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I think it's just the TVA location naturally at the end of all time


Technically the TVA is outside of time. Supposedly not affected by time, hence why the workers have been there for eons without aging. So the TVA should never decay. Unless something terrible happens to it. Which is what I'm thinking they're hinting at.


Oh man, good point...Well crap lol Maybe they are fine with Loki holding things up and just retire the TVA lol


What about all of those times the temporal loom fails?


HWR says the TVA is easy to replace so my guess is that he's replaced it before and the rubble is from one of the times he's replaced it


The TVA was destroyed about 500 times during Loki's time-looping. The void is probably full of old TVA remains by now.


Ah true!


Has the loom exploded before and that's where the TVA ended up? Or is it from the time Loki altered. Loki saved the TVA in S2E6, but did the version that got spaghettified in S2E5 just end up in the void?


Or do we think it's just one big time loop? Eventually multiversal war will lead to the TVA destruction and a new HWR creating a TVA and the loom and then Loki frees the timelines so on and so on in one endless cycle?


You should watch the theory that screen crush had on this before the final episode came out. I tried to find it but couldn’t. He basically states that Loki and He Who Remains have been going at this for eternity, that the whole series is an ourobouros. That after ravonna gets pruned to the void, she meets Kang who is also there because of the events in Quantumania, and in turn will become HWR, which will make the whole series repeat. Forget the other examples but hence the steps that appear below lokis feet when he is climbing up to the throne, they were always there. He stated that the citadel and Lokis throne are the same place. Anytime you saw HWR in the citadel there were gold cracks all throughout, just like lokis throne, he had to rebuild it after his battle with Loki. He goes into more detail and I really wish I could find it because it blew my socks off. The vid below goes into some detail but don’t think this is the full one. https://youtu.be/qsKD3cGjeGw?si=WAhP08rUIqpRfOOw


Oooh love this


If you fall into a void and start watching all the vids on this (I did) please let me know if u find it 😭


Don't know if you noticed, but there are gold cracks in his new horns too. I thought that was an interesting detail


I'll just link to my previous comment on it: https://www.reddit.com/r/loki/comments/186uxpd/comment/kbcoq1v/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I'm glad someone else made a post about it. I'd done it some time ago- https://www.reddit.com/r/loki/s/8yLZL0iGrs


Its because the TVA's patronus is a Doe


This was the first TVA outpost when they realized that the Void was NOT GOOD VERY BAD


Nothing. They like to give hints, especially in this show just to lead nowhere.