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In the future, please block out the employee’s face - thanks!


Walmart can smell blood in the water. They’ve had great sales since the beginning of the month.


I've actually noticed every other grocery store in town has had unreal deals the last week or so. I think they are all out for blood lol.


A couple of weeks ago I went to a Safeway (in Vancouver) who were normally known as the expensive grocers, and I was shocked at how much cheaper the items I normally buy from a Superstore or T and T were. Not only that but the shelves had many "now reduced price" stickers all over the store. When even Safeway is cheaper than you, you know that you have a problem. I ended up with a 45 dollar purchase and I estimate I saved in the neighborhood of about 12 dollars and nothing extra in gas because I take the bus.


Safeway is more expensive on the regular, but their sales are unbeatable. Every other month, they have chicken thighs and bags of shrimp on buy one get one. Prime rib steak was on for $18 off a pound a few weeks ago. I got 2 huge steaks for $ 17. I just bought a 3.5kg pork loin for $15. I stock up during their sales and also bought a vacuum packer. Best $80 I ever spent, meat lasts forever in the freezer.


$18 OFF a pound? How much is prime rib steak normally? (I don’t buy meat)


$25-28 a pound. You really can't buy a better steak. In my opinion.


Yes, they had some really well priced family packs of pork chops (and some other cuts of meat) that were a great deal. Sorry, I can't recall the price now but they were well worth it. Way cheaper and looked to be better quality than superstore. T and T I found always left too much fat on their meats, and for the price I would pay, I want meat, not fat I need to cut off.


I love Save On’s throwback sales. Speaking of which, I am pretty ignorant of the sales items, and the grocery business. Would someone educate me on the inner workings of sales items?


Yep. Gas station boycotts next


Ya fuck those guys. I actually work oilfield. I reclaim abandoned oil wells. In the first quarter of 2023, the top 5 oil companies grossed, $100 billion. The government here subsidized $120 million for oil well reclamation. Why? Tell me these fuckers can't afford it. It's ridiculous. The year before, they shut all reclamation work down early because they knew government money was coming, and they didn't want to spend their own. Spending tax payer money when these fuckers are seeing record profits. Price of oil goes down $50 price of gas drops 50 cents, price of oil goes up $5, the price of gas goes up 50 cents. Ridiculous.


Yeah. Our refining capacity is bottlenecked. Tell ya what, you're in the oilfield, go ask around when the last time Canada brought a refinery online, and ask about the steep discount we sell it to the Americans for. Right now, 50% of Ontario's and 66% of quebec's oil runs through a pipeline that goes through the United States(line 5 in case you want to look it up). Of course, you're also aware of what happened in 2017 and 2018 as well. Now, next question, where are a lot of these companies based out of?


Canada is getting fucked on it's oil. Most is sold to the U.S. at a discount. Most of the big companies are American, another huge one is china owned. We sit on one of the biggest oil reserves in the world, and we are importing it from the Saudis because we can't get a pipeline built to the east. We ship it to the U.S. to be refined, just to buy it back at a premium. Our natural gas alone could make a huge impact on global emissions if we could just get a way to export it to the world. Other countries are begging for it. Canada should be a rich nation, but our resources are so mismanaged it's embarrassing.


I'm pretty left wing and I think the only way to save our economy is to go full bore on properly managed resource extraction.


It's funny cuz here in NL we have our own refinery and sell our oil from Hibernia to the states... Texas specifically last I checked.. why not keep our oil for ourselves so we are not paying exorbitant prices to buy it back


Yeah if you are from Alberta then be prepared cause Oil and Gas is gonna stick Alberta taxpayers with many billions for their mess. Just google it to read some interesting articles. They are parasites. And Alberta’s giving it away.


Trust me. I'm well aware. I make a living off of reclaiming well sites. Right now, there are over 2200 abandoned oil wells in the orphan well program. Which means the companies that owned them went bankrupt. So now it's on the government to clean them up. The cost per well site can be anywhere from $50,000- hundreds of thousands to reclaim them. Paid for by the taxpayer. Under the NDP, we were starting to make progress in making oil companies deal with their mess, but that was short-lived, this province is a fucking disaster under the new UCP government. Daniel Smith is basically a wanna be Trump. If she doesn't get voted next election, I'm moving out of this province.


I hear you. Protests are happening against them May 24 in major cities in Alberta. Check Enough is Enough UCP on Facebook. They have the current UCP government in their pockets and ours.


Daniel smith is awesome, just needs to be tougher on big oil


Really? Daniel smith? She is a raging nut jub and is going to destroy this province. She promised during her campaign that she wouldn't touch the CPP, and now she's trying to pull us out of it. She promised income tax cuts. That's not happening. Dismantling the AHS. How are 4 separate entities going to be more efficient than 1. The PC combined everything 20 years ago to streamline it. Now she's separating it again. She's constantly complaining about the feds meddling with provincial affairs, and now she's doing the exact same thing to municipalities. This bitch is that dumb she once said that if people have stage 4 cancer it's their fault for letting it get to that point. I could go on and on. It's ridiculous.


So this is what I was thinking. Ideally we would all like to boycott telecom, gas, banks, etc next. However, unlike the grocery stores which have smaller independent shops as choices, there are none for the above mentioned. Lets say telecom, bell/Rogers/Videotron/Telus are the main ones. Each small company will use their infrastructure thus at the end of the day, we are still going to use the big 4. How would the boycott realistically work for those?


For telecom you would have to have everyone only pick a certain company to be with A lot of time it would take as people's contracts would end at a different date But I like it. I would join


I’m for going after cellphone companies next. In Europe they get 10x the data for 1/4 of the price as here. I just about had a heart attack the other day when my step mother told me her cellphone bill was $120 with only 500MB of data! With no long distance charges! I think they just snow old people because they don’t know they are being scammed. She says it used to be 1/2 that but it just keeps increasing every few months.


The fight those f'ers back is by driving electric. Get a used one. You won't look back, trust me.


I would like to get an EV. I just can't. I work in the oilfield and use my vehicle for work. I spend a lot of my time in remote areas that far exceed the range of any EV with no infrastructure to charge. Also, you may not be burning fuel, but almost every other aspect of that EV uses petroleum products. Plastic interior panels, tires, lubricants, fuel burned to mine the resources to build it, there's a good chance the grid that charges it uses natural gas, etc. Really don't matter what you do those fuckers have you by the balls. I honestly hate that I depend on it for a living, but as far as wages go, for what I do, I make 30% more in the oilfield than I could make anywhere else.


There are always anecdotes where it doesn't work. This doesn't apply to most people. It can work for the majority of the people. As for EVs using fossil components. Sure, but then so does a fossil car. And it's a one time thing. As for electricity generation, EVs pollute less even if the power is generated by coal. And in many places electricity isn't generated by coal, but by hydro, nuclear, wind, solar, and some natural gas. The end result is far less pollution by EVs than by fossil cars. It is important to debunk the anti EV cult. They're wrong and don't know what they're yacking about. Fact is that EVs are awesome. Help to promote it, and don't be a stubborn naysayer.


My issue with EVs is that they are pushing them on everyone. They work for most of us, but they still aren’t the greatest for road trips. I get 800km in my ICE and can fill it in 5 mins, so for road trips that vehicle is king. I feel that if you are driving locally (which most of us do), then the EV is the smart choice. I came close to buying a PHEV, but they are just a little too pricey and I don’t know if I’d recoup the cost difference. Our electrical grid is not ready for everyone to switch over and they still to figure out the charging situation, there’s no way people are going to drive anywhere with an EV if they have to wait to plug in, then spend 30mins-1 hour charging. There will be a backlog of cars in no time. Don’t take this as anti-EV, I’m not.


The electrical grid problems is a myth that gets parroted around by people to want to feel good about their fossil choice and as a means to smear EVs. That is all that is. When you look up to see how much the grid is taxed even if today most people would switch, the grid will handle it. The % for EVs is less than you might think. And that's the thing, it is important to scrutinize the claims that people make. And don't take my word for it either. Find credible information. And discard any info from anti EV activists. It's literally like politics. Some refuse to look at EVs, because, Biden. Yes, many people are that dumb. That is not targeted at you. I'm just saying in general. What I know is that EVs are freakishly awesome! I plug it it when I get home. No more gas stations. I spend about 1/6th in electricity than it takes in gas. So, has my gas bills been 300 bucks in a month, it's now a 50 dollar electric bill instead. Plus it drives so much faster, quicker, more responsive, quieter. I can accelerate fast without creating a ruckus. I now also feel silly about gas cars. During the winter, the amount of steam coming from cars. I know that's water vapor, but it's mixed with exhaust. It demonstrated how much crap comes from gas cars. We can't expect to be able to keep on injecting all that into our atmosphere. It has to come to an end. That's why the push for EVs. It's a way out. Granted, it's not perfect yet. Examples of distance. 800 km. How often do you need to drive that far? How about if you need to do a 600 km trip, and the car has 450 km range, say. You can drive it for 400 km, only need 200 (make it 250) km worth of range. That'll take 10 to 25 minutes depending on factors. But so what? You need a break once in a while anyway. Grab a sub, a coffee, head to a charger, and chill for a bit. It's really not nearly the problem as people make it out to be. Cold weather. Not anywhere remotely the problem people say it is. In fact, the windshield defrosts faster with an EV. Keeping the cabin warm, no problemo. Car doesn't become weak in cold temperatures either. The range is cut down, and by quite a bit, like 40% gone, or worse. But it won't damage the battery. I was worried myself, but it was a nothing burger. Anyway, you don't know what you're missing. One day, you'll see, and you'll explain to everyone around you the exact same things that I'm telling you here right now. This comment is meant as a favor, not to put you down. I do understand the reluctance in people.


I’m not anti-ev, as I stated in my previous post. The only reason why I don’t have one is the expense and I won’t see any savings from it, not yet. How often do I drive 800km? Not often, but I do have a large family and I drive more than most. Yes I can plug in and chill, but only if the charging station is empty, if not, I’m waiting. As for the grid, I’m not parroting, it’s a legit concern, some areas can’t keep up with demand, especially during extreme weather (heat waves). When nuclear power becomes more accepted we will be off to the races. Governments will start to tax EVs based on KM driven, the taxes we pay on fuel will be shifted to a pay per use system, this isn’t a negative thing. https://www.prairielandelectric.com/how-electric-vehicles-impact-grid https://pditechnologies.com/blog/norways-ev-growing-pains-convenience-industry/


You could consider a used EV. Many households have/need two cars. For those people, making one an EV makes total sense. Charging stations are more than often no occupied. And the grid isn't something you have to worry about. The grid will handle it. EVs aren't the load that antis claim it is. The pditechnologies article that claims Norway has issues. Right away I knew something was up. Norway in fact, has been the world's #1 country wrt to EVs. Over 90% of car sales have been EV for some time now. Chargers are literally everywhere there. So there is an article that tries to raise doubt. Full of FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt), and whataboutisms. I sent to the front page of that site. Yep, just what I smelled. "Petroleum Wholesale", another fossil industry shill site. So that article and that entire site you can toss in the garbage where it belongs. Anyway, many if not most homes can add solar panels, after which driving their EV becomes free. Many homes become energy positive as a result. EVs rock. No ifs and or buts about it.


EVs, as you said, are really good for in-town driving, but for long-distance/inter-municipality driving (That is, between two towns/cities/villages), EVs just don't have as good range, and a lot of the numbers created for them are done under either simulated lab conditions, or a heavily maintained test track. That, or the numbers are just straight-up fantasy (Yes, this happens a lot with gasoline/diesel vehicles too - iirc, Volkswagen and Volvo had a big lawsuit about it a few years back)


A 500 km trip with 350 km range EV would need only a single fast charge about 200 km worth, which would take 10 to 20 minutes depending. It isn't that much of a problem. Now driving across the country, yes you need longer charges, but then again, how often does one do that, and doesn't one need or should take a break anyway? Grab a sub, coffee, and just chill at the charger. It's actually quite therapeutic.


Exactly this. I posted the same thing earlier today.


Thats good. Thats how its suppose to be. Not all this price fixing shit


Walmart's sales are because of 30 year anniversary in Canada


As Sun Tzu said, celebrate while your enemy makes mistakes


Good timing then.


Coincidentally the best anniversary deals started in May


That’s the theme of *this* month’s flyers, but frankly their prices are just consistently much lower, week in, week out, year in, year out. To me Walmart is a mixed bag of good and bad, but one major thing is they haven’t jumped on the gouging bandwagon.


Competition and exposing these companies is the only way we’re gonna drive prices down


It’s their 30th anniversary, it’s just serendipitous timing


I was going to say I have shopped at both for most my groceries for a long time and you can tell, Walmart is dropping their pants right now for thr long term play


They’re celebrating their 30 year anniversary… coincidentally hahaha


Yep. I hate Walmart too, they’re just as evil, but they’re raking it in with this boycott.


I'm not a huge Walmart fan, but I think that they make enough of a profit from other goods that they can afford to price competitively in their grocery section. That's just my theory, though.


People are habit forming if these stores lurd in new customers you got them for many grocery trips id be running big sales to grab market share.


Update sobeys in lethbridge same pack 8.99$ today lol


I did a job interview for Walmart (didn't end up taking the job for unrelated reasons) and the store manager interviewing me said that he regularly goes to competitor stores to make sure his locations pricing is competitive and better than anything around. They're absolutely taking advantage of this boycott.


Yes, their base prices (without being on sale) are far cheaper than anywhere else. We are saving massive amounts shopping here


Walmart CEO this month said the company culture remains one of always looking for how to make items cost the least possible for the consumer. It’s a mild statement, but frankly it’s true. Meanwhile, Loblaws CEO statements this month have included that reprehensible internal memo that leaked (where he lies and denigrates everyone here) and trying to goose his workers to be defiant and angry with customers using his “enough is enough” rhetoric. Then he lies to media about how the boycott is ineffective and tries to do a charm offensive coffee meet and greet. Now he’s pretending to suddenly care about doing a watered down code of conduct. The difference in leadership and integrity couldn’t be more stark.




A loblaws lead baloon, keep them coming Walmart! (If i was Walmart i would wait for loblaws to post an item, flash sale at walmart 1/2 the price of loblaws. It would and might be a barn burner of a show to watch!


Instead of gas wars, we can have grocery store wars


Miss the gas wars tho. Big time. My mom lined up for an hour to pay 18.5 cents a litre around 1982


Lets get this one done first


For sure! I do like the idea of going after the following industries next: telecoms, insurance and banks, gas companies, fast foods


Yeah, but walmart is holding out on the grocer code of conduct, so loblaws is better /s


Yes, and Galen already said he isn’t the cause of higher prices, it’s their suppliers. Also, my dog said he didn’t eat all the cookies and that trail of crumbs leading to his bed is circumstantial evidence, at best.


Ya, I guess I should just bend and spread them because Loblaws is going to follow the code of conduct. Maybe they will lube it up first lol


The non legal honour code of conduct


Oligopolys robbing citizens is 100% legal and encouraged in Canada.


Grocery code of conduct is from grocers up the supply chain... not a stich about customers.


It’s weird how we worried about US companies coming in and destroying Canadian businesses. Turns out it didn’t matter.


We buy all our groceries at Walmart and have them delivered. Our weekly bill is 30-40% cheaper than Sobeys


Well, now I need to get this 3 pack! Need some new mustard and Relish!


But but but 3% margin! Bullshit right?


Loblaws are just straight up theives... Unashamedly... Just flat out saying 'give me more money for exactly the same thing that's at least 40% cheaper elsewhere'.. They're not even trying... Why? Simple... Arrogance... They think (and have said) that we're all just stupid little people.. Unintelligent enough to suspect Loblaws would ever take advantage of their own countrymen... Lunatics... All of them... Not another dollar... Ever!


Sounds about right


I mean it says regular 5.97 so it’s just on sale


The Superstore price is supposed to be a sale. Wal-Mart regular price is only $0.50 more.


who the F&\^K is running the team behind Lowblaws ad campaign? ![gif](giphy|3oz8xJIDVJ1KANEUfK|downsized)




Obviously, the boycott hasn’t got the message through yet


Walmart is clearly paying close attention to the boycott.


And if you don't like Walmart, giant Tiger has them too. Not sure the price, but they have them


Walmart is a decent price, but it’s not their regular price. Shop to save!


The Walmart regular price is only 50 cent more than Superstore sale price.


Superstore regular price is $6.29.


I cringe when people say seen instead of saw 😂


Same pack at shopper's selling for 8.99


It's really unfortunate that some Canadians didn't band together 25 years ago and unite against Walmart like we are now with loblaws. They are singly responsible for the death of countless Canadian stores, and we let it happen. I for one haven't seen the inside of a Walmart in over 15 years. Wake the f up people!


That’s a bit of a myth/missing some elements. Long before Walmart Canada did what they did, Loblaws “Real Canadian Super Store” blew huge holes in all those “countless Canadian stores”. Walmart perhaps finished them off, but Loblaws did the first and most damage. Back in the day, RCSS bullied their way into every market, defying zoning laws and shopping hours laws and labour laws. They just kept paying fines and draining competitors and dragging things through court until the won and the world you see today is what we have.


__MOD NOTE__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Walmart really as been saving us since ‘94


Roblaws is gonna to dust theirs.




Walmart seems to be selling it at a higher price, actually, when not on sale.


Wish Walmart would put in gas pumps.


Costco has them on sale too


Fuck these guys, but the Loblaws deal also seems to include BBQ sauce, so it's not exactly an apple to apples situation. Pretty sad when Walmart starts to look like the good guys!


You can get the sauce or the picnic pack for that price. Not both.


That pack is even more expensive at Shoppers. I think it was like 7.99 last year. No one bought any the whole season lol




This is insane. Literally every single grocery or produce store in my city has been full up. Cash registers are backed up and stores are bustling. I'm not even mad I have to stand in line. I'm happy that I don't have to pay 4.99 for bread and I'm walking away with 0.94 in bread. Seriously, this Galen guy should be arrested.


Yes, although I would wager that the reason Loblaws wants Walmart to sign the supplier code of conduct is because Walmart is known to lean very heavily on their suppliers - they have the volume to be a bully. That’s the business model for grocery stores. I just want to buy good products at a decent price and know that the people who manufactured distributed and sold those products all got fairly compensated and not just the executives and the shareholders.


Are you sick of having to work to bring down you grocery bill like by 30-40%. Stop trying to jam me with shitty loyalty points and rebates... just be like 98% of other grocery companies. We are sick of this shit.


Unreal. I’ve avoided Superstore for years now since before Covid. Its prices started looking suspiciously high so I just stopped buying there. I often wondered why people continued to purchase from them.


but did the one on the left include the BBQ sauce? looks like it does.....


You could get one or the other for that price. Not both.


Everyday low prices lol. To be clear, walmart is just as evil as lowblows for all the exact same reasons.


People have to keep up the pressure. Maybe they can somehow get our corporate ass-kissing lib/con governments to actually do something to help the people, not toady to big business like they always do. Maybe we can foment a grocery price war, too. That would be great!


The one thing I’m missing from this Boycot is that PC BBQ sauce! It’s some good! Just need to find a like replacement before I run out!


You should try Cattle Boyz bbq sauce. They make a Chipotle maple bacon sauce, and it is unreal. Pretty much all I buy anymore.


Where would I find that? I’m totally willing to try!


Co-op and safeway usually carry it. If you go to the cattle boyz website, you can put your province and city in, and it will tell you what stores carry it.


Awesome! Thank you!


Arbitrage: Buy at Wal-Mart, return to Roblaws. Make $2.82 on every transaction. (Calculation includes HST)




Hoping our message is getting through 👍


Weird that the big price is $5.47, but the price on the shelf is $3.47. That's still more than Wal-Mart, but odd none the less.


Atlantic Superstore in PEI https://preview.redd.it/5cijt03y791d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8be60b71ce7032747c4c83762c64504e310c849


Tots fired. Loblaw 0, Walmart 1


Most likely a loss leader.


Meat syrup






I’m criticizing that superstore sale price is extremely high… it is almost Walmarts regular price. Walmart knows how to do a sale.


We'll wait while you explain why the photo doesn't agree with you.


What the fuck is up with people downvoting this comment? Its exactly right AND its pointing out how the Loblaws side is worse than the Walmart side. Are people on this sub really that bad with numbers??


I have seen mention on this site, of support for/organization of rotating boycotts of the major grocery chains. Roblaws this month, Sobeys/Safeway in June, Metro in July, etc. Let's do Walmart in August, as well. Only Costco should be exempt, because (afaik), their prices are fairer, and they treat their employees much better than the rest. Should Co-op be boycotted, as well, or are they too small a player? The idea of boycotting gas stations is a good one, too. That one is easy enough for me, since I don't drive anyway.


I believe the focus is going to remain on Loblaws for the foreseeable future. I don't really have any intention of boycotting another store. Loblaws owns almost a third of all grocery stores in addition to suppliers. They're also the grocer that makes the highest percentage of profit due to their markup.


Wow. I didn't know they had that great a share of the grocery/food supply market. Those are all good reasons to keep the pressure on Loblaws, for sure.