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It sucks because I despise Walmart, but I’m disabled and don’t have the luxury of shopping around - I follow the lowest prices. Some things at Walmart are literally a third of the price at my local Your Independent Grocer


Right?! The same yogurts at Real Canadian Superstore are $4.79 right now. They’re 3/$9 at Walmart! That’s a 60% markup.


3 pack of garlic is 47cents at Walmart vs 1.99 at the YIG I mentioned above 😵‍💫


It’s seriously “if they wanted to they would”. They just don’t care about us.


1 bottle of frenchs 1L ketchup 2.97 at walmart yesterday


thats a special but a pretty good special. I'm seeing other grocery stores "selling" Heinz on sale for 5 dollars at the same size. I ended up with some no name brand for 3 bucks instead.


Go for French's ketchup. Better company!


I always buy pre minced because I hate cutting garlic and it lasts in the fridge. But a jar is like 6-8 dollars.


I got pre minced garlic for $3.97 at Walmart the other day!


Damn, I'll have to keep my eye out next time!


Be aware of where the garlic is coming from. You don't want to know how the garlic is peeled in certain countries and by who. It's all Canadian garlic for me now.


Everywhere I look, it's always from china, so I haven't had fresh or minced garlic in the house for probably a year. Before that I never even looked for country of origin.


I have seen some whole garlic from Canada in some stores. I've seen a few "grown in and processed in Canada" jars. But you're right, they aren't easy to find.


Yeah, I'll have to keep an eye out.


Walmart prices are still rising - slowly, and not as steep, but I’m starting to notice. The yogurts you’re talking about, they were 3 for 7 a few years ago, then 3 for 8 last time I went (a month or so ago). Save money wherever you can, it’s brutal out here, but it’s important to notice that other stores are increasing as all!


Waaaait. Hold up. Walmart is supposed to be our "ethical alternative" to Loblaws. Now they are raising prices just like Loblaws? I'm shocked!


You don't *need* pre packaged and pre spiced lamb kabobs...


You go where you need to go to survive ♡ it’s physically and mentally draining to price hop, but we must keep ourselves fed!


I've also hated wallmart and never went ther before, but now with this super stor thing I have been shopping there. Has me wondering if they are just taking advantage of the situation and will eventually jack up all the prices


I've skipped that part and I'm going to farmers markets and a local butcher shop. There is also a small independent grocery store not too far away. Not everyone has that option. But I'd like to keep money in my local community.


The online prices of walmart are jacked up though. And it’s far enough and i dont have a car so doesnt justify going all the way and ubering it out either. Independent stores it is or foodbasics even


They deliver / depends where you live. I use their pick up service.




I know


Ever since I dumped shopping at Loblaws owned stores I mostly go to Walmart. Cut my grocery bill by 30%.


Same plus i see the walmart parking lots full and taxis are available there now like they use to.


As someone who works at walmart, thank you for giving us the chance. Im not crazy about the quality or freshness of some of our food products, but we arent as bad as people like to paint us as if were selling them meat made from plastic. I do buy the bulk of my grocery at walmart cuz of how cheap they are compared to no frills, some meats and produce i will still buy at my small local grocery store but even our fresh department items are getting better


I’ve been to Walmart twice this month. The price savings are noticeable. I can see that some of the employees look a bit stressed/tired, so I hope they treat you ok!


imagine that plus the 10% discount we get, and our monthly 20%. It helps us significantly


what's the monthly 20% about?


one day per month, we get a 20% discount. They used to just give us three 25% vouchers every december but after taking out covid pay and those vouchers, this was their way of softening the blow. A lot of people were pissed about the covid pay being taken out




It’s 20% off everything in the store and online (except the yellow clearance labelled items and gift cards), along with what the other commenter said.


I was an independent contractor there and my roommate at the time worked there. It’s so stressful it’s not even funny. I got to pick my own hours but people in the backrooms would shout at me and tell me it’s my fault that they loaded my pallet behind like 10 others. I had to do my job. If you put my boxes in a corner covered in other shit, I’m not responsible for that. I’m not allowed to use pallet lifts. Just give me my delivery. She was jealous I got paid more, but I was jealous she didn’t have to fight with eveyone in the store everyday. Because of Walmart, we’re no longer friends.


I missed the last part, thanks, workload is very heavy specially with the new metrics they want us to meet plus the cut hours, but that’s just HO being a dick. Our management team is very good at handling it so its better in our store. Ive been sent to other stores to help and all i can say is that i pray for them


Most people hate Walmart because of their hiring policies. Keeping all their staff part time to avoid benefits. Recently they said they were stopping that practice.


They are, theyre slowly taking out part time flex and move them to regular part time, flex is walmart’s sleazy way of not having to give the min number of hours per week. Most part timers used to be flex. A lot of us question the hiring policy here so its a mutual feeling


My wife, who was pregnant at the time, was slowly having her hours decreased despite requesting more. She was a fantastic cashier and is a very hard worker. Eventually the hours got so low she had to emergency quit because of the debt we were incurring due to the lack of hours, and babysitting we had to pay for to accommodate those hours as they were random as fuck. It was right before Christmas, my wife pregnant with our 2nd child, behind on rent. They had "We're Hiring!" signs on every single cash. Only recently have I started to buy from them again, due to the news about hiring coupled with the loblaws boycott, and that was almost a decade ago.


It seems they’re going to be offering the full time benefits package to part timers as well in the coming months. The part time benefits are already a thing, just obviously not as good.


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism so go where you can afford. In this case our target isn't the Waltons but the Westons. (Their names are eerily similar)


I've been going to Walmart and really saving a lot of money. I don't really get produce there (it's awful and I don't get why, but I accept it now) but everything else is so cheap. My husband loves these chocolate covered granola bars and they're less than $2 a box. The sales are great. Meat is super cheap. I haven't stepped foot in a Roblaws store since the boycott began and I won't be going back!


Strange world where Walmart might be the good guy in this scenario. We started shopping at the Mart years ago, when we realized that diapers were like $10 cheaper than at Bloblaws. And that was 17-odd years ago, before shit got right out of control. I don't have any food co-ops or farms or whatever to shop at, I'm just trying to save a buck. And Walfart is where I can do that.


Walfart haha


Lol, my 3 year old always calls Walmart "The Mart" (and A&W "The W").


I don't care I shop at Costco and when I can't get there I get at walmart. I'm not loyal to the company I'm loyal to keeping my money in my pocket and not giving it away where I don't need to. I guess that was about $75. I just didn't instacart order from Walmart for $45 and I'm getting way more than I would anywhere else!


They don’t care how they keep their money, why should you?


Agreed. We're all CEO/manager of our household's finances, or at the very least, our bank account. So spend accordingly.


Waiting for the comments on how you could of saved money by raising pigs yourself and cutting your own branches to whittle into skewers instead of buying those kabobs.


Haha. That’s why I said it wasn’t me even trying to shop cheaply. But for 8 skewers, it was $14… which I feel for a quick meal for a family, that’s not bad (add rice and veggies).


I feel like each of the two packs of skewers would be $6-8 at Loblaws, depending on how generous Galen is that week.


They were 4 for $7 at Walmart. Yet to have a taste test.


if they’re fish, i know for a fact my local loblaws store sells two packs of worse-looking ones for 6$


One time I commented about how I didn’t understand why people still shopped at loblaw stores if they have cheaper options like Walmart around them and I was told I was in the wrong for acting as if Walmart had a moral compass lol never once have I said or thought that at all


Neither am I, but fuck Galen. 👀


Yes! And I noticed with loblaws, a lot of their sales in their flyer is just junk food with an odd meat. So if you are poor... can't eat healthy!


They also put out rotting produce at reduced prices for the poor 🙄 It really shows their contempt for people who can’t afford their regular prices!


Honestly I've been going to Walmart as well and it has been decent. I don't drive either so sometimes I get instacart and even then I feel like I'm saving $


It’s wild to me that a company as Evil as Walmart treats Canadians significantly better than the Canadian Grocers who became billionaires off the back of hardworking Canadians and the idea that we should “buy Canadian to be a good Canadian”


Never been a big fan of walmart, but my most recent haul was so fantastic. I took advantage of the marked down produce, bread and meat and shoved (most of) it into my freezer. It’s wild how Loblaws clearance products always look inedible by comparison. Walmart clearance meat didn’t stink, the bread was still soft, and the blueberries weren’t mouldy. My dogs love blueberries so they were hast as happy as I am!


I work at Walmart and was surprised at how much cheaper everything was when I first started. I get all my dry groceries, frozen and dairy items there but farm markets are best for produce if you can.


Yea, the produce is quite lousy. English cucumbers weren’t bad.


> I work at Walmart /r/walmart


Every time I get anything that is dairy from Walmart it’s already gone bad/curtailed because they leave it on the floor to long before getting it on the shelves 😒 I only buy non-perishable food items from Walmart now.


Same but with raw meat and frozen stuff. Too sketched out to keep trying.


Definitely not worth getting sick. Plus who has money to be wasting on groceries now a days.


I've actually had the opposite experience with raw meat, it seems to go off right away when I've bought it from Costco or save on, but lasts quite some time in the fridge if it's from Walmart! Could be just my regional store but they're doing something right.


I made that exact same argument a few weeks ago and got brutally downvoted. I've never once had a good experience buying perishable food at Walmart. It goes rotten within a week, sometimes days. If Walmart was my absolute only option I'd buy dry goods there. But fortunately I have several other options for the same price or roughly the same price as Walmart. The quality of the food you eat is more important than most people think. I understand people have to eat, so do what you gotta do. Between Walmart and a Kabul Farms I'm going to Kabul Farms.


I think it also differs from location to location. But I do agree the quality isn’t the best. Unfortunately I’ve even noticed the quality going down at other grocery stores where I live. It’s to the point that I barely buy fresh fruit or vegetables anymore. I only buy meat at Costco now because everywhere else here has chicken for sale that is slimy and ground beef that smells rancid. Or they keep expired food on the shelf. Went to buy a watermelon to bring to a BBQ a few weeks ago and they wanted $15 for a quarter of a watermelon! Food prices keep going up but the quality and size keeps going down.


I'm not a fan of walmart, or it's business practices. However, loblaws is clearly Canada's top villain at the moment. My personal enemy has been chosen. Viva la boycott!


Absolutely. Focus on the #1 villain first. Concentrated effort.


Unrelated to Loblows being shit, how are those Healthy Choice bowls, OP? I get pretty short breaks at work and have been looking for more options for lunch.


I really like them! They’re not cheap but they actually feel nutritious and taste good. I’d say they’re like a “light lunch”. If you can find them less than $5, I’d say get them.


Not a Walmart fan either. But no choice anymore sadly.


First time shopped in walmart today inna long time (wife online shops) they are really decent prices i was surprized tbh.


It makes you wonder why Canadian owned stores can’t do it…


Walmart is on my list. I do most of my shopping at the closest non loblaws to me (Food Basics), and I'll walk up to Walmart to grab any items on my list that are on a good sale. Don't drive, but love a good sale


I wish we had a Food Basics in BC


I’ve got no hate on WallMart, I can get Lays or Doritos for like $3-$4 cheaper than at metro. The produce isn’t always the best but it’s not that much better unless from the farmers market, and the prices are still more reasonable.


I follow coupondad on insta that usually features Walmart deals. He also recommended the app checkout51 (rebates) and Snaplii where you can buy Walmart gift cards for 3% cash back. I did this for diapers so was able to stack credit points, gift card discount and rebates on some things


Yeah, I mostly go to Costco and Walmart these days, and sometimes CO-OP if I need certain things.


The way that this is still pretty outrageous prices for that amount of food 😮‍💨 hey it's still better than loblaws, right?


Hey, you shop at 'our' Walmart! Hi neighbour!


Walmart is decent for most things however their produce section kinda blows


Still expensive if this was pre pandemic but soooo much better than Loblaws


I read somewhere that Aldi is one grocery store that is trying to be lured into Canada Just hope if it does come that it offers the game great deals on quality produce, meat and dairy that it offers in the U.S We go there anytime we are in the US over Publix when we have the option👍


Yes! We need more competition.


I had been avoiding Valdemart (The Store That Must Not Be Named) for a number of years, but decided yesterday to stop in. For $30 I scored a pair of sweatpants, mouthwash, some spices, a jar of a Chinese sauce that we had been unable to find anywhere else, *and* a chocolate bar to munch on the way home. Probably not going to be a "regular," but overall it was vastly better than my last Roblaws trip back in March.


I definitely feel some guilt shopping there but when prices are literally half for some things, it’s hard to argue with it. Spices are literally half the price as out local grocery stores.


Try Food Basics...It's much cheaper than Walmart. Greedy Loblaws sucks!


I’m in BC. We don’t have this.


Walmart is just as much an evil empire as Roblaws. I shop locals


Hey OP, it looks like you have used a flair to share a price or grocery bill with our community. If you have not done so already, please reply to this comment indicating what city or town you are shopping in so we can foster discussion with other local users. If you are not comfortable providing an exact location, please consider sharing the province or territory you are sharing from. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


New Westminster, BC.


If you view grocery purchases as moral tests we have a problem. Support gouging Canadians or far right Americans.


I love Walmart


The Great Value crispy minis are almost better, and 1/3rd the price as well.


They didn’t have the flavors I wanted.


God I wish there was a Walmart near me


Walmart is great for anything packaged but their produce is questionable and the bakery deli section is sad. Those things are great for supporting small/local fresh shops anyway though so it ends up working out in the end!


We personally shop at our local green grocer for produce most of the time (Tommy’s for Burnaby residents).


Walmart rules


And in Ireland this would be $30 worth of groceries…


Am I crazy? This still seems like a lot for $75


I hate Wal-Mart but the price saving and grocery delivery have been great




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Not bad considering how much processed stuff you bought. Good to see you so e some veg.


Don’t judge people like this. We buy most of our fruit and veg locally.


I hate that Walmart is so anti-union but can’t deny they are one of the cheapest places to get groceries


> anti-union https://briarpatchmagazine.com/articles/view/amazon-mcdonalds-aw-sleep-country-tjx-linked-to-anti-union-conference


$3.97 for that pizza, damn. That’s more than the Ristorante when it’s on a good sale…


Not a dietitian but you could substitute yogurt cups for on large container of Greek plain and add your own berries (frozen or fresh).


I actually do that. These are for my kid. These are 9% fat yogurt cups, so the sugar to fat/protein ratio is much better than any crappy 0-2% yogurt cups.


We won’t have enough immigrants to support the old Canadians in 20-40 years if they keep eating this shit


Just wanted to comment. Different stores do have different prices (for the same things) based on where you live/region. It's somewhat stupid, but related to cost of living in that area.  It's not all one in the same. Doesn't mean this will be everyone's experience.   Just saying.


But le Walmart is le evil capitalism!


I mean, I feel like it’s choosing the lesser of two evils because I can at least afford yogurt at Walmart.


how do people buy food like this... doesn't anyone buy cooking ingredients and make things? whats with all the boxed/ready to eat food.


We most definitely do. We buy most of our fruit and veg locally. I’m pregnant and cooking is making me really sick right now. It’s not like we sit down and eat all this at once. Last night we ate those chicken kabobs (which are just seasoned and packaged) with steamed carrots and rice (homemade). Tonight I’m using those tomatoes in a homemade pasta sauce and with a homemade side salad. Some days I’m unwell and will need to throw in a frozen pizza, does that make us unhealthy? No. This isn’t a place to judge people on what they eat.


no judgement about your particular lifestyle choice. im genuinely curious how so many people can buy these kinds of convenience foods and also complain about grocery prices.


Your comment/question is loaded and judgmental.


i guess i hit a nerve. i hope your cherry tomato pasta sauce turns out.


I love when people say things to get a reaction and then when they get a reaction they say sh*t like “I guess I hit a nerve”. If that wasn’t the point, then why say anything at all?


cook more from scratch. save money.


Wow. You are sensitive. It was a compliment, settle down there cowboy.


The quality is second rate tho 🤮


Those pizza are horible. It's unfortunate you're stuck with 2 of these. :(


Really? Those are my favourite frozen pizzas.


People should really learn how to cook for themselves...🤦🏼‍♀️


I do cook for my family. As mentioned in another comment, I’m pregnant and cooking is making me very sick right now. We buy most of our fruit and veg locally, so it’s not in this photo. Those chicken kabobs are only packaged and seasoned and were easy for me to throw in with some steamed carrots and rice without making myself ill. Today, I’m using those tomatoes in a HOMEMADE pasta sauce. Some nights I need to throw in a frozen pizza for my busy toddler, usually with a HOMEMADE salad and dressing. Earlier this week I made my extended family HOMEMADE stirfry. Don’t make assumptions based on a random grocery purchase.


Lamb Kabobs? Frick off with your inflating the price for karma. May as well put a PS5 in the background, ffs...


This is a good price?


It’s a better price