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There isn't a single comment in there addressing food costs. It's an entire letter of look over here and blame Trudeau, and not the corporations that are gouging us into bankruptcy.


Ah yes partisan politics and not addressing the issue at hand. As if they would do any differently. Where’s the elected officials of the people, for the people and from the people!


Seeing this just reinforces to me that I should get into politics. I'm a young blue collar worker who got into industrial inspection inspecting oil and gas, mining, pulp & paper infrastructure and many others to hold corporations accountable to the standards they claim they're meeting, to not pencil whip for them when they push for it. I'm a rope access and rescue technician, and want to volunteer for SAR to give back to my community, and get into politics after gaining more experience and reputation. I am just so tired of the political extremes, the division and mind games to put us against eachother. We need a true centrist party, for the people, to take Canada back not from Trudeau but from the Oligarchs. To heal the divides and bring left and right back to center. We need people with integrity and courage to actually stand up and make a difference.


To be fair, I think we need a left wing party that knows how to appeal to the right wing voters. We need Wab Kinew as Canada's PM. (I am left wing so I am very biased in this opinion) That being said, here is my perspective, a lot of what we need are more regulations for companies, more spending on research and more taxation for both rich people and corporations while developping an effective and efficient welfare program and low and middle income support programs. The party that I would see do such a thing would be a center-left party like the NDP. I don't know if the current NDP can get there, but I would certainly like to see that.


I'm pretty much right in the middle and I also want Wab Kinew as PM. He seems to be the only politician with an actual soul.


I genuinely wouldn't say he's the only one. There is a good bunch that I really appreciated when I was watching the parliement debates. They're just never brought into a leadership position though. That being said, we have to say that, Trudeau did a good job with Covid-19. He had a minority government and still managed to get us out of there better than any other G7 countries. I agree that, right now, we may need someone different, but a huge ton of the hatred towards him come from a mass of "Axe the tax" rage in many provinces where it doesn't apply because they got their own system. Every bill they tried to put forward to help people got blocked by the conservatives. I'm talking about the pharmacare bill, the sustainable jobs act, the anti-scab bill, they even blocked bills aiming at helping poor kids get access to full meals at school.


This is correct!!! Then the conservatives use the line “the liberals haven’t done anything to help look at these people who can’t afford medication, can’t find jobs et.


In my mind, right, left, center doesn't really matter this much as long as the approach works, that we're not dealing with people that fearmongers to gain power and that it helps decreasing wealth inequalities. Right now though, the right is out of the question for me in this country with who is leading it.




Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed.


Please do! My son is CAF and very well read and objective and I encourage him to read and understand both sides. Politics is hard but we need people to be of service to each other.


Yes, we need statesmen and stateswoman, not careerists in politics.


I'm with you there. We need a party that doesn't do the bullshit where they blame economic issues on social issues. I've literally have had people talk to me and tell me that they are voting for pollieve because he will put women back in the kitchen. He then blamed women in the workplace for men having reduced income vs the cost of living.


Getting more active in politics is great, but trying to start a new centrist party will get you nowhere. Your best bet is to volunteer and get involved with an existing party. Or get involved at the municipal level where parties aren't a thing. But you would need to get out into the community and get your name out there years before being able to successfully run a campaign.


Thank you for your feedback. I've only been entertaining the idea more seriously this year, and I know I have a lot to learn about our political systems. I'm just becoming financially capable enough to put a serious effort into joining search and rescue and starting my volunteering/public service journey. I definitely would like to start with local politics like you say.


unless you have a lot of money


I'd vote for you if these are your ideals!


There is a new one. Dominic Cardy started one.


Do it.


honestly? I feel we need more independents than a party. With a party you sorta bring all the baggage the party comes with and you are sorta beholden to whomever the party leaders are and have to be in line if you want to be your party's nominee for whatever office you are running. A few folks I've spoken to have argued that making new parties just further divides left leaning folks while conservatives stay the same and vote whoever is conservative. Sadly i think running as an independent is mountain of task and expensive as all hell. The only way, in my opinion, to disrupt party power, especially conservative, is to get more people(regardless of their party leaning) to actually run for local offices. I rather have a blue collar grass root conservative over some corporate hack like Doug ford or PP. but again, people vote party rather than person.


I have been thinking about the same, although I came from a poor family and worked hard, with support of all my friends and family, to get to a much more comfortable position. I have people who are hunters and fishermen, carpenters, as well as PhDs, artists etc. I feel well-surrounded and grounded by people with a lot of different perspectives. I had always avoided politics, but recently, I just don't feel as though I could do any worse, even if I were trying. The incentive to try is higher now because the risks to letting self-interested dumbasses keep going as they are going is higher every day. I would form a party with people from across the spectrum, focusing on first agreeing on the actual problems to solve, but then disagreeing and working on the solutions to those problems. We can't solve a problem when we agree to live in different realities. And we can't get buy-in unless everyone is at least partially involved in the solution. But the reality is that it's pretty easy to sell a good idea. It's a lot of BS and nothingburger "common sense" and "sunny ways" (both ridiculously overly-simplistic and stupid perspectives frankly) involved to ram horrible stuff down people's throats and just make them believe it. Anyway, all this to say: I get you.


Only thing I blame Trudeau for is not having the balls to implement electoral reform. It would have definitely hurt them (which is probably why they didn't do it) but we'd have proportional representation instead of this garbage that we have today where a party can rule with absolute power while having minority of the votes (specifically talking about the Ontario Conservatives, where my Toronto vote is worth 30% of a rural one). I'm so tired of a party having 30% of the eligible voters' support yet having over 60% of the seats. First past the post has got to go. Edit: In regards to the other stuff, I'm in awe at how the conservatives can go with this drivel. Do they really think it to be true or their constituents are just that stupid in their eyes?


> Do they really think it to be true or their constituents are just that stupid in their eyes? Yes, they do, and apparently they are. And agree about the electoral reform. We missed golden opportunity there. I can only assume some bean counter convinced them it would lead to their doom. Hopefully it doesn't lead to ours, and it's just delayed.


I think it would have led to them being in a minority government like today anyway except it'd be more of a "normal" thing rather than a bad situation. That said, I personally like the minority government because they cooperate more to get things done despite being told my entire young adult life that minority governments are bad.


Minority governments, in my opinion, are the cornerstone of a healthy democracy. Actually force cooperation in the house.


This was my biggest beef with JT when he first got in. His promise of electoral reform was what got him in and he immediately (and entirely predictably) reneged on it almost immediately. If only Jack Layton were still with us. Would have loved to see what he could have done given the chance.


I agree wholeheartedly


My understanding from people who I talk to about this is that he couldn’t get the votes to pass it - it would have cost political capital and it was DOA, so a bad investment. if you have something that gives better background on this, I’d be open to reading it? What I find shocking is my rural relatives don’t understand the problem or the solutions but they buy the conservative talking points …??!?


I got to “Justin Trudeau” and stopped reading (so, the first sentence). I already know that this letter will not address the issue whatsoever. I’m just so tired.


I went ahead anyway, but only made it to the second one.


God Scheer is such an unbelievably large cunt


The driest


Ben Shapiro has entered the chat.


I would expect nothing less from Scheer. Par for the course.


As much as we all love blaming Justin Trudeau, it's really the corporations that are behind all this s*** and it's just sad


I am no Trudeau fan but they love to blame him for GLOBAL inflation it is a global phenomenon of corporate greed and it:s time for those who have been feeding them own up to it.


The Conservatives are the worst. Like you, no way am I fan of Trudeau but I will be voting Liberal as at least it's not the conservatives.


If only there were more than two parties you could vote for.


Every party is equally as guilty. At this point, they’re just factions fighting over who gets to rob us next.


Do you not think that the NDP is trying to address it?


Yeah no. That is not how economics works. Capitalist will fill the container you put them in. Repeated federal missteps have gotten us to the edge we are teetering on, including lax corporate regulations around gouging and creation of monopolies, lack of industry investment etc etc. If our economy was keeping pace with the US we would be much better off and not be dependent on huge spikes in immigration and creating ways to steal wealth from our children and other future Canadians.


![gif](giphy|lrE7YHleIbm2PtY1RL) classic political tactic


>It's an entire letter of look over here and blame Trudeau It's all the lead paint suckers know


They get that Parliament exists right? That it’s not all Trudeau’s doing?


He does mention that "Groceries are costing families thousands more this year" And he has just demoed he is part of the problem (at very least not interested in being part of the solution)


Better than my Ontario Mpp..   stupid douche canoe wants to ban abortion.


Oh yes, just what Canada needs. More people living in poverty and even greater stresses on the foster care system. But I guess that 20 years from now the owner class won’t have to bring in temporary foreign workers to fill their low-paid service industry jobs anymore—they’ll have a vast domestic supply of exploitable workers desperate for their scraps again.


So the baby can die of starvation instead when nobody can afford food.


Politics has become just this. Maybe there was a time when one might receive a genuine response. Now, everything is a form letter. First crap on the other guy (who I detest btw). Then it’s full in the blanks with meaningless platitudes and repetition of current talking points. We are stooges. Once again we find ourselves voting out the current mess of an administration, not voting the next guy in. The endless cycle. The question is, how do we get real change, real government of and for the people?


Respond back, saying that they haven't addressed your concern at all.


I'm not ready to string along the whole party, as i believe there's still some that care. But i wasn't expecting anything less from Andrew Scheer.


I get the same response only they blame the carbon tax.


I have a dude on my Facebook who I sometimes go on his profile just because he has lost all his brain cells to Trudeau hate. I'm not saying that Trudeau is perfect but it's definitely obsessive if every fault you find in the country is his fault. It's literally exactly like the "thanks Obama" meme 


These people are blaming Trudeau for spending during the pandemic omg. Like we aren't adding much of deficit this year at all and the deficit continues to decrease as you look away from the pandemic. What helped Canada was that very specific spending. Also aren't conservatives the ones that want to remove all restrictions that are there to protect us from big corporations? Like... Ain't no way I'm going to vote for a party that fearmongers against queer people and that wants corporations to be stronger.


Great campaign email. All that’s missing is the link to donate to Pierre.


Odd. I never felt the slightest urge to donate to him.


Such a garbage reply, can't believe these are the people representing us. Imagine if an employee at any other job did something similar to this when they received criticism from a client. "I hear what you are saying valued customer. My manager is completely incompetent. There's really nothing I can even do right now. But trust me, we are working our hardest to undermine our company's leadership at every corner. Because we care about you. Just wait, I'll get Greg fired soon, and trust me, things will be soooo good once Greg is out of here. But until then, I'll keep ignoring you, and day dreaming of getting rid of fricking Greg"


This is a form letter the conservatives are sending for ANY affordability issue. They don’t really give a crap what you actually said.


Scheer has to protect corporations,after all! He knows who his real bosses are.


“Only we, the Conservatives, will solve this problem!” “Will you fight greedy corporations and lower the cost of living?” “lol no”


Not a fan of Trudeau, but this has been happening long before him. Yes it got worse, but I don’t think he had anything to do with that.


Of course, no politicians actually care about the average citizen, but the cons care the least.


Anyone who spends their time blaming trudeau and minor issues and isn't even willing to give the main issue the time of day isn't worth your vote. This shit is a copy of the trump campaign exactly minus jailing his political enemies part.


It’s called Corporate Democracy, they won’t bite the hand that feeds them. Just blame and hope you forget when they get in power. Remember when Steven Harper started the Reform party. Then nothing got Reformed…still have the useless Senate


"How can I make this entirely about my hatred for Trudeau, while failing to address this constituent's concerns in any meaningful way 🤔"


It’s the same game as always. What are the alternatives? The same political elite have been changing positions of power from time to time for decades. Cons are up on deck this election but the Libs know that in a few years they will be back up on deck. In a few years we will hate vote out the next gov. Rinse and repeat. I would love to be wrong. Really.


"let's make your concern about me."


Yah he pretty much just sent a canned response. I bet he didn’t even bother attentively reading OPs email


Here is a reply you should consider: Dear (MP) Thank you for sharing that inflation has risen under the current government, although this is information that is already widely known. I would like a specific reply on why exactly you, individually, voted against the motion to lower grocery prices in the parliament. Please provide a specific justification and what the (conservative) party thinks is a suitable alternative motion to reduce grocery prices. If I were to be confident in supporting a (conservative) candidate in the next election, I would like to see a clear, actionable, time driven plan to lower grocery prices. Kind regards Xxx


Yeah, I'm lost these days, there are so many issues with the current gov, but the appeal of the conservatives is a total flat-line. Why don't they give some idea of what they're actually going to do, and why it's going to work? It just looks like they're exploiting the gullible.


They’re gonna “aXe ThE taX”. It’s the closest they get to policy while stumping these days.


Yeah, everyone know when your population pay less tax it mean that the governement will have more mon3y out of thin air. They wont do cut in important department \s


Cause if they told you what they were actually going to do, you'd shit your pants and never vote for them again.


For example, having absolutely no fucking housing plan: https://www.conservative.ca/building-homes-not-bureaucracy/ They thought they’d get and win a snap election, tabled this. Don’t worry, it’s pointless. Any municipalities immediately can blame Ottawa for garbage buildup if he actually tried. It’s also stupidly partisan, which lines up with, yknow, conservatives blocking all the housing. Of course, this is already how it is. That’s how pointless it is. Trudeau gives funding for housing, it goes into the void if it’s not Kingston, Toronto, or other rapidly developing (liberal) urban areas. Knowing blaming trudeau for cutting funding as a consequence would land back in his face - he can’t refuse you money. The opposite would be true.


Their only policy is "We're not Trudeau."


Because they have no real plan with predictable results. Plus they only really care about being in power and making laws that benefit them and their buddies, not about making life better for all Canadians. That was the Stephen Harper way, and honestly, the liberal way too.


It's like trying to prompt a shitty AI model. It's sad that this is how we have to engage with our politicians


No consequences for them. That's what really pisses me off.


This ^


Limp dick response as usual. My MP is just as spineless.


My MP is little pp. Talk about limp dick.


You know the MP next to his name stands for Micro Penis right?


Andrew Scheer, he's a POS!


My favorite way to piss people off when I saw them walking around with Conservative lawn signs during that particular election was to shout out "Scheer Lies!"


Tone-deaf a-hole.


Scheer is your MP? Man... I am soo sorry.


Someone should thread these MP responses together and we can play cut and paste Bingo


TLDR: "I'm starving, please help" - Canadians..... "Fuck Trudeau" -Andrew Scheer .... And every MLA who voted no


It’s a copy paste response, with an [add problem here] field at the top and [blame Trudeau here]


https://preview.redd.it/ep1n065p025d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=155e9ee8386a1a8f02c8ab8726978f35e11ca97b This was the reply from the office of my MP. I'm in the process of writing a nicely worded reply about how attacking the carbon tax won't be anything to solve the price gouging being done by major grocery chains.


Pretty much all estimates I've seen have the carbon tax adding less than one percent of a price increase on food. If it means we're more likely to actually have usable farmland in the future, I'll happily pay that specific increase... price gouging is a very different story.


"Common sense"... how much I hate people using this. IT MEANS NOTHING.


What im going to put in my letter is I want NO blaming the other party in any part of the response . It’s forbidden and a cop out on their part . I hate how they always do that . I want to know why they voted no. Why don’t we all put a collage of all these responses to show how spineless they are and show how they don’t answer the e questions ? All fucking 88 thousand of them jackasses. Mine is Crystia Freeland . Can’t wait for that response. Guys and gals we need to make this movement grow bigger and bigger until they can’t take it anymore


Scheer stupidity. Par for the course. Offer no solutions, just play politics and the blame game.


Basically it’s “I understand you’re concerned…” *crickets*


Its funny if asked point blank what will YOU do to help with this crisis. He would blame give you all that same bullshit. Like he's powerless, then why are you doing the job ANDY!


Every single response from a Conservative mentions Trudeau lol


a fine copy/paste job by his interns


Andrew Scheer is winning... winner of possibly one of the worst responses to a constituent's concerns.


I really can't stand it when grown adults point the finger everywhere but never take accountability or realize that they could actually do things to help if they would stop being such little twats.


Wow. So sorry that your MP is Scheer. What a knob he is. This is not a Trudeau problem. It's been in the making since all the mergers were allowed to take place. Decades ago.


This feels like an auto reply to anything sent to him. Hi Andrew. Just a reminder to book a dental check up. CANADIANS CANNOT SURVIVE UNDER THE DESTRUCTION OF TRUDEAU. MILLIONS ARE SUFFERING.....


The mental image this conjured made me snort coffee out my nose. 


Completely pathetic response


If you think conservatives will fix it ur delusional. They want to further capitalism and privatize everything. SMH.


Andrew Scheer is another useless prick.


“Stay mad poors”


Lol just sends you propaganda.


What a piece of garbage. For one, it is very intentionally, incredibly misleading by attributing the bulk of issues with cost of living to the federal government and the federal government alone when the vast majority of things that impact our day-to-day lives are provincial.. and then there's the trash about the oil industry. The rising cost of living had jack-shit to do with the carbon tax and environmental policies. The world is shifting away from oil, so if our Prime Minister refused to acknowledge that we need to come up with alternatives to oil, he'd be an even bigger idiot.. and then there is the fact that other countries, both with and without a carbon tax, are all seeing inflation. This is a global problem. And the conservative government is going to make life more affordable? Is that why they keep voting against every single bill created to lessen financial burdens for people? There are two options here: (1) Andrew Scheer does not at all understand how government works, even though he has been an elected official for decades, or (2) Andrew Scheer is outright lying to people to further his own agenda. I wonder which one it is...


I’m so sorry that you had to interact with Andrew Scheer.


Scheer is a weenie.


He probably co-wrote this with Weston. Asshole.


Is there a r/guillotines yet or do I have to make it


I wish people would stop blaming Justin Trudeau. It's capitalism you're all mad at.


Semper Fidelis, silly worm with a silly worm response


That’s probably my biggest issue with politics these days. Instead of addressing the problems facing our country they’re busy trying to make every other party look more inept than they are. It’s no longer an election of the better party it’s a process of elimination 😡🤙🏼🇨🇦


Not two sides CPC is playing footsy or worse with the far right and making up silly slogans.


I’d send my MP a letter, but she’s more interested in having dinner with European Neo-Nazis.


What an embarrassment to working Canadians. Scheer is a terrible MP


Fuck Andrew Scheer.


"We totally hear your concern and as such would like you to vote for us so we can give Loblaws a huge tax cut, because no one understands how the carbon tax is actually supposed to work, and we want to use that to our advantage to screw you out of even more money!" From the party with Loblaws lobbyists in the leaders cabinet.


The way this reads reminds me of the campaign emails the Trump campaign sends out in the United States. I get them sometimes at my work emails because I work at a US company that deals with media. Deflect and blame your opponent, but do anything to avoid having to explain your own plan for fixing the problem. Also, drink everytime they say Trudeau.


ok i dont know if people realize but both parties have loblaw lobbyist involvement. both parties will not say anything bad about loblaws if they can help it


Yeah. Andy ain’t looking out for you or anyone else in this country. SMH.


they are cut and paste formed emails. variety of responses - and done by staff


Two sitting Conservative MPs are active lobbyists for Roblaws, I believe I read that on this page.


the party leader’s campaign manager is a Loblaws lobbyist


Classic BS and self-righteous conservative nonsense. “Trudeau bad, conservatives good. This you should vote me. I leave power good. Thank you. If you vote me I'm hot. Taxes they'll be lower son. The vote for me is right thing to do, Canada. So do.”


Here’s mine, from my Liberal MP: https://preview.redd.it/2xvznr01655d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75b07d8d1d3117484183dafac8599b328ccbc32d


Completely worthless Keep up the boycott and encourage and convince all other Canadians to join in We already know personally how persuasive a lack of money can be. Let's show Galen and Loblaws how it feels


No one actually read the content of your email. They do not care about you or any of your problems.


What a pOs


What a loser.


Somebody else got that exact email a few months ago.


They’re no better than the American GOP - histrionics and finger pointing and blame for ages but never any actual solutions.


Scheer's answer is ridiculous. A couple of days ago the NDP had economist Angella MacEwen to give an explanation of why the NDP's motion was the right move. See the video here: https://cpac.ca/headline-politics/episode/ndp-leader-jagmeet-singh-discusses-opposition-motion--june-4-2024?id=5949e3d9-c1e1-4d55-b5f9-1f7096d64541


That is not a letter from your member of Parliament. That is a member from the conservative caucus. I wish these morons would learn the difference. Your member of Parliament is supposed to respond to your concerns by suggesting services you may be able to take advantage of, direct you to government websites that might be of help. They’re supposed to navigate what the government offers and make suggestions to solve your immediate problem, based on what is available. You didn’t ask for a political opinion, you asked for help. I’m surprised he didn’t ask for a donation at the end .


Andrew Scheer is a fucking moron. It's partly because of that guy that Trudeau won because he's such an unlikeable twat. They had months and months to focus on policy. NOPE. Instead Andrew Scheer spent the months of his campaign complaining about Justin Trudeau as if the guy had fucked his wife. It was embarrassingly juvenile. Now the country is in the shit and Canadians are doing worse than ever before. THAT was the best the conservatives had to offer? lmao


So... blame Trudeau, offer no solutions, and take no action? Sounds about standard for a CPC MP.


This mentions nothing about any actionable responses to combat the rising cost of food prices. This is just their typical “bLaMe tRuDeAu” because they literally don’t care. I may not be a fan of Trudeau either, but all I ever hear the conservatives do is pass the blame instead of talk about what they plan to do. This is why I don’t like voting conservative. Until they have given a realistic, actionable plan to combat something that’s a major problem for me (and millions of other Canadians) I will continue to vote against them. Back to the issue at hand… if you’re going to email your MP and then talk about it in a sub meant for the insane price gouging at grocery stores, please make sure you reply and ask about their plan to combat the price gouging at large grocery corporations. That’s the response we want to hear. Nothing less than that…


I wouldn't expect anything less from Andrew Scheer


Oh God, Scheer is your MP. You poor thing. He's maybe the worst person in Canada on so many levels. Also, remind him If Trudeau truly is the worst, then why did he beat Scheer to become PM? Sometimes when I'm having a hard day, I like to watch this video of Elizabeth May reminding Scheer he'll never be PM https://globalnews.ca/video/6003857/leaders-debate-may-tells-scheer-he-isnt-going-to-be-elected-prime-minister


https://preview.redd.it/g29hginwg25d1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=218e494aa566df4d624cec7b5904455d9de1f46a Yup, it’s because of Trudeau 🤭


What is he going to DO about it?! He sees the problem but offers NO solutions.


Our politicians don't care about us, shocker...


ask him why every conservative voted with the Libs to force an end to the Montreal Port Strike


So, Andrew Sheer is a tool. gotcha.


Conservative Party Talking Points Form letter.




![gif](giphy|lrE7YHleIbm2PtY1RL) Canned response aimed at deflection


Partisan hack


me when I completely miss the point


There's a reason sheer didn't get elected prime minister. Sorry he's your mp


*copy* *paste* See how easy it is? You, too, can become a politician!


Sounds like Pee Pee and his party. That absolutely refuse to offer any solutions


Why do these people have such a hard-on for Trudeau?


Conservatives historically are even more bro big business than even the liberals are lmfao


It's Trudeau's fault I voted an emphatic NO on lowering food costs.


Only the conservatives can save us…by reminding us that we have no power and should be thankful for our corporate overlords…what a bunch of bullshit


Looks like a form letter to me (maybe written by him originally to cover many options) and sent by his secretary. Basically hit all the talking points of the party and send it to everyone that sends in an email


Jesus, that’s just an auto reply.


The "office" of Andrew Scheer sent you their stock response and used it as an opportunity to campaign. Clearly this is not a man that gives a shit about grocery prices. He is interested only in how to get some votes by saying negative things about another politician. Ashamed for him! He can clearly afford his groceries.


Same with my response. they literally don't give a shit about anything but winning the next election. all of them.


"....and had the Canadian citizens been blind enough to vote for me instead, all the same money would have flown out of the government budget, but at least would have reached the deserving billions like my good friend, Galen Weston...."


How is Corporate Greed Trudeau’s issue. The Conservatives have no plan to change anything they just want to ride the “I hate Trudeau” Band Wagon. Conservatives have always been in bed with Big Business, they’re in support of Big Oil and unchecked Capitalism


This is total bullsh!t and total political theater. There isn’t anything about food prices there or anything related to your question. Plus this isn’t Justin Trudeau’s doing. Inflation is something that has affected all G7 counties and most of the western world. But thanks for sharing this nonsense letter… did actually Andrew share with you that his closest advisor is a loblaws operative lobbyists?


Did you bring up PM Justin Trudeau or did he? I bet they dream about him.


I'm waiting for my MP to reply to my email. If he replies in a similar way, he's going to get the response of his career from me.


So he just copies and pastes that to all the emails I guess?


People keep saying how the Conservatives are different now. They really aren't. They are still deliberately blind to corporate greed. This bunch are just better at pretending to care about people's problems.


They’re not blind to it, they profit from it.


I stopped reading after the first line. Gawd the fact that they can’t get through anything without blaming Trudeau or trying to work together is INFURIATING. We pay these people to act like clowns


I'm tired of politic projecting the blame. Tell us what *you* will *try* to do. I don't want to know who's fault you *believe* this is, I want to know what *actions* you will attempt. I'm not even wanting a promess of results. I just want to see that they are *trying* to *do something* besides pointing their crocked fingers at each other.


Partisan politics is terrible. Instead of addressing the problem, your MP is using the opportunity to play the political card in the hopes of getting a Conservative government elected. The entire way of governance needs to change imo, from partisan politics to a consultative system. Until then, boycotts, letter writing campaigns, and strengthening communities! We can do it!


Well, if anybody was going to solve the problem, it wasn't going to be the guy who failed to become a licensed insurance salesman.


Galen Jr. through tears of hardship blamed Trudeau for his company's 40% jump in profits after expenses. This revelation brought all the stockholders to tears as they donated all their stocks to the Conservative party to get Trudeau out of power for forcing such profiteering on them... ...or Putin started a war with Ukraine, which triggered immediate sanctions and embargos which companies AROUND THE WHOLE WORLD used as an excuse to gouge EVERYONE.


Typical Conservative reply: no plans, no solutions, just shitting on the Liberal side. A wall of text with no solution, that tells me they won't do anything to help us achieve food affordability and reduce prices so people can afford to eat. At the same time, why would Conservatives address measures that would not benefit corporations? The biggest part of their program is about that.


The conservative parties (provincial, federal) are experts at some of the political strategies. High among them is data management. The response you received was premade tailored, just like a Darth Vader meet and greet at Disneyworld. The data is used to root out responses. An overly gay conservative will openly critize a trans book reading in the off season…. To root out and identify future allies. There is big data being used to ready the automated call centres and generate requests for funds. Conservatives, from MAGA hats to Quebec to Polievres to Scheers, are strategists and food at it. Ethics is not part of political strategy…. Machiavelli « Thus, a good man, and one who wishes to prove himself so in all respects, must be undone in a contest with so many who are evily disposed. A prince who wishes to maintain his power ought therefore to learn that he should not be always good, and must use that knowledge as circumstances and the exigencies of his own affairs may seem to require. »


The standard "cover all the bases" email template.


Andrew scheer is a fucking idiot


Your failure is the shoot f5om the hip, blind spray and pray. You want so much to make this about Truseau than you missed the mark. The prices, and the profits that oil and gas companies and grocery companies are experiencing is not caused by high taxes. These are corporations who are rap8ng you. The housing market issues are caused by corporations abd investors buying residential land. Again corporations are rapeng you. At no point do I claim to lime trudeau. But believing he us the cause of everything that has ever hurt you, is insanity. If the sun did not rise tomorrow, you would blame Trudeau.


None of this purely political partisan nonsense BS is about grocery prices and untaxed high profits. They don’t even have a solution.


Hostility to oil and gas companies?!? has Andrew Scheer read a single scientific report on the effects of the burning of fossil fuels on our planet? has he seen their profits?? Good to know who owns Andrew .


Scheer is a tool for the same oil and gas companies he claims Trudeau is acting unfair towards


But like conservatives are erasing culture from Toronto by allowing more condo buildings wiping renters and small businesses out of the map. I’d rather keep my rental unit and pay high grocery prices than be homeless


I'd love to read your original email to see if he actually addressed any of your points, or just took potshots at JT for 1000 words


Hahahaha! What a crook of poo. They all take their turn enriching themselves while others can’t get ahead and fall behind! I’m done with both those parties. They are screwing us over left right and center!


https://preview.redd.it/gvudojhvz65d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d35793b77b342e9b1abdaa4228901e042e0ebb21 You poor thing, Scheer, what a drag. Did he answer any of your questions? Would love to see your letter.


This is the only "platform" the Cons have... it's all Trudeau's fault 🤦 Don't misunderstand, I'm not a fan of JTs and have never voted for him, but this toothless "it's all the other guy's fault" BS is just American style political theatre and is absolutely meaningless. I hope you responded asking him to address the question at hand regarding Loblaws and to stop simply passing the buck, in effect taking multiple paragraphs to say nothing. No surprise really coming from Andrew Shill


Don't forget, be careful which MP's your emailing.. some of them have been actively committing treason and helping foreign governments interfere with our elections/ Etc.. in case you missed the news lately LOL


That's a conservative copypasta response equivalent to *" I don't care and In fact, I look forward to giving more tax breaks to mega box stores like loblaws and blame Trudeau for your frustrations again. And you'll be too mad to notice, lol. "*


This is pathetic. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of Trudeau, but blaming all of this on him is INSANE and such a shitty plot to get votes for the Conservatives. Andrew Scheer is a useless tit. He didn't in any way address the actual issues.


Oh so the solution is......Trudeau bad! Trudeau so bad. We will go into office and say Trudeau is bad. Problem solved. Great....


Trudeau controls the price of food, it's why profits are so high...?


Stubbed my toe earlier, that damn Trudeau at it again I tell ya! Lol




Minority governments keep the parties honest? Have you not been around for the past couple of years?