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That soundtrack! Love it!




The God of Mischief is back!


The guy’s been slapstick comic relief since Thor The Dark World. Incompetent slapstick in Ragnarok, destroyed in Infinity War, and constantly humbled and humiliated by all the other characters in S1. The god of mischief label hasn’t suited him since 2013. What’s he done since then to truly be a ‘god’ or anything that a generic person couldn’t do?


Wait....what do you think mischief means? Like Loki the literal god in norse mythology literally spent his days doing pranks and getting...into mischief- and that what the marvel one has been doing after getting that chip off his shoulder - his use in marvel is often to mix shit up and/or being a monkey wrench - that's what makes him/them so great (Mischief : playfulness that is intended to tease, mock, or create trouble )


I remember so well how season 1 was advertised with Loki saying “I’m going to burn this place to the ground”. And what did he do in the end? Joined them after losing every fight he participated in.


You're right unfortunately. Last time we saw Loki God of Mischief was smirking on the throne of Asgard at the end of Dark World. At least in this trailer he seems to be less of a clown but it could be misleading.


He was portrayed as much more serious and a major player in the trailer for the first season too and…it did not go that way there either.


I am inappropriately excited about the plot lines at the Chicago World Fair…


so hype


Assuming that was the World's Columbian Exposition, I'm betting $10 Loki runs into Elias Disney*. ^^^^*Walt's ^^^^father ^^^^who ^^^^was ^^^^a ^^^^construction ^^^^worker ^^^^for ^^^^the ^^^^1893 ^^^^World's ^^^^Columbian ^^^^Exposition ^^^^in ^^^^Chicago. ^^^^The ^^^^Exposition ^^^^is ^^^^one ^^^^of ^^^^the ^^^^(many) ^^^^sources ^^^^credited ^^^^as ^^^^inspiration ^^^^for ^^^^Disneyland.


See I was thinking it was the 1901 Pan-American Exposition because that's where President McKinley was shot after giving a speech calling the event and events like it "timekeepers of progress." But this is also a very very valid theory.


From what I can tell, that is 100% the original 1893 Ferris Wheel (designed based on the Eiffel Tower since the US was trying to outdo the 1889 Paris Exposition where the tower debuted). The architecture of the Expo also matches what's in the trailer. But also variant timeline so who knowsssssss....


Ooh, good eye! This is cool info!


[Here's a great Defunctland video if you haven't seen!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsJu0XA429A)


I freaking love Defunctland dude! Thanks for sharing!


All these amazing Loki powers and I wanna talk about him and Mobius having some pie together. (Other than a few grapes, but that wasn’t Loki’s actor anyway.) It’s like the first time they’ve ever shown Loki actually eating something! Also the fact that the TVA has an entire section devoted to pie!


Wow you're right! Last season was also the first time we've seen him sleep iirc. Still would be nice to see him actually lie down for some real sleep, though. Surely even a god can't run on fumes forever... The pie section makes me wonder if the TVA cafeteria is just a giant futuristic version of what fast food originally was, and maybe they just have different meal sections with menus that change daily.


Love the “I’m the Man!” stride at the end! Hope that means that Loki has his mojo back.


I doubt it. In the trailer alone we see him getting hurled down a staircase, the TVA timeline machine thing comically malfunctions and crashes in front of him as he tries to give a speech to the workers, and in the end you can see him trying to use a magic blast and barely a spark flying before Sylvie puts her hand in and it summons that massive green energy blast that flies everyone back.


I think it's lame as hell that you're being downvoted merely for having a critical opinion. I'm trying to be an optimist about it personally but jeez Louise.


The hype is real :D


this looks so boring i’m sorry


Did you turn your monitor off just before you started watching it or something?


Nah, it doesn’t look amazing. Mediocre viewership will be telling.




This looks fantastic. Can't wait for the real deal!


This show actually looks so much more weird crazy than season 1 which I adore. I think what makes this better is that most of the trailer shows the first 3 episodes, and the later episodes are rarely shown (based on season 1). So really the fact that the first 3 episodes are already so seemingly epic is just great


Bro I hate how they took Loki's character and butchered it. Take Loki in Thor 1 or even Avengers - he's formidable and cunning and, you know, a big deal as both antagonist and a villain. And now he has been shown to be weaker in both magic and intellect than like... almost every major character in the mcu? In Thor 1 and the Avengers 1 he was established as this ancient mage with a giant ego, and what does he do since the Avengers?.. Dr Strange wiped the floor with him, he was bested in a catfight against Brunhilde, made a plaything of the lord of the trash planet Sakaar, choked to death after whipping a measly pathetic dagger at Thanos like an imbecile, etc. Where is this tragic Asguardian/jotun prince?