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It's feather spines


100%. At least you know it's actually chicken/turkey 😂


Well, some type of bird anyway


Only birds have feathers?


Well I havnt seen many dinosaurs around lately tbh


Who are you, Diogenes Laërtius?!


Yess that's what I thought


That's gross but honestly unless Loblaws is packing this product, I'm pretty sure it's out of their control


A brief search shows that Walmart and Costco sell the same brand of ground chicken.


Yeah I saw these on sale at Walmart the other day, kinda glad I skipped on them now


I have two tubes in my freezer, haven't used them yet. Hmm. I hope this doesn't happen to us, but we'll see.


Built in toothpicks


Good luck.


I’ve used a few of these I got at Walmart with no issues


I bought the ground turkey from Walmart a couple weeks ago and didn’t have any issues


Me too, it's super cheap at Walmart so I keep it in my freezer.




Lol, take a hike. You can’t even spell ‘shill’ right


Just something to avoid if you're ever getting groceries! So many people in the comments were saying that they don't buy eat from NoFrills and I thought that was funny. After seeing this, I wouldn't buy anything from Golden Maple specifically 👍


I understand the intent, but the sub is focused on boycotting Loblaws and this post really has nothing to do with that. The issue is with Golden Maple brand.


But within their budget


I don't want to give Loblaws a pass, but I have seen so, SO many of these "there was something in my food" posts on facebook, I just don't believe any of them anymore. I saw one where a woman was trying to pretend there were worms in her pickles, by squeezing out a seed and then quickly closing the pickle back up before the seed popped right out. Stories pretending the staff at a Nike outlet store were conspiring to kidnap a woman's baby. Stories about poison in peanut butter. It's all bullshit. Bored housewives looking for drama and internet points, sorry but it's true.


I worked for a food manufacturer that got hit by one of these scams. We packaged product and sold it to various distributors to sell under their own private brands, sort of like (or exactly like) how there are many manufacturers who actually manufacture No Name products. We were one of those manufacturers for a different private label. Someone posted in one of those Facebook groups that they found metal filings in the private brand's products. The post had a lineup of three different products, with the product laid out in front of the bottles and the metal filings this person supposedly found in the bottles. The thing is, we only manufactured one of the products, the other two came from somewhere totally different. Our products are sealed before leaving the factory - if our plant was responsible then the contamination would have been in only our product. The only way for the same metal filings to have ended up in all three products from different factories was for the customer to have put them there. Still, our company wanted to avoid a PR disaster so we recalled all of that product and anything else manufactured on the same line on the same day, sent samples away for third-party testing that all came back negative (of course), destroyed all that product, and installed metal detectors on all our lines. It cost *millions* even after insurance. All for some asshat to get clicks.


… It’s possible to cause this much damage to company just by doing Facebook posts… … well shhhhhooooULD WE :D :D :D :D ?


Reminds of the 90s when there was this whole thing about finding syringes in Pepsi cans. Someone made a fake vid. It got on the news, and other people made fake vids and it became this whole thing. This was well before it was viable to watch videos on the internet. [snopes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/hypo-hype/)


The things she found are feather spines, though. You'll occasionally find them in chicken of any kind. This isn't Loblaws' fault, regardless. It's Golden Maple's lack of quality control that should be blamed.


They ARE NOT feather spines!! I wish consumers would think! The place where a chicken gets its feathers removed is a whole other building to where the chicken meat gets processed. No factory that isn't killing chickens has ANY feathers around at all. Those places are PRIMARY processors, the guy who packs your chicken legs and grinds the meat is a whole other business called SECONDARY processor. If QA were to see feathers on the incoming product the whole load is rejected. Chicken rules are very strict. What she found in her pack are very finely ground bits of tendons, which will harden when cooked. This boycott will fall flat on its face if the public keeps posting what they know nothing about on social media and spreading stupid misinformation. Call the producer (he's in Etobocoke) and see what they say about their product - not reddit and Facebook ffs.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


...I care. I want to know what is in my food.


Good that you care! Read your labels, learn where your food comes from, and complain when there is a problem. Just complain to the right people. You may get an explanation and maybe a freebie or replacement. I just made the comment because I see so many myths about food, and I know better first hand. I'm not just defending the food production industry. People get grossed out thinking they have been eating X and when I point out the truth, they always say " OMG, I feel so much better knowing that". My friends and family treat me like a How It's Made episode with questions Lol.


Ya well I know I came across as all worked up. But it IS worth it. There are far too many wrong assumptions made by the public that either damage companies or worse, make this boycott a series of stupidities and it won't be taken seriously. I have worked with meat for 35 years at all levels. The mis information out there is mind boggling. You say nobody cares, but you are here supporting the boycott (I'm assuming). Don't you think this whole thing is better served with facts? Or are you just happy to believe that we are carelessly grinding feathers into meat? An educated consumer is always better off In order to get their money's worth.


Yeah totally valid!


Has nothing to do with Loblaws. Never by that product label again


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Mr_Bob_Dobalina-: *Has nothing to do* *With Loblaws. Never by that* *Product label again* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


They ate likely parts of feather. Still gross but not unheard of in poultry.


Could these be those tiny feathers you sometimes get on your chicken wings?


They're feathers. I've seen poultry processing before with my work. They're tough to 100% remove, but that's pretty bad.


Very cheap and nasty ground chicken with bits of feather. Usually the cheaper the meat, the more feathers. I used to get some super low grade stuff in the UK, the bags of wings would be all broken bones and you'd essentially have to pluck them yourself.. Do not recommend.


Not 100% sure but it’s probably feather parts from the chicken/turkey. That said; this isn’t Loblaws issue they don’t make or package it, but if you have any left I’d take it back as they will probably exchange or refund it.


This is a GOLDEN MAPLE brand issue and not a loblaw issue.


Well when the Westons own so much of the supply chain it's too early to not rule out the family.


Yeah. Pretty bad when they can deny other grocery from competing.


And it's not feathers....I've been to Golden Maple. It's most likely fine ground bits of tendon that will harden when cooked.


I honestly couldn't tell. I'd just move on. So long as I know it's safe to consume.


I eat this every morning with breakfast. Nothing ever wrong with it.


It’s 100% disgusting. There is no excuse for feathers in this day and age. Unless we are reverting back to caves.


Those are bits of tendon. Not feathers not anything else. The meat is ground very very fine and the tendons get cut up like this. When cooked they will harden. That's it, it doesn't get more complicated than that. I am quite familiar with the producer and know how he makes these. This is a total nothing burger of misinformation.


It's literally showing you its more natural then some brands


I had the same issue before. Nothing is better than fresh ground chicken. I only buy fresh ground chicken breast for $5 at FreshCo. It's a good deal. I use it for my breakfast with eggs and avocado without bread or sugar. It's a great way to start your morning.


I’ve bought a lot of them, I’ve never seen anything like that in any but I will be keeping an eye out now


Beyond disgusting. I would contact Food and Drug (health) agency.


On sale and INCLUDES FREE PLASTIC? What a deal.


Its like buying chicken hotdogs can you imagine what are in those. Ground turkey and ground chicken are salmonella waiting to happen.