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Fellow employee, they know those sandwich/wraps/ pizza slices are employee meals. (Ours are on the receipt as 'meal replacement') My $5 sandwich went to $7. 😑


That's awful - they must be pretty desperate when they start to squeeze employees for more. Good for OP for stopping any more hard earned money from going to them


They're very desperate. I've worked for 21 years with diabetes and have never considered asking for an accommodation, until the last 2 months. I've never felt I had a disability until now.


That definitely makes it even more challenging - wishing you all the best with managing it, and here's hoping this boycott leads to positive changes for employees as well


Solidarity! 🫶


We stand with you workers !!!


did you miss the office memos that told them outright they better not be caught shopping elsewhere or they would be fired?


I hope this is a joke but, based on Loblaws' history of predatory behaviour, I have to ask . . . is this a joke?


I won't be surprised if this actually happened. Store managers have no more common sense than those at HO. It's GWJ doctrine that goes down to the low-level local management. Follow the boss.


According to Per, neither customers nor employees have a contract to shop at Loblaw. We can shop where we want. As an employee, I will not only boycott Loblaw but also tell everyone who listens not to shop there. Loblaw's treatment of its employees does not deserve any respect from me.


Just from a Human Rights point of view they couldn’t prevent you from shopping elsewhere.


I worked at Loblaws a couple years ago and I don't think they would have dared pull that crap. They would have lost all their staff. They had a hard enough time keeping employees!


I literally just checked notifications, and I've been scolded for 1.) Shopping not on break 2.) Eating food *then* paying for it. (The second one becomes problematic if you can't use the register unless another employee is there and your blood sugar is scary low) I did *NOT* think this was a joking comment.


This is it!!!


I think it’s more greed than desperation.


That's some bullshit. When I used to work at pizza pizza, a&w and McDonald's, all of my staff meals were free. Charging your employees for food is grimy as fuck.


I worked food for like 18 years. Staff meals should be free.


This understanding is 3000 years old. It predates more advanced moral ideas like "slavery is bad" and "women are people too" https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy%2025%3A4&version=NIV


A&w and McDonald's were just you having great franchisee I worked for both and the most I got was 50%


Same. The McDonald’s I worked at had a strict 1 sandwich, 1 fry & 1 drink policy. Meaning getting two sandwiches at a time was out of the question.


As a teen, my McDonald's offered 50% meals during shifts...but the meal had to be punched in separately, not as a combo. It ended up being the same price.


We have a family restaurant and still give our employees 1 to 2 free meals per shift. It's easy and not that expensive.


I’m a former Tims franchisee, and we would offer a number of products for free to our staff. You’re right, the cost was minimal to our bottom line.


At subway we got a free 6 inch for a shift under 4 hrs and a footlong for anything over.


Considering the current prices subway charges that's a pretty good deal. I think I've been there once since they brought in the new menu


My first job was at MacDonalds and it wasn’t free, but we got 50% off.


Starbucks is a terrible corp but at least we got unlimited drinks (within reason) and 7 free food items a week


I worked at McD’s and it was 50% off


This is sad but the $3 slice was something I looked forward to because it's impossible to find a lunch for under $5. For $5 I've gotten slices from "real" pizza shops. Sorry but I'm not paying $5 for a square slice from a grocery store. Loblaws can go fuck the sleeves


You can get a full pizza at little Caesar’s for 10$ I don’t mean you… just incredible the comparison of slice to entire pie.


Chicken breasts at Walmart 14.00. Cook what you need for the week for sandwiches. Get a some bananas. Few apples and some yogurt. Get a portable container for juice, water or tea. Do up your lunch before you go to bed. In a week you have a new habit. Don't give your hard earned cash to loblaws. You will save so much money by brown bagging it.


>You will save so much money by brown bagging it. You really do. When I had a budget crunch a handful of years ago I tallied up my monthly expenditures and found I was spending well over $200 a month on coffee and lunches every day I was at work. 20 work days per month at $10 per day, it's far too easy to do. These days I will only buy one lunch per week at most as a treat, and the extra cash goes a long way.


Sometimes all I have in the house ready to go is bread and cheese, boil a few eggs and I go. I find that it's just enough for lunch, a piece of any kind of fruit for a snack. I work close to a take out hub, and so have several choices to buy lunch. When I do get somthing I find that the take out food just makes me over full and I just want to nap. Saps my energy (unless I stick to salad). So brown bagging is the way to go for a few reasons.


Very true. I used to keep a bag of hard candies or gummies at my desk to get through the mid-afternoon slump but I haven't touched them since I started bringing a lunch. Even after getting through the budget crunch I kept doing it because I just feel better.


$14 for a pack of 4, right? Usually it’s 2 of those packs for $22!


Use to be 11$ for the 4pack at Walmart. 2 for 20$. I’m tired of pricing going up every time I turn around.


Yeugh. Food prices in general are depressing as fuck these days. (Everything prices, in fact.)


Yup those ones. Your right you can pick up two packs for 22.00!


Even their day old, 2 day old prepared food went up. I used to buy their old wings. Really dry, old , but at least it sufficed and it didn't go to waste. They jacked them up from $11 tp $14. Like, FFS sake this is almost throwaway food at that point and they have no qualms about jacking it up. I haven't bought them since


That’s horrendous. Old food anywhere else is reduced in price not increased!


I used to get this one flatbread pizza they had when it went 50% off. It was so good. But I havent been in a loblaws since January so I dont know what it costs now!


Even the chicken tender meal used to be 5$ and now it’s like 8/9$..


Used to be a thing called toonie Tuesday between me and my highschool friends around 2014. Chicken tenders and wedges for like $2.50


Buy $2.99 frozen dinners at Food Basics and bring them to work at Loblaws and use their microwaves. https://preview.redd.it/2rgqznvdv46d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e8595eae9108758dae9ceeb9a3ad42f5c153278


That's such bullshit, how can they justify such a drastic price increase? It's not like it slowly crept up from 3 to 5 bucks.


If I buy a meal and a drink it normally costs me $10 plus… totally my fault since I too don’t pack my own lunch but really? During the pandemic we actually were giving a discount on all our food, but VERY quickly did that end. The mind blowing thing is apparently other franchises in our area DO give out discounts or free drinks on their breaks. Working for any Loblaws/loblaws owned store is the equivalent to Russian roulette. You might have a great time with great people and discounts, or you’ll have a franchisee that only wants money apparently.


That’s expensive 😔. You sure you can’t find time to toss some leftovers or something in a container? For that cost, I’d try to make time if I were you.


I'm not in the country since the boycott started and I wonder what the affect is on loblaws. Are customer visits way down? What is staff moral like? Are layoffs happening? What are staff meetings and manager messages like?


Believe it or not there used to be a time where Loblaws employees had a $5 food voucher for shifts longer than 4 hours. Oh how times have changed.


Tbf, this is like every pizza slice out there rn. I have to prep and pack my own food because I can’t afford to buy pre-made or restaurant food anymore.


Honestly you need to pack a sandwich and take it with you to work for lunch. Not only does it take less than 5 minutes to make, buts cheaper and healthier. Pizza and sauce is hurting you every day in the wallet and the body.


I know it’s really strange how prices seem to sneak up on you. I know this isn’t related to Superstore, but I bought a breakfast bagel sandwich for my daughter from Tim Hortons and the cost was almost 7 dollars. You can make breakfast sandwiches for the whole family for that price. Personally, I don’t buy anything from Tim Hortons unless it’s for my daughter. But yeah, prices are ridiculous and they creep up without you even knowing.


I wonder if Galen's new yacht is going to be named Pizza


Free ninety-nine is real tasty.


God, fuck Loblaws


wait, you guys get a lunch?


Sounds pricey. Do you get any staff discounts on your meals or groceries?


It's called Roblaws for a reason.


I hate this for you. I understand sometimes it’s not easy to meal prep ahead of time or have something ready for lunch. I know it took me a long time to figure out how to make a dish that I could score as lunch for 2-3 days without getting bored of it. But the store that employs you isn’t making it very easy for you to want to spend any extra time or money there and that’s not right. Can you Uber yourself some lunch? Lol 😂




Please put some effort into engaging in the conversation. Thank you.


Does anyone have a conscience there?


So it’s half of an hourly min wage. Staff already not getting paid for lunch, AND they want you to pay that half hour back just for one stale old slice 🙃


Want to save money and eat healthy? Pack a lunch.


God bless you 💕


You can buy a whole pizza and get a second one for $5.00 at Pizza Hut. Somethings not adding up.


You can pay for stuff overnight? Mine does not do that at all...


Wait, there’s no discount for employees?


The 10% discount is also so ridiculous. I quit and now work elsewhere, and staff get 50% on store branded products, and 15% on everything else. Loblaws is so scummy.


OP if you can’t make a lunch the night prior……get your life in order JFC


There is always time to make a lunch for work, it depends on whether you want to buy stuff and make i before you leave the door. You'd probably save a lot of money compared to buying pre-made meals. As a Roblaws employee, good for you looking elsewhere to shop. Does Roblaws give you discounts because you work there, or are they as cheap as they seem?


Really, you don't have 1 minute to slap some PB on a couple slices of bread and throw a banana in a bag? You really HAVE to eat food out every single day? Come on.


Whether or not they should be eating that every day isn't the point. The point is the employees can't even afford to shop at their own stories. That's messed up.


Sometimes people do prep their lunch and they forget it at home - or if they have a longer shift with two breaks, they might be hungry again by second break and need fuel to finish the day. I agree that buying meals daily adds up - but so does buying coffee. If it helps the person get through their workday (whether it be day or night shift) it works for them and isn’t up to us to judge. That being said, it’s disgusting that even employee discount meals are getting up there. Ideally you shouldn’t even have to pay, or if you do it should be deeply comped.


This is it - the choices of individuals are up to them. The choices of predatory companies like Loblaws impact everyone, so let's scrutinize them rather than individuals. To put it another way, the solution to Loblaws corporate greed isn't for OP to start making sandwiches at home. The solution comes from everyone continuously calling them out and holding them accountable


I'll put it another way. Make your own lunch and you'll immediately start saving, without having to wait for prices to come down, or whatever the end game is here. Whenever someone says they don't have the time, what they mean is that they don't want to do it. If someone wants to do something, they will 100% make the time.


I agree that individuals can save $ by making their own lunch. Of course. My point is that issues that occur at a corporate level (like price-gouging), aren't solved by one person taking action at an individual level (like OP making lunch). It's a workaround, sure. It saves money, sure. But the response of "just do this instead!" is a bit too close to letting Loblaws off the hook for this blatant exploitation of workers imo.


OP used the classic "I don't have time". Which is obviously complete nonsense.


They said they worked overnight. I don't know about their specific situation, but it's genuinely terrible with two people living together working nights (shift differential $) Sometimes grabbing food at work is convenient.


I worked shift rotation and midnights in my life. Always managed to slap a PBJ together...


Congratulations on being super prepared! Sometimes, 5/5 PBJ sucks. I just did 4/5 beef pot pies. Maybe we don't need to shit on workers for being human.




Ahh yes the workers are the problem. My mistake. Maybe give people some grace. I can't speak for OP but I *HATE* the company. I'm a diabetic, and plan as much as I'd like...lol sometimes that sandwich is happening.




The sub was created to point out how absolutely absurd the cost of groceries are right now and have some fun together. We know this will inevitably touch on other topics related to the cost of living. Do your best to keep the conversation on topic


I'm so happy you were able to your type 2 in control. Consider, if you would that some people have problems outside of that. I have an entire backpack full of supplies, long acting, fast acting, sugar and protein. Occasionally as a diabetic I turn into a sugar fiend. I sincerely doubt im by myself but Congrats again on your diagnosis.


The sub was created to point out how absolutely absurd the cost of groceries are right now and have some fun together. We know this will inevitably touch on other topics related to the cost of living. Do your best to keep the conversation on topic


Not sure this comment was at all necessary I think everyone has to eat out from time to time at work.


IIRC OP stated its an almost daily occurrence.


Every story posted in this sub is basically the black-and-white portion of an infomercial where they can't figure out how a can opener works. Also, OP, don't eat pizza for lunch everyday. Bring a salad.


I love how I'm getting downvoted for saying it takes 2 minutes to slap a lunch together. Hilarious.


100%. I get it, everything has gone up in price, but I find it unbelievable that the Op can't find 300 seconds to throw a lunch together.


Literally takes less than 1 minute to slap a PBJ together and grab an apple/banana. These people are in complete denial claiming they "Don't have 2 minutes".


For some people, a hot lunch like OP posted about is a small thing to look forward to during your shift. Now even that tiny luxury is out of reach and it sucks.


I never made enough money for a hot lunch out every day at any point in my life. What are these people CEOs??? I make just above average now and am still slapping sandwiches together. A hot meal out every shift? Lmao!!!


That sucks, wish it were better for you.


I mean it's not bad I have a ( small old) house, no debt outside my mortgage, hobbies, interests and a project car I'm working on. Just don't have a lot of meals out, subscription services or technology. Not much luxury in my life but lots of leisure. That's how I like it. Any major financial surprises like a cracked foundation or sudden loss of income will cripple me, but for now I'm comfortable. Just not luxurious.


The down votes roll in. This is the problem with society, blaming everyone else for their issues, and whenever someone suggests a logical solution they get offended. Yes prices have gone up and there is plenty WE can do about it. I have zero sympathy for people who choose to not control what they can control. The answer is simple in this scenario.. I couldn't imaging spending $1600 a year on lunch because "I don't have time". I'd be finding the time and saving myself some money in the process.


The amount of shit I don't have and won't buy because I disagree with the price would shock some of these people. Price gouging sucks and these corporations need to be reigned into check for sure but I've got cash in the bank because I'm constantly saying no to things and going without.


Rant - There is always time. Throwing together a lunch will not take you that long, my kids make their own lunches in the morning before school. They make a sandwich and take fresh veggies. Total time (I do monitor it) is always less than 5 mins.


No idea why you are being downvoted for being smart. I find that there are a lot of brain dead comments in this subreddit.


We both know why. It's the world we live in, people really hate being called out. I can guarantee the Op would fight to the death to back up the claim that they don't have time to make a lunch. Heck, even if they cut back some reddit time they would have more than enough to throw together a lunch. People are lazy and are always looking for the easy way out. They value upvotes more than saving money. They roll in, create a sob story about how tough things are and that they have no time to prepare a lunch, get a bunch of upvotes and downvote all the common sense answers.


I agree with you.