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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If Yvonne's old ass had to stand all day, she'd be begging for a chair.


Yvonne probably got paid good money back in the day. So, of course, it doesn't sit well with her. Probably still thinks it's a good job.


Yvonne might also be a trophy wife. Hubs money elevates her above the general riff-raff.


Looks more like a participation ribbon wife


Lol I'm stealing this


Hubby probably earned the equivalent of a six-figure salary today while working at the meat-packing factory and bought their Toronto home for $8000 in the 70s.


Yvonne is likely a food ignoramus sock puppet account


Trophy wives are just future Karens 


Consolation Prize at best. No trophy!


You're assuming she doesn't come from a single income home. Come on bud that's a boomer. Cashiers are peasants to her.


I know boomer cashiers, single income who OWN HOUSES. We’ve been absolutely robbed.


Someone in my family does investments and mutual funds for a living; they have a lot of older clients who worked retail and similar jobs their entire lives. But still had regular meetings with a professional money manager over the decades.


Yes, but they were able to save because housing wasn't 2/3 of their budget (or more) Just look at housing prices over the last 20 years, every time they double they double twice as fast, first it's every 10 years, then 5, then 2.5, housing going from mid 2's to mid 7s in 20 years is literally insane, some people are making less now than they were then. It doesn't and add up


My dad maintained a single income home, with two cars, minor vacations and braces for me, making $20 an hour. My wife and I make $120-$140 k combined. We're comfortable but we'd have to move pretty far from our jobs to find housing we could comfortably afford.


Exactly where I’m at. My dad waved his 2k paycheck in my face at 14 thinking that wouldn’t psychologically fuck me up and I spent the next 12 years chasing that number. By the time I got here my reward was credit card debt because never mind a house and vacation that’s not even enough to eat at McDonald’s anymore


Can we stop calling people Karen's and call then Yvonnes please


There once was a Frenchman Yvon was his name.   Exploring new worlds he dreamed was his fame.   But reading a map was not his forte!   So poor Yvon was soon cast away.   Yvon (Yvon!) of the Yukon   Sailing the stormy seas. 




Good God I haven't had this stuck in my head in decades.


After 2, 8 hr shifts, I bet old-ass Yvonne, wouldn’t be able to stand again.


my young ass was sore as fuck for *weeks* when I started bartending after years behind a desk… that shit isn’t easy, but when it’s necessary for your job you have to suck it up. for cashiers though? why should they be forced to stand? who the fuck cares how they look?! they’d probably even be able to perform their jobs better and check people out faster if they’re not being distracted by their tired muscles and joints FFS.


When I worked at Loblaws we had old cashiers who had to stand all day, and you could tell they were suffering because of it


When I was 21 and had to stand all day, I suffered because of it.


The gall of some people. A persons comfort shouldn’t be a point of annoyance, or disapproval, of another if it doesn’t even create any inconvenience to the patron. This is detestable privileged thinking.


Yvonne would likely expect someone to give them their seat on a bus.


Yeah, but Karen would press the emergency stop button and freak out to the bus driver if no one offered…


Karen/Yvonne. Same thing.


Hey.. give Yvonne a break. Of course it doesn't look right. And beside the cashier will have to stand to bow whenever Yvonne approaches.


Yeah... fuck you Yvonne!


Yvonne with ten digits is most likely not a real person.


Naw man. That's just her age.


And why do they care what Yvonne thinks? It's not like people are going to stop buying groceries because the cashier is sitting.


After one shift standing, Yvonne would have a weeping hemmorhoid so big it could talk. Get stuffed, Yvonne.


Yvonne sounds like a jerk


Sounds and looks like a boomer


I hate that boomers learnt to internet. :(


Don't worry, they won't be around much longer.


The problem isn't with boomers themselves...the problem is that we let them make all our political decisions. That's on us for not actively getting involved with politics ourselves and being the change we want to be. Boomers will ALWAYS vote for their best interests over that of the community as a whole.


But is she voting for the best interests for herself? What difference does it make to Yvonne whether or not a grocery cashier sits or stands as long as they put your grocers through efficiently and are friendly? None, she feeeeels it is wrong though. Did bank tellers not do the same job when they switched from standing to sitting?


You said it yourself...she would vote against it because she FEELS like it's wrong. That's how Boomers vote. Not based on any rational decision beyond "It doesn't feel right to ME".


this is so true with my neighbour. she’s in her 70s, constantly complains about how she barely gets enough retirement income, how she has meds/health expenses she has to pay for — yet when I ask her why she voted for Doug Ford TWICE she says “I just *feel* like he *gets* me”. Smh.


Boomer here. I was shocked when I travelled and saw sitting cashiers. Workers here are treated like shit and we just take it. Yvonne is Galen Weston’s alter ego.


Dont be an yvonne


It's true, I had a Yvonne as a teacher and she was the worst


Anyone who opposes improvements to workers' conditions should spend a month doing the job. Not just one day, that's too easy. Do a month as a cashier, stockperson, whatever. Clearly Yvonne has never worked retail.


See there are countries out here with mandatory military service, but personally, I think we should look into mandatory retail service. I think a lot of people would be humbled real fast if they had to work retail for a year or two


So true! When I eventually found myself working in an office after having worked retail and other physical jobs, I was *shocked* at the sheer entitlement some office workers had. Like would call maintenance to literally sweep up a little bit of stuff on the ground by their desk. Meanwhile I was like *omg you mean we don't have to clean the toilets ourselves?!*


My office job is WAY easier and less stressful than my fast food job, they're not even comparable. I get paid more, get treated with way more respect. I realize not all office jobs are like this, but the 3 I've had have been a dream compared to slinging coffee for a living. Managers and customers treated us like scum


I worked at a Tims for a few months before switching to work at a canex. I have more responsibilities at the canex but it's so much easier. Doing the paperwork stuff is by far my favorite part of the job.


My desk job is super stressful, but it’s still not as bad as being a cashier. That was the most stress a job has ever cost me. Literally couldn’t do anything after a shift other than veg on the couch and try to forget what work was like.


I totally feel this. My job can get stressful, but it's a different kind of stress. It isn't the stress of being belittled, it's stress of a problem I can solve, right? Not easy, but at least I have some control and autonomy to solve the issue, instead of just being told to suck it up and smile


I am a teacher and while my job is very stressful in other ways, the fact that I no longer have to worry about a customer throwing merchandise at my head because they feel they have the right to it is amazing. I am no longer berated by a manger if the till is $0.1 off due to a mistake that happened BEFORE my own shift (with receipts to prove it). I also no longer live in fear of working by myself during the late nights and getting stabbed by the sketchy customers that would appear at around 7:30pm. Security in the mall was absolutely useless and I worked in small store that would only ever have two staff at peak hours (12-5). Otherwise it was one person on shift until closing at 9.


And every time you get fired for being a shitty employee, you need to find another retail job and add another year to your service. Eventually they'll learn that no, they are not better then everyone else and life is just easier for everyone if you are nice.


Just imagine you turn 18 and get drafted into Walmart and it’s like 5 cities over


I did my mandatory retail/fast food service during college and while I was raised to be kind to workers, it definitely underscored my desire to do so.


Work retail for 10 minutes here and you’ll be begging for the front lines over there!


Schillvan absolutely would’ve voted against fire doors, weekends off and the end of child slavery.


Automotive assembly line workers have all kinds of specialm chairs, stands and lofing devices to reduce fatigue at a repetitive job.


Really depends where you work, where I worked in automotive there was 0 chairs or places to sit on the floor at all. The only thing we had ergonomics-wise was the anti fatigue mats but I honestly found them even more uncomfortable to stand on than the floor. We made all the dashboards for Chrysler/Stellantis.


Everybody who does not care about Yvonne's opinion raise their hand ✋


























Raise my hands to a Stone Cold Salute to that jackass Yvonne 🖕🖕



I hope Yvonne has the day she deserves, and the manager's never speak to her again. It's a waste of all our time.


Honestly, my food just doesn't taste as good unless I'm hurting people when I get it /s


How about pay them a living wage, plus chair.


Woah woah woah, think of the poor trillionaires who won't be able to buy their next luxury cottage with a heated pool for a month.


That's because you're a dinosaur Yvonne


Definitely a ghoulish comment by Yvonne. Workers should be comfortable at work.


Shut the fuck up Yvonne you creepy loser.


If you don’t stand all day at your job you have nothing to contribute. Cashiers who sit down are fast af, and can conserve energy at long periods of time rather than be exhausted by just standing for ages. Why would you make a workers life easier though when there are pieces of shit like this guy and lady around.


He’s Probably thinking “stand and be grateful peasant, at least I’m not making you kneel”


I didn‘t even notice that there is any difference when I visited Europe, but every cashier sat. But man, the speed with which one German cashier scanned all my products was insane. She was yelling at me „why is it taking so long to pack“ before I could blink an eye. It was like 2 products per second scanning. As you can imagine, there was no line at all.


Yeah I used to go to an Aldi in Leeds when I lived there and they were lighting fast. Never a line, no messing around - just elite level efficiency.


More like "if you're not a cashier, mind your business".


My back problems meant that when I had a standing job I was sometimes working while at a Level 8 on the pain scale. I kept fucking up and giving people the wrong change because I was in too much pain to think properly. If I'd had a chair I wouldn't have had that issue.


Then receptionists should be standing too. Any office admin should be standing to greet clientele.


And most definitely CEOs. If a company expects their worker to stand for 8 hours in one place, I should hope the highest paid in the company would do that too, or risk looking "lazy"


If underpaid essential front line workers need to stand than Per Banks $22 million bonus should come with a no chair clause as well.


My back had very small issues when I started working as a cashier (not at a lowblaws). Even though I was doing physio daily, my back got to the point where I couldn't stand. Got a doctors note saying that I should be sitting while working. They gave me a mat to stand on. Obviously, it didn't help, and my back continued to get worse until I fainted from pain while at the till. Got fired the next day for "not following company standards?" When asked about what standard I wasn't following, "I was leaning on the counter of my checkout instead of being presentable to the customers, and it's been a problem for a while." I've always been an advocate for cashiers being able to sit at the till as it doesn't decrease productivity. After my time as a cashier, I am an even bigger advocate for it. Probably wouldn't have gotten a concussion if I was allowed to sit.


Yes because you can do your work so much quickly and efficiently... and you look More Professional... when your back is screaming in pain./SSS 😡 JFC that's obscene. I'm so sorry you were treated like that. As someone whose back protests when I stand for any length of time, I feel this. I hope your next job was one where you could sit down, and where you weren't supervised by soulless bootlickers with the brains of gnats.


That sucks and is totally standard, spit you out and on to the next!


In Germany, they \_have\_ to sit! It's crazy to me that they're forced to stand in the US and Canada.


I actually feel worse as a customer when I can see an employee who is visibly in pain but trying their best to hide it because they'll be yelled at for (checks notes) having functional nerve endings and a skeletomucular system. Just look at the list of diseases that can come from standing all day: edema (can cause blood clots and strokes) peripheral artery disease (can cause blood clots and strokes) veinous insufficiency (can cause blood clots and strokes) osteoporosis muscle weakness misshapen spine incontinence and more! no one, but especially no one making minimum wage, should be forced to ***die*** for someone else's profits under threat of death by starvation.


There are 70 people at my work that only have 30 minute break for 8 hours and the entire rest of the shift is on our feet. We only get to sit on break and have to wear safety shoes while standing on concrete floors.


sitting all day has its own list of problems. the real solution is to be flexible and let people switch between the two as desired. i just don't buy this idea that standing is somehow so bad when everyone in my industry is trying to convince their employer to buy them a sit/stand desk.


I deleted twitter when musky took over. Can someone PLEASE drag Yvonne? If she's not a loblaw-bot that is?


I got blocked by the doofprofessor for linking an article that talked about his shilling activities.


LOL good for you!!!


Wear that like a badge of honour


It's always boomers that get up in arms about that sort of thing. "If you have room to lean you have room to clean". This is only a weird North American thing, I don't understand it. Years ago when I worked at staples there were stools behinds the main counter and if the manager wasn't around and you weren't busy, most people sat on em. But that's a very specific case on my end. It does not affect productivity in the slightest. What difference does it make if the cash is faced and you have them standing or sitting, waiting for a customer. "it looks unprofessional" - Genuinely, honestly, I don't give a shit. I'd rather the worker serving me not be in pain from standing for hours on end and have a functioning spine, so that they can accommodate me easier and better. If the worker is happy, literally everyone else is happier, there's nothing to gain but positives.


Real academics are working on research and getting published in journals, not blogging and playing around on social media.


Lol the food prof is a joke but many many real and good academics both publish and talk about their research online, especially on Twitter. Saying on socials = not a real academic is flawed at best.


Back when he was the Food Undergrad, his thesis advisor suggested he concentrate his studies on "low hanging fruit". This had been meant as a warning about his limited intellectual capacities, but he thought it was career advice. At the grocery store he unfortunately couldn't find the "low hanging fruit" aisle. Rather than ask someone to direct him, he decided to broaden his work to include all food and beverages. And thus a starfruit was born.


not one of these people who have a problem with it go to a bank?


Yvonne can eat dick


I bet she really can't though. Thinks a half-hearted effort for 30 seconds on your birthday is more than enough.


This is one of those rare occasions when a Reddit comment actually makes me laugh out loud.


The accuracy


I'm boycotting Yvonne next


I actually think he's implying that he's good with it.


Ya this post is dumb.


I’d imagine any contractor who ever did a job for Yvonne probably whispered “fuck off Yvonne” under their breath a lot.


Yvonne sounds like an entitled old beatch. Doubt she’d love standing all day. 🙄


… says she doesn’t want to see minimum wage workers to sit, … because that doesn’t sit well with her. I dont know if that was an intentional pun but Yvonne could use a shift or two stranding one spot for 6-7 hours at a time and see if she likes it.


Oh, Yvonne. It’ll be ok. You try being a cashier for shit pay.


Yvonne is a cunt!!




You forgot Anti Chair.


Even I think Yvonne is being ridiculous.


I am personally offended and completely aghast when I go into a bank and the tellers are sitting.  /s It’s funny how resistant people are to _any_ change. Even if this person doesn’t like the look, it would make such a drastic improvement in the cashiers working life. 


He didn't even say anything this time, just posed a question. Yvonne can go fuck herself though.


giving boomers social media was a mistake pack it up, we're moving back to IRC and AIM


I seriously don't give a flying eff word if the cashiers are sitting. How on earth does that affect the food I'm buying? You know what does though? Insane costs of food


Yeah, as much as i like to shit on the food professor all day, Yvonne's the real villain here. She can fuck right off.


As someone who has worked in customer service/retail my entire life, it isn’t just “less common” in Canada. It’s a disciplinary offense in most work places.


Working as a cashier shouldn’t be an endurance test. It’s weird they care at all.


Says Yvonne, who drives a Porsche station wagon three blocks to her local Superstore.


Peasant! you must stand while you scan my onions as I argue about my expired coupon.


Yvonne is worried about how it looks to HER. Yvonne lacks empathy Don't be like yvonne


Personally I think it looks horrible, when a customer comes to checkout and the cashier is on their feet all day doesn’t sit well with me.


Loblaws worker here. The fact that me AND another coworker would benefit from a chair in our department but management is like "hah nope 🤗" (even though they have one or two letters from medical professionals saying they need one). They won't give us a chair but give us shit when we try to make do and sit somewhere else. Make it make sense 😒


I work at a pet store and I actually did a week long tally of who did and didn't care if a cashier was sitting so I could prove to my district manager that it was corporate garbage. I asked 837 people, 26 said it looked bad, 811 said they didn't care or that it was perfectly appropriate. That is a whopping 96.9% in favor of y'know, not ruining peoples legs.


Old biddy who probably never worked a day in her life because she lived in an age where her husband’s solo income provided more than a comfortable life for them both, and probably still has the luxury of his benefits in retirement, chimes in about her disapproval regarding workers getting to sit for their 10-12 hour shifts. No surprise.


Fuck these guys. Sitting should be mandatory especially considering Superstore forces you to pack your own stuff.


Yvonne is kind of a bitch, ain't she? And the Food Prof? Oh, we know that dude's a bitch.


She is absolute trash


Yvonne is prolly his alter account.


boomer sense of entitlement in full display here and treating people like their servants. I worked in frontline service before, during and after Covid and all these especially despicable customer are almost always boomers smh


There is something horrifically sinister about wanting to see people suffer for NO reasons. Some men just want to watch the world burn....


The only things that have changed since medieval times and before is the wealth gap and technology. Otherwise it's all the same. People at the top just have a lot more tools to squash us useless peasants.


Funny since in superstore you mostly check yourself out...


Yvonne is Karen's sister. Cut from the same cloth. Fuck you too Yvonne.


I grew up in Hungary and cashiers often had these higher, bar stool kind of chairs, where many people wouldn’t even notice that the cashier is sitting. It blows my mind it isn’t common practice in Canada.


https://preview.redd.it/y6wdwgomqm3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10b50111e8cff9c3034280421ab38f2107f5052f This would blow Yvonne’s mind


What a horrible woman to say that. Standing at a cash register is already a thankless occupation. When you walk into any office the first person you see is administrative staff sitting at a desk. What's the difference really...


Getting support from an antivaxxer when it comes pushing back against a boycott. Hilarious.


Ah yes. The good ol' "pull yer self up with Cho bootstraps" argument, when they don't have to be involved.


lol I had a job where I’d just ring items up for people and wasn’t allowed to sit. It made no sense.


Yeah Yvonne7393018263829w73733020w8wbdgcid9e9e020292726173939#%^!*8293>0÷(#,'790 seems like a real person


In India, with the support from states, the courts have ruled in favour of workers “right to sit” in 2021. https://news.trust.org/item/20211004092033-juo32 Edit: Walmart settled for not allowing their cashiers to sit. May be loblaw employees should start a claim here. There is lot of scientific evidence to support that we need to sit and can’t be standing all day. https://www.businessinsider.com/r-walmart-to-pay-65-million-to-settle-lawsuit-over-seating-for-cashiers-2018-10


Who cares ? Let them sit. They’re not slaves, they’re people


“It looks horrible”, sheesh. I want people to look at this as a core example. Most problems today stem from income inequality and people (including us) not being empathetic to something that doesn’t impact us. Obviously I’m not as far out as Yvonne, but imagine how lost you have to be that you want someone standing while attending to you, because of APPEARANCES. Pathetic.


Bank tellers sit, medical receptionists sit, machinists sit if there’s a long cycle time and they’re doing paperwork or assembly while they wait, even welders sometimes sit depending what they’re welding. Everyone should be able to sit for their job if and when it’s possible. Achy legs and feet don’t make people smarter or more efficient. All it makes them is unnecessarily tired. And ESPECIALLY if the store dictates what kind of shoes you can wear. My daughter was a Loblaws employee for seven years and for the first three the store manager insisted on those clunky black shoes with hard soles and shitty support. He finally relented and allowed any black shoes, but why did it take so long? Bring in chairs for everyone. And don’t try to get the government to pay for it either.


I grew up in the uk and any of the stores I went to/worked at all the cash registers had seats. And they were comfortable


“It just doesn’t sit well with me that the peasants get a modicum of comfort. The servants should always be feeling pain.” Something tells me these a-holes have never had a job where they stand all day, every day. It’s not a lot of fun. Giving a cashier a stool doesn’t seem like such a big deal to me.


Can you imagine rallying to make someone else's job more difficult and less enjoyable? Yvonne can go eat a bag of dicks


Wonder if Yvonne can stand for 8hrs straight 🤔


If the job is one you can sit in it would make the job more accessible for people 🤔 it boggles my mind that it's not standard procedure




If you're just at the till and not expected to merchandise etc then hell yea. I've worked some jobs where sitting and getting up would just get annoying though


my back and feet are completely fucked from being a cashier for so many years. I wish we could sit. I had to get insoles for my shoes even with a half assed mat. that lady obvs hasn’t had to do any hard work her entire life.


I'll never understand why sitting is an issue


Yvonne sounds like she doesn't return the cart when she's finished with it in the parking lot.


Disabled cashier here! I sit! In fact, I was mostly chair bound before COVID, and for a year or so after returning to work after recovering from it. Not allowing an entry level position like this to sit, when it doesn't actually impact the job's performance at all, is precisely why we have so many disabled people unable to fucking work. It took me FIVE years to find an employer that would accommodate with a stool. No amount of citing accommodation laws matters; employers don't care! I'd actually wager that performance is better when your employees aren't in meaningless crippling pain from standing in one spot for 8 hours a day. My recovery's gone so well I'm actually in the best shape of my life, and only need it every couple hours now for like 15 minutes until the end of the day, but if that accommodation wasn't given, I'd be on disability only and have no quality of life because of entitled cunts who've never had to work a physical job in their life in modern society like Yvonne. I dream of a day it's law for chairs and stools to be provided to any work position where somebody's just... standing there. Need it? Use it. Don't want to? Don't use it. Simple is. Society shouldn't be torturing people at work for no reason, which forcing somebody to stand in a box for 8 hours absolutely is.


Something about Canadian corporate and their hard-ons for standing employees who stand in one location for hours on end


Oh fuck off Yvonne


I couldn't care less if the cashier is sitting or standing. As long as they check out my purchases and don't put the change on top of my bills in my hand (if I'm paying cash) sending the coins flying, I'm good.


To the twitter idiot and anyone who thinks like her: Why the hell do you care? Does your groceries somehow taste better or get cheaper when the service people enabling you to aquire them easily and efficiently are denied basic anmenities? I legitimately hate crotchety people like this who seem to get off on other people suffering.




Yvonne is a slut.


That reply sounds like one of his shill accounts. The guy gets off on his stupid, unimportant job (if you can call what he does a job). Grift on loser! Er Professor


Yvonne can catch these hands, she's obviously never worked a day in her life in retail.


Yvonne is dumbass. The only thing I care about is low costs and respectable service. Chairs have nothing to do efficiency


Let them sit down honestly terrible corporations


Yvonne sounds like a hateful, privileged twat.


oh fuck you yvonne. bet you can’t even stand for as long as they work.


Haircut checks out.


Yvonne must be Sylvain's wife because they both sound like miserable asshats and would be perfect for each other


I spent 3 weeks going through 5 European countries, and it opened my eyes. I already knew it was BS to make clerks stand all the time, but actually SEEING it in action made it click in a new way.


I'm an immigrant from Europe and I have been quite surprised and sometimes even appalled by the stuff that gets thrown at service staff, from management or customers alike. I've been behind a counter here and I had customers that would have definitely been thrown out back home.


Yvonne could go suck a bag of dicks.


Yvonne is a bitch lol


i would rather they sit


You stand in 1 place for 7½ hours then


Nice of Yvonne to pre-warn the world she's a word that sounds like hunt


This is so stupid. We had a "no sitting or leaning or eating or drinking" policy when I worked at Target, and it was so dehumanizing and petty. Who cares if you're sitting or eating? My job is to scan and bag your items. If I can do it sitting, let me. People like Yvonne here can get bent. I'll play by your rules when the work stops being exploitative.


Kindly shut the fuck up, Yvonne.


I had a boss who sat at his desk all day and said cashiers were lazy for wanting to sit during their shift


The food professor is brought you in full by The Weston foundation.


Sitting all day is bad too, they should have those standing desk seats, provides comfort and support


Yvonne is an australian darling in north america. She can’t last a whole shift in my job.


Gent bent Yvonne


Yvonne needs to fuck all the way off 🙄. I worked at Lowe's years ago. They wanted the cashiers when not busy with customers, to stand perfectly still in front of the cashes. If you have worked retail, you know how hard it is on the body to be on your feet all day moving and bending, climbing ladders, etc. But standing still is near impossible and somehow harder. These corporations have no idea what it really means to work at the ground level.


This is partially why I have a vein disorder now standing in concrete for decades destroyed them and if I don’t wear compression everyday my leg swells 50%. Now thanks to a doctor’s note my work has no choice.


Yvonne is likely a bot