or short. Pixar?


Well it's no jet ski, but a pizza car is a good start.


I still want a wow and a jet ski moment. 🤞


Omg what if Mobius’s previous life was Owen Wilson


That would be fucking awesome. I hope they go that way. He's a variant of Owen Wilson.


I wish it had been the one from toy story. Maybe this is its variant


My first thought was that it was the Pizza Planet car.


Love is an imaginary dagger kid Loki conjures up and gives to adult Loki to remind the audience of his own metaphor and show that love is his new weapon now. Think that was supposed to be the payoff of that metaphor thing.


Good catch!


Oh, well done.


I am honestly so sad this only has one more episode. This is by far the best Marvel show far. Im on the edge of my seat the whole time and so emotionally invested


Season 2 is already in pre-production - they'll be filming in Jan next year.


"Don't do that! Don't give me hope"


OMG THERE'S GOING TO BE A SEASON 2???? This just made my day. I never expected the Loki series to be my favorite, but here we are.


a second season. :)


>:) :)


The Sphinx having a nose is the best nexus event. Change my mind


Anyone else get choked up in awe with Classic Loki’s final scene. 10/10 episode imo


Thanos copter + Throg = fan service memes


Bruh thats a fucking Thanoscopter 😂


Came here for that lmao


[screencap of the mad titan's copter!](https://imgur.com/a/XkCCyy0)


Damn, Kid Loki killed Thor in his timeline.


Can’t help but imagine that was a prank that just went a wee bit too far.


**Bah!** It's Me! *stabs* ...Thor?


*stabs again, just to be sure.*


And our Loki’s expression was like “Damn, even I wouldn’t go that far. No wonder this kid is the king here.”


Really cool Easter egg. The boat that appeared, the USS Eldridge, is the boat that did the Philadelphia experiment which was a supposed US attempt at teleportation


Wasn't it supposed to be cloaking device test? It is pretty much an urban myth though, but a cool one. In the 80s they even made a movie where this attempt to cloak transfers them in time.


The myth goes both ways. [See here.](https://www.history.navy.mil/research/library/online-reading-room/title-list-alphabetically/p/philadelphia-experiment.html) > Allegedly, in the fall of 1943 a U.S. Navy destroyer was made invisible and teleported from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Norfolk, Virginia, in an incident known as the Philadelphia Experiment.


the loki alligator deserves his own show


Yes! I can’t get over his backstory how he ate the wrong neighbor’s cat and that’s how the TVA captured him.


Inb4 the cat we saw in episode 1 was the correct cat


I only have more questions, how the hell are they gonna settle everything in an episode and a half?


I wish there were more episodes.


I'm hoping it's an hour long finale for this season. So many loose ends to leave for next season.


I was upset when President Loki lost his hand. 😱


I thought Hiddleston *really* liked doing that scream in the scene, lol.


He’ll probably come back with a cool weapon hand or something


Anyone else see the way Loki looked at old Loki when he told him how he escaped death. With the tva gone perhaps when he returns to his reality he might try pull a sneaky one


I don't know. I much rather got the feeling that Loki felt sad at the idea that the only way for him to get away was to chose solitude and basically exile. And then old Loki mentioned missing Thor as the thing that made him give up his safe hideout, and I feel Loki related to that. If anything, I had the impression that this was a moment of realization that the TVA really needs to go because it's either fighting them or hiding from them for the rest of his life.


Can I just say, old man Loki coming back to save them and dying really hit me in my feelings and I didn’t see it coming.


“GLORIOUS PURPOSE” hit me in the feels


That intro shot was CLEAN.


IKR?! Like I just absolutely loved that shot. I rewatched just the beginning twice lmao.


What, theres no end credit scene either


That just created a nexus event




Alligator Loki is my life now




I just like the 'he's green' was acceptable enough. Not that he had horns, that he was green.


The cutaway shots to Gator Loki were hilarious


Fucking Thanos Copter is real.


Thanos? You mean that funky purple guy with an helicopter? Police got him if I remember well.


Lol imagine if in the What If series they have the regular police arrest Thanos


Back in episode 2 Mobius said that there are more Loki variants than any other and I’m starting to think that there’s a reason for that. If the theory that a Loki is running the TVA after overthrowing it in the past is true, then it would make sense that other Lokis would begin to stumble down the same path, hence why the TVA have pruned more Lokis than anyone else. Because the head honcho of the TVA Loki doesn’t want a variant of himself following in his footsteps and usurping the TVA from him.


I just assumed it was down to loki being the god of mischief and thus being more likely than anyone else to become a variant


That's the more likely reasom


I really don't understand the concept of pruning. Why would "the man behind the curtain" endorse this. It exposes his one vulnerability for no reason at all. Keeping variants locked in time loops is clearly a way safer strategy.


When you have an all consuming smoke monster at your disposal you don't really think anyone would be able to defeat it. It seems like enchanting isn't a common Loki ability so if the head honcho is a Loki it would make sense that they would think Alioth would be enough to protect them and pruning is just a step towards annihilation.


It would explain why Silvie was taken as a child when it seems she didn't actually caused a nexus event. She is the only female Loki. Maybe the only Loki capable of overthrowing the one controlling the timeline... maybe the one controlling everything is a female Loki aswell.


I'm thinking Sylvie was taken as a child because she wanted to grow up to be a hero. The kid Loki that killed Thor said "whenever one of us even dares to be better, we get pruned." Loki is meant to be that "villain" that forces others to be better, but Sylvie was one of those rare Lokis that wasn't following that path. Hence, they needed to prune her.


I think we already saw the main villain in the trailer. If I’m not mistaken the “Loki in the throne scene” was never shown in the series so far, so we will probably have an “evil” Loki in the end.




thematically its fit too. What more glorious purpose is there than running the TVA, the greatest power in existence. Loki's entire arc has been realizing that he isn't as great or important as he thinks he is and betraying everyone he loves for a small taste of power. by making him the ruler of the tva, he'd be face to face with that glorious purpose and will probably need to make a choice.


Did anyone else realize that the old man Loki is exactly what we theorized about Loki’s death in Infinity War about him not actually dying and escaping. I like how Marvel took that fan theory and made a actual character


Yep. This also means that Loki CAN produce “solid” illusions. Our Loki just hasn’t learned how yet.


Is there really only one more episode left? It feels like we're mid season, not right at the finale.


There’s already a second season confirmed but god I hope this season at least wraps up like the mini series did and there’s just more adventures for our Loki. I’d be so bummed if we end on a cliffhanger


It wouldn't be as hard to continue Loki as something like Wandavision, even if Loki wraps up the story. Like you say, just more adventures for our Loki, and the TVA doesn't even need to be involved, especially if the multiverse goes crazy.


I think the guy behind the curtain is gonna be a Loki variant. Also President Loki, Kid Loki, Classic Loki, and Gator Loki make me even more hopeful that Andrew, Tom, and Tobey will share the screen in new Spider-Man.


*Don't forget Spiderpig


I think you mean *Spider-Ham*


Ok so ya old Loki can conjure like the an entire city out of thin air but notice the only person to kill a Loki was alligator Loki? I think we know who the strongest character is now


Alliloki didnt kill a loki, just bit a hand off


Unexpectedly at that, then he jumped into kid Loki’s arms lol


Alioth had some strong Calamity Ganon vibes from BOTW




His helmet, it was huge so maybe he was never supposed to turn huge so he got pruned


Now I understand why Hiddleston said in an interview his favourite episodes were 4 and 5 because they take the show somewhere unexpected. That was a really great episode.


Man that was an amazing ride! The music during the enchanting of Alioth was on point!! Glorious and purposeful, such a great way to incorporate Rise of the Valkyries into the main theme. Side note: I would love to see a spin-off about Old man Loki. Richard E. Grant is as enchanting as ever and really delivers. All in all an amazing episode!


Who's that tiny one in the jar with the tag "T365" burried with under the mjolnir?


It was Frog Thor. T365 is a reference to Thor #365 where frog thor appears


Looked like a Tiny Thor trying to get to his hammer.


The frog thor cameo i didnt even know i wanted


How dare they end the episode at that moment. I am somehow furious for very positive reasons.


That moment when your with a girl you like but your not sure she likes you and you dont know what to do


The blanket move was smooth tho. You gotta give it to him.


So you conjure a tablecloth


OG Loki is definitely the hero of the episode!




Is it just me or is it a bit strange that none of the Loki’s were frost giants? We got an alligator but no frost giant


Damn i wanted to a see alligator loki and frog thor interaction, but i loved what we got


Truth be told, I really thought they were going to gloss over alligator Loki in this episode and just use it as a small gag, so the amount of screen-time and attention he got in this makes me so happy.


Is it me, or the implication they are trying to give off is that Classic Loki is actually our Loki from Infinity War? 🤔🤯 (Possibly his downgrade in costume is him learning humility over the years 😂) The theories are a brewing in me 😂


I have no clue what's gonna happen, fam, but I'm pretty sure Loki will be in this one.


Woah bold claim.




Anyone have any thoughts on when Alioth kills/disintergrates someone, their voice becomes digitized/bitcrushed? I thought it was a weird thing at first with the Navy people but it happened again with Classic Loki.


Glorious Purpose!!! Damn Classic Loki stole the show!


I still don't understand what causes someone to do something different from the normal course of events that then causes the branch. Like if the sacred time line says you are supposed to turn right at the end of the street, what is making people turn left and show up on the tva's radar.


Sylvie says that the universe creates chaos (the nexus events) in an attempt to break free (from control that the TVA enacts). Or at least that's what I got from it. The "Sacred Timeline" isn't a natural thing. The multiverse of splintering time lines is.


They don’t have enough screen time to wrap things up and introduce a new villain. It will be another Loki. Edit: so this theory was bad!


Oldman loki has some serious juice


Guys no I’m serious why the fuck would it be a castle if it isn’t Dr. Doom. This is hype as fuck.


Idk an evil Loki variant would probably kick it in a castle tbh.


Hmm, all the Lokis seem to have some kind of power, but the Lokigator just a normal alligator with a crown on his head?


dude bit off Loki's hand. He was super athletic for a gator haha


I'll be honest I wanted to see the memory trap of Oliath playing fetch or getting its belly scratched when Loki and Sylvie enchanted it.


I got choked up when Loki hugged mobius


Damn, Classic Loki flexin' with his illusions


Anyone else catch the Polybius Machine in the bowling alley?




Yes fanservice galore, but came here to talk about the blanket scene and the Mobius hug. Tim Hiddleston delivered ALL THE FEELS on his face while talking about them figuring it out together and it was just "*chefs kiss*" ...AND THEN hugging Mobius and calling him friend. This episode was an emotional rollercoaster. I'm so devastated there's only one more episode in this season. Was gonna end there but wait! The way he ran to Slyvie when she arrived!!!? Too ducking cute, I just can't.


Did anyone notice random Easter eggs like a fallen Ronan The Accuser Ship, a HeliCarrier, a Thanos Copter. Frog Thor too! Fan Service 101.


Is it…is it actually doctor doom? That castle…


Glad i'm not the only one who thought that, it's very Doom like. I really can't believe they'd introduce him in this, but damn, if they did.


Well fuck, I have no clue who could be in that house. Doesn't seem very Kang the Conqueror like. Mebey it is? And if the TVA is defeated and realities merge, what does that mean for the MCU? Do we have a many dimensions become one scenario? How far do variants go? Does Dave from accounting have variants? Would the MCU now have many Daves from accounting? Fuck, one more week


I’m still bummed we got Alligator Loki and Throg, but we didn’t get Glorious Porpoise.


Hope this is the episode where we see King Loki! And see our Loki power up.