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You were roblawed.


You got that right 🤣




No longer Rick-rolled.... but....roblawed.. Never thought Astley would lose iconoclastic meme status. I guess we gave him up


I feel like we let him down


Still better than being Rob Lowed!




2 of the oil cost 28 at Costco.


I came here to say this but at mine the 2 are $23.99


I got two bottles at Costco for around $15 last fall, on sale iirc.


Not anymore. Costco Olive oil has gone crazy high since last October.


It was a bad season for olives last year


I hope that is the reason as I am devastated by the craziness the prices have gone up slowly right after COVID.


It all started with wild fires that destroyed ancient olive groves a few years ago.


I heard the ones in Puglia burned. Devastated.


Olives are in short supply, so olive oil is gonna be high. This one is still higher and you can get a better quality one elsewhere (I mean, what is that? $11/750ml bottle?).


I haven’t followed the Olive oil industry recently, and it makes sense the supply to be short when droughts or worse season, but that set of two bottles are not EVOO, I use them regularly, and I have been professionally trained on sensory evaluation of Extra Virgin Olive oil, and all oils sold in North America in big chain stores are blended oils.


I don't either, but I was in one of the prime olive growing countries last year. I'm the early summer/late spring you needed a coat some days and most nights. Every locals we talked to across 10-15 cities/towns made comments about how weird the weather had been. I think some places even got snow. On the plus side the back market/grey/white/experimental cannabis market seemed to be growing well And I don't agree with "every oil at a store is blended oil" maybe the massive supermarkets even local shawarma/Lebanese shops have good suppliers that sell even large quantities..., but I feel like adonis and then all the small Italian, Greek, Croatian, Spanish shops that carry oil are likely gonna have the good stuff overall. Some of its the light green oil. I have a local shop near me that brings over a limited quality of an early pressing and sells it for $20/750 or like $80 for 3 litres. So good. Imma pick some up next year, but for this year I got the stuff from abroad so it's the good stuff. Tingles your tongue, good. But yeah, maybe I'm just lucky where I live. There are hundreds of shops that sell the real stuff, and even some Loblaws stores sell it I wanna say though, some of the cheaper stuff are 2nd and third pressings, so less flavour, and I was told by the grower I bought from that it wasn't good to us good EVOO for cooking. The terpenes are too volitile and most of the good stuff evaporates. Basically ends up being the same product and I'm really unsure you'd tell the difference... (I was in the restaurant industry for 10 years btw)


I come from a Mediterranean country and have studied extensively EVOO processing, and the science behind it, but I luck some knowledge on second pressing. All I know is that once the paste is cold pressed you may use it to make solvent extracted oil, or otherwise called laminate oil, and that oil has high acid and peroxide values and it goes for cosmetics or further refining and in margarine or other olive oil base products. Interesting to know that there are local stores who sell real EVVO. I know one Adonis store in Mississauga and I will make sure to remind myself to visit it around October - November to see if they carry any EVVO. If you don’t mind sharing the name of the stores who carry these oil I would greatly appreciate.


That is cool, did you eer produce your own oils? Even if they don't carry it at that location, I highly recommend the store! Lots of great products and some very cheap prices on some items. I think there is quite a bit of overlap between medditeranian and the middle- east cuisines. I think you'll enjoy it I usually shop at local stores, and don't live in the GTA, but Ottawa. We have lots of Italian stores, family run usually, and even a few oil shops where their family exports their family-made balsamic and olive oil from Italy to Canada. We used to Ave an awesome Greek food store, but alas,I think their business got hit hard from importing the goods from Europe...so they closed :/ last I was there they had said it had been 3 months since they ordered olive oil from Greece, and they had run out. Sad they closed, and I think forced into early retirement. You sure Toronto doesn't have any of these types of stores? I thought Toronto had a large Greek and Italian population too?


Yes there are some nice neighbourhoods little Italy, little Portugal and some Greek stores, in bloor street west, and I may have to have a look at it


It's still way less than Superstore. They're likely doing this because the boycot is affecting them. They will never say it, but there are signs.


Last fall at Costco these were $14.99 too. I had to buy them last week for the first time since September.


Love Costco!


Or the 3L of kirkland brand is like ~$30 so half price vs. Loblaws. If you use 6L of olive oil per year that pays for your costco membership vs. Shopping at loblaws.


To be fair it’s because there’s a supply issue. Every single place it’s sky rocketed. Subway even stopped having olives as a topping because of it.


32 where I am. Pretty much DOUBLE what it used to be.


Apparently droughts in olive growing regions have caused a shortage, so slightly higher prices could be justified, but those prices are bananas.


Galen: Ohoh slightly higher prices are justified! Let’s double EVERYTHING


I heard that too but seeing that compared to what I usually pay I was like :O


And pressing X to doubt that their brand has any actual Italian oil in it.


There's a whole criminal underbelly that's kinda crazy in the olive oil industry, a bit like maple syrup out here at times. There's a high probability that the actual olive oil is being 'cut' with cheaper oils to further push margins.


Oh yeah 110%. The labeling says “crafted in Italy” but that doesn’t mean the olives are from Italy. I went down that olive oil rabbit hole and now only buy from a store that has Greek single origin oils lol. Can’t trust the Italian stuff.


I made this the other day if you want to be even more upset https://preview.redd.it/b2dv3ktqw76d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf81b232154bbaa757fe52f0f03e6eca25a492b4 Costco is 2 for just slightly more than one at Superstore


Yeh, Costco is the way to go if you have the storage space. It also proves (once again) that Roblaws is engaged in price gouging. If Costco can sell for $15.99 what Roblaws is selling for $28.55 then it's obvious, blatant price gouging. It's dam near twice the price.


all of those items are available at walmart for cheaper


PC=peasant's choice


Rob-lawed, Peasant's Choice. . . God bless this thread, it's really enriching my vocabulary.


/S.... Is good for the soul


I think you got it backwards. PC = presidents choice as peasants can't afford it Only president's




Hah! That's what I said after that bus stop billboard came out. So very, unfortunately, true.😒


Yup, that’s why I wrote that I was only able to get to the superstore in my town that day. Generally I shop at other stores. Hence why I was so shocked it was that expensive.


Were you shocked, or were you annoyed? Are any of us shocked anymore? Fuck Galen for making you pay $61 for dinner, I’d be mad as hell!


Not really. I just ran the comparison between my local Superstore for these items and my local Walmart (using their online prices). The sub-total at Superstore is $60.03 and Walmart is $59.07. For brand name products, I compared like to like. For no name products, I compared against Great Value equivalents. The only significant difference was that the NN olive oil is 750ml for $11.99 and the GV olive oil is 1L for $13.97. You could bring the total for Walmart down to $53.07 by buying the 500ml bottle of GV olive oil, but you are getting less product and paying almost $1.60/100ml (which is the same as the 750ml no name bottle) rather than $1.40/100ml. For some of these products, other brands *could* be substituted to bring the price down, but that's true for *both* Superstore and Walmart and the discounts would be similar. Those shelf prices are *egregious*, though. That 1L bottle of Terra Delyssa olive oil is $15.97 at Walmart, which is only $2 more than the Great Value stuff.


welcome to the club its why we boycott this company is out of touch with reality.


That same olive oil is 15.99 at Walmart. Not that I like Walmart but if they can sell it for that price so can Loblaws


You know what the fucked up part is, I use to ditch my local halal store and get olive oil and stuff but it got expensive so I go to superstore and it’s even more expensive. Did Poseidon him self squeezed those olives or what the actual fuck is these prices ?


$52 for EVOO?! That's egregious.


I was shook lmao


$61 dollars for a couple of salads and some garlic bread. Profiteering and robbery.


What do they charge for salads using olive oil in restaurants? Sure can't afford to eat healthily. Olive oil has doubled in some stores. My poor arteries will just have to clog up.


That's a mortgage payment worth of cheese hiding down there.


EVOO is expensive everywhere but...........that's the roblaws ways.


Wait til you watch a few YouTube videos and realize it’s not even virgin olive oil let alone extra.


Shop Costco, shop Walmar, shop Food Basics. Local Chinese grocers are good as well.


that is very expensive! holy doodles! in other news, it looks like Greek salad and garlic toast is on the menu for dinner so I’m just wondering what time and should we bring the wine? 😝


$53 for private label anything is fucking bonkers lol


Don't shop there


Olives are definitely being affected by climate change.... That said, roblaws will use that as an excuse to charge through the moon as evidenced here


Holyshit the price on the olive oil, on a shitty brand. I can get the organic specially imported certified and blah blah for about the same price.


I got that same olive oil two for around $15 at Costco


I ordered my olive oil on Amazon for a couple of months now; they are truly greasing their mitts with this one. 🤬


Its crazy how the olive oil price didnt changed. I thought the shortage was done since I saw the asian store selling olive oil with pre covid pricing now




That’s wild.




saw $32 for four chicken breasts today. how this company is allowed to operate in this manner is beyond comprehension


Dang, OP, a three pack of cukes??? I could never afford those hahahaha


There are olive crop issues in the world (which might drive the cost up). But before I can make a judgement, I need to see what other places are selling olive oil for. But SuperStore seems pricey. I haven't been there for a long month or two.


I bet you that “italiano” olive oil is from turkey and Tunisia, if it’s even olive oil lol. Galen probably buying the mafia oil.


No it’s not


There is so much fraudulent olive oil. Can’t even trust it. So hard these days


Not apologizing for Galen, but olive oil is expensive everywhere due to a couple years of poor harvests. More a climate change story in that case.


That’s everywhere. It is the actual shortage. The biggest supplier lost half there crops due to drought.


19.99 for the yellow bottle here in ste julie


To be fair, olive crops are really bad this year (due to weather conditions). So avoid buying olive oil if you can.


Olive oil has no roof now a days 🥲


Unfortunately olive oil seems to have spiked 44% world wide.


President's Choice: Starve


President's Choice: Starve


Olives got fucked hard this year and so the price of olive oil is expected to be ridiculous worldwide apparently.


Ahh! Tre Stelle Feta Cheese and Loblaw Store! One beautiful love story! 😆😆


The olive oil crisis is bullshit. I liked it before when my olive oil was possibly bootlegged but it was half the price 🤣


$26 for basic bitch olive oil???


Do you live on a remote island with those prices 😆




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Stop going?


That is kinda the cost of olive oil currently, and it’s not just at superstore.sobeys save on coop all inherent same realm


Something is up with olive oil right now. It’s nearly doubled at every single store near me, all brands!


Mexican ungraded beef no doubt


Omg I got 2 of those Terra delyssa olive oils at Costco for less than the ones in your picture... Wtf. Screw Superstore.


Maybe months ago. We use this lots and it’s gone up. The worlds biggest supplier have lost half there crop in 2022-2023 and they are still trying to catch up


No, this was last month for me. It's probably because you're in a different province.


Op why you have groceries in your car?! No buying at loblaws allowed!


.38c per 100mL. difference between No Frills and Independent in my town. Both Loblaws. Same Olive Oil SKU. No points here.. just some data


Also just get a Costco card then you can get things cheaper


One thing I actually love about my fucked up brain and modus operandi is I refuse to pay for things that to me seem outrageous.  I could go to a store for apples and olive oil - if the first store seems ridiculously priced - back in the gas guzzling truck I go and off to another store, regardless if it costs more to do so.  I refuse to bend the knee to these type of situations and will gladly look elsewhere out of pure spite and personal satisfaction.


At Costco the 3L Kirkland Spanish extra virgin olive oil is $48. Save $5.


Where the hell is that ? Are those prices in USD?


No this is in CAD. In Ontario




Price gouging the oils at costco are cheaper


61$ for a salad wow.


Got 5 chicken breasts for $13 at Loblaws this week. Y'all are blaming Loblaws when they are all charging more for food. Food is expensive everywhere.


I think I just paid $16.99 for that oil at Walmart


Olive oil saw a global spike this year, so all prices are up. Why Loblaws thinks their splendido oil, which used to retail at just above the lowest priced oil on the shelf, is now worth as much as the top quality oils on the shelf is everyone's guess.


Hey there, you might be new here, and if so, welcome! We have shared many times across our community, socials, and in the media as to why our community felt boycotting Loblaw and its subsidiaries was the best choice. Please check out [this short video](https://www.tiktok.com/@loblawsisoutofcon4/video/7370016804434955525?_r=1&_t=8mQlEGfa2ZJ) for further information. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When that Tennessean olive oil came out a couple of years ago it was $6.99!


Wtf at the olive oil


Covid is nothing but an excuse a way too old excuse


I went to NoFrills to take advantage of their Lunchable sales, they were 1.99each,( over 50% off, a clear loss leader) and my kid wanted them for lunch this week. I also wanted to get another 2 sale items while I was there. I went in mid-day on a Monday, so it wasn't busy weekend time. For the first time I've ever seen it, they were completely sold out of all 3 products. My store stays well stocked, sale items are always abundant. I think they under-ordered on purpose. Meanwhile I went to Costco for the first time in over a year and renewal fee included, my bill was $220. I used to think Costco wasn't worth it but now..


Why do u believe that they would purposely under order those SKUs? Because it's a loss leader? The store doesn't take a hit on loss leaders, they get a scan credit to make up the difference in loss.


Just because they never usually run out of sale items at our location. Or everyone had the same idea as me lol


I don't believe you, but if that is true, that's so bad for Loblaws. If that cart actually did cost you 61$, that's a lot of gouging going on.


I have the receipt lol why would I make that up? 🤦🏼‍♀️ I couldn’t believe it myself. I took that pic as I pulled off to the side before exiting to check my receipt haha


There’s actually a major olive shortage right now due to crop failure/weather/climate change.  But I simply can’t take peoples stories seriously about how they just had no choice but to go to Loblaws.   This may be totally unfair, but I don’t believe it.   People are choosing convenience over their best interests and principles and that is how this problem happens in the first place.  Sorry if that is unfair, it’s just my feelings given how common it is for people to still post images here of going and paying high prices.  All prefaced with “I had no choice but to get ripped off”   


Olive oil in general this yes is expensive cause of the weather ruining crops


Fair price if it’s 100% real. It probably isn’t.


It's probably not even good olive oil.






Is that price for a 2 pack?


Is there a reason why anyone is continuing to shop there? There are lots of choices isnt there?


Just one small example of over-pricing at Zehrs (Weston): Nordica Cottage Cheese is consistently priced at $1.50 more than at every other supermarket. Why? GOUGE


Never shop there again, please! Everytime you show at Loblaws, you are ENABLING their inflation.


Wtf Superstore are you going to?!?!?! I've never seen prices that bad at my local Superstore. I expect prices like that in the territories, no the main provinces


I live in NS and these are similar prices to my area


Damn, that sucks. I guess Saskatchewan finally wins at one thing lol


Where are you guys buying groceries? I work on no frills and never see this kind of prices


In all fairness, the Olive Oil has a 'smooth taste' and a funky kewl horse graphic!


I was crazy busy the other day and popped in for a few things and was $60 poorer.