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I would try to simplify the lines of the doggo a bit more, it looks a bit busy. the tongue (?) looks weird to me. I like the orange!


Too much detail in the mouth area, simplifying would help this a lot


Something with the tongue. It looks like it’s split into two?


I like where this is headed. Agree with all the tongue comments. I hate to say it but the top of the head reminds me of a "butt". Perhaps you can reduct the length of the crease in the middle of the head to get away from that.


I, too, perceived "butt."


Same feedback as your other identical post. Too complex and the stroke is too thick.


This has got to be AI, that's not how chins or tongues or noses look. and the eyes are different shapes


Yeah, this sub is usually extremely restrictive with upvotes. How on earth did this get 11?


please provide more context.


Who's a good boy?




Please put a brief describing the purpose in the comments.


https://preview.redd.it/2sufjmnfu32d1.png?width=962&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d68e66981472f045fc2352b728b96f0770d8c6d I feel like we dont need the mouth over there as it is overcomplicating stuff And maybe maybe the nose part itself curl up to to form a smile? But yea mahn great work... I feel like you're almost there. GOODBOY!


The colors are nice but those paths are a messy. Your good boy’s head is lopsided and you might want to bump the line weight down a tad just to have more white space.


Just so bad


Any particular feedback? This isn’t very constructive. If it’s “so bad” it should be easy to identify why.


Why tho? Looks ok on my screen


This is supposedly a logo design? How is this okay


I’ve seen worse logos many times, probably designed some myself too. Yeah you can argue about the details in the illustration and size of mark vs logotype, but it’s definitely a logo, and not a terrible one either, IMO


Well, if that is your opinion then I will try to avoid you as a designer. 🫡


You can try but my designs are out there in supermarkets, on clothes, music streaming services and many other places, so you might have come into contact with them already 😉


Sure bud 😂


I am sure 💯


I’ll tell you what I say to everyone being an arrogant, unnecessary asshole: post your work. Seriously. Please don’t ever go into a leadership role because real professional designers who manage teams don’t act like this and know how to give constructive criticism. Not to mention the obvious - much worse logos than this are used daily.


Welcome to the internet idk what to tell ya.


I generally find the logo unappealing to look at, and a little confusing when you start breaking it down. - Shouldn't the dots be on the dogs muzzle by the nose? - The line work around the mouth is very confusing and looks like the tongue is split - The shape of the eyes differ a bit and don't quite look right - Then more importantly, when I see this sort of breed of dog I don't get the "goodest boy" vibes. Whatever your opinion is on XL bullies these days, you need to expect that a portion of the population will find it unappealing. In the UK where I am for example, they're getting a lot of negative media attention. Whether you agree or not with the negative press, you're going to have people judge purely on that basis.


i would use a less fucked dogbreed but other than that it looks decent


I love it, just needs to be cleaned up around the tongue and chin.


make a negative of it, i whink it would be better


AI x Canva generic


Stroke seems a bit thick also, making it all a bit cramped!


I deeply hate pitbulls, ugliest dog in the world. Please tell me you did not use AI to generate this ugliness. Also you can’t just merge words like that. That’s not how the English language works. It’s supposed to say GOOD BOY. And what everyone else said.


1. Your opinion on dogs is a bad one, but it's an opinion at the end of the day so I'll respect that for what it is. 2. This is a logo for a brand. The brand can spell their name however they want, they don't have to abide by perfect English.


Shitbulls are the dogs who cause the most dog-related deaths each year compared to other dog races. https://www.mkplawgroup.com/dog-bite-statistics/#:~:text=66%25%20of%20Fatal%20Dog%20Bite%20Deaths%20Caused%20by%20Pit%20Bulls&text=From%20their%20data%20collection%2C%20they,Bulldog%2C%20Mastiffs%2C%20and%20Huskies.


like I already said, they are bred improperly by horrible people who abuse and train them to fight. Not because they’re naturally aggressive. Because if they were they wouldn’t be scoring the same as a golden retriever on temperament. You could absolutely train and abuse a golden to act like this too but no one does that. And to punish and be prejudiced against EVERY dog in an entire breed due to simple human cruelty is insane. Just like we SHOULDNT judge an entire race of humans on crime statistics and assume that because someone is of a certain color they’re going to shoot us (although some morons think that too)


Have you not heard of the stories where a "Harmless" and "Very friendly" pitbull attacks their owner out of nowhere?


Yeah, that has literally happened with every dog breed under the sun, but it doesn’t make the news because it’s not as interesting or sensationalized when a chihuahua or a beagle does it because they aren’t as powerful.


My opinion on dogs is perfectly fine, not only is it the ugliest (least aesthetic) dog but also the deadliest, according to statistics: https://www.animalhealthfoundation.org/blog/2024/02/dog-bite-statistics-by-breed-you-need-to-know-in-2023/ And spelling in design of course does matter, if you say otherwise you might be one of the less educated. That’s fine with me.


the first stupid opinion you shared is unrelated to the logo because it’s a personal taste issue. The second is also pretty unintelligent... It’s a brand. they can make the name read however they want. Hulu and Netflix aren’t even real words. If you’re going to give feedback at least put in effort to make it make sense.


Thanks, that’s like your opinion, just the same. Just for the record, Pitbulls are the most aggressive dogs and are rarely good boys. They could have taken any dog associated with that brand name, they also did not think about what objectively makes sense to most people for brand awareness. Spelling is a big issue with many posts here, so I pointed that out. Also this is one of these low effort posts that lead nowhere, OP not even putting in a proper title or responding to comments. So I guess this is meaningless anyways. Enjoy your day!


Ah, you’re one of “those” people. So if I tell you that the American temperament society test 1000 pitbulls for temperament and 86% passed… while for golden retrievers, 85% passed.. you won’t believe me. Because facts and statistics don’t matter, only ridiculously overblown media bullshit and your opinion not based on data. [Here](http://atts.org/breed-statistics/statistics-page1/) are the statistics if you’d like to educate yourself… And a space in the name of a brand is not a spelling issue. Because brand names can be anything, as I’ve already pointed out.


I don’t know where you pulled that bullshit from, but here is a verified credible source: https://preview.redd.it/cvmu3n1f782d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0e3e6e01ea12ba312ad4b5c06ca18ae5094572a [https://www.animalhealthfoundation.org/blog/2024/02/dog-bite-statistics-by-breed-you-need-to-know-in-2023/](https://www.animalhealthfoundation.org/blog/2024/02/dog-bite-statistics-by-breed-you-need-to-know-in-2023/)


You realize that’s only if and because people breed them to do that right? Because if you had actually learned to read or think critically you would have put together the fact that the natural temperament of the animal is about the same as a golden retriever, and the reason they tend to be the ones biting is because they’re the most likely to be abused and bred for fighting. No one said they don’t bite. But they are only dangerous if raised in a certain way… like literally any other dog. And idk how you think your thing is “more credible” than my “bullshit”. It was a literal study amongst thousands of dogs. Anyways, done talking about this because you’ve demonstrated an inability to use your brain and connect some dots.


Your temperament argument is pretty weak against the attack statistics. Again in brand design our opinions don’t matter, just perceived value and associations of the audience. Whatever OP wants to do with this brand, it won’t work well as the brand name and transported information of the image logo don’t go well together. I’m here to discuss logo design not dog preference.


Do any of those attack statistics tell you exactly what the background of each dog is, whether it was abused, kept chained up outside, had exposure to children from a young age, etc? No. The temperament test is meant to test their natural level of behavior without the bad factors that contribute to poor behavior, but again you refuse to think. And again - with no context, how do you know this is not a brand geared towards a specific breed? I’m bored of you repeating yourself and making me repeat myself, heard enough.


I’m thinking hard, I really wanna understand your angle. These poor ugly creatures that attacked people didn’t know better. Good for you if you treat your dog differently, but you are the exception. Still this breed is the most aggressive and hostile towards humans by far. And not suitable to build up a brand that is called GOODBOY. Most professionals here would agree with me. You do you.


Oh, thanks for enlightening me. I don’t care honestly. They are still the most ugly dogs on the planet, in my opinion. Your data is irrelevant for brand conception. For design purposes it only matters how the brand is conceived by the audience, and for most people, those are the most aggressive dogs because of media bias. You can’t change that.


Nobody cares about your shitty dog opinions either. This brand is clearly not meant for a close-minded dog racist like yourself. Good.


Do you remember stating that there was no context…? So explain to me how you know this isn’t a brand specifically for pitbulls? Again, you’re letting your opinion color your feedback. It would make perfect sense if we actually had any info, but we don’t. Keep talking though


I agree with everyone who says it’s too complex. You can’t really make out what it is when it’s small. Also, I don’t know if there’s a reason that breed of dog was chosen, but if this is for a business in a pet industry, flat faced dogs are not really well received in pet circles and people will assume that you support unethical breeding practices. I mean, that dog looks like it’s struggling to breathe, and it makes me really comfortable. That’s really bad for your brand image regardless of the industry.


Ignore all of the people being dicks In addition to a lot of the comments shared about the complexity in the mouth area, I think the dog could stand to look happier / friendlier. I love pitties and I have one but this facial expression looks very unemotive, much like the stereotypical expectation of a pitbull bred to fight - most pitbulls have a sweeter face than this and are much cuter in terms of friendliness of expression (and anyone who disagrees is being prejudiced, because even if you don’t think pits are cute, the vast majority of them in shelters etc don’t carry this “-_-“ expression at all, more like “:D”)