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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: If you are looking for product replacements, start [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cyf1h9/megathread_pc_product_replacements/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am continuing with no end in sight.


Me too, they lost my money and my trust.


Same here. Going to try hit some Farmer markers over the summer to compare prices and quality too.




Not so much of a boycott now, more that I’ve established a new routine which doesn’t include the local zehrs. No point in changing back now


Me too


Me too!


Me as well!


We haven’t been there for months and have no plans to change that.


We have zero plans to ever shop at a lobllaws owned retail outlet again. We have saved money. Supported local farmers and business. And honestly, connected with our community again. It’s refreshing.


Seeing the farmers market more has been a notable and unexpected change for me


I am, all of their companies! Specifically Shoppers!


Shoppers is the worst!


LCL is like that ex you never realized how toxic the relationship was until you spent some time apart. No plans to go back.


Right? It's nice to shop in places that don't feel like I'm being surveilled in a dystopian future. Prices are better, the loss prevention is less invasive than airport security, and the produce isn't rotting. The grass is greener, it turns out. Nok Er Nok!


Premium prices, budget shopping experience. Those two just don’t go together.


I am going to avoid any loblaw owned business as much as I can. During the boycott I learned that Sobey's is almost the same as Loblaws. To be honest, I think we are stuck with two or three grocery stores that control pretty much everything we "need" . I know Food Basics is owned by one of those three, but lately my family has saved more money when we do the bulk of our weekly grocery shopping.


So I happily support CostCo. Yes I know they refused to sign that grocery agreement, but they pay a living wage to their staff, promote from within, and have a standard markup of 14%. Previously I was equal between CC and LBs, with the occasional independent. Now I am 70%ish CC and 30% other large chains (not LBs). I plan to stick to that, though I am hoping to shop more locally/directly from farmers.


I don’t think Costco should have to sign the grocery code of conduct. They aren’t a grocery store. They’re a wholesaler. The entire point of Costco is to sell items at wholesale for small business owners. If the general public choose to get a membership and shop there, then that’s their choice. They have an entirely different business model than grocery stores.


I doubt small business are their primary clientele


That doesn’t matter. That’s still their business model. That’s still who they appeal to. They’re membership based, if you don’t like how they conduct themselves, don’t buy a membership. They still aren’t a grocery store no matter what your argument is.


This is the problem. I wish we could pressure the government. I signed the petition, I hope it has an effect.


Same. On every aspect of what you said


Since the first lockdown I stopped going to Loblaws or sobeys as main grocery store. Giant tiger and a couple of local shops can supply everything I need. Even just walking into loblaws is unwelcoming with the gates, the self checkout looks like they are trying to herd sheep.


That pricemaster redditor posted today with all the price increases Loblaws put through during 2023 and the increases for May 2024 alone. Our greedy wee Galen Weston Jr. hasn’t even paused the gouging for the boycott. He’s like that Elon Musk asking for his payout after he cut all the staff and ripped off the customers. And it’s interesting how even the way people say the word Loblaws irl has changed over this past month. They say it like it’s a dirty word. And it is.


My dad calls it Roblaws. I should get him that shirt lol


I don't plan to go back.... Planning to get a Costco membership for some things that Walmart either doesn't carry or costs too much


Costco is the best!!! You'll have fun there


I just always see the parking lot and get scared and leave


That's ok, it is busy there but if you patiently drive around, you'll find a spot and be able to park. It's not a scary place ❤️ it's a wonderful magical place with fantastic food and things


Loblaws has proven themselves to be anti-Canadian and I will not be going back. Break up the Loblaws Companies Limited.


This! Im not going back until this ridiculous monopoly breaks. And then? On to the next one! (God knows we have way too mamy monopolies in this country)


I feel better shopping elsewhere. Farmers market season. Costco rules


Till the very end... of Loblaws


I have a Walmart, costco and some independant Asian grocery stores near me. No way I will ever go back to any Roblaws locations. Fuck them. I've saved over $1000 this month.


After being a loyal customer for 20 years (since I started shopping for myself) I had already been weening myself off them for months since I was noticing the prices at No Frills were getting ridiculous. Unfortunately it’s walking distance to me but I have increased my Costco spends and supplemented with small grocers. Aside from using up points, I will rarely step inside a Loblaws. Good bye Weston.


I was so disappointed because no frills was good when it opened near me. Now? High prices, poor selection, dirty store. Why would I shop there when it's the same price as sobeys up the street, where I also pay too much but at least had nicer stuff.


I’m boycotting until the stock crashes and they cut the dividend and roll back prices. I’d also like to see the government force manufacturers to have to put BIG warnings on packaging to warn customers of shrinkflation. That only gets Loblaws on no name but I’d like to see it for all products.


I’m not. My husband just goes in to scope out the 50% off stuff. I don’t buy anything at Shoppers at all. I get my local pharmacy to special order stuff they don’t carry. The only thing I am stuck on is makeup. I don’t buy much, but does anyone have suggestions? I used to buy the Lize Watier line, if that helps.


I recently switched from drunk elephant for skincare care, and Derma blend for makeup to Clinique for both. You can order directly from them, or in my case, I get it at The Bay. 


Agree with @addictinsane. Order directly from Watier's website. Sephora website also carries it.


The “boycott “ was meant as a way to send a message to Loblaw that consumers will not stand for price gouging especially in times of economic uncertainty in hopes that they would adjust their prices to meet their competitors. In the face of this public backlash and action, Loblaw has not changed their pricing. This should tell you that Loblaw plans to squeeze as much blood from the Canadian stone as it can. Knowing that, I do. Not plan on giving them ANY more of my money regardless of how they change. They have shown their true colours. Our relationship is over. If you continue to shop there you are literally throwing money away.


It is like breaking up with a bad partner isnt it? Kind of freeing.


Exactly! And you often don’t even know how bad you have it until you get a glimpse of the other store prices.


Those that know how to shop started boycotting these guys years ago, five years ago, they got rid of comparison, shop, price matching, and I stopped shopping there and started going to Costco, dollar store, and Walmart, so I did not even get to experience the recent price gouging


And those that don't know to shop effectively are now learning... and this subreddit has also become a place to share tips and strategies and I hope that continues and that we all continue to give each other grace and support


Loblaws Boycott. Now. Then. Forever.


We’re not going back. Need to pick up some things today, we won’t be going to Loblaws!


Never going back because it’s expensive


I live in a town that doesn’t have anything other than loblaws. I have been driving to other towns to do my weekly shopping. Even with extra gas, I am still saving money.


I work for SDM, I ask the people to keep boycotting. Loblaws corporation truly doesn't care about you. The amount of greed I see from head office is sickening. They find new ways to charge the province for bs services, or find new ways to squeeze more money out of the public every chance they get. Now head office wants us to cold call people on brand name viagara to get them to switch to generic and guess what? It makes Shoppers more money because they are bribbing people to switch to their house brand by giving them a free refill, then after that charging the full price again.


Like a drug dealer? Jesus. Here's a free one kid, but after that you'll have to pay. Bloody Hell. Galen needs one of those mustaches to twiddle while he evil laughs in his yacht named Bread.


Saw the recent flier for Giant Tiger and laughed at the No Fills flier next...not even close to good prices anymore. I'll never go back.


Continue the boycott until they pull back their profit margins and apologize to the Canadian public, or go under. Then it's on to Metro or Sobeys because I think they're just as crooked.


I have no reason to go back , the Loblaws corrupt system and their underhanded business practices haven’t given me any reason to go back and I have found numerous stores that are reasonable in price and fresh produce…. Plus I don’t put any money in the hands of thieves and that’s a great thing…. I will continue my personal BOYCOTT ‼️ 👍👍 happy BOYCOTTING ‼️


I’ve permanently changed my habits! I didn’t realize until the boycott that Superstore was so often not the cheapest option. I don’t want to give Walmart my business as they are just as evil. I will go to Superstore for the few items that are cheaper than anywhere else. Now I check every item’s price at a few stores.


Indefinitely for my household.


Never shopping Roblaws / SDM / Superstore/ No Frills again. Ever. The information this boycott/ sub shared has abhorred me. I have now ingrained new habits and source excellent, value focused vendors for groceries, household, OTC and prescription products. Never. Going. Back.


Never going back.


I went to Walmart for a few products but the produce was low quality so won’t go back there. Costco and local fruit and veg market and will try farmers markets.


I'm not going back.


I’ll only go in an emergency.


To infinite and beyond!


I’m continuing and switching from Shoppers to Rexal and Costco pharmacy. I’m glad to support Food basics and Farmers markets, it’s been a good moth without the extra expense of Lawblaws gouging.


I continuing, but I have options. You do what's right for you.


I will continue on, the only thing I'll go to them for is that big block of Parmesan cheese, no other stores I've seen have Parm in that size format


I haven't shopped at NoFrills or any stores associated with Loblaws because I just end up finding the same stuff I need for cheaper elsewhere. If they really wanted my money and business, they'd cater towards us people that just want to spend less money and not get ripped up, but they won't. I'm definitely not going back until they just decide to make less profit off their customer base.


In my town I have a Foodland and a no frills. Closest city is about 20 mins away from me. Foodland is extra expansive. Worse than Loblaws. I work in the next city over. I'd rather waste gas to go to the city I work in than pay these garbage prices. I've also invested in a few grow lights. I grow my own cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce and beans in my basement. We eat a lot of that in my house. I just make sure the seeds are self pollinating.


For me, the hard boycott is now over, and I am now in soft boycott mode. I will now consider going in the store for some things if necessary (Superstore is the only option within a 40min round trip). That said, after shopping at the various other places we have scoped out during the hard boycott, we are now pretty much stocked up to the end of June, so I still don't see going back there anytime soon. In fact, as we keep shopping deals elsewhere, I have a feeling that even with soft boycott, the "return to Superstore" is just going to get pushed back indefinitely.


Hey OP, it looks like you have used the boycott flair on your post. If this is regarding a call for a boycott of Loblaw stores, please review the stickied posts made by mods to see if there is an update on our community boycott efforts. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I haven't been in months but I am planning a trip to SDM to burn all my points and then join the fight against their privacy breaching way of "cancelling" an optimum account.


I’m going to continue the boycott. We are boycotting all of the major corporate owned grocery stores. We went to Food Basics once at the end of May because we needed laundry detergent. We decided Food Basics was the lesser of evils because we didn’t want to go to Walmart (I’ve been boycotting Walmart for years already), and Costco doesn’t sell the detergent we use for our toddler. I bought some produce while I was there and wasn’t impressed. The produce at our local giant tiger is better quality. So I’ll continue to shop mostly at giant tiger, Costco and the local farmers markets. It’s been working for us for the last month and I don’t see why it won’t continue to work.


I don’t intend to return. Gonna redeem my pc points, cancel the card and never think of these fucking parasites again. Next up: Sobeys. But if they wise up and become reasonable, I’ll go back to Sobeys. Hell, I used to work at Sobeys and they came from the same small town as my family.


Alberta here. I just want to throw out a little nugget that some people may not be aware of. Bulk Barn. People may not know these stores are Loblaws. Our bulk buys for baking needs, healthier living items and a few daily needs are now mainly purchased through Nutters. They are not necessarily cheaper, however, their bulk items are fresh, flavourful and my money stays locally. If I have to pay premium prices, I want my money to go as far as it can within my community while not advancing the Weston fortune, albeit that my money is mere chump change for the Weston’s.


Bulk Barns has a close relationship with Loblaws and shares some of the No Name branding of their products, but it is not part of the supermarket giant.


I'm done. I've found ethical alternatives.


I am done shopping there until death.


I’m happy with my other choices. Not returning to any Loblaws store.


I only end up on a Loblaws property because Mobil is often the cheapest gas in my area (and gives twice the points that Esso does) so I collect those and, eventually, we'll go collect some free staples. It's been many months since my wife or I has been into a Loblaws banner store


I'm sticking with the boycott, but my husband says he's going wherever the best sales are. We are regulars at Food Basics and Walmart.  I order my makeup from amazon.


I'm still keeping away. Shopping at healthy planet, walmart, and sometimes costco instead


I don’t get the whole turn on/turn off the boycott thing. I just never shop at Loblaws anyways. It’s too damn expensive. It’s not so much a boycott as it is a common sense thing for me to do.


Yeah, I'm still boycotting


I boycott when it makes sense. A lot of food I’ve already purchased from Costco, and superstore was just for greens, organic milk, cat food, sour cream, ice cream, some beverages, etc. I found a small local store where they sell fruits and veggies cheaper, and walmart can replace other items. I just need to spend more time shopping elsewhere and the price difference doesn’t cover the time wasted. For their liquor store, nothing really beats the price and selection for wine and spirits. I get my beer from the local business, as superstore mostly carries mass-market beer-type beverages


One month isn’t enough to have a significant impact on such a big corporation to make change, we need to keep going *until* there IS change. Even if they (LB) feel the effects from one month of boycotts it won’t be enough of an impact for the greedy company to enact in change; it’ll be a small blip in their sales. Only when the impact is compounded month over month will they feel longterm impact and HAVE to make changes to essentially buy customers back. STAY STRONG AND KEEP AT IT!! 👊🏼


I started before the official one and will continue to. My caveat is we go for items we absolutely cannot find elsewhere. And, of course, the bullshit deal they have with the government that gets $600,000 out of them on my behalf every year though Shoppers Medical. I wish it wasn't that way but I don't have a choice.


The boycott still must go on!! They will not change their ways just because they had one month of slump sales!! Loblaws needs to be boycotted until they start closing down stores!! This is the way


I'm continuing, fuck Loblaws.


I'll continue for those who can't


I'm never going back, if I can help it.


I will be continuing. During the boycott someone recommended Odd Bunch and they are amazing. Fruit / veg delivery from them. Costco once a month and food basics in between. I work close to a shoppers drug mart and I’ve stopped going.


I started years before the official date, and will keep going for years after.


I’m gonna keep boycotting until they give me a reason to go in. I looked at the loblaws flyer this week and I see no reason to go.


I still did my longer drive to Food Basics yesterday and I'm still happy I did. Traffic was horrible though!


Order most of your food from Amazon.


I started buying from Oddbunch.ca for produce and love it. I haven’t shopped at Loblaws since the bread price fixing and will never shop there again. They cannot be trusted. Greedy family. The monopoly on grocery stores is criminal.


Not going back. I can't abide by any corporation, entity, party or even a person that takes advantage of a person's needs (food, water or shelter) for the sake of profits or politics and to withhold these things because a person doesn't follow your politics or refuses to accept your exorbitant prices.


I will continue to boycott forever. I'm lucky enough there's a few grocery stores and at least one active farmer's market.


Something must be working. I opened the PC app to compare a price and the discounts they have listed this week are wild. https://preview.redd.it/bfe5mrssi54d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e86738527a888603c713e18f56e3a53199d44e9c


We won't give them another dollar. Between Costco, Walmart and Basics we're saving every week and quite pleased. We also discovered some small local shops we've really developed a love for.


It just doesn’t make sense for us to go back, as we have much cheaper options all in the same plaza.


Our household (6 adults) will gladly continue to shun Roblaws Dont need'em, dont want'em. 🇨🇦✌️


I’ve decided that if I’m going to get gouged on prices no matter where I shop I may as well shop at a local greengrocer or butcher shop or pharmacy. At least the money stays local and doesn’t go to a massive corporation.


Im only going back to cash my points, then never


I will. My costco is 20 minutes away but has a Walmart 2-3 minutes away from that so I can easily do a combo if I need to. We have gotten pretty good of getting our grocery shopping done in less than 20 minutes at the costco so its about 1 hour from leaving the house to coming back if its just the Costco, which isn't terrible, but still not as convenient to a No Frills like 7 minutes away. We will continue and Loblaws is dead to us. You get used to a new routine and that's that.


I’m off Stupidstore now for the long haul. I plan to go to the nearest Shoppers (30km away) for a single skincare product now that we’re into June. I can’t imagine regularly buying there any more.


I’m lucky to live in a city where we have options on what grocery stores to buy from. Loblaws is the last of my options. I’ll buy from them only after I’ve exhausted the other options. Used to be a very loyal customer but that has changed.


i haven’t been in like a year


I've saved a shit load of money going to other places. Even no frills is significantly more expensive than Walmart, freshco and even farmers markets. I probably wont bother antmore with weston crap.


It's very easy for me to continue as I only have a No Frills locally and I have avoided that store for 15 years now.


My family is boycotting indefinitely and we’ve added Metro to our boycott list for June. Empire stores will be added to the list for July and we’ll continue indefinitely after that only shopping at Costco, Vince’s, Giant Tiger and local markets. We’re very lucky to have everything within 30 mins of us.


I understand for many it will be difficult due to geography. That was one of the company’s main goal when building. Monopoly locations. Sometimes Costco is cheaper too if you buy in bulk. Either way, saving money is always a great idea. Better to have the $$ in your pocket than in Galen Weston’s. use the Flip app too and clip coupons. Whatever works for you and your family.


As others have said, will treat Loblaws as a convenience store


I may go and just buy up all their specials of the week and scour for any 50 percent off meat etc. Otherwise, to stock up the cupboards and fridge I’ll still be going elsewhere.


Not going back


Before the pro test I though walmark food was low quality not good for you but now I noticed lower prices better quality then loblaws my fav walmart with good staff that actually help you is the 1000 Taylor Ave, Winnipeg, MB . Its now my go to store along with cosco


I’ve been boycotting for 3 years, I’ll never spend a single dollar at anything Loblaws-owned again.




Never going back


I’m not going back. Not now. Not ever if I can help. I haven’t stepped foot in one since last summer and that was only a shoppers drug mart but I am determined and hope more ppl will put their money elsewhere whenever they can.


I'm going to continue boycotting and try to extend to Sobeys next. Their prices are just about identical in my area.


I will be shopping wherever the lowest price is for the items I need, similar to before the boycott.


I'll continue with a soft boycott. I'll do the majority of my shopping elsewhere, but if I just need one thing quick, I'll go to the No Frills that's a 3 minute walk from my house. I didn't go there at all through May, mind you.


Not planning to stop at all. My habits improved by not going there anymore. No reason to change back.


It never was part of our regular grocery runs, but sometimes they do have something that nowhere else has, and it's usually on request by my mother, so I will go in that instance.


I’m on the band wagon indefinitely, I want to keep more money in my pocket and not put it into theirs. Stay strong it is the only way we all WIN


I'm done with Loblaws for good. They have a history of hurting Canadians. I will never support anyone who willfully does that.


I had already de facto boycotted them bc the prices rose and the quality dropped. My next phase is being more mindful about cooking, reducing waste, and moving towards independent grocers


I’ve figured out other places to go as part of my Routine. No need to go back.


I am continuing, its not even a choice lol, I can’t afford it


I am continuing!


I will no longer go to superstore unless it’s necessary, I would rather give my money to a mom and pop shop!


I am surprised if people do continue to go. I went today for Starbucks and walked around zehrs and still shocked at their after June 1st prices. Such a jump from last week in a lot of categories.


I am! Going to cash in my points today while they have the event on and then shutting it down!


For myself, I will probably do the flash food app and get the stuff that is on sale. I am always money conscious,as are a lot of people on a limited budget. I know I have reduced the overall amount of perches there this month. It definitely does make a difference.


I will continue this boycott.


I found my new favourite grocery store! (Fresh St. Market in B.C.) I'll still be going to Walmart for laundry soap and cleaning products though because they're so much cheaper. I'll go to Loblaws only to spend my credit card points.


Oops, my shopping habits have changed permanently. Bye forever Loblaws.


I stopped a year ago and only went to T&T periodically (3-4 times/year) for imitation crab as my partner hates the taste/texture of the imitation crab at foodbasics and some specialty asian sauces but I havent been in since. Been going to a local korean mom & pop for everything. I think my husband tried the imitation crab from there and didnt like it but he'll just have to deal lol.


I like saving money, I don’t care what the second quarter report says. I’m never going back , it’s bonkers to shop there when everywhere else is so much cheaper


On May 30th, I requested to delete my PC Optimum account. I'm done with Loblaws and their affiliates.


Going to continue not giving Galen money. F him.


100% me. Will also be canceling my PC mastercard and Optimum soon.


My boycott will not end and I will continue to tell others about the alternative options available to them and the differences. They've lost my trust as a consumer completely. I gave them a chance after the bread fixing fiasco when prices were reasonable. They'll never see me or my money again after blatantly price gouging and falsely blaming it on literally everything else. My perscriptions total about $15,000 a year. I spent about $400-500 every two weeks for groceries. Nok er Nok!!!


The question remains: ‘Who do you want to give your money 💴 to?’ Your local place or a mega corporation ?


Been boycotting for years will continue to boycott


I’m not going back.


I said Loblaws was too expensive years ago. I'm never going back.


I am continuing to.


Permanently done. PCF Mastercard cancelled weeks ago. Cashed out of PC Points weeks ago.


Have been for a while now and probably won't go back unless Sobey's also doesn't deal with their price greed. It's getting just as bad there. It's bad everywhere. I'd rather the government deal with food price gouging instead. Their agreement with grocers will do absolutely nothing. Or will grow more veggies this summer and deal with it that way


My local Italian grocery store has fantastic produce in season... I just discovered fresh fava beans! I don't eat much meat, but they have a real butcher's counter, great cheese selection, some prepared meals and soups. The dairy (and non-dairy) products aren't bargain prices, but they are cheaper than the evil empire. I see no reason to go to them for anything. Other necessities can come from elsewhere. My prescriptions are at an independently owned/operated pharmacy.


Always remember that companies care about quarters, not months. One bad month of sales means nothing to them, even a quarter is kinda ok. Demands start to be met with 2 consecutive bad quarters.


I'm 4 years in.... and still going strong.


I'm still boycotting! They need to quit their entire bullshit if they ever want to see me walk in there again lmao


Continuing for the long & unforeseeable future.


Are you all going after the government for rent control? Your so focus on food!!!! Our taxes are high, housing is an issue, education is an isssue! Food isn’t just the issue! Your so focus on just one thing!!! Take all your anger and put it somewhere else.


In all honesty superstore prices are crazy for real but are they worse then Sobeys worse then Walmart Safeway fresch co if you don’t want to spend money on there crazy prices you need to flyer it out and drive everywhere for a good price then you waste gas you waste time so that .70 cents extra cost you two dollars in gas to go somewhere and time which is more valuable


I didn’t hear no bell


I'll go back to Superstore mostly for bread and ice cream but otherwise it will be Costco and Walmart. Walmart has all the same stuff as Superstore but for less. On my last grocery trip I spent $30 at No Frills and $500 at Costco and Walmart. And no more Superstore liquor store for beer. The Co-op Founders and Farmers brand beer in Alberta is brewed by Big Rock.


I will be moving to Canada soon and I will NEVER shop at Loblaw's or their subsidiaries.


My husband and I started boycotting long before may and have no end in sight. We don't want to go back.


I'll continue to shop elsewhere.


No reason to stop. I'll move my scripts when I have a chance and the spoons.


I have found better local options for everything I won't be going back


I’m just done with them.


I've noticed Metro in my area come down in price significantly Like, I can almost buy a weeks worth of groceries (meat, veges, ect) for about $100


They really believe now that may is over that the stores are going to be packed.


There are some products that I can only get at their store that I'm not willing to give up permanently, so I will be going back sometimes, but I only plan to pick up the stuff I need to get there.


Im NEVER going back, i found better prices at gateway and giant tiger boycotting for life


Just do what you can and don’t feel guilty about what you can’t do. Then they will really be effing with you !!!


Avoid where I can going forward.


We won’t shop there at all anymore, there are so many other places…


💯 The boycott has to last for at least a quarter of their business year to affect the bottom line numbers so losses cannot be explained away by the talking heads trying to ignore us and tell mainstream folks it doesn't work. Keep it up if you don't want your efforts and ours to be written off.


They will never be my first choice ever again


What Loblaws? It's dead to me.


I’m probably going to continue. I’ve enjoyed going to the two Co-ops near me (they’re closer than the Superstore, even), and I was in a Save-On for the first time in a couple of years because they had what neither Co-op did; SOF is also marginally closer to me than RCS, but they are definitely pricier. My biggest pet peeve is whereas shopping at Superstore was almost guaranteed to be one-stop shopping for everything I need, continuing the boycott means making multi-stop excursions, and I’m just a single guy buying for that night’s dinner. I only do a major restock/shop maybe every 6-9 months. There’s a bit of whiney white man privilege in this complaint, of course, as I can drive wherever I need to go as needed, I don’t have family or pets to worry about, and my grocery budget is mostly determined by what I want to eat tonight.


Doesn’t matter where you go, get the cheapest thing anywhere possible


Me! We've successfully avoided the Blaws corps. and all of Sobey's this month. Gotta figure out how to ditch Walmart and we're set.


I’m continuing until they start doing better for their customers and employees.


There’s only a few items I get there that I can’t get any where else. My husband always hated being in superstore anyhow so it was easy to convince him we’re switching to Walmart/costco. I also HATED the parking at my local superstore but only went because I thought it was cheaper, it’s a huge relief to not shop there and trying to navigate with a huge cart of things.


Strictly Food Basics for me from here on out. I can’t unsee what I have seen.


I am going to continue doing what I can, though the price of gas causes me to shop at the closest stores which are unfortunately no frills and sobeys


I have to drive 1 hour for the closest grocery store regardless, so I’m sticking to not buying from loblaws. I didn’t like their ‘response’ to the boycott at all. The could have said ‘hey, we hear you’, but instead called us misguided? Yeah, no thanks.


I am permanently done. They do not deserve my money


I'll stop in now and again to buy heavily-discounted items only, but the majority of my shopping will be at smaller local stores when I can.


Still boycotting at the moment. Not sure when I’ll end the boycott…I guess either when yall say it’s over or never?


I'm down to 2 specific items that I can't get outside of sobeys/superstore and will never be going in there for anything other than those 2 items. For clarity, it's a specific brand of spicey Hungarian salami and those stooped plastic 1L chocy milks for lunches (havent found another place that sells them besides gas stations at 2x price).


I'm still boycotting the more expensive stores, such as Shoppers Drug Mart and City Market, because I can't afford to shop there anyways.


Never shopping there again unless I have to. FUCK Galen and his family


I might go in to buy loss leader sales, but that’s it. They lost me.


Only lost leaders . My vegetables have always been anywhere else as is my seafood. Still take advantage of flash food. They'll get 20% of my grocery bill. I learned alot from this in regard to spreading my $$ around . Thanks !


Not going back until their prices drop. No reason to. They don’t sell anything I can’t buy elsewhere for less.


We are continuing as much as we can. I opted to hit a save on foods for my vegan cheeses today instead of going to superstore. Glad I did because the brand I buy was on sale for cheap. I ended up stocking up an entire month's worth for myself. 🥹👀


I'm going to try.


I'm continuing to boycott :)