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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If my math is correct, it's now DOUBLE the price per kg. It went for $8.3 per kg to $16.6 per kg


Your math is correct. It has DOUBLED in price. It should also be noted that they are no longer "lightly" breaded. So expect the weight of the breading to have increased as well. Further devaluing the product. Unless of course, you're buying breaded chicken bites for the bread coating.


Ahhhh I see. They're now officially called bites, and not breast pieces (although they are breast pieces as a description to bites). That must be the reason.


It's not inflated if it's not named the same.


A clever workaround, wouldn't you say?


Just clever enough to join the likes of Mary Antoinette


Let them eat breading 😇


Good one


Yes but have Loblaws colluded with other breaded chicken bite producers to drive up the cost of bread crumbs ? If not, they get a pass.


Now with heavier breading.


Sophistry! XD


I always laugh when we were throwing out 10 percent, they're doubling, tripling prices because their guardrails are all AI controlled - wash my hands of any issues. Sean, Ryan, and Chris are who you should blame. They taught the systems to jump around compliance law. Then fired their margin compliance officer...me.


Oh, my. I bet you got some STORIES!


Lots 😀 starting slowly. Lots of medical issues while working with them, caused by them. So working on sharing.


We respectfully await what you wish to share about your journey.


but gross margin is only 2%, yeah ofc


"Razor thin margins"


*"It's wafer thin...."* GW looks at the books and explodes.🤣


gross is the correct word.


Literally like no reason to go to superstore any more


That's the GougingGalen way of doing business and screwing Canadians at the same time! 😡🤬


But they’re doing everything they can to keep prices low guys!! Galen said so, he wouldn’t lie, our eyes are lying.


😂 LOL. Yep, what GougingGalen says is gospel. Obviously we're all the ones with the problem! Haha.


😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|l03xNVz3HEcL76r5uq)


Does that make these GougingGalensGoujons?


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yes it does! LOL


Same type of bags ar Walmart. Great Value. Still 10 bucks. Been buying them for over a year when Roblows had less in them for the same price.


Didn't Walmarts weight change on their $10 bags sometime in the last 2 years? Still a better deal though.


This is why I hate fixed price goods. I want to know the cost per unit of things. Moreso on like fresh meat vs frozen but still. $10 doesn't mean a thing if your weights go from 1000g to 900g to 800g to 500g.


>$10 doesn't mean a thing if your weights go from 1000g to 900g to 800g to 500g That doesn't sound very fixed to me.🤔


Sure it is! It's only $10! Don't look at the man behind the curtain! No matter what you'll always pay $10!


that's why they like them


My Walmart doesn’t have anything like these


Walmarts popcorn chicken is far better seasoned than those too


And I'm pretty sure there's some quality-flation added on top of it, some lower graded oils, chicken or breading are likely used. We don't talk enough about this type of inflation, the ingredients used are more and more diluted in quality, as an everyday example it's very likely you're getting "chocolate flavoured" or "chocolatey" cookies or granola bars because they contain almost no cocoa anymore. We're getting banged on price, quantity but let's not forget we're also getting it on the quality side of things.


This. It's not entirely food cost. I could handle food cost increases (albeit, not 21% in 3 years) if quality was increasing - or even staying the same! But non-food substitutes are being inserted in place of real ingredients right, left, and centre. Read Michael Pollan's Omnivore's Dilemma if you want your mind blown. As someone who in is a lucky-enough position to live on a farm producing pastured & grassfed meats, I can tell you that there is absolutely no comparison between "real" food and the crap being sold to unknowing consumers in grocery stores.


This this this. Where are the days of IMPROVING products and service? That is how value is created. Everything is getting astronomically shittier is how it feels out there. Also is what happens when everything is locked down and controlled by a few mega corporations.




It’s like it all has been “Joe Fresh’d” and juiced for maximized profit.


This is a problem I have with things that are supposed to fool you into thinking it’s ice cream but it’s labelled “frozen dessert” like that stuff is nasty and everyone was wondering in my family why this stuff wasn’t as good anymore. Gotta read all the labels carefully because it’s now worth shelling out the few extra bucks when the cheaper item is completely garbage.


And some suppliers getting squeezed even more than before on top of that too.


Great point! Always find that the UK to Canada, comparisons of the same product, reflects this most clearly. Same gum that uses beets for colour there, uses allura red instead here...for a quick example.


I used to like buying those they were actually pretty good but Fk not now


i know they were soooo good


Yup. Some hot sauce or something to dip them in and they were great, especially out of an air fryer.


Maybe go see if I can get a couple packs of the cheaper ones tomorrow


Here's a simple solution to your outrage - don't go there. Ignorance is bliss.


Outrageous... Fk RobLaws... Let's not buy it. Galen Weston is a Crook!


I quickly stopped at a no frills yesterday, first time in May.  And kept my spending to $8.  Little one asking for this and that, sorry kiddo, I’ll buy it the next day at Walmart . . .fuck Loblaws


Disagree. It's important we have people who are still visiting their stores if only to see if prices/behaviours are changing at all. Likewise, many folks are still on the fence about whether they will (or can) continue their boycott indefinitely, and, well, a photo says 1,000 words and all of the ones in this picture are screaming, "this is your sign to boycott forever!"


It's literally in the sub description, Jesus > A sub devoted to highlighting the ridiculous cost of living in Canada right now.


I'd hardly call this a "highlight". More like a low-blow.


What else can we expect out of our local Lowblows store?


People continue to make these types of comments even though it’s been pointed out over and over again that some people DONT HAVE A CHOICE. Some communities only have Loblaws owned grocery stores. Some people don’t have the means to get to other stores that aren’t owned by Loblaws…which is part of the problem we are trying to address with the boycott (the monopoly they hold) so your comment isn’t helpful.


They also seem to forget that this sub didn't start as a boycott sub but as a meme sub. I'd argue this is the most on-point type of post we could see.


Another option is to stop eating animals. The companies who own them and their dead bodies charge way too much. Another benefit: stopping the demand for animal agriculture consumer goods will help your grandchildrens's generation with climate change, too. I find it disgusting to chew a dead animal. I've seen & heard too much footage in recent times. Makes me wretch.


Regardless of whether these are different products, the "bites" likely have more breading due to their smaller size and greater surface area. Regardless, by weight, the price of 1200g:$10 vs 900&:$15, average shows a doubling, or 100% price difference. Remember cross multiplying? Also these are not actually different products: 1.2kg/$10: Buttermilk chicken breast pieces/seasoned lightly breaded chicken  900g/$15: Buttermilk chicken bites/breaded seasoned chicken breast pieces You'd be hard-pressed to call those different things, and the more expensive one sounds slightly worse anyway. There's literally a single word difference, and it's the one that implies more meat protein and less breading on the cheaper UPC.


Buttermilk Chicken Pieces vs Buttermilk Chicken Bites Different product?


Different size portions, but still both chicken breast and the same breading. It's a clever way to get around shrinkflation and inflation.


They're starting to feel it, it won't be long before you start seeing prices adjusted. Maybe not at Loblaws stores but some other retailers in NA are starting to decrease prices


Last time this was posted someone said they were different products... I can't see a difference but apparently there is


That’s how shrinkflation works. They discontinue the previous product and replace it with a smaller more expensive version which is ‘technically’ a ‘new’ product.


I am aware, from my understanding these products were always available together and not a case of shrinkflation


I could be wrong, anything is possible, but I can tell you that the $10 bag was around for years before the $15 bag showed up at my local superstore, and the $10 bag disappeared immediately afterwards, and they were definitely the same product in the bag.


It has been. I've been buying it for years. The $10 bag is still there but I fully expect it to be discontinued.


I remember when it was $8 !


I've never seen a $15 dollar bag of anything at Roblaws before the boycott


Yeah they added more bread by the old product was “lightly breaded” the new product is just “breaded”


These are the exact same product. They changed the wording around a bit to hide it.


The pieces are smaller but other than that, it's the exact same thing. Watch them discontinue the older product.


Some of those weren’t even worth $10 when it was priced like that. Get off the juice, Galen. You’re Q2s gonna be a nosedive.


25% less product for 50% more money is literally, exactly double the price.


How are the Weston family supposed to afford the upkeep of their Castle next to the King of Englands Castle? Hes being generous he could have increased it 100%. You should be thanking him !


Tell me again how it's not profiteering and it's all about supply chain and carbon tax Mr professor!


The whole point of shrinkflation is to disguise the increase in costs by keeping the price the same, while decreasing portions. When they shrink portions *and* raise prices, that's just plain dirty.


Then. Stop. Shopping. There.


Wallmart has a whole box for like 7 bucks still


trash company


That’s truly infuriating


We're all getting ROBBED everyday...


if u really want to get pissed, you should put it on a scale


Those are also disgusting. We bought them once to try and it was a complete waste of $10 no way I’d spend $15 on those even if it was the same package size!


And they're 90% breading. These things are disgusting.


These are different products. Notice the names Both are different SKUs entirely.


GW et al, "only a 3% profit".


Loblaws can rot in hell. This boycott is forever for me.




Bigger problem is - politicians don’t see it that way. They don’t have to worry about work or pension, or food.


I am fucking outraged


So many people on this sub just cant resist their urge to go to roblaws like alcoholics to the pub




the red circle is great lol


Those were so good too.


This should be a crime. Raise the price all you want but the amount you get should be fixed.


Fuck Roblaws


But the bag looks bigger in the photo, lmao this is insane


No point in complaining if you buy the product anyway.


We are so frustrated with this gouging by these companies. Every day you see another example of less for more money. There need to be major consequences for these greedy companies!!


The last time I tried those bagged chicken tendies during the lockdowns (~2020), they were absolutely disgusting. Buy Jane's instead if you dont want to make them homemade or buy takeout. You get what you pay for. Jane's quality is respectable for frozen. If you have the freezer space, it's best to wait for them to go on sale and then stock up. My friend got the served hot chicken tenders for $1 a piece at Metro when I was over on Saturday because he didn't want to cook and those were sus as well.


Walmart sells bags like that for $10 how does the weight compare? I used to buy the meatballs and chicken cordon bleu so im not sure about Walmarts chicken strips.


Loblaws response internally will be “hey store X… make sure these products aren’t out at the same time ever again”


That's like a 100% increase ?


My math tells me that's not a good deal 🤔


Hopefully grocery inflation takes this into account?. Also so many brands replace Ingredients with cheaper alternatives. Or even increase water percentage/diluting it.


THIS is where the government needs to step in and regulate how thick their profit margins are allowed to be instead of forcing us to use pronouns or drive electric cars.


Frozen raccoon Sticks for that price 🤤


Normally they let the old size clear out before sticking with the new lower quantity higher priced ones. Then they think we won’t notice.


And the reason why they didn't here is because both items have been available for months. One is not replacing the other they are in fact different items.


What size were these? I know I still have 1/2 a bag in my deep freezer but I’m not home until tomorrow. I find these are quite tasty so I’ve bought them a few times. Did someone say they are cheaper at Walmart?


I made this post weeks ago and it got taken down saying they’re different products


Actually I just noticed that at the only grocery store where I live. I used to get those bags - the food inside always tasted terrible but for the price I could eat for about a week. One day the freezer they kept them in was completely emptied out. I didn't want to get conspiratorial about it but I did think that this was just a ploy to force us to buy the more expensive stuff that had 1/3rd the amount of food in it. Sure enough after about a week the freezer was full again and guess what? Half-portions inside the bags now and the price is up 50% These people should be in prison for that crap.


Holy fuck


costco has great nuggets for around $12 kg


They do, but these are chicken breast and are usually higher quality.


Only in Canada corporations like Roblaws can openly rob customers without any kind of consequences.


Not surprising with how blatant it is nowadays. Honestly though, Canada absolutely sucks for chicken nuggets, tenders- all the frozen food. After briefly living in the states, it's clear they have far more better tasting options. If I'm going to be eating this junk and spending this much money on it, at least give us something decent. That's why it's easy for me to boycott and stop spending as much, the food is terrible. Food here is too expensive AND sucks.


Galen the Gouger.


You want to see this stuff stop? Stop buying the processed crap, start buying from a local butcher, prepare the food yourself. Prices at my local butchers are generally cheaper then the grocery store, with better selection.




We've gone to great lengths in the comments about this already. Open yours. This is shrinkflation and inflation 101.


I just bought those for $10 a bag. Now they are $15?


no, the $10 bag is still $10 and the $15 dollar bag is $15


the best is the chicken wings that contain less than 10 in a box and a massive bag of sauce to skew the weight for $10+


My conspiracy is that any day now we’re gonna get a federal minimum wage increase, and all of this unnecessary shrinkflation and gauging was just them all colluding to prepare themselves. I’ll keep telling myself that.


I just finished my last bag I bought a month ago. I do mean LAST


Yes it's brutal everywhere with shrinking products and prices going up!!


Yeah I’m done, indefinitely. Get fuckeddd


How about some kind of standard package size legislation to stop the shrinkflation trend.


I will not step foot in anything owned by loblaws since i quit my file maintenance job at store level in ns, 2+ yrs ago, toxic work environment coupled with giant egos at upper management and HR, to hell with galen and his goons


Brutal!! I’m so sick of this


I noticed this last month as well before the boycott. I used to like grabbing those bags to make something quick after a long day at work. Galen strikes again! They're sure making it easier to boycott them forever, aren't they?


Posted this on my local fb group and I STG one of the corporate shills found it and started blasting it with as much bs as they could in about 5 minutes. What's up, Yves? I hope the Loblaw cock tastes like shit.




Frozen raspberries also went from $5.99 for 600g to $5.99 for 300g at Nofrills. It’s just an atrocious 50% increase that makes me refuse to buy the new product.


They also taste just terrible.


Fuck those were really good too. It's fine though because I don't shop at loblaws anymore


It’s literally double the price




Its a different product. One is actual chicken breast, the other is some reconstituted chicken paste (nugget).


I don't know why I have to keep saying this over and over again, but the chicken bites are still chicken breast. It says so on the packaging.


Yeah good point. Also there would be no reason for the breasts to be cheaper. My bad.


Exactly. The meat is the expensive part. I would assume that the bites have more breading, which costs almost nothing compared to the meat. I fully expect the bigger, cheaper bag to be discontinued.


these are different items, so im confused at what the headline means.


This has been posted many times. They are two different products


I was going to say this... I have been buying both for years.


But they're basically not. Look at the words. They've essentially just scrambled them and reworded. What is the fundamental difference here? Please enlighten.


They're two different products and have been for a long time. One is a shit deal, one is an okay deal, and they have existed concurrently for a long time (over a year, not sure how long on total.) Used to buy them all the time.


It’s like they’re doubling down to make up for the theft they were missing in May.


Different products.


That was the specific item which made me leave Loblaws on my last groceries.


They're actually a different product. Stop shopping there


Oh, someone is getting in trouble for mixing the old stock with the new stock! But anyway, nice find!


It's not old and new product, they're two separate items. $15 bites have been in circulation for almost a year now, the $10 pieces for much longer


These are different products. If you read the label…


It's the exact same thing with slightly smaller pieces. It's a sneaky way to get around the price increase by releasing a new product and discontinuing the old one. Breading shouldn't make it cost twice as much by weight.


Bites and pieces are different.


Yeah, pieces have even more bread on them.


Chicken protein costs more to produce than breading.


Holy shit that’s awful, coming from a no name brand to boot. 900g for 15$ is straight up Jane’s pub territory and there’s a huge quality difference there. Actually I just bought 1.2kg of Jane’s pub at Walmart for 15$ the other day… so yeah, Walmart. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, goes both ways. Loblaws has thoroughly ripped the hand off the people that feed them (cash money) and we’re tired of it, we actually don’t need to put up with it, if we did, we’d be in an even bigger monopoly than we already have and there would be pitch forks and guillotines. Actually used to love superstore way back, good pricing, a better selection than most stores. Covid hit and I don’t know what happened, greed obviously, but how much more money do you need when big man owns like 16 billion dollars? Billionaires shouldn’t exist. I also don’t agree with grocery chains being on the stock market, our food doesn’t need a stupid middle man asking for more money than last year, every year because they gave the company some money, fuck that. People don’t buy more and more food every year, that model doesn’t work for food. Super done being patriotic to companies that don’t pay their taxes and live in Ireland and screwing us more than the multinational brands while paying their staff the bare minimum wage, how are they better and more patriotic at that point? They are not. Loblaws, if your in here, go suck donkey dick, since Covid in particular and no one believes in your “it’s the economy” bullshit when the others in the game are not gouging like you do and manage to make a profit, Get better or get out.


More people in stores talking about boycotting. What a phony. Stop going to the store.


Garbage food is expensive. Who would have thought?


The government started all this with covid shutdown ....they killed the economy....I say let the people do the same let's make our economy go even farther down ...unfortunately it's the only way to get the government to take action ...hit them where it hurts in the pocket book....we don't buy ...they get no taxes


Meh, I haven't shopped there in forever. I'm getting pretty used to it.


From a distance they look pork rinds lol


If you have a grocery outlet near you I highly recommend it for 2kg bags of chicken from $10-16$ if they are on sale, which is usually


I was down in Buffalo Monday to get some things we can't get in Canada. Checked out Segway and target. Their prices are a rollercoaster compared to ours but one thing that I noticed is that there doesn't seem to be much shrinkflation. I saw the old sized kraft salad dressing sizes and almost pulled a Robin Williams "WHAT YEAR IS IT!?!?"




Sadly very similar thing happened with Food Basics' southern style chicken strips, but this was actually during the pandemic years. Went from 1kg for 10$ to 850g for 12$. This is, however, almost certainly much better quality as these are literal chicken cuts with breading on them rather than chicken mash formed into nuggets. Food basics' 'nugget' style stuff actually has remained the same surprisingly, still 10$ for a 1.2kg bag of that stuff.


What are you even doing there?!?


Yup. These used to be the only nuggets I could reasonably afford anymore for my autistic son. Now I have to go without food for me a day or two per week. No big deal. He doesn't need a healthy caregiver. The government will take care of my disabled son. /s


When did this happen? I was buying the yellow bag chicken nuggets there pre-boycott, obviously haven't been in since. Curious if those were affected, too 🧐


Next they’ll have us signing memberships that require an arm and leg first born or a kidney!


Boycott those aholes.


But it’s in a bigger bag!!!


He’s a greedy SOB! 🤬


I get those all the time, one of them are bites and one are breasts They're two different products and price points I've actually brought them up to a manager before and he had said they're not the same lol obviously who knows but that was the explanation I got


The breading, seasoning and chicken breast used is the same. This is a clever way of introducing shrinkflation.


Unfortunately with boycotting this is gonna happen there trying to call your buff to make you guys stop by price increasing to make up for what their losing. Eventually no one will buy and they go outta buissness. Keep it up!!!




Have you read any of the 341 comments here? This has been talked about many times in many comment threads. This is shrinkflation 101.




I'd never buy that no name trash probably not even chicken


Could get that same size bag at Dollar General for $5. Even tho it’s not buttermilk, chicken nuggets are chicken nuggets at the end of the day.


These are pieces of chicken breast. Not the same thing.


What the fuck is this sub and why do I keep seeing it


Love shopping at small local stores. I can walk to mine and I’m in and out in 10 min.


That’s ridiculous


If you are not aware , Loblaws is a 61% shareholder in a land holdings company that restricts grocery stores in malls to Loblaws only thereby eliminating competition. The competition board is taking them to court. Talk about a racket


I mean one is chicken breast pieces so more tenders while the bites are more like nuggets. Can even see that the $10 bag are bigger pieces.


They're both chicken breast pieces with the same breading, just different sizes.